Trollhunters: Resurrected

By Arkus69

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What if Jim didn't have to go back in time? What if there was another way? Find out in this story. I do not o... More

Chapter 1: The Stone
Chapter 2: Figuring it Out
Chapter 3: They're Back
Chapter 4: Before and After Blinky's Call
Chapter 5: Escape from Trollmarket.
Chapter 6: Inside Both Sides
Chapter 7: A Few More Of Them
Chapter 8: Some Recruitment
Chapter 9: Attack of the Trolls

Chapter 10: Eternal Night...Again

98 3 1
By Arkus69

The six of them are on the ceiling and ready to take down the heads of the Gumm-Gumms.

Jim: On three, we jump down.!

The six of them jump down to the ground, surrounding Aphrax, Madrigor, and Orlagk. Orlagk chuckles.

Orlagk: Huhahaha. I see you Trollhunters have found me. My Gumm-Gumms, halt!

Orlagk halted his Gumm-Gumms as the millions of them pointed their spears and moved towards the six of them.

Jim: If you don't stop, right now, I'm going to rip your body parts apart and cut it with Excalibur like sushi.

Orlagk: Clever wordplay, Trollhunter. But you forget that my warriors are stronger than you. Madrigor, Aphrax, take them down!

Madrigor and Aphrax bullrush at them. Draal and Aaarrrggghhh block them and begin a fight with them, leaving Blinky, Claire, Toby and Jim by themselves.

Orlagk: My Gumm-Gumms, attack!

All the Gumm-Gumms rush at the four of them with their spears drawn.

Toby: Taste the Aspectus Stone!

Toby activates the Aspectus Stone and a thousand clones of Toby surround them, protecting them. Tho it will not last long due to the odds being millions to a thousand. Orlagk gets the Staff of Avalon, places it in a magic hole and it gets surrounded in a thin magic barrier. The Staff of Avalon shoots it's magic power into the Heartstone and a few minutes later, the Heartstone shoots funnels of dust and flames into the sky and launches the Eternal Night over New Jersey. It slowly spreads.

Jim: Noooooooooooooooo! 

Claire pushes a Gumm-Gumm away with her staff.

Claire: We have to get out of here Jim! Toby, make your clones surround us so that we're protected!

Toby nods and somehow signals his clones to surround the six of them. Aaarrrggghhh and Draal get out of their fight with Aphrax and Madrigor and get in the cricle. Claire opens a shadow portal and they all go through it and arrive on the surface. 

Jim: We have to go back! If we let them leave the surface they'll spill out of the perimeters Costas set up and they'll take over the Earth! 

Claire: No, Jim. We retreat for a few minutes. Toby is hurt and so am I. We're not all Trolls, Jim. 

Jim's angry and worried face calms down and he hugs Claire.

Claire: Don't worry Jim. We stopped the Eternal Night before, we'll stop it now. 

The hug ends.

Jim: Draal, Blinky, look around the buildings for any medical supplies. Aaarrrggghhh, Toby, Claire, guard the hole in case any Gumm-Gumms get out. I'm going to the perimeters and tell them to reinforce it as much as they can. 

They all leave to do their tasks but right as they are about to leave holes in the ground suddenly appear. More and more appear as the Eternal Night spreads and outcomes many Gumm-Gumms.

Jim: Oh jeez. Okay, everyone, change of plan. Just...kill the Gumm-Gumms, okay? Go in pairs so you'll have each other's backs. I'll be with Blinky, Draal be with Claire, and Aaarrrggghhh stay with Toby. 

Everyone nods and starts fighting. 


Minutes of fighting later, they hide inside a house that is a bit far from the Eternal Night's reach. 

Draal: We have to get out there and continue fighting! Staying here will only let more Gumm-Gumms out! 

Jim: Draal, Toby and Claire are injured. Blinky has no weapon and you've lost a finger on your prosthetic arm. 

Blinky: Indeed. And not staying here will only let us have higher chances of death!

Blinky shouted at Draal. Draal sighed and sat down. 

Draal: You know, we still have to go out there right? 

Jim: Yeah, but for now we have to heal Toby and Claire. 


They are back on the battlefield, still alone. Jim kills many Gumm-Gumms but gets knocked down by one. It is about to stab him when Steve jumps in and stabs the Gumm-Gumm with his serator in the back. Behind him are U.S Military Soldiers, Eli, Douxie, Merlin and the Knights of Camelot. 

Jim: Steve? What are you doing here?

Steve: Duh. Saving your butt, Buttsnack! Hahahaha

A Gumm-Gumm appears behind Steve.

Jim: Steve, behind you! 

Steve looks back and gets an extremely scared and distressed look. Luckily, Claire throws one of her daggers at the Gumm-Gumm and it turns to stone. Steve's look goes away and he runs away to kill more Gumm-Gumms. Claire helps Jim up.

Claire: You okay? 

Jim: Been better.

Merlin shoots magic beams from his hand at three Gumm-Gumms who were about to attack Claire and Jim.

Merlin: You're welcome.

Jim and Claire nod at Merlin. All of them continue fighting when Merlin, Douxie, Blinky, Jim, Toby, and Claire stand back to back surrounded by Gumm-Gumms they they fight.

Merlin: I have a plan!

Merlin said while shooting a Gumm-Gumm with magic beams. 

Jim: Well let's hear it!

Jim stabbed a Gumm-Gumm while saying that. 

Merlin: But first we must get down to Old New Trollmarket!

They run together to Old New Trollmarket and arrive down there where they see nobody. 

Merlin: You five, guard me while I do my job. 

They surround Merlin who is in front of the Staff of Avalon which is shooting energy into the Heartstone. Suddenly, Orlagk appears in front of the five of them. He rushes at them and the 5 of them begin fighting him while Blinky hides. 

Jim: You.....

Jim slashes his sword at the Decimaar Blade of Orlagk.

Orlagk: Me....

Orlagk teleports behind Jim and kicks him far. He gets shot by Claire who is beside Toby and fights them. Douxie spots what Merlin is trying to do and puts a Magical barrier between him and the staff and he runs to Merlin and goes in front of him to stop him.

Douxie: Stop. If you are about to do what I think you are about to do, it's going to work but it'll kill you.

Merlin: For the safety of the world, my death is worth it. 

Merlin tries to hold the Staff but Douxie slaps his hand.

Douxie: I won't lose you again.

Jim gets knocked back by Orlagk. 

Jim: Hurry it up, Merlin! I'm about to be sliced like garlic by Orlagk!

Jim gets back up and continues the fight. 

Merlin: I'm sorry, Hisirdoux. Shilidius Bareyo!

Merlin puts up a barrier around him. 

Douxie: No! No! No! No! I can't let you die again!

Douxie punched the barrier but it did nothing. Merlin puts his hands on the staff and sheds a tear.

Merlin: I'm sorry, my son. 

Merlin drains all his magic and uses it to destroy the Staff of Avalon. As his magic is fully drained, the Staff of Avalon shatters and so does Merlin's life force. 

Meanwhile, after Jim said hurry up and before Merlin died:

Jim gets back up and continues the fight. He uses all his power and kicks Orlagk down, closing his eyes. When his eyes awaken, Orlagk gets hit in the stomach by Toby's Warhammer and in the face by Claire's staff. He gets sent flying back and when he gets up Jim lands on his shoulders and stabs him in the chest, killing him and the threat of Orlagk is over.

Back to the present

Douxie runs and catches Merlin's falling corpse and he cries due to losing his master twice. The other four surround Douxie. All the Gumm-Gumms above turn to stone and Draal and Aaarrrggghhh, who were fighting in a building kill all their opponents, and as they are about to leave the building they see it is Daylight and does not leave. 

Douxie: It...It should've been me! He didn't have to die a second time! 

Toby: Hey...we can always resurrect him with the resurrection stone. Right...? 

Blinky breaks the news to Toby.

Blinky: Unfortunately Tobias, a life can only be revived once and never again with the power of the Resurrection Stone. Everybody gets sad looks as the sunlight shines on Douxie crying and Merlin's corpse. 


Merlin's funeral is being held on a dark, rainy day. Everyone wearing black. Douxie gives a speech.

Douxie: Merlin was a great wizard. He was arrogant, rude, and unlikeable, but all for good reason. He was my Master for centuries. While I was his apprentice, I was annoyed by him many times. Only after he died, the first time, I realized all of his bad traits were because he wanted to teach me. He fought when the world was still young. He defended the world when he should've already been dead. He forged the Amulet of Daylight and its wielders. He died once, but he didn't have to die again.

Douxie sheds some tears and makes way for Aaarrrggghhh, who is covered by a big umbrella to block any Daylight from going to him, carrying Merlin in a coffin. Aaarrrggghhh lays Merlin's coffin on the ground and a few Knights of Camelot with shovels bury it. Everyone has sad looks. Merlin's gravestone says 42,981 B.C - 2019. 

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