Azur lane Girlfriend Scenarios

By Holler324

49.5K 485 578

This day finally come, I finally make an Azur Lane book after I argued with myself to not create one for a co... More

Before you start reading
How you two meet
Spending Time Together
When they/you develop feelings for them girls/you
How they/you confess them feelings
The first kiss
First time Snuggling
When you tag along in their missions
Sleeping together for the first time
Seeing them drunk for the first time
Meet the smols
When you get sick/Ill
When they get jealous
When you get kidnapped by sirens
How they act during your absence

How they protect you from siren attacks

1.7K 18 76
By Holler324

AN: A new girl has been added, or should I say, Sushi? make sure to check her other scenarios out!
Current girls: Graf Zeppelin, Friedrich der Grosse, Zuikaku, Enterprise, Shinano, Tirpitz, Belfast, Drake, Akagi, Kaga, Hornet, Bismarck, Wales, Yorktown, The Empress III, Prinz Eugen, Warspite.

---*Graf Zeppelin*---

Combing Graf's long hair sure was a well paid job, Y/N had to switch three combs at this point in order to properly comb her hair due to how messy it was after her shower "Hey Grafy, what snacks do you guys have around here? I'm quite hungry" looking at him through the mirror, Graf thought for a small bit "Try the food stand that's owned by Z23, see what snacks you can find there, bring me one as well" cracking a small smile in the corner of her lips Y/N nodded his head.

"How?" spoke Z23 in amazement, staring at Y/N with stars in her eyes, of course not literally "Well... my stomach's hungry, that's how-" "I meant how you managed to melt Graf's cold attitude!" she cuts him off, of course adding puffing the cheeks out topping "Oh... that... well, in order to do such thing, you must confuse your lover, and most importantly bring a flamethrower" seeing how Y/N was in the mood of jokes she lets out a sigh "Anyway... enjoy your snack, make sure to come back and-".

The two were cut by an explosion that went off behind the stand, Y/N, since he had training, already threw himself into his stomach covering his head "Holy shit I am not ready for a non drill..." trying to see what was going on his head was grabbed, quickly being lifted up in the air "A human?" hearing a semi robotic like female voice, his heart sunk "S-Shit... anything but not y-you sirens..." he struggled to free himself from the grip, but the siren only tightens it, making Y/N actually scream in pain, feeling his head getting crushed.

It wasn't long before a shell was thrown towards the siren, seeing this she jumped out of the way as it hit the ground, creating a black smoke that cut her vision. making Y/N cough his days out. Trying to kick the siren in the stomach, she grunts annoyed, actually trying to crush his head now with both her palms "Listen here you little brat... I don't know what your deal is... but you'll be my first human kill... be happy with that!" as she laughed like a maniac, two bright red pupils appeared in the black smoke...

Not understanding what was going on Y/N was released, seeing the pink lasers luminating the the area as screams in pure pain could be heard... getting pulled out from the smoke by Z23, she was quick to put the man on his feet and run the hell away. Trying to catch his breath some planes flew overhead, as many girls from different districts rushed towards the sea "What the fuck is going on?!" "We are getting attacked by the sirens! come on!" Y/N looks behind him... only to see horror as Graf Zeppelin literally ripped off the siren's head from her body, the burning rage in her red eyes said it all... "...Thank you Grafy...".

---*Friedrich Der Grosbe*---

"Let me check..." digging through his pocket he pulled out a ten dollar bill, handing it to the man "Thanks man... I wish I could give you something in return, without you I wouldn't be able to pay for my fuel" "It's nothing, after all why not help someone in need?" turning around the corner to leave the gas station, a massive railgun cannon points at his head. With eyes wide opened Y/N looks at the siren, identifying it as a tracker siren MKIII, with a big creepy smile across her lips "Gotcha!" before the cannon fully charged up Y/N jumped into the ground at the last second.

Instead of frying Y/N the shot missed and hit the gas station, killing everyone that was near as a giant mushroom like cloud formed up in the sky "Holy shit..." people started screaming in pure terror, fleeing for their lives, Y/N tried getting away but the siren grabbed him by the ankles, pulling him back to her as he got lifted up in the air "Oh you're not getting anywhere, you are too important! you will be the key to get her out... so we can capture her, and make her one of our own!".

Placing her hand on his shoulders her nails started to dig through his skin, making him grit his teeth in pain as he holds into her wrist, trying to pull her arm away... "You're no match for us! come on scream louder! you useless hag!" pulling her fingers away she slashed at his chest, I swear those are not normal nails. Throwing Y/N into the ground the siren pointed her railgun cannons at her, laughing like a true maniac "Killing you surely will bring her out from her hiding hole!".

It wasn't long before the wall behind the siren collapsed, turning around quickly to evade the debris, she was instead met with a punch that sent her flying across the street through a building's wall. Hearing some horrifying roars Y/N struggled to get back up on his feet... but he was helped up by his lord and savior "Y/N! oh my god- my poor boy!" Friedrich's eyes trembled in both rage and fear, her rigging sharks going ballistic by each second "MAINZ! GET Y/N TO A SAFEZONE THIS INSTANT!".
The girl was quick to have Y/N in her arms, looking up at Friedrich worried "FDG! there are too many of them in the city! we have to evacuate!-" the taller woman, who was pissed beyond human boundaries, shot a glare at Mainz with her dark yellow eye... which was glowing a small bit "Get Y/N to safety, now" saluting, Mainz was quick on the move... FDG charged up her cannon shots before aiming at the building "I'll show you... I'll show you what happens when you touch my destined one, you'll pay... even if I have to kill the entire fleet of the sirens".


Shoukaku harshly snatched her flute from Y/N's hands, giving him an irritated look "That's not how you play the flute idiota! jeez... how do you proclaim yourself to be my... so called brother in law, when you act like a child? are you legally allowed to date a woman?!" Y/N just lets out a nervous chuckle as he looks left and right, trying to find a way to escape such dire situation... how do you end up in the absolute worst situations with Shoukaku Y/N? no... don't tell me... that's one of your kinks?

Giving up trying to teach Y/N how to use an instrument, she turns around "Anyway... let's get going yeah? I still want to teach you something today, maybe that way you can propose to Zuikaku! hehe...". Following her from behind surely was a chore, because Y/N kept being distracted by odd sounds coming out from the sea, that or he's straight up going insane at this point, Zuikaku most likely would still love his little silly insane doofus.

As the two walked, a sudden siren went off... making Shoukaku's heart stop in it's place from fear "Oh no... not again... it's the fifth time this week... Y/N! quick! get the hell out from here and-" a loud shot went off as Shoukaku turned around, seeing how a shell was coming directly at Y/N. Feeling the time slowly stopping she hurried in front of Y/N, who was still confused as of what was happening, summoning her rigging Shoukaku moved the carrier's deck in front of her, using it as a shield.

The shell hit into the rigging, not only breaking the rigging in two but also sending Shoukaku flying backwards out cold. Seeing this Y/N's heart sunk into the void, quickly rushing to his sister in law "Shoukaku! answer me! wake up woman!" he tries to shake her to no avail. Peeking behind him he saw a crazed siren who was only smiles and giggles, gulping he looks at Shoukaku "I'm sorry..." trying to make a run for it... the siren fired right past him, freezing him in place "No getting away! I want to have my fun first! dance little human! dance!".

One of her cannons charged up, before firing a powerful beam towards Y/N, closing his eyes he prepared his speech for the purgatory. However that trip to the other world never came... opening her eyes he saw how Zuikaku was in front of him, with her katana pulled out holding it in front of her, literally cutting the beam in two as it divided in two next to Y/N. The beam stopped, as Zuikaku summoned her rigging, planes already taking off.

"Purifier... how dare you hurt my sister... how dare you... try to kill my husbando?" Zuikaku looked at the laughing Purifier with a burning rage in her eyes, making her throw the semi melted katana into the ground, cracking her knuckles ""Oho! you really think you can touch me with your fists girl?! HAHA!" Zuikaku peeks behind her, softening her eyes to not scare Y/N any furher.

"Y/N, get out of here, now" you don't have to tell him that twice. Zuikaku rushed towards the siren, who opened fired upon her... Zuikaku effortlessly dodged all the lasers before throwing herself forward, landing on her hands... pushing herself into the air. Spinning in the air she used the momentum to throw her leg right towards the siren's head... which connected successfully, making Purifier stumbled to her left a bit "I call it a line when you mess with my family".


Rough shakes woke Y/N up as he looked up like that one freshly awoken man that has a flashlight lighting his face "Wha?-" there stood Nevada, with a very desperate expression across her face "Y/N! get your sorry ass up! Tester is here with a few queen ships! get the fuck out of here right now!" not understanding half of what Nevada just said he tried to reason with her "Hold on Nevada I don't-" lifting him up on his feet she gave him a push "GET OUT-" an explosion is set off in the room, throwing Y/N into the hallway, and Nevada through the wall.

Seeing how his boss was hurt Y/N took down on his gentleman path, picking Nevada up he carried her bridal style outside the building, running as long as his legs allowed him to "Jeez you're out cold... I'm sorry Nevada...". Reaching outside the building Y/N was instantly met with three sirens who were trying to capture Unicorn "...Fu-" the sirens quickly lunged at him, knocking him into the wall, holding him by the throat "A human~ look how well built he looks... I bet his flesh taste good too~" spoke one of them, sending shivers down Y/N's spine.

Kneeing one in the stomach managed to get himself free, having absolutely no choice but to leave both Nevada and Unicorn behind to save his own life. It wasn't long before Y/N felt his legs getting tangled with some sort of rope, making him fall over as if  he was a caught fish, the sirens from before caught up to him, drooling over him "Let me go you fucking lunatics! is this why you want to destroy this planet?! so you can have human dishes?!".

As Y/N was being dragged towards tester all the three sirens were quick to receive a massive arrow through their head, dropping dead on the side. Wiggling like a true worm Y/N tried to get away... only for Tester to pick him up with one of her rigging guns "...Interesting specimen indeed, to make your nerves more calm no one is going to eat you, but you will be used for something else, like the others" dangling from the gun left and right, Y/N couldn't even scream for help...

The ship girls on duty were having trouble holding the sirens off... however, the sky suddenly turned dark darker yet darker, rain pouring down like in a massive thunderstorm, seeing this Tester herself got a bit confused by the weird event "...This planet sure has weird weather changes, come, Y/N, you will server a good-" jerking her head to the right she quickly deflected the incoming shell into the ground. Looking from where it came from Tester saw the Yorktown sisters, Yorktown was pretty badly damaged... Hornet was holding into an RPG launcher as Enterprise... she didn't had her bow... nor any weapon... she just had her scary glowing purple eyes in the semi darkness, her hair fluttering in the air. 

"Ah... the heroine herself" tester smirked, holding into Y/N tighter, making Enterprise's eyes glow brighter "You are the one who I have a big interest of... come on, show me what you have!" Hornet fires another RPG towards her, this time intentionally into the ground as debris was thrown towards tester, forcing her to enclose herself in her rigging for protection. When she opened her rigging Tester's eyes widen a bit in surprise, seeing Enterprise in front of her, left fist already being thrown towards her face.

Not having time to dodge Tester got hit right in the nose, making her yell in the sudden pain... Enterprise grips her other knuckle together tightly before throwing another punch at Tester's stomach, making her lean forward a bit. Grabbing into her head Enterprise's dove it right towards her knee, making Tester finally drop Y/N as Enterprise was quick to grab into him, before backing away from Tester... her main goal is to protect her beloved.. but her eyes never left the siren "Enty... do care..." is all Y/N managed to say, before falling out cold.


Turning left and right, jumping over obstacles, trying to hide away from death itself... Y/N was running away from a group of sirens that were terrorizing the city he was living in, they weren't exactly destroying the city but were killing all the humans possible in it, and Y/N was no exception when it came to plot armor. During his runaway his leg got injured, but he has absolutely no choice but to force the leg to run, that or he's not going to make it out alive.

Running into an office cubicle he hid under the desk, holding into his leg as the adrenaline rush was getting worn off, pain settling in real fast as Y/N couldn't help but silently sob "Holy shit it hurts so much..." during one of the many chases he had to get through, one siren managed to impale his thigh with some claws that were attached to her rigging, how he managed to get away is still a wonder... or maybe... no... did he had his special amulet equipped?

Either way... the wall bust into pieces as one of the siren leaders came through it, scanning the room for any vitality signs. Y/N held his breath in... trying to delay the inevitable "Just come out, make this easier upon yourself, none of you will escape this wrath" spoke the siren coldly... the scan ray eventually hit upon Y/N's body, making it beep crazily as the siren walked up to the cubicle where Y/N was hiding. Crouching down under the desk she didn't expected to find a lone sparkling blue butterfly "What-" the butterfly turned red... before lunging into the siren's face, making her scream.

Falling into the floor more and more red butterflies started appearing, literally beating the soul out of the siren. Y/N slowly jerked his head at the sight, scared out of his mind as he slowly tried to crawl away... however the siren started shooting left and right as the butterflies dropped dead. Jumping on her feet she lunged at Y/N, holding him by the throat, showing great display of damage all across her face as it was bleeding a weird yellow substance "I will not fall to a human, you, you will be the one falling on your knees to us!".

Before Y/N could do anything a much taller figure came from the shadows from behind... followed by more red butterflies... tails wrapped around the siren before lifting her up in the air. Y/N gets dropped on the floor, trying to catch his breath "NGH! who dares touching-..." the siren's voice got cut out on her own, noticing the terrifying sight in front of her. There stood Shinano whose eyes were wide open, as if she was a yandere who noticed her senpai talking to other girls, her face seemed to be a bit darker than usual as there was no emotion displayed behind those eyes... usually she would be feeling sleepy...

"Hurting my boy... making him suffer... pushing his fragile body through lengths his body shouldn't go through..." she grips the siren's head with godly force, making the girl in her tails scream loudly in pure terror and pain "I'm fed up with all of you, sirens always have to ruin everything, do they not? this one's mercy ran out" placing her other free hand on the siren's jaw, Shinano literally unscrewed her head from her body... as if Shinano's hands were a screwdriver and the siren's head a screw...

Rushing to Y/N's side all the red butterflies turned blue again, Shinano's ears flopped into her head at the sight of a bleeding Y/N. She picks him up in her arms, holding him close to him "I'm so sorry for not being here sooner..." summoning her carpet deck she jumped on it, before getting away from the abandoned building, flying through the city at insane speeds as Shinano only tightens the hug around Y/N "You're gonna be okay... just hand in there for a bit longer...".


Bullet casings fell into the snow as Y/N ran throughout the forest, the blizzard fucking up his vision as from time to time he would stumble upon something that almost resulted into his death. The two were being attacked by a small squad of sirens while they were trying to make a campfire to warm themselves up, jumping over a dead tree trunk upon landing Y/N's foot went upwards, slipping on the snow as he fell on his back, grunting in pain.

Seeing a cannon popping into his vision it Y/N quickly rolled on his side, cocking his pistol before opening fire upon his front. The cannon retreated into the blizzard as Y/N started coughing violently "At this rate my body will freeze to death... can't really keep up anymore...". Seeing a yellow glow appearing in front of him Y/N gulps, quickly throwing himself into the ground as a laser beam was shot, hitting some trees causing a domino falling chain reaction.

Seeing how a tree was going to crush him Y/N tried to get away, but he was knocked into his back by the same cannon from before. Few meters away from crushing Y/N to death, the tree suddenly stopped in it's place "W-What-" Y/N what cut off by a loud scream that sounded robotic, before some yellow liquid spilled into the snow next to him "...D-Don't tell me this is what I think it is..." the tree was thrown into the white abyss as Y/N tried once again to stand up on his feet, but his body was too cold so his legs were going numb.

Soon enough a bow of a ship came into his view... before it slowly opened up revealing some sharp teeth, Y/N never thought he would smile as such sight. Feeling himself getting grabbed from the cold ground he was placed into the ship's deck "Y/N! thank god you're okay! hold on tight into the rigging! I'm gonna try something rather stupid!" nodding his head Y/N did as he was asked, Tirpitz pointed all of her cannons into the ground before opening fire, launching the two high into the air away from the chaos.

Landing way further from the squad Tirpitz started running further away "I can't fight them in this weather... Y/N, are you okay?" Y/N nods his head, but his body was visibly trembling in cold, making Tirpitz sigh "Don't worry... I promise you, we'll find the base and I'll get you back on your feet, stay with me for a bit longer okay?" running through a dense forest was no easy task, but when you have four metal sharks at your disposal everything becomes much easier "I have to find Bismarck and put an end to these sirens...".


Being a butler is a professional job mate, challenging work all the time, rarely no break time, I can assure you that your sanity will have to be rebuilt after a whole week of doing butler sacrifices. It comes with a perk however, that perk is jogging, and you know what's jogging good for? yeah that's right! your health, now you might be wondering, where should I go jog? I don't want to alarm you or anything but... most certainly NOT on a siren battleship.

That was Y/N's case, while he was doing his usual work for the ship girls he suddenly got knocked out in the bathroom, not a good place to get knocked out but good thing Y/N cannot get knocked up. When he opened his eyes he found himself being stared at by bright yellow eyes, tied to a a chair, those eyes belonged to the sirens, who were carefully studying him closely. However Y/N wasn't the only one there, next to him were also two ships girls, one being Belfast who went to check on him in the bathroom and the other was Warspite. 

How he managed to escape? simple, Observer Alpha ordered the sirens to untie Y/N for some testing, and that's when he acted. Quickly punching one of the sirens in the head he quickly untied Warpsite, who instantly opened her rigging creating chaos on the ship. After that the trio started running alongside the ship's massive deck, planes were flying all around the ship as shell were flying right and left, lasers coming from all directions as the sirens were chasing them, However Belfast got in front of Y/N to protect him from said lasers. 

However a chain of shells hit into the siren battleship's side, making the whole thing wobble violently, causing Y/N to lose his grip and eventually fall down. Warspite looked out in the sea before smiling "The crew is here! look, there's Vanguard! hold on a little longer girls!" with Belfast and Warspite holding their ground as long as they could, they also protected Y/N by getting both on his front and back, especially Belfast whose back was pressing against him "Girls we're getting fried! we need to switch position!" yelled Y/N out.

Belfast grabbed into him before launching themselves into an upper level of the deck. once again on the run, this time though Belfast was carrying Y/N on her back to make sure no siren will get a grip of him. Warpsite followed behind, her rigging getting demolished due to the amount of projectiles hitting it "I can't keep going for longer! Belfast!" the maids looks behind her, as Warpsite gave her a nod "Y/N, embrace yourself" spoke both of them, making Y/N scared.

Rushing towards the railing they jumped over, embracing for impact as the trio went landed into the sea. Due to Warspite's gear being damaged she couldn't float on water anymore... and Belfast couldn't carry both Y/N and her and fight for their lives as well, panic installing into the group Belfast desperately tried grabbing into Warspite, Y/N slowly passing out because he cannot hold his breath for long.

In a few moments though, an anchor descended into the endless ocean, Warpsite was quick to grab into it as well as Belfast. Soon enough the anchor pulled the trio out of the water as they climbed into Vanguard's ship's deck, coughing desperately for air "I'll admit your majesty... that was pretty stupid of us..." said Belfast, while looking at Y/N, fear settling in once she noticed he won't open his eyes. However Vanguard herself pressed her heel into his stomach, making him cough out water as he gasped for air "He's going to be fine, come on girls, let's get you back, the others will continue from here" spoke Vanguard, grabbing into the trio, walking them to Vestal.


Watching Neptune shoveling away a bunch of sand it made Y/N question his entire life, standing there with shovel in hand he once again forgot why he was there in the first place "...Why are we doing this again?" Neptune looks into his eyes, her smile slowly fading away as he literally cocked the shovel's handle "if I have to tell you again after this that will be the fifth time! okay, listen closely and pay GOOD attention Y/N! we are here because your girlfriend LOVES to pull pranks on us burying things in the sand!".

Nodding his head he decided to help Neptune out, seeing how her cheering smile was not on her face anymore... gee you already fucked things up didn't you boy? "It will be a matter of time until she buries your wallet in sand too" making a chuckle Y/N keeps digging, listening to the waves hitting the shore "I mean, a wallet is considered to be a treasure in the pirate world right? ...actually no... oh you get my point" Neptune lets out a giggle, nodding her head "Yeah, I do get your silly little point".

As time passes Y/N spotted some black dots out in the sea, pointing them out he spoke "Hey look! isn't that Elizabeth with her crew coming back from commissions?" tilting her head in confusion Neptune looks back, dropping the shovel as her expression turned serious "I wish you were right Y/N, though it's a bit weird why they come directly at our base..." summoning her trident like weapon it takes Y/N by surprise, backing up in fear "Y/N, get out of here, now" and she didn't had to convince him for too long.

However Y/N being a caring boy, instead of leaving he instead walked towards the munition center, there stood Drake talking with a mechanic about upgrading her gear. Noticing Y/N's panic across his face she stopped from sipping her drink, looking into his eyes "Y/N? what's wrong? something happened?" panting out a little bit, he started explaining everything that has happened until that point. It wasn't long before the sirens went off throughout the entire base "Okay Y/N I want you to listen closely to me, this situation is no joke... please... leave... before things get too messy".

Nodding his head he tries to go for a kiss, with Drake smiling gently she leans forward... but her eyes quickly detected movement from behind as she quickly drew her sword out, spinning she slashes at the siren, slicing her throat wide open as it dropped dead into the ground "Shit they're already here...? this must be a trap... Y/N!-" turning around she noticed an incoming spear towards Y/N's behind, who of course had no clue about it, feeling her world shattering before her Drake lunged into Y/N, getting him out of the way but instead made contact with her shoulder...

Hissing in pain Drake shuts her eyes tight, trying to sustain the pain "D-DRAKE! H-HOLY SHIT!" Drake grabbed into the spear before pulling it out from her shoulder, ripping it in two in her hand "God dammit... oh that's going to leave a scar..." forcing her determination she picks Y/N up on her shoulder before fleeing "Remain calm... please... I will be fine, this is but a scratch!" she tries to keep the mood up, but her smile died as pain pulsed through her body "Drake put me down! you can't go on like this-" "No, in order to save your loved ones, no matter the damage... you have to push through it all".


With a lot of wrath behind it, Nagato throws some documents in Y/N's face, puffing her smol cheeks out "I told you to verify them four times if needed! you messed up the numbers there!" gulping Y/N DOES pick up a document up, looking at his mistakes... there were grammatical errors as well in an OFFICIAL document as well as the numbers being all over the place as Nagato said "I'm-" "No you're not Y/N! instead of apologizing get your head out from the clouds and do a better job!".

With his morale six feet underground Y/N was currently resting on a bench outside, enjoying the cold air hitting him into the face "Man I really fucked up this time... Nagato will surely fire my ass... too bad I'm not into that kind of stuff..." sighing he pulled out his phone, of course looking through app store to see what apps he can get to pass time. As the time went on Y/N felt the air getting cut around him, jerking his head up, with just a blink of an eye, he noticed a red star flying in front of him at insane speeds, before an explosion went off next to him, making him jump from the seat into the ground.

Feeling his arm getting grabbed he quickly glances up, seeing Akagi with a very serious expression across her face "We have no time, come" seeing her tails NOT wagging at the sight of him does worry Y/N quite a bit... but, he was quick to follow Akagi's orders as the two quickly ran away. Akagi grabs into her red stars before throwing them forward, each one going in different directions as small explosions went off in the air, scaring Y/N... but Akagi held his hand tighter, reassuring him that she's there for the boy.

"What the hell is going on Akagi...?" "SIrens, seems like Observer Alpha is moving on with her plan on bringing down Sakura's base... the small explosions you see setting off in the air are actually shells getting destroyed midair by my stars, shells that would've hit us and killed us". Busting through the the door that lead in the lecture hall there stood Kaga alongside with the entirety of Takao classes "Kaga! get Y/N to safety right now before things escalate! then join me by the fountain!".

"I'll do it Akagi senpai!" Choukai spoke with a big smile on her lips, making Atago join in the smiling festival "Come on, let her do it Akagi, Kaga and the rest of us should move into the battlefield" spoke Atago as Takao couldn't help but be surprised by her seriousness "...Fine, Y/N, join Choukai on your escaping, don't worry~ I'll make sure to stop by your house when all of this is done~" gulping Y/N quickly went to Choukai's side "Let's go then! stay close to me Y/N, you don't want a siren to get her hands on you..." Choukai grabbed into him before moving out, making Akagi a little jealous "I'll show her later..." mumbled the brown fox... before heading out.


"Yes Y/N? you must be pretty desperate if you come to me to ask for help~" teased Prinz Eugen as she lets out a giggle, Y/N just gives her a poker face, before throwing a letter into her face "That's from your lord Bismarck, next time you decide to be a teasing bitch-" Eugen shushes him, smiling like a devil "Now now, cussing is bad for the boy who's still growing and learning!" she leans closer to him, her smile slowly fading away "If you call me a bitch one more time however, I-"

"Cut it out" turning their heads to the left they spotted Kaga who had a semi serious expression on her face, but isn't that her regular expression? "Why are you so close to him with that look on your face?" asked Kaga, crossing her arms, making Prinz break a chuckle "Oh are you mad?~ this boy has no manners at all I tell you! he called me a bitch!" Kaga looks at her, before looking back at Y/N "Well he ain't wrong, you are a bitch at times" feeling hurt Prinz gasps shocked.

The air around them started to get a bit more heavy as Kaga's ears perked up, getting into a fighting position as she looks around, glancing at Y/N, her heart sinking as she saw a summoning circle being formed at Y/N's feet. Tackling him down into the ground seconds before disaster, a massive yellow beam strike down from the air directly into the circle. Prinz Eugen was quick to summon her rigging, before aiming at Kaga's feet "Kaga! fun and games but get Y/N out of here before things get bloody for him! summon your rigging!".

Understanding the assignment Kaga summoned her blue deck, getting both Y/N and herself on top of it "Fire Eugen!" sticking her tongue out as some sort of taunting Prinz fired all the cannons at once below the flying blue deck, before it got launched towards the main base where ship girls were already rushing towards the beam. Kaga held Y/N close to her during the entire procedure... upon the deck's rough landing into the ground, both Y/N and Kaga were fine.

Checking for any injuries the fox sighs out in relief "Thank God you're okay... that could've ended horribly wrong... don't worry that beam is quite common nowadays... it usually means that siren's are being teleported here and try capturing our base... not exactly sure why they don't aim the large beam directly on our base but eh..." Kaga looks behind her, seeing how explosions are being set off in the distance "...Y/N I want you to get to safety yeah? head to Vestal's office please, I'll see you soon" with a quick kiss on his lips, Kaga walked into the battlefield.


Anisa cracked her knuckled, before releasing it to a palm, before slapping Y/N awake "Wake up dum dum! you ain't slacking off during your work hours!" Y/N hisses in pain as he rubs his cheek, looking at his sister confused "Couldn't you wake me up in more FRIENDLIER terms?! fine fine... I'm getting back to work jeez..." "You should! that's the least you can do for these girls who took under their wing like you were their son!" "Stop making it weird Anisa! god dammit...".

Crouching down he grabbed into his circular saw, before walking up to a metal box half his side "Okay let's get these crates going... I don't understand why they can't just grab the damn things and open up themselves if there's such important stuff in here..." cutting open the crate he puts down the saw, before lifting his safety mask up and leaning over the box to check what the hell was in it "Okay so we have some gun barrels... some weird bird things... a silky piece of... hair...?".

Confused he throws off the metal slid, his heart skipping a beat as he locks eyes with a siren whose eyes were pink, trying to back off the siren pounced on him, slamming his body into the ground before throwing him up in the air, jumping as the siren spin kicked Y/N's poor body through the hangar's gate. On the other side he landed roughly on his front, of course completely knocked out, as the siren used her rigging to bust through the hangar as she walked closer to Y/N, smiling.

Lifting his body up once more she licks her lips "Such strong build... firm muscles... good looking eyes..." her cannon turns into a blade as it got closer towards Y/N's eyes "Those pretty eyes will be mine-" a shot is heard before the siren's brain got blown up as a hole appeared in her head, dropping dead. Landing on the ground Y/N crawled away from the horror sight, not fully understand how a whole siren managed to fit into a crate.

"Y/N" turning around quickly he saw the cowboy, he saw Hornet with a 500 S&W Magnum in her hand, but without her iconic hat on... "T-Thank god... my body parts would've become her achievements or something..." Hornet walks up to him, still silent, before pulling Y/N into a hug "You could've died... and I wouldn't even been able to say goodbye" Y/N smiled, before hugging her back, rubbing the back of her head "These sirens are getting more tactical than us... decoying themselves in the looting crates we use... from now on, you're gonna work alongside with me to avoid such tragedy from happening".


Y/N held into Seraphina tightly as he was running away through a semi destroyed park, the two were minding their own business until a wild MKII breaker started chasing them, and before they knew it the city was getting attacked by sirens as a whole war broke out between them and the ship girls. "I don't feel good..." said a weakened Seraphina, who held tightly into Y/N "H-Hang in there... everything will be fine... I think...".

Turning around a corner Y/N saw a whole squad of sirens holding their positions against a couple of ship girls, one of them noticed Y/N and she instantly moved one of her cannons into his direction, opening fire "D-Duck!" said Seraphina before Y/N threw himself into the ground "Roll to the left!" seeing how another laser was being charged up, Y/N did just that, the siren missing her shot "R-RUN!" following Seraphina's orders is what kept Y/N alive "H-How did you...?" "I can sense their movements... maybe because we're siren related? I don't really know... but my head hurts...".

Turning around the corner Seraphina's started to scream in pain, Y/N quickly stopped and settled her down, seeing how a weird substance was coming out from her mouth "W-What's wrong?!" she coughs, before holding into her head "T-They're trying to take control of m-me! h-help me please!" "HOW-" a loud explosion went behind him as the ground started to shake violently, turning around he saw  four cannons pointed at him, Seraphina's heart sunk as she tried to back away... but she only backed up into the wall.

"Y/N! RUN! THAT'S A DREAMWORLD OCEANA!" Y/N didn't wanted to leave Seraphina alone so he stood in front of her, protecting her "Even if I run my death will still be decided, after all I cannot outrun this monstrosity in front of me" the siren growled angrily, but was smirking at the same time "Finally... a smart human, you know you cannot outrun death, let me make this quick then~" a couple of roars went off in the distances as Oceana looked around startled, seeing how a rain of shells were coming right at her. having no form of defending herself he covers her face with her arms.

All of the shells connected, sending the siren back, before heavy steps could be heard... as well as the same roars from before, Y/N looked at the source and his lips broke into a relieved smile, seeing Bismarck running at the scene with her rigging out, her shark buds going absolutely berserk. It wasn't long before Bismarck jumped towards the siren, lending on her rigging as the sharks started biting into EVERYTHING they saw, ripping it into bits. The siren did try to shoot Bismarck off but it was to no avail.

The blonde woman would clench her fists before punching at the siren's head in order to stun her in place briefly "FOURTH TIME THIS DAY! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO LEARN TO GIVE UP?!" yelled out Bismarck, before grabbing into the head of the sushi, literally ripping it off from the body. Throwing the head in the air Bismarck kicked it as if it was a Rigby ball. Jumping off the rigging she rushed towards the two "Are you okay? you aren't hurt right?" Bismarck literally checked Y/N's whole body, but the boy softly grabs into her, stopping her.

"I'm completely fine... if it wasn't for Seraphina I wouldn't be alive right now, apparently she can read the siren's minds or something... or has a future sight? predicting what one's siren intentions are... but they're trying to get control of her..." Bismarck looked at Seraphina, which for once, actually showed pity and concern about her, seeing how the little siren was crying at this point in pain. Sighing Bismarck softly picks Seraphina up, before instructing Y/N to get on her rigging "Come on... let's get out of here, we'll deal with her later...".


With Y/N stomping on the gas he shifted into seventh gear, the car's engine almost giving up on it's will to live "W-Wales! I can't go any faster than this! otherwise the engine will explode!" spoke Y/N through the radio as he desperately steered to the left and right to avoid the incoming projectiles "Hold on Y/N! we're coming as fast as we can! we borrowed an Ironblood fighting jet, we'll be there in a few minutes!" said Victorious, before the radio cut "God fucking dammit... I was supposed to make deliveries!".

So you're probably wondering how they ended up in this situation, well it's easy bud... Y/N was doing some deliveries on his own before a massive laser beam cut his way, forcing him to break suddenly. Before him stood a couple of tracker sirens, different MKs, destroying a small village for fun, the village Y/N was supposed to make deliveries in. Of course hearing the engine the sirens turned around and noticed the car, Y/N was quick to put the car in reverse, turn the car around before driving the fuck away... but the sirens gave chase using their rigging.

Hearing a fighting jet's engine roaring in the sky Y/N's hope was once again restored, the jet aimed towards the sirens before opening fire, the rounds exploding all around the street, turning some of the sirens into fine paste... but some of them survived. Shooting at Y/N's car it managed to hit the back axle, destroying it to bits as the wheels got damaged too, making the car's back drop into the street... and due to his insane speed, Y/N lost control of the car "Oh shit oh fuck-" the car skid to the left before rolling over the street, stopping into a street pole.

The fighter jet's cockpit opened, with both Hood and Victorious trying to stop Wales from jumping off "DO NOT! IT'S AN INSANE ATTITUDE!" said Hood, but Victorious knew how determined Wales was... so she lowered the jet so the fall won't kill Wales "Hood, if they killed Y/N, I personally going to overthrow her majesty and lead Royal Navy so we can stop the sirens once and for all" once the jet was at a reasonable height, Wales jumped off... summoning her rigging midair.

Landing in the middles of the street she saw how the sirens were approaching, pointing her cannons at them she focused her vision upon them "Launch berserk mode" her rigging started making some mechanical sounds within, before all of the cannons opened fire... shell after shell... steam emitting from the cannons as they were fed shell after shell... Wales just stared at the sirens, seeing how they were getting completely annihilated as parts of their rigging were flying all around.

After Wales was done firing her cannons turned read due to the heat, on the street there stood nothing but piles of rubbish, only what used to be the rigging of the sirens remained barely intact. Wales unsummons her rigging as she holds into her head "Ngh... that's gonna leave a mark..." shrugging it off she quickly went towards the car, ripping the door off and pulling Y/N out, whose head was bleeding due to the impact... Wales look up at the jet "Land the jet ASAP! Y/N's wounded!" Hood looks at Victorious "I never knew she could do that... land the jet Victorious, let's not further anger Wales...".


Enterprise takes a long look at Y/N, analyzing his outfit "Hm..." Y/N shoots a thumbs up in the air making Enterprise sigh "Okay you can get it... if you touch any girl-" "Save the heroic acts for later Enterprise" giving him a glare Y/N was quick to walk past her inside the cattery. Once inside he was already tackled into the ground by meowofficers who absolutely beat the living shit out of Y/N "Hey hey! leave him alone! he's not that guy who keeps stalking the girls!" Yorktown walked over before shoving the cats away.

Taking a look at Y/N she couldn't help but giggle "Jeez... they surely did a number on you" "Give me ONE. GOOD. REASON. not to fuck them up right now" said Y/N pissed off, getting up "...They're cute" she spoke with a smile creeping on her lips "Fair enough". With Yorky grabbing into Y/N's hand she was showing him around the cattery "Over there is where these little guys are doing yoga" peeking inside he saw a ship girl called London "And for our next position... the pretzel..." she began getting into position... as the cats followed her lead "Man what shrooms have I eaten...".

Yorktown rests her head on Y/N's shoulders, once again letting out a heavenly giggle "Hehe... we use these little fluff balls for morale boost! and of course to play with them, they're the greatest little helpers!" "I hate them" Yorktown looks into Y/N's eyes with disbelief, before playfully tugging on his hair "In this relationship you'll have to do great sacrifices! getting to love a meowofficer is one of them!" "But woman I don't wanna!" feeling happy at Y/N's goofiness Yorktown leans over to kiss him.

As they walked Yorktown was quick to grab into Y/N, diving him into the ground as the air got cut, before a portion of the cattery blew up behind them "Oh golly... not this again... Y/N... come" Yorktown lifts Y/N on her back before starting to run away "Y-Yorky? what's going on?" "Sirens are once again intruding on our territory... I hope the little cats are okay... unfortunately my rigging is still defect, I cannot fight... but that doesn't mean I won't protect you".

As they run Yorktown suddenly got tackled into the ground, making Y/N drop on his back as Yorky was wrestling a siren to death "Y/N! do NOT interfere!" he wanted to help... but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Grabbing the siren's face, Yorktown rolled her over before slamming the siren's head into the ground, quickly standing up she stomps on the head "Come on Y/N, let's hurry" soon after Enterprise was seen running towards them, her bow out "Nee-San! I'm glad you're okay... hurry up to Hornet, she'll lead you to safely".

---*The Empress III/Elodia*---

Driving his trustworthy vehicle across the city Y/N was listening to some music provided by the Royal Navy, mainly ship girls singing different songs, but man do they have some soothing voices... especially when Chesire was singing. Pulling the vehicle in front of a store, completely normal seeing a heavily armored Lenco Bear pulling up in front of your store! surely that won't cause a heart attack or anything.

"That would be 52.60$ sir" paying for the items Y/N grabs his back and gets out of the store "Alright this should deal with Hermit's hangover problem..." circling around the vehicle he opens the door to get inside, only for a energy beam to hit the door, making him drop on his back out of instinct. Screams soon filled the city's street as people started fleeing for their lives "Ah I knew mercenary jobs would haunt me...".

Jumping back on his feet he quickly grabbed into his M249, cocking it before aiming at the threat, before he turned around the door however he saw how a red chained blade was approaching his head... it feel like time was slowly stopping itself, Y/N tried to move out from the way but the blade was faster. However his head never dropped on the ground... opening his eye to see what was happening Elodia was in front of him, holding into the chained blade tightly... the time slowly gets back to normal, making Y/N confused.

Elodia breaks the blade in her hand before holding into the chain, pulling it towards her as a red siren came flying from a corner toward The Empress. Clenching her fist Elodia pulls harder on the chain... before the siren was meters away from Elodia's face, which was already initiating a swing of her punch. It successfully connected as the siren went sliding into the street at a building... the siren presumed dead "Okay that's taken care of... Y/N, you alright?" Elodia looks at him, as Y/N sighs in relief.

"How the hell did you-" "Time manipulation... sensing danger in the city... teleportation... that's how I did it, now come on, let's go before they launch a full scale attack on us and kill us, without my rigging I cannot hold all of them off... and before you say to use time manipulation, I cannot use these abilities forever" pushing Y/N into the driving seat she closes the door "Go! drive away!" a blue portal is opened in front of the vehicle as Y/N accelerated the vehicle towards it, he's grateful Elodia showed up...

---*Prinz Eugen*---

"Sure Mom... I'll pick you later, have fun with your friends" with that he takes off in fifth gear. Y/N, although he was quite busy today, he couldn't go against his mother word, unless a hole six feet under the ground was already prepared for him. Leaning forward for a better view Y/N takes a sharp left before continuing down the road. While browsing through music on the radio to calm his mind down after the previous events, he entered a dense forest.

As he drove at a calm and reasonable speed he noticed literally no cars passed by, making Y/N wonder if he entered a restricted area "It's not uncommon for forests to be restricted areas around here... but like anyone follows the rules" instead of turning the car around he kept going forward. As he kept moving deeper into the forest Y/n started to notice strange fauna within the sides of the road "Is mother nature on that period of the month? why the hell is the fauna black?" upon closer inspection and not focusing on the road ahead, Y/N noticed how the fauna had glowing attributes to it.

Suddenly the car bumped into something, causing the chassis of the car shake roughly before an explosion came from the engine, shortly after the came to a full stop. Panic settled within Y/N's mind as he desperately tried to turn the engine one but to no avail, he was too scared to get out of the car at this point to check under the hood... especially after the atmosphere took a darker turn as various lighting colors could've been seen deep within the forest. Grabbing his phone quickly he tried to call his friend to come pick him up... but no service was available.

The car suddenly started emitting a loud beeping noise as Y/N perked his eyes up, and horror s truck upon him. Enigmatic yellow eyes surrounded the windshield as various pale faces pressed against the glass. Looking on his left and rights same image displayed "G-God... t-this is siren territory..." Y/N finally realized just how much trouble he was in. The sirens though did nothing, just stared at the man within the car having a panic attack as the beeping noise kept getting louder and louder.

A faint engine of a airplane echoed in the skies before bullets hitting the concrete all around the car could be heard... the sudden action startled the sirens and they quickly scrambled away, but more and more bullets could be heard as well as small explosions. The car's door flung wide open before Y/N was quickly pulled out, he never thought he'd be so grateful seeing a pair of red eyes "Jeez look at his face, seems like he saw the death reaper himself" commented Z23, making Eugen glare at her "Shut it, come on, let's get him out of here... he's been traumatized enough as it is" Eugen carried Y/N bridal style as she ran towards the military convoy, just how the hell did she found Y/N?


Behind the counter stood two very annoyed individuals as they did their barista jobs, on the left there stood Jeremy who was making a couple of smoothies for some customers, judging by his expression he clearly didn't wanted to be there "Man screw this, it has been two months since our boss paid us, it's against the damn law!" Y/N, although he too was annoyed by the current situation, he was more empathic "She said she has her own problems to deal with, she promised to pay us double dude" Jeremy shoots a glance at him before sighing out loud.

During the chaos behind the counter a familiar pair of golden ears made themselves known at the counter "Ahem? may I order?" The two look behind them to see Warspite herself looking back at the men, Jeremy was quick to playfully elbow Y/N "Come on man, go serve your girlfriend~" "No, go take her order while I'll have yet another talk to our boss... besides we're running out of coffee beans so she needs to supply us and fast" nodding his head Jeremy did as he was told to assist his bro.

"Ma'am?" Y/N slowly peeked his head inside the office only to see a massive screen on the wall displaying a couple of sirens, who upon seeing the door being opened they quickly shut off the broadcast. Y/N's boss quickly turned around in surprise "Oh! Y/N! I wasn't expecting you here!" seeing the weirdness in the woman's behavior, Y/N opened his mouth to say something but the door shut off behind him "So there was something truly wrong with you... are you working with the sirens?" asked Y/N, very much aware what a siren is.

His boss however, remained silent, making Y/N press into the matter. What he didn't expect though was the person right in front of him materialize into an actual siren which summoned her rigging shortly after, making Y/N scream in terror as he tried to flee. "...What was that?" asked Warspite, her ears fluttering as she heard the scream, Jeremy, confused, looked behind him "Must've been the wind". Sensing something is not right Warspite jumps over the counter before entering through the employee only door, making Jeremy quickly give chase "Oi! no one's allowed in there! even her majesty!".

Reaching the office Warspite quickly busting through the door, in there she saw Y/N wrestling on the floor with the siren who clearly dominated. Seeing this Warspite lunges herself at the siren, throwing her over the desk as she summoned her rigging "Grab Y/N and get the hell out from this place!" ordered Warspite, which Jeremy was quick to comply as she grabs Y/N's ankles, dragging him outside the office "Come boy, we must go explore the seven countries before we become traditional japan food" Y/N holds into his head in pain, throwing a middle finger at Jeremy "You're the fucking worst... that's why you're my best bud".

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