Struck By Lightning

By FaithTodoroki4

21 0 0

!!TRIGGER WARNING!! This story is 18+ and includes sexual/graphic/horrific senses that aren't for the light o... More

The Beginning of The End

The Next Step To Forgiveness

4 0 0
By FaithTodoroki4

"Very good jade, but there are a couple loopholes, and the essay should be based on a true story," Dr. Parttel interrupted.

"But sir- it is based on a true story. Or um... most of it is,"

Dr. Parttel response " you get an "A" but stay on topic next time". I just sat back down and continued to read my book "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. My phone was on my desk when it began to buzz. I quickly picked it up and read "Meet me in our spot. I wanna make out ;b <3". I jumped up out of my chair and yelped

"Can I use the bathroom"

"Go," she sighed pointing at the door. I grabbed my phone and put my books back in my bag that was now falling off my arm and ran out of class. There was a closet with a door in the back of the old art room. That door led to a weirdly clean bathroom me and my friends would skip class in. I grabbed my jacket out of my locker and ran across the school. Once I got to the old creepy art room I heard a loud sound and Nikki yell,

"Oh my god hurry up,".

I rushed in and said "sorry it took so long" nervously taking off my heels.

Nikki just looked at me and said" don't be, I love you babe" I just kissed her. She grabbed my hair and pulled me in as I put my hands up her shirt slowly. My mind just went to the things we did in that bathroom. It was so hot in there, a tension began to build. I started to go farther when we heard the door open. It was James and Lucy.

"Dude I knew you were gay but damn!" James said as Lucy stood laughing.

Nikki just stood up and said " I'll show you gay, knock next time asshole"

"No promises," Lucy giggled. The girl from my essay, Xena, was based around Nikki. I know she seems mean but once you get to know her she is one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. It's really hard to explain to her, I don't think I can. She's just special, in every way and she kinda wrote most of my essay. She wanted to, she loves to write more than anything I can think of, I mean we met because of her poems. She was in 2nd grade and had to write a short story... She wrote 63 pages. And I was placed as her partner and drew the pictures. We hung out that recess and were best friends ever since. I fell in love. It was hard not to. I looked over at Nikki who was now on the bright green locker reading a book.

"Since we're all here, we should probably give James the answers to tomorrow's math test," James said with a smug look on his face. Nikki just put her middle finger up and continued reading. It was hard to believe that she was capable of the things she does. She looked up shocked and started shaking

"Oh my god I think she's having a seizure!" Lucy shrieked. James began to tear up. I ran to grab her as she fell off the locker. She then sat up and looked in the corner from before.

"What the hell just happened?" I gasped.

"Would you believe me if I said that Cassie was just there?" She said, tears fell from her eyes. I could tell she wasn't lying but she had to be. There was no way Cassie was there, she'd been dead.

"That's just too far. Like what the hell is wrong with you. You're really sitting there telling me my little sister was there when she killed herself. You are sick." James said as he walked out of the room. He had tears running down his face.

"I didn't mean it like that, I thought I saw her," Nikki cried.

Lucy looked at her and sighed "That's my fault, Me and him got into an argument and bla bla bla things were said and body part sizes were mocked. He's still upset about it." Me and Nikki were just shocked.

"I'm going home," Nikki said as she got up and walked out the door. I followed her to the window where she jumped out into the brushes. Losing Cassie hurt her the most. I know I said I fell in love but she didn't. She loved Cassie and Cassie loved her. They were together for six years, I'm just a replacement. She likes to pretend Cassie is still here and I can't blame her. I miss Cassie as well. James had only new Cassie for two years, his parents split and his dad to her when he was a new born because his mom was found with another man. It was the saddest thing when she left. Nikki tried to kill herself over six times to numb the pain of losing a literal angel.

I needed to find Nikki, she wasn't stable on her own. I ran out the door as the bell rang just on time. I bolted out the door and ran looking for her. Me and Lucy looked for hours. We searched the woods and looked at her house. She wasn't in the park or at town. A we gave up and went to the school bathroom. We would barke in the window. When we looked we saw Nikki hiding under the bathroom sink. She had written in her notebook. It looked like she had fallen asleep crying.

I put her head on my lap and read her poem she wrought "If I had ended it all that night I think I would have been fine with that. But I wouldn't go back because if a little kid who ran off of spite, weed and nicotine saw we made it past our self proclaimed expressen date of 12 I know that she would make sure we didn't, she would prove me wrong because she swore she would kill herself out of spite, so that no one else could. It was a romantic feeling of nothing. I now know where my mother was coming from when she left me, the romance of our pain being more closure than the outside world because we knew it was real. Hers was Haroun and mine was pain. It slowly becomes an addiction. One we have made walls around but forgot to put in doors so that we were stuck in the dark with our worst fears, but they gave us a light. We are just to blind to see that the candle it handed us was burning with gaslight. Our excuses were the fuel. Every "I can stop when I want to" or "I need to" made the wick, the wax was made from our tears we shed because we knew we couldn't escape, we continued to build the walls up to protect ourselves but the flames got bigger. Eventually the fire has grew and lit our insecurities a blaze and we shut everyone out so we were stuck. We tried to protect ourselves from the world but ended up being in more pain. Maybe that's why my father will never understand, his addiction was control but he tried to fight it off. His scars are his trophies for every lost fight against himself, he pushed me to be more, not out of selfishness but out of hope. Hope that I could bring him a tomorrow of happiness and he could finally stop fighting. I crushed his dreams when I crushed my hope as if we shared our darkest fears. A comforting smell of death swarms me and I know. I am not alone." I began to tear up. The essay she wrote was loosely based on a true story. Her story. I looked at her cold, nearly dead hands. It was sick, absolutely disgusting. All out of suffering all for what. Nothing can ever help something that doesn't want help but she needs it, more than anyone else. It broke my heart to see her so hurt. For a moment I had emotions I didn't know existed. It was like I had just been stabbed in the back but it was also loving and angry. I got lost in the thoughts of her, she meant so much to me but so little to herself and I'll never know why. I saw her mouth form into a smile. It was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. I looked at the book again and found the date didn't make sense. 1989 June 9th was written at the bottom of the pages. I didn't think much of it.

I picked her up and held her in my arms. I walked her out of the art room and stuck out the back door of the school. I took her to my place, I lived alone and thought it would be easier. Her parents didn't really care when she came home as long as she didn't take someone with her. I felt their rules were stupid. It was a long dark walk through the town. Once I made it to my house I opened the door which I left unlocked. I walked her up the stairs to my room and laid her on my bed. There was a hoodie and some shorts of mine on my chair. I took her shirt off and blushed a little. I put my hoodie on her and slowly took her pants off trying not to wake her. I put the shorts on her and laid down next to her. I put my arm around her and cuddled her. I held her tight and got up off of my bed. I thought it would be better if I just slept on the couch. She grabbed my hand and whimpered. She seemed so helpless. I laid back down by her and held her. She held onto my clothes and curled up into a ball. I just laid there looking at her amazingly beautiful face. Her lips looked soft and her smile was irreplaceable. It made me feel weak in a way that made me feel so strong. I loved holding her and looking at her face. She mentioned the whole world to me. My hoodie on her was a perfect match, it was the sweetest thing I had ever seen.

Once morning arrived and Nikki had woken up I made breakfast.
"You should talk to James about what happened yesterday," I said sitting down next to Nikki.
"He's mad, I'll wait until he cools down," she responded.
"He won't cool down until you talk, you know how he is," I sighed.
She looked down at her food disappointed and groaned "I guess you're right,". I walked over to her other side and kissed her on the cheek.
"Oh and I'm going to need that eassy back, I going to write a story stating with that," Nikki said smiling softly.
"I'll go get that," I said as I rushed out of the room to get the papers. When I came back Nikki was sleeping holding her head up with her hand. Put the stack of papers in her bag a picked her up. I laid her down on the couch and turned off the lights. I sat in the chair and waited for her to wake up. It was only around seven a.m. and I was tired aswell, so I slowly started to drift off to sleep. Around an hour later I woke up and Nikki did soon after. She was tired and clingy. Avinchaly I gave in and cuddled her. She was nuzzled up to my chest and curled up again. Me and her has been in a relationship for years, Cassie was her best friend that people always said she was dating, it kind of made me jealous. I loved Nikki in ways Cassie could never. Cassie was our friend but she was terrible to Nikki. She hit her and yelled at her for no reason and when Nikki asked why or tried to distance herself from Cassie, she would blame a disorder she made up or didn't have and threaten to kill herself. It was terrifying for Nikki. She felt bad when Cassie died because she felt like she could finally breathe, wich made her upset. She would say she was fine but I could tell she wasn't. I never understood why she felt guilty about the loss of Cassie when Cassie was abusive in every way.

I felt Nikki sift agents my chest. I gazed down at her beautiful face. Her eyes twitched and opened. She looked in my eyes and her mouth touched mine I grasped her hair. I felt her grab my shirt firmly as my tongue explored her mouth. My hands slowly slipped up her shirt and our lips separated for a moment while I pulled her shirt off. She led my hands up to her breasts. Slipping my hand under her bra, I felt her gasp and pull back. I looked at her to see if she disapproved and she just laid there.
"May I?" I asked. She looked up and nodded. Licking her chest I worked my way down to her crotch. I bit the rim on her shorts and slowly pulled them down, making her more and more impatient. She looked down at me and I stopped. I saw thew her pantys how wet she was. I licked her and started sucking on her thigh. Once I left eight or nine hickeys I got up. She looked confused as I took my hoodie off. I put it on her and held her to me.
"P-prick"she stuttering. It was the cutest thing. I just giggled. It felt like minutes but it was hours. It was already seven at night.
"I'm going to talk with James" she said holding on to me.
"Good" I grinned. I smiled at her to thank her for for making that decision, but when I looked down she was already asleep. It made me feel good to see her the way she was laying there, sweet and helpless, in need of protection and I was the one to protect her. I loved her more then I had loved anything or one.

"Nikki, wait up" I yelled. She turned around and put her middle finger under her left eye and stuck her tongue out. She then turned back around and kepted walking. I began to run but se speed up. She turned into a hall and I lost her. I spotted her thew the crowd of students and bolted.
"James, I'm sorry. I seriously didn't mean it like that, I just thought I saw her out of the corner of my eye" I heard Nikki say.
"It's good, I over reacted" James said and held out his hand. Nikki grabbed it and they shook once and Nikki left. She walked up to me and said,
"Sorry, I had to dip," I just looked at her and said,
"You did the right thing". She smiled at me and put my arm around her and held my hand.

I went to my first period and we had to split up, I saw her walk into the art room. Once I had sat down and class started I texted James.
"R U ok?"
"Idk man"
"Nikki is still pissed"
"No fr. She skipped first period"
"I'll check it out"
I jumped up and ran out of class right before the bell rang. I ran to the art room and met James there. He put his pointer finger over his mouth and shushed me. We heard Nikki crying. She almost sounded like she was being beaten. I rushed in and found her curled up and sobing. I looked up at James as I was trying to comfort her and without saying anything me and him both agreed that we knew, Nikki knew Cassie didn't commit suicide, she was killed. That was the only thing that it could be, Ni had been hinting at knowing this for so long but no one understood or believed her. James stepped out to call Lucy. I held Nikki and told her
"We're going to find out what really happened to Cassie, don't worry." She seemed like a lot was taken of her mind when I said that.

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