After traveling to the end of...

By pttcch

14.4K 209 13

Not mine. This is for Offline (Public/Inspirational) Reading Purpose Only. Credits to the Author. Title: 穿到末世... More

Chapter 01.05
Chapter 06.10
Chapter 16.20
Chapter 21.25
Chapter 26.30
Chapter 31.35
Chapter 36.40
Chapter 41.45
Chapter 46.50
Chapter 51.55
Chapter 56.60
Chapter 61.65
Chapter 66.70
Chapter 71.75
Chapter 76.77

Chapter 11.15

1.2K 28 3
By pttcch

Chapter 11

    Chu Fengyou     took Shen Nianxia's unnatural expression into his eyes, and said in a warm voice: "Yes, we have done missions together, so we can be regarded as partners with a tacit understanding." When talking about Yan Xue, his voice was so gentle. Thinking that this gentleness once belonged to her, he suddenly lost his balance and said deliberately: "But I heard that Xue'er did not perform well this time, what is your opinion of Chu You?" Isn't it unfair."

    "Who told you this?" Chu Fengyou's face immediately faded, and he stared at Shen Nianxia calmly, and said lightly: "Yan Xue did a good job, on the way back she She didn't cry out once, she listened to me when saving people, stayed in the security room obediently and didn't go out, and didn't cause me any trouble."     Shen Nianxia seemed to forget that she had no intimacy with Chu Fengyou at this moment I can't wait to prove myself in front of this man: "I can do better than her, and at that time I will assist you to save people."     Chu Feng said lightly, "I asked you to stay in the security room?"     Shen Nianxia was startled: "I'm not Xue'er, I can help..."     "To me at that time, there was no difference between you and Yan Xue, both of you were far slower than me, Yan Xue was willing to stay where she was. " Waiting for me, you insist on following me, is this because you are doing better than her?"     Chu Fengyou no longer looked at her, but turned back and continued to look at Yan Xue who was walking towards him.     Yan Xue came over and saw that Shen Nianxia was nailed in place as if she had been hit, staring at her in a daze.     Yan Xue looked at Chu Fengyou suspiciously: "What's wrong with her?"     Chu Fengyou's expression softened again: "It's nothing, you're looking for me?"     Yan Xue didn't care about Shen Nianxia, ​​she immediately forgot about her Finally, with a smile on his face, he said to Chu Fengyou: "I'm assigned to your team, do you know?"     Chu Fengyou nodded slightly: "Yeah."

    "I want to join Liang Chenhao's team." Yan Xue's eyes sparkled, her voice was soft, as if she was coquettish: "Can you transfer me there?"

    Chu Fengyou asked calmly, "Why did you transfer to someone else's team?" "

    Of course it was to see Liang Chenhao's jokes! She cast a spell on Liang Chenhao as punishment for his bad words.

    Yan Xue wanted to enjoy the scene of Liang Chenhao being punished face to face, so she couldn't stay too far away from him, and it was best to be in the same team.

    The specific reason cannot be told to Chu Fengyou, Yan Xue pretended to be very hurt: "Liang Chenhao may have misunderstood me, just now he called me a waste, I want to find a chance to explain it to him, maybe he won't You hate me so much."

    Her tone was genuine, sincere, and no one could guess what was going on in her heart.

    Chu Fengyou smiled and said softly, "In my eyes, you are not useless."

    Yan Xue smiled, "Really?"

    Chu Fengyou nodded sincerely, "You performed very well in this mission. "

    Yan Xue rolled her eyes: "Thank you, Chu You." The

    male second is really a good person.

    The two murmured in their hearts at the same time.

    Yan Xue: She acted so useless, yet she had such a high evaluation in Chu Fengyou's eyes? I really feel sorry for him for hiding so many things from him and taking away the unexpired cans.

    Chu Fengyou: In the security room, Yan Xue's attitude towards Liang Chenhao is obviously not like this, and it is even more impossible to reconcile with Liang Chenhao. What exactly does Yan Xue want?

    The two looked at each other and smiled, the atmosphere was harmonious. Standing between them, Shen Nianxia was even more stimulated when she saw this scene, and said in a hoarse voice: "You talk, I'll go first."

    Yan Xue nodded casually, Shen Nianxia's current state Obviously not good, but she didn't care in the slightest.

    Chu Fengyou only gave a faint "hmm".

    Shen Nianxia left unwillingly.

    Chu Fengyou said to Yan Xue: "I'll tell the captain to put you in Liang Chenhao's team."

    "Thank you." Yan Xue happily wanted to leave, but just as she was about to leave, she turned around and reminded Chu Fengyou: "By the way, Chu You, you have to be careful with He Danyun." The

    girl left behind these words, and Chu Fengyou stood there watching the light and soft figure go further and further away, until she was covered by the crowd.

    He twitched the corner of his mouth suddenly.

    Interesting, the beautiful trash in everyone's eyes seems to know something that even he doesn't know.

    With Chu Fengyou speaking in front of He Danyun, Yan Xue successfully joined Liang Chenhao's team.

    As soon as Liang Chenhao heard the news, he went to He Danyun in a rage, trying to make him change his mind.

    Which team Yan Xue wants to join is not important to He Danyun, so when Chu Fengyou came to him, he agreed without saying a word.

    It's just that as the captain, in order to maintain his authority, he must not change the order overnight.

    So He Danyun rejected Liang Chenhao's request, and it was a certainty that Yan Xue would be assigned to his team.

    Seeing Liang Chenhao coming back, Yan Xue smiled and asked deliberately: "Do you want the captain to transfer me back? The captain rejected you?"

    Liang Chenhao gave her a hard look and said, "If you dare to cause trouble for me , I won’t let you go, even if you have Chu You as your backing, it’s useless.”

    This kind of threat was neither painful nor itchy, Yan Xue blinked and said, “Don’t worry, I’m not here to cause trouble.

    ” The team led the way. Yan Xue stood with a few ordinary people who hadn't evolved. Surrounding them were the superhumans with weapons, beware of alien species that might appear at any time.

    There were only five people in the exploration team before, and the chance of encountering alien species was not high.

    The whole team is moving forward with great momentum, which is likely to disturb the alien species hiding in the depths of the wilderness.

    The alien species is a species with a strong ability to capture sound, so now everyone is silent, the weeds on the bottom of the feet are soft, and there is almost no sound when walking.

    Next to Yan Xue was a boy who looked to be only ten years old. His mother was half hugging him, and his father stood in front of him and his mother, making a gesture of protection.

    In this way, even if there is a surprise attack by a foreign species, the father can stand in front of the mother and child.

    At this time, the boy raised his head, met Yan Xue's beautiful and soft eyes, and was slightly stunned.

    Yan Xue smiled at him, but the boy grabbed his mother's hand in a panic.

    The boy's mother looked at the boy suspiciously. The boy pointed at Yan Xue, and shrank back abruptly as if he had been frightened.

    The boy's mother glared at Yan Xue, hugged the boy in her arms, and stroked his head.

    Yan Xue didn't take it seriously, the original body had a bad reputation in the team, and the child's parents would definitely have told her not to have too much contact with her, which was considered human nature.

    At this time, white shadows suddenly sprang out from the grass. The supernatural beings trained fast, held their weapons tightly, and looked like lightning.

    "Be alert, there are aliens!" The

    huge team stopped, and everyone's faces became tense.

    It turned out to be a group of rabbits that were almost the size of wild wolves, staring at them with scarlet eyes, looking at them as if they saw food, and their three-petal mouths were slightly opened, revealing eerie sharp teeth.

    Yan Xue saw that these rabbits had leftover minced meat and blood on their teeth, and one rabbit had strips of human clothes hanging on its teeth. The rabbit closest to them stretched out its soft tongue and licked around its teeth. The saliva mixed with blood dripped down in the grass.

    This was Liang Chenhao's first time leading a team, so he was extremely nervous, and said in a trembling voice: "Tighten up the formation."

    Those supernatural beings hadn't developed a tacit understanding with him, and the team was sparsely tightened.

    Without giving them time to react, these giant rabbits turned into white shadows and pounced on them. There were screams in the team one after another. Liang Chenhao's eyes were red, and he waved his dagger and shouted: "Why are you dawdling! Hurry up!

    " In ten seconds, Liang Chenhao's team's combat power was damaged by more than half, and Liang Chenhao's command was still not connected with the actions of the team members.

    A few team members went to rescue the injured and fallen team members, but they did not follow Liang Chenhao's arrangement. As a result, Liang Chenhao and others were weak and unable to deal with the giant rabbits twice as many as them.

    This led to even more confusion on the team's side. Seeing that Liang Chenhao and others were unable to hold on, huge gaps appeared in the defense line, and the central circle where ordinary people lived began to become unsafe.

    Yan Xue could clearly feel the panic of the people around her.

    At this moment, Liang Chenhao yelled from the front: "Back, all back!"


    Tear——" Liang Chenhao's arm was scratched by the sharp claws of the rabbit, and the blood soaked his sleeve instantly.

    The detachment leader was injured, and everyone became more panicked. The team retreated in a panic. The little boy's mother pulled the little boy's arm vigorously, and shouted in panic: "Let's go." The

    little boy cried and shouted: "Daddy is still here!" I didn't keep up, wait for Dad." The

    mother turned her head and saw her husband lagging behind, and anxiously called her husband's name twice, but she didn't realize that she unintentionally let go of the boy's arm.

    The boy saw those ferocious giant rabbits, and saw his father who was not far from those rabbits, so he rushed up.

    When the mother saw the shadow of the boy rushing up, her heart skipped a beat in fright, but the next moment she heard a sweet and pleasant voice: "Chu You is here." The

    mother subconsciously looked at the area where the supernatural beings were fighting, Chu You brought nine supernatural beings to fight those giant rabbits.

    Chu You quickly killed the three rabbits and regained control of the battlefield. This time it was the fat and big rabbits' turn to panic.

    But Chu You didn't give these giant rabbits a chance to escape. He commanded nine team members to form a formation and block the escape route.

    Liang Chenhao's team got a chance to breathe. The little boy's father quickly organized ordinary people to treat the injured supernatural being. The little boy ran to his father and hugged his thigh hard. The father patted the little boy on the head. Turning around, looking at the little boy's mother, she smiled as if saying "I'm fine".

    The little boy's mother wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand, and just about to walk over, she seemed to remember something, and looked at Yan Xue with a complicated expression: "Thank you."

    She was not heartless, so she heard Yan Xue's words "Chu You Coming" is not meaningless, but reminds her not to worry about the baby.

    No matter what kind of person Yan Xue was before, at least she had good intentions in this matter.

    Afterwards, the little boy's mother showed a blushed expression: "I'm sorry before."

    This was an apology to the previous stare at Yan Xue.

    Yan Xue didn't care about it at first, and now she doesn't care about it, and said with a smile: "It's okay." The

    little boy's mother felt even more guilty. She knew that Yan Xue had done nothing to her son before, but because of the team's concern about Yan Xue All kinds of rumors made her resent Yan Xue, so she glared at Yan Xue.

    Thinking about it now, it really shouldn't be.

    After thinking about it, it can't be said that it's all her fault. Some team members gossiping and saying bad things about Yan Xue all day long. They do this every day, and gradually brainwash her. Glasses.

    If Yan Xue is really such a bad person, can you remind her that Chu You is here?

    Although it was mentioned casually, it was up to her whether to say it or not.

    Yan Xue could completely watch her panic and despair, but she didn't.

    Those who spread gossip are really hateful. The little boy's mother was angry for Yan Xue. She glanced around and saw that there was no one around, so she reminded Yan Xue: "Did you offend someone in the team? You have to be careful." .”

    After saying this, the little boy's mother didn't say anything else, and turned to find her husband and son.

Chapter 12

    The things that the original body has done are naturally disgusting, but this is a huge team of 238 people, and the conflicts and frictions among the team members are far more frequent than their drinking water.

    Up to now, the original body has not done any acts of anger and hatred, and the male second has not been killed, but she has fallen into a situation where everyone hates her.

    Yan Xue felt that there was something wrong with this before, but the little boy's mother said that she was basically sure that someone exaggerated the mistakes made by the original body before and secretly fanned the flames, trying to tarnish the reputation of the original owner.

    The killing round against the original owner had actually already begun.

    Chu Fengyou has strangled all the giant rabbits. The evolved mutant species cannot be eaten, but their fur is very valuable. The team led by He Danyun and Shen Nianxia helped Chu Fengyou peel off these furs. There was a stench, but these people looked normal, obviously used to this smell.

    Liang Chenhao bowed his head dejectedly, his face was ashamed.

    It was the first time to lead a team with a heavy responsibility, but in the end all the supernatural beings in the detachment were injured. If Chu Fengyou hadn't rescued them in time, they would have been wiped out.

    Fortunately, the attack power of these giant rabbits was not strong, and they did not cause the death of the team members. The wounds of the supernatural beings healed quickly. In the absence of medicines, there was still no risk of infection, nor would it delay the next journey.

    Fortunately among misfortunes.

    However, Liang Chenhao no longer had the face to continue serving as the captain of this team, so he immediately asked He Danyun to resign from the position of team leader.

    Not only did He Danyun not agree, but he also comforted him: "Liang Zi, I can't blame you for this matter. I know it's your first time leading a team, but I still put your team that didn't work well at the front. It was my fault as the captain that you were attacked by alien species."

    Liang Chenhao felt even more guilty: "I have failed the captain's trust."

    He Danyun patted Liang Chenhao on the shoulder, but he knew that no matter what he said now, it would be difficult for Liang Chenhao to listen to him, so he sighed and said, "You continue to take on the position of detachment leader, but your team has no fighting power now, so I will send you Put it in the last row, and you follow slowly behind, do you think this will work?"

    Liang Chenhao knew that he would refuse to go on, but he didn't know what to do, and said in a hoarse voice: "Thank you, captain."

    He Danyun comforted Liang Chenhao again, and let him He went back.

    This scene was captured by Yan Xue's eyes.

    Forty minutes later, all the furs of the giant rabbits were cleaned up, and everyone used simple self-made carts to stack the furs on top of the carts. Naturally, the work of pushing the carts was handed over to ordinary people who did not need to participate in the battle.

    Of course, those who participate in the labor have the priority to choose food, so everyone is very active, but the fur is not light, and the lack of strength can easily lead people over the car, so only those strong men can do it.

    The little boy's father won this opportunity, and Yan Xue heard that the couple planned to exchange some biscuits for the child, and the adults could eat whatever they wanted, whether they were hungry or not.

    The team set off, walked for 20 minutes, and finally arrived at the food processing factory. At this time, Liang Chenhao reminded the team members: "There are soldier ants and worker ants running around in the food factory. Everyone stay vigilant." The

    team members became nervous. Alien species are the most troublesome, they will not attack the leader, but will hide in the dark, look for opportunities, hit with one blow, and quickly evacuate.

    Fortunately, they didn't encounter worker ants or soldier ants along the way, and they arrived at the warehouse of the department store safely.

    Someone in front shouted: "Rest where you are and wait for the food to be distributed."

    Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and sat where they were.

    Yan Xue didn't sit down, she was not far or close to Liang Chenhao, she took out a cherries-like spiritual fruit, it smelled of a faint floral fragrance, when she ate it, the sweetness was soft, and a faint floral fragrance spread out, leaving a lingering scent on her lips and teeth. delicious.

    "elder sister."

    Yan Xue lowered her head and saw the little boy running over at some point, with a cautious expression on her little face, she just looked at Yan Xue, flinched again, and finally summoned up her courage and said: "My mother said you are not a bad person, Everyone blamed you."

    Obviously, the little boy still has lingering fears about her as a "bad person".

    Yan Xue held her chin, smiled slightly and said, "Your mother is right, I am a good person." The

    little boy actually believed it. He lowered his head and groped in his pocket, took out a rusty coin, and handed it to the Yan Xue, "Sister, my mother and I misunderstood you. I'll give you my lucky coin. Don't be angry, okay?"

    At this time, Liang Chenhao came over and said, "The four teams gather and receive food.

    " The mother was calling his name, and the little boy hurriedly waved at Yan Xue: "Mom called me, goodbye sister, I'm leaving first."

    Yan Xue lifted up the coin and looked at it, it was an ordinary coin, not like a little one. As the boy said, it can bring luck to people.

    The remaining body temperature on it should have been held in my hand for a long time.

    The coin was clearly a favorite of the little boy.


    The superhumans and the people pushing the carts took the food first. Between the expired food and the canned herring, everyone chose the former. So far, no one has taken the canned herring.

    Liang Chenhao saw that this was not possible, so he asked the people behind to take at least three cans of herring.

    The people in the back are all ordinary people, of course everyone is not happy, but there is no way, they didn't fight against alien species like supernatural beings, and they didn't work hard to push the carts, so they could only accept it with cursing and complaining.     Soon it was Yan Xue's turn, and the person who delivered the food

    asked, "What do you want?"

    Before Yan Xue could speak, Liang Chenhao took a step ahead of her and said, "Bring her five canned herrings."

The able man raised his head and looked at Liang Chenhao in surprise: "Five copies? Are you sure, Brother Liang?"

    Ability users and people pushing carts can choose eight servings of food, and the remaining ordinary people can choose five servings of food, plus three canned herring.

    Yan Xue took five canned herrings, but she could only choose three other foods. The supernatural beings who distributed the food felt that Liang Chenhao's request was too much.

    Who can bear to be fed canned herring all day long.

    Liang Chenhao glanced at Yan Xue, and said in a cold voice: "Do you need me to repeat it?" The

    food-delivering power user didn't say anything more. Liang Chenhao is now the captain's valued person, so there's no need to make him unhappy because of Yan Xue. He took five cans of herring and handed them to Yan Xue: "This is yours. Brother Liang told you to take it and you can take it. Don't worry about it."

    Giving five cans of herring is not a big deal, everyone thinks it is Deliberately bullying Yan Xue, but no one spoke for her, just watched quietly.

    Yan Xue didn't take the can, and behind her was a middle-aged man, who said impatiently: "What are you talking about! Don't delay the people behind!"

    Yan Xue ignored the middle-aged man, and looked at Liang Chenhao leisurely, ignoring the other party's contempt Instead of a mocking expression, he looked at the spell on him.

    It's strange, the spell is still on him, why there is no movement.

    At this time, Liang Chenhao's stomach made a rumbling sound, and he began to feel a little hungry. What should I eat? There are biscuits in the pocket.

    The spell on his body flickered for a moment, and Liang Chenhao became in a trance, and a voice came from the bottom of his heart:

    What kind of biscuits are you eating, they are too dry to swallow!

    Eating it every day makes me tired of eating it!

    It's better to eat canned herring. Look, there are so many cans that you can't eat them all!

    Liang Chenhao stared at the cans held in the hands of the food-distributor, and stretched out his hand to take a can.

    The person who distributed the food thought that Liang Chenhao was getting impatient and wanted to intervene in the food distribution, so he gave up his seat.

    Liang Chenhao took the seat unceremoniously, but instead of handing the food to Yan Xue, he stared greedily at the can and swallowed.

    People around looked at each other in blank dismay, the current Liang Chenhao didn't seem normal.

    The next scene shocked everyone.

    Liang Chenhao roughly opened the iron cover, and the stench of herring came out and quickly spread to the surroundings.

    The stench that hit their faces made everyone cover their mouths and noses and backed away one after another.

    Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that Liang Chenhao actually grabbed the herring inside with his hands, and licked the sticky and wet sauce with his tongue.

    Everyone was stunned, did Liang Chenhao know what he was doing?

    The little boy in the crowd held his mother's hand, pointed at Liang Chenhao and said, "Mom, Brother Liang can really eat canned herring without changing his face. He is so powerful!"

    Some supernatural beings also exclaimed: "Liang Zi is really a god."

    Just looking at Liang Chenhao's expression at the moment, he seemed to enjoy the smell of canned herring. To him, the unbearable smell was like fine wine. Not only did he have no disgust, but he was also intoxicated.

    He chewed with great mouthfuls, making the sound of gnawing on the fish bones, and the sound of sipping juice from time to time. If it weren't for the increasingly strong smell in the air, everyone would really regard the canned herring as some kind of delicacy in the world.

    Liang Chenhao finished one can and opened another.

    The supernatural being who distributed the food before couldn't help but said: "Brother Liang, do you want to continue eating?" Didn't you distribute the food? Why did Brother Liang eat it by himself?

    Liang Chenhao's mouth was full of canned herring sauce, and he smiled happily and said, "It's so delicious, come and taste it."

    The face of the person who delivered the food quickly turned livid, as if a tiger was chasing after his buttocks Yes, he ran away without looking back, leaving only one sentence: "Brother Liang, eat slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

    Liang Chenhao shook his head, what are you running for, such delicious food, he is reluctant to give it away if others want it, just now it was just a courtesy, but he can really give it to you.

    "It's so delicious." Liang Chenhao quickly finished the second can, and then opened the third and fourth cans.

    The supernatural person has a big appetite. In the past, he had little food and was hungry all day long. Now there are so many canned herrings. He can eat as much as he wants. Liang Chenhao smiled contentedly: "From now on, I will eat canned herrings every day."

    Close to him When several people heard him say that they ate it every day, they couldn't help but frown.

    "Brother Liang can accept this smell, but I can't. If I come again a few times, I will die."

    "Tell me, is Liang Zi's sense of smell and taste different from ours..."

    "The captain is here!" Someone shouted.

    He Danyun and Shen Nianxia both came, and they couldn't help feeling a little suffocated when they saw Liang Chenhao who was eating canned herring.

    This taste, simply.

    The supernatural beings in Liang Chenhao's team seemed to see a savior, and cried: "Captain, save us quickly, Brother Liang has already eaten four cans..."

    Someone tremblingly said: "The fourth can is finished, start eating It 's the fifth can."

    The supernatural being cried out of breath: "Brother Liang continues to eat, I feel like I won't live until tomorrow, I'm about to die, I'm going to vomit the captain—"

    He Danyun saw He selected elites by himself, and forced the team members to cry and vomit, and the veins on their foreheads couldn't help twitching.

    Knowing that He Danyun was angry, Shen Nianxia grabbed his hand and comforted him: "Liang Chenhao is under a lot of pressure, maybe his spirit has been a little stimulated."

    He Danyun called two supernatural beings and said, "Find a separate room and lock Liang Chenhao up. "

    Yes, Captain."

    Liang Chenhao didn't care much about being locked up, he just clamored for canned herring, but the persuasion of the two supernatural beings was ineffective, so he could only bring a box of canned herring. Obediently go to confinement.

    After Liang Chenhao left, everyone tidied up the warehouse, but the smell of canned herring was difficult to dissipate for a while, so everyone could only continue to cover their mouths and noses and continue to receive food.

    "Yan Xue!" The person who delivered the food shouted, "Where did Yan Xue go?" The

    little boy's mother said, "Miss Yan Xue said that Liang Zi ate her canned food, and she will ask him to pay for it later."

Chapter 13

    Liang Chenhao ate twenty-five cans of canned herring and was finally full. He belched heavily and exhaled a foul smell.

    The moment he was full, the spell traces on his body disappeared, and his sanity gradually recovered.

    The first thought that popped into Liang Chenhao's mind was: smelly.

    Not only was the air full of a vomit-inducing stench, but his mouth seemed to have just been filled with some kind of biochemical venom.


    Ugh—" Liang Chenhao squatted on the ground and vomited for a while, until his legs became weak and his face was pale, as if he had lost half his life.

    He stared blankly at the tin cans scattered on the ground, which were empty, even the sauce was licked off.

    He was the only one in this room, and no matter how it was inferred, it pointed to one thing—

    he ate up these canned herring.

    Realizing this, Liang Chenhao's stomach churned again, throwing up his nose and tears.

    He couldn't accept the fact and kept denying it in his heart.

    How is this possible, he is not crazy.

    It wasn't him who ate so many canned herrings, it couldn't be him, if it was him, why didn't he have any memory at all!

    No, wait, he seems to... remembered.

    Liang Chenhao remembered that when he distributed food to Yan Xue, he suddenly felt hungry and wanted to eat something.

    He thought the compressed biscuits were hard to swallow, so he grabbed the canned herring next to him, opened the tin cover, and the smell was tangy, and he grabbed the herring covered in sauce with his hands regardless.

    Liang Chenhao vomited twice more when he recalled this, and he didn't want to recall any more, it was really disgusting.

    Liang Chenhao leaned against the wall and walked to the door. Just as he opened the door, two team members stood in front of him holding their noses and said, "Brother Liang, the captain won't let you go out."

    Liang Chenhao's head was dizzy for a while, his eyes were full of gold stars, his throat was already inflamed from vomiting, and he was hoarse as if he was sawing: "Let me see the captain."

    Liang Chenhao opened his mouth, and the taste became even stronger.

    The two team members stepped back in a hurry, covering their mouths and noses with their hands: "Brother Liang, I don't think the captain wants to see you very much now."

    Liang Chenhao's eyes were red, and his grievance turned into an angry roar: "I want to explain clearly to the captain, I am not Volunteering to eat canned herring!" The

    two team members looked at each other, feeling that what Liang Chenhao said was unreasonable.

    You didn't eat it voluntarily. Could it be that someone forced you?

    One of them laughed dryly and said, "Brother Liang, everyone saw you messing around to eat canned herring just now."

    Liang Chenhao's head became even more dizzy, and all the memories of how he cried and made noises before eating canned herring flooded his mind.

    This, this is what he did? !

    Impossible, there must be a problem here.

    Liang Chenhao racked his brains to recall the details, and suddenly remembered that when Yan Xue was receiving the food, he looked at him with interest, and there was a strong gloating in that interest.

    It was as if she had already foreseen what he was going to do.

    "It's Yan Xue." Liang Chenhao gritted his teeth and said, "Yan Xue must know something!" The

    two team members complained wildly in their hearts, outrageous, outrageous, Liang Chenhao's trick of biting Yan Xue was too clumsy!

    Someone saw Yan Xue eating canned herring while pressing your head? Or did someone see Yan Xue threatening you to eat canned herring?

    "Brother Liang, do you have evidence?" A team member said tactfully, "If you have evidence, everyone can stand up for you." In other words, if you don't have evidence, don't beep.

    Liang Chenhao's eyes were red and bloodshot, like scarlet spider webs. The two team members were startled by his eyes.

    "There's no proof, but I'm sure it has something to do with her."

    Every word is like a blood-soaked blade.

    The two shook their heads, thinking that Liang Chenhao was completely crazy.

    Afterwards, no matter what Liang Chenhao said, the two team members refused to let him leave the room, and even locked the outside room.

    "Let me out, it stinks too much inside!"

    "Can you change my room!"

    "Brother, please!" The

    two plugged their ears with cotton, folded their arms and closed their eyes to rest.


    On the other side, someone found the corpse of the Queen Ant in front of the door of the utility room. He Danyun and Shen Nianxia rushed over to check the bullet holes on the corpse and saw the bullets scattered on the ground. They already had a rough judgment in their hearts.

    Shen Nianxia's eyes flickered, nine times out of ten it was the ant queen killed by Chu You. This ant queen was not yet completely parasitic, but it was already stronger than the non-parasitic alien species. It not only had the strength of the fourth level, but also had a higher IQ than ordinary alien species.

    Chu You's ability is at least stronger than Tier 4 in order to kill it.

    She glanced at He Danyun, seeing that his expression was as usual, without any anxiety, she immediately felt relieved.

    She adores He Danyun, so she naturally understands him. He Danyun is proud and arrogant. If Chu You was stronger than him, he would definitely not be so calm. From this point of view, both of them are hiding their strength.

    Shen Nianxia clenched her fists, she was not strong enough compared to these two men.

    He Danyun said to Shen Nianxia: "Nianxia, ​​help me to ask about the Queen You Ant of Chu, I'll go around and see if I find anything else."

    Shen Nianxia didn't care much, and left very simply.

    After Shen Nianxia left, He Danyun sent the other team members away and walked into the utility room alone.

    Not long after, He Danyun came out with a livid face, his heart was like a knife, and he clenched his fists.

    Gritting his teeth, he thought, who took his things?

    "Chu You..."

    He Danyun murmured.

    That's right, he's the only one, he's just been here, the bullets match his two guns, and he killed a queen ant.

    There will be no one else but him.

    He Danyun's eyes were dark, and he narrowed his eyes. He originally wanted to keep him for a while, but now it seems that he can't.

    He just walked a few steps forward with a cold face, when he heard someone behind him calling him: "Captain."

    He Danyun immediately put on a straight face, turned around, saw Yan Xue, and recognized that this was Shen Nianxia's best friend, Thinking that she had teamed up with Chu You to explore before, her eyes flickered slightly, "It's you, Yan Xue."

    Yan Xue looked at He Danyun with interest, she was still gnashing her teeth just now and called the name "Chu You", with a murderous look The facial expression shows a generous and generous bearing in front of people.

    In the back room of the grocery room, she put a few talisman papers, and if someone went in, she would sense it, so Chu Fengyou took the canned beef. Just now when He Danyun went in to find something, she saw it in the bronze mirror embossed with a dragon. Clearly.

    It was also determined that the person who hid the sword manual, slate and map was He Danyun.

    How did He Danyun get these immortal cultivating items? And why did the trustee hide here?

    Yan Xue's fingers were a little bit darker, and she cast a power word spell on He Danyun, but as soon as the spell landed on He Danyun's body, something swallowed it.

    Yan Xue didn't know if she saw it wrong, but she saw a familiar black hole, which was the same black hole as when she performed the Zhuo Hui Jue.

    He Danyun didn't notice the abnormality, and asked casually: "Yan Xue, you are Nian Xia's best friend, and we are all friends." The

    spell failed, making Yan Xue thoughtful, and casually said: "Yes."

    He Danyun asked with a smile "Have you ever been here with Chu You?"

    "No." Yan Xue said perfunctorily, "Captain, don't you know that I didn't go to the department store with Chu You? I slept in the security booth for a long time."

    He Danyun thought about it, Chu You really didn't say that he would act with Yan Xue afterwards, and couldn't find out what he wanted to know, and suddenly lost the mood to talk to Yan Xue.

    It was not until evening that He Danyun asked someone to carry Liang Chenhao out of the room.

    That's right, it was carried out. Liang Chenhao had passed out and was still sweating. There were medical students in the team, and Liang Chenhao was diagnosed with acute gastritis.

    He Danyun asked someone to give the medicine to Liang Chenhao, but he didn't intend to give it. Liang Chenhao caused so much trouble for him, there is no need to waste medicine on him, but he needs manpower to do things tomorrow, it will be cheaper for Liang Chenhao.

    Two hours later, Liang Chenhao woke up. There was no strong smell of canned herring, but there was a faint smell, but it was still acceptable.

    The clothes on his body have been changed into a new set, and he is tired and weak. He supports the ground and sits up. The team members are packing their sleeping bags and getting ready to sleep.

    Liang Chenhao got up, failed to stand firmly, fell down, and his knee hit the ground with a "boom", but he didn't seem to feel the pain, his face was expressionless, and he stood up again, staring at Yan Xue not far away, staggering Staggered over.

    "Yan Xue." Liang Chenhao's body was too weak, he was panting badly after taking a few steps, staring at Yan Xue viciously and said, "Did you do it?"

    Yan Xue turned her head and asked with a smile, "Which one are you talking about ?" ?"

    Liang Chenhao thought that Yan Xue was pretending to be stupid, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Let me eat canned herring!"

    Yan Xue suddenly covered her mouth and nose and said, "Oh, you smell too bad, stay away from me."

    Liang Chenhao became even more angry , Just as she was about to grab Yan Xue's arm, Yan Xue kicked her in the center and fell down.

    After Yan Xue kicked someone, she was still a little unhappy: "You dirty your shoes."

    Liang Chenhao who fell to the ground: Do I still have to say sorry to you?

    However, Yan Xue's shoes are magical artifacts, so they are naturally spotless, and it is impossible to kick dirty.

    It's just that Yan Xue felt that Liang Chenhao had a lingering stench, so she felt disgusted.

    Yan Xue picked up the sleeping bag with one hand, distanced herself from Liang Chenhao, took a sip of the aura from the small beads, and felt much more comfortable.

    Only then did she look at Liang Chenhao, her beautiful eyes were hidden in the dark night, and they were bent.

    She didn't open her mouth, she didn't speak, but her voice appeared in Liang Chenhao's head: "Since you know that I did it, are you afraid that I will let you eat canned herring again? Or did you not eat the half box of canned herring last time?" Enough, do you want to eat one or two boxes this time?"

    The moist eyes were full of interest, as if looking forward to this proposal!

    Liang Chenhao couldn't see Yan Xue's expression clearly, but couldn't help shivering, his heart was shocked, how did Yan Xue transmit her voice to his head? Would she know exactly what was going on in his head?

    Liang Chenhao couldn't help being terrified in his heart, as if seeing Yan Xue staring at him, there was no way to hide any of his thoughts, and all secrets were not secrets in Yan Xue's eyes.

    Is she a devil? !

    And at this time, Yan Xue's voice sounded in his mind again: "Are you afraid?"

    She only knew that she was afraid, but she didn't know what she was afraid of?

    Liang Chenhao gradually calmed down, it seems that Yan Xue's ability is not that powerful.

    But then he suddenly felt hungry, and more and more hungry, so hungry that he was a little flustered.

    He wants to eat, what to eat? Canned herring, he wants canned herring!

    Liang Chenhao shook his head vigorously, no, he doesn't want to eat, he doesn't want to eat!

    Liang Chenhao was really scared this time, Yan Xue could control him to eat canned herring, making him look like a lunatic.

    When he said that before, most of them wanted to throw the blame on Yan Xue. Even if there was some suspicion, it was based on science. When he didn't pay attention, he was hinted by Yan Xue's psychology, not like now. Going crazy without warning.

    Liang Chenhao looked at Yan Xue in fear.

    He lowered his voice and said, "What exactly do you want?"

    Yan Xue sat on the sleeping bag, resting her chin and said leisurely, "I want you to be He Danyun's little brother, no matter what he asks you to do or what you discover, you will Report to me."

    In the original plot, when the team of more than 200 people arrived at the Humao Base, only He Danyun and Shen Nianxia were alive. , looks normal, but Yan Xue finds it weird.

    Just like the death of the original body, the death of Chu Fengyou was carefully planned by someone behind the scenes.

    The last survivor is the most suspect.

    So now Yan Xue locked the suspicion on He Danyun, especially in the afternoon, when the spell failed on him, it was even more suspicious.

    Of course, Yan Xue couldn't spend her time staring at He Danyun by herself, her time is very precious, so she chose Liang Chenhao as a tool.     Liang Chenhao reacted violently and shook his head: "You     are

    asking me to betray the captain. If the captain finds out, I will definitely get out of the team." In Tumbling, if he is allowed to eat canned herring again, he might as well die. Do you want to agree: "I will do it, can I do it?"     Liang Chenhao has a plan in his heart, to use those things that are not particularly important to deal with Yan Xue, the most important thing is hidden in his heart. In this way, he can not only be cultivated by the captain, but also stabilize Yan Xue.     After Liang Chenhao left, Yan Xue got up to look for Chu Fengyou, who was preparing to stay overnight, and asked, "Did He Danyun see you this afternoon?"     Chu Fengyou raised his head, his face was clear and clean, and his smile was gentle: "If I don't tell you What about it?"     Yan Xue:? ? ?     The author has something to say:     [If you don’t want to watch Labao rambling, you can turn off the author’s words in the upper right corner]     1. Why doesn’t Junior Sister leave the team?     Answer: This world is very strange to Junior Sister, and we need a channel to understand it. The more people you know, the deeper your understanding of this world. It’s the same everywhere. This is the end of the world. Human nature is complicated. You say this team is not good, but it takes in ordinary people (sigh). There is no natural bad person, but the bottom line of a person cannot be tested...     2. Why does the little junior sister give people the spiritual fruit?

    Answer: Spiritual fruit is of course very precious, but there are all kinds of precious spiritual fruits for the junior sister, and they are not given casually, they are traded. At the beginning, the younger junior sister said that as long as you give her what she wants, you can exchange for the spiritual fruit. In fact, this is the same as when the immortal came to the mortal world and said to the villagers, look at my candied haws, you can live forever if you eat them. The villagers laughed at the immortal for being stupid, and only one person believed it. This is the fairy fate, some people can catch it, some people can't catch it, if there is a treasure who thinks that the fairy is the Virgin, there is no need.

    3. For the younger junior sisters, this is an experience

Chapter 14

    With the help of the faint light from the candle, Chu Fengyou saw Yan Xue's almond-shaped eyes widened, as if saying "how could you say such a thing", her eyes were moist and rippling, like a hibiscus wetted by dew.

    Chu Fengyou smiled: "Just kidding, I will tell you everything you want to know."

    It turned out to be a joke, Yan Xuesong breathed out, almost thinking that Chu Fengyou was possessed by some thousand-year-old demon, and against the warm and jade-like eyes Her face and her words were so cold, if it wasn't for the lack of demon energy, she would have almost regarded Chu Fengyou as a possessed demon cultivator!

    "Don't make such a joke." The little junior sister's eyebrows trembled slightly, and she looked at Chu Fengyou levelly, "I don't like it."

    Such an arrogant request, in Yan Xue's mouth, it seemed soft like a baby.

    Chu Feng lowered his eyes to cover up the indifference in his eyes.

    He is not used to getting too close to people, both of them wear masks, pretending to be false, just like he and He Danyun, that is the way he is used to getting along.

    Yan Xue asked so frankly, as if...they were friends.

    But he, Chu Fengyou, doesn't need friends.

    "I remember." Chu Fengyou still had the perfect mask on his face, elegant and handsome, with a doting tone: "It won't happen in the future."

    Yan Xue stared at Chu Fengyou's face for a while, she She has always had a keen sense, and usually she can't make mistakes, but now Chu Fengyou feels a little strange to her, as if covered by a cloud of fog, making it a little hard to see clearly.

    Chu Fengyou gave the answer to Yan Xue's question just now: "The captain came to me and asked some details about the exploration mission."

    Yan Xue returned to the main task, "Queen?"

    Chu Fengyou was surprised: " You know?"

    "The captain went to the utility room, and I happened to be passing there." Yan Xue blinked, and said in a low voice, "I was very angry when I saw He Danyun walking out of the utility room, and punched the wall "

    Chu Fengyou was completely confused this time, could it be that the package of canned beef belonged to He Danyun?

    But is it necessary to be so angry? He Danyun's tolerance should be more than that, right?

    Seeing Chu Feng's bewildered expression, Yan Xue guessed where his thoughts had strayed, and who told them that the three of them had unequal information.

    Chu Fengyou only knew that the items in the backpack belonged to He Danyun, but he didn't know that the items were replaced by Yan Xue.

    He Danyun thought that Chu Fengyou took his things, but he also didn't know that the things were replaced by Yan Xue.

    Because of Yan Xue's involvement, the logic of the whole matter was completely broken. As long as the two of them didn't know Yan Xue's identity, they would never know who was the one who took the things in the backpack.

    "I don't know why He Danyun is so angry," Yan Xue reminded Chu Fengyou kindly, as if what He Danyun threw had nothing to do with her, "but I think he called out your name angrily, as if he wanted to seek revenge on you , since he came to you, it should be fine, right?"     Chu Fengyou turned his head quickly, there was no way He Danyun hated him because of canned beef, there must be some reasons he didn't know, but it just so happened, he originally planned to Looking for an opportunity to test He Danyun, now there is a ready opportunity.     He squinted his eyes, and the lingering gloom had turned into evil intent, surging and boiling.     The blood in his body was boiling, as if the scorching magma was on the verge of eruption.     As long as he encounters life-and-death danger in the next two days, it can prove that He Danyun is the one who wants him dead.     Chu Fengyou smiled at Yan Xue and said, "Don't worry, we've already settled that matter."     ...     At noon the next day, Mu Heng walked around Yan Xue like a little follower, his small eyes sparkling, as if he just wanted to please her. The owner's favorite bull terrier.     "Yan Xue, you have a lot of things in your bag, let me     carry them for you." No matter how many things in the sachet, they are as light as a feather, without any weight. Moreover, wearing it at any time is convenient for her to satisfy her cravings with spiritual fruits, so Yan Xue did not hesitate. He hesitated and waved his hand: "No need."

    "Then are you thirsty? The water just boiled is a little hot, I'll help you to dry it."

    "I only drink my own water."

    Yan Xue likes to drink jade ointment, which is more precious than fine nectar and jade liquid. It can ward off evil spirits and improve self-cultivation. Because of the effect, she is not used to drinking water without aura.

    "Then I'll help you watch the night!" Mu Heng was not discouraged, patted his chest and said, "I don't want your spiritual fruit, it's free!"

    Well, it's free, Yan Xue nodded: "I'll leave the night watch to you in the future."

    Mu Heng Smiling like a fool: "It's just a trivial matter, how can a fairy do something like night duty?"

    The people in the team saw that Mu Heng was busy for Yan Xue, and slapped rainbow farts crazily. He gave a loud bah, and cursed: "Lick the dog!"

    Mu Heng was not ashamed but proud when he heard it, and he puffed up his chest, complacent.

    You people know shit!

    He didn't feel hungry after not eating for a day and a half. He slept comfortably yesterday. When he woke up, he found that his ability level had jumped from the first level to the second level.

    When I woke up in the morning, I found that I had become a second-level ability. I thought I hadn't woken up, and planned to continue sleeping. It wasn't until someone pulled me out of my sleeping bag that I realized it wasn't a dream.

    He saw that Yan Xue was eating similar spiritual fruits almost all the time, and he hadn't seen her finish eating them until now. There is only so much space in the backpack, it is impossible to hold so many spiritual fruits.

    The last time he saw a spiritual fruit appear out of thin air in Yan Xue's hand, it should not be a hallucination, but something like a storage bag on Yan Xue's body, after all, it is written like this in the novels of cultivating immortals.

    Then, the identity of Yan Xue who has a storage bag is self-evident, she must be a little fairy from the sky.

    Without hesitation, Mu Heng chose to hug the golden thigh in front of him, not to mention staying up all night for Yan Xue, now that Yan Xue said a word, he was willing to let him be a servant.

    As for whether it will be ashamed? As long as someone gives him the hope of surviving in the last days, it's nothing to lose face!

    After everyone's discussion, the team did not return the same way, but took a new route. There was no original map of this route. Some team members found a surrounding map in the food factory, and found a delivery route on it.

    The team was still divided into four, and the first three teams were still held by He Danyun, Shen Nianxia and Chu You.

    The fourth team, Liang Chenhao, resigned, and another second-order supernatural being named Zhuo Hui served as the temporary team leader.

    Speaking of which, Zhuo Hui has some relationship with Yan Xue, because he was haunted by the original body to take a bath, and he encountered a strange species on the way back to the team, and was left behind by the original body.

    Zhuo Hui seemed to have forgotten what happened before, and when he saw Yan Xue, he could still nod and greet normally, but in the afternoon, when Yan Xue threw Zhuo Hui to the alien species, it was revealed again.

    "Zhuo Hui is really magnanimous. He was almost killed by Yan Xue, but now he can tolerate her in the team.

    " Turning around her, Liang Chenhao, I thought he would not let Yan Xue go so easily, but now he has died."

    "I heard that Yan Xue took more than a dozen bags of compressed biscuits from Zhuo Hui, and now he has eaten the fruit. Don't you plan to return the biscuits?"

    "I gave her five bags of biscuits, do you think I can take them back?"

    "Oh, I suddenly remembered that I also gave Yan Xue biscuits."

    Mu Heng happened to pass by , Hearing these gossips, he was immediately annoyed. Looking at their faces clearly, he recognized these three people who had been gossiping in the team all day and spreading negative news about Yan Xue.     He immediately called them one by one, not

    by their real names, but by the nicknames everyone gave these people: "Mrs. Liu, Broken Mouth Bell, Brother Xu."

However, he is a male, with a big body, a rough appearance, and a particularly loud voice, which seems to be a very bold person;

    No matter what other people say to him, he can immediately turn around and say everything. Don’t try to keep it secret, it will spread to the whole team on the same day;     Brother Xu likes to learn from others, Mrs. Liu said He gave Yan Xue biscuits, Brother Xu immediately answered subconsciously, and I gave them too, as if Yan Xue really got greedy for how many biscuits they had.     Over time, what they said gradually affected the surrounding players, and even the entire team.     The three gossipers looked back and saw that it was Mu Heng, and it was a coincidence that they cursed inwardly, but they were not afraid of what Mu Heng would do. Mu Heng has a gentle personality and is occasionally impulsive, but after all, he is an honest person, and at most he can speak righteously What, it's no pain to them.     As long as you don't sew their mouths shut, no one can stop them from talking!     But Mu Heng's next decision shocked them.     "I want to fight to the death with the three of you." Mu Heng said calmly, "Sign the certificate of life and death. If I die during the battle, I don't blame you. Similarly, don't blame me if you die."     Mrs. Liu said with a dry smile: " No way."     "No way." Mu Heng's small eyes are usually ordinary, but at this moment they make people feel panicked: "Because I just want your lives." The     three trembled in unison , they inexplicably felt that Mu Heng was serious! He really wants them dead!     "Why, we are telling the truth..." Broken Mouth Bell said weakly.     "Yes, yes, we are telling the truth." Brother Xu nodded.     "You are too cold-blooded and ruthless, we are teammates after all." Mrs. Liu accused Mu Heng in turn.     Why? Just because Yan Xue is his hope to survive, and he wants to hug his thigh!     Whoever interferes with his hugging thigh is his enemy, the kind of life and death!     Just as Mu Heng was about to say something, someone tugged his sleeve, and when he looked back, it was Yan Xue.

    Mu Heng was majestic and bluffing just now, but as soon as he saw Yan Xue, he immediately changed back to a dog-legged look: "Don't stand there, I'll find you a chair to sit on." How could the little fairy stand.

    Mu Heng not only quickly moved the folding bench, but also took a cushion.

    Yan Xue sat down comfortably, and scanned the three of them with her clear and moist almond eyes.

    She was planning to find the people who spread rumors about her original body, but she didn't expect them to jump out on their own initiative, which saved her a lot of effort.

    Yan Xue raised her small face, her eyes sparkled, and she asked, "Who told you to smear me?" The person behind the

    scenes who wanted to smear Yuan body was most likely the murderer who planned Yuan body's death. That IQ must have been taken advantage of.

    Broken Zuizhong was not happy when he heard this: "Who discredited you? When you met a foreign species, you left Zhuo Hui and ran away. Isn't that true? Everyone knows it."

    Someone next to him couldn't help but nodded when he heard this: " That's right, it's true."

    Mu Heng said angrily, "But you said you gave Yan Xue five bags of biscuits, which is completely nonsense. Yan Xue doesn't have that many biscuits at all. If you really gave Yan Xue five bags of biscuits, you would What are those!"

    Broken Zuizhong didn't think he was wrong at all, folded his arms and said, "It's been too long, I can't remember, anyway, I must have given it."

    "You..." Mu Heng was furious, this man It's too shameless.

    Yan Xueliu raised her eyebrows lightly, her small face was solemn, and her voice was delicate and clear: "I didn't leave Zhuo Hui to run away alone because of encountering a foreign species, nor did I accept your biscuits! What the three of you have done is maliciously planting Framed!"

    She would never admit to something she hadn't done.

    Disciples of the Cangsheng faction always value reputation, and she will never take the blame for this!

    There was silence in the team, everyone did not expect Yan Xue to publicly deny what she had done at this time.

    Mrs. Liu laughed and said, "Yan Xue, if you say these words, ask if anyone in our team believes it?"

    Brother Xu continued: "Yes, if someone believes me, I dare eat a box of canned herring!"

    "I believe it !" A hoarse voice sounded from the crowd, and to everyone's surprise, the person who spoke for Yan Xue was not Mu Heng, but Liang Chenhao, who had just had a serious illness and hadn't recovered yet.

    Liang Chenhao looked at Brother Xu with full expectation, his eyes sparkled with excitement, and asked, "I have a lot of canned herring here, can I bring it to you now?"

    Seeing Liang Chenhao's excited expression, Brother Xu took a step back shyly .

    He seriously suspected that Liang Chenhao was not speaking for Yan Xue, but simply wanted to see people eat canned herring! ! !

Chapter 15

    "Slip of the tongue, I want Yan Xue to prove her innocence." Brother Xu was really afraid that Liang Chenhao would stuff canned herring into his mouth on the spot, and gritted his teeth: "As long as she has evidence, I am willing to eat two boxes of canned herring. Complete handstand diarrhea!"

    Anyway, there is no so-called evidence, they are all telling the truth, what's wrong with telling the truth?

    Yan Xue glanced at Brother Xu's face with almond eyes, extremely surprised.

    Is handstand diarrhea the punishment of this world? It sounds so cruel, are people in this world so cruel to themselves?

    Liang Chenhao glanced at Brother Xu vaguely, and made a decision in his heart. Regardless of whether Yan Xue was slandered in the end, he would let Brother Xu eat that box of canned herring. Of course, if Yan Xue is innocent, then Let Brother Xu eat two boxes.

    There was a strange smile on Liang Chenhao's face. Since he was carried out of that room, he naturally hated canned herring, but at the same time, he really wanted to see others eat canned herring.

    But there are not many people in this world who can accept canned herring, let alone in this team.

    Now someone has come to your door.

    Liang Chenhao felt distorted pleasure in his heart when he thought of Brother Xu crying and eating canned herring.

    Yan Xue said to Brother Xu: "I hope you can remember the promise you made."

    Brother Xu was careless, and he had already let out his promise as a fart in his heart, and said without shame: "Don't worry, I have a good memory. What I said Remember clearly."

    Yan Xue beckoned, and Mu Heng immediately bent down, showing a flattering smile: "I will prepare what you need now."

    Yan Xue: "I need Zhuo Hui."

    Mu Heng was stunned "Ah?"

    "Go and call him over." Yan Xue turned her head, her lips were red and her teeth were white, pleasing to the eye, and she simply said, "I want to confront him face to face."

    Mu Heng didn't expect to make this request, Zhuo Hui is the new team leader, Yan Xue called someone over casually, Zhuo Hui couldn't save face, he might refuse directly.

    Mrs. Liu laughed and said, "Look, everyone, our eldest lady ordered a second-level supernatural person to call the detachment leader."

    Everyone couldn't see it, especially the supernatural person was a little angry. The command circles around, like what kind of words.

    Xiang Yi raised his head and glared at Granny Liu: "I'm happy, it's none of your business!"

    He said to the others: "Yan Xue didn't force me to do anything, everything I did for Yan Xue was on my own initiative, If you don’t like it, you can scold me. What’s the point of scolding Yan Xue, bullying the weak and fearing the strong?” The

    faces of the people were not very good-looking, and Mrs. Liu snorted coldly: “No matter what, she doesn’t respect the detachment leader enough. This is obvious to all. When confronted, Yan Xue should personally invite the detachment leader to show respect."     Everyone nodded, no matter how much Mrs. Liu loves to gossip behind her back, but this sentence is reasonable, people with supernatural powers go through life and death, especially the detachment leader shoulders more responsibility. They deserve the respect of the players.     But they didn't know that Yan Xue could count on one hand the number of guests "invited" by Yan Xue since childhood.     The Demon Emperor, the Demon Lord, the Suzerain of the Taiyi Sword Sect, the Master of the Dragon Realm, and the last one is her master, the head of the Cangsheng Sect.     Compared with these great powers who control a domain or even a world, what is Zhuo Hui?     "I won't go." Yan Xue glared at Granny Liu with moist eyes: "Since you respect Zhuo Hui so much, why don't you go invite him?"     Granny Liu: "I..." What does it have to do with him!     "Mu Heng, you don't have to go, let Mrs. Liu go." Yan Xue settled down like this: "If you can't invite, it's because you don't respect your detachment leader enough. Kowtow three times, and you can always be invited."     Mrs. Liu was furious : He's not going to recognize his father, why kowtow!     In the end, Mrs. Liu went to find Zhuo Hui.

    Zhuo Hui was discussing with his cronies about reorganizing the team. Hearing that Yan Xue wanted to confront him face to face, Zhuo Hui froze slightly, then shook his head and said, "I still have business here, so I don't have time to mess around with her." The

    cronies were very angry He said: "Brother Hui, Yan Xue got into trouble on the first day you took office, should we consider letting her leave the team?"

    Zhuo Hui was really tempted.

    To him, Yan Xue was a big trouble.

    The cronies persuaded him: "Brother Hui, go and confront her, and see how she has the face to stay in our team."

    Mrs. Liu was overjoyed, and secretly observed Zhuo Hui's attitude.

    Zhuo Hui nodded, and said to Mrs. Liu, "I'll go with you."

    Everyone was very excited when they saw Mrs. Liu really brought Zhuo Hui here. Traveling is a boring thing, especially when humans leave the Internet and lose entertainment. What I look forward to most is to watch this excitement.

    There were also people who supported loudly: "Detachment Captain, don't let us down!"

    Zhuo Hui looked at the team member and smiled, as if saying "I won't let him down".

    The team members became even more excited, the detachment leader is so confident, so he will definitely not be slapped in the face by Yan Xue, right?

    The team members surrounding Yan Xue turned sideways to make way for Zhuo Hui, staring at Zhuo Hui who was straight ahead.

    Zhuo Hui walked over and stood in front of Yan Xue, with a helpless expression on his face, he said: "Yan Xue, why do you make such a big deal up?"

    Mu Heng heard Zhuo Hui's words from the side, and immediately became unhappy. What is Yan Xue saying? Things go wrong? Isn't it because of you that everyone is prejudiced against Yan Xue?

    Yan Xue asked back: "If you are not open-minded, why blame me for making things big?"

    Mu Heng was refreshed immediately, and said in a strange way: "Yes, Zhuo Hui, have you done some shameful things for fear that people will find out? Huh?"

    Zhuo Hui smiled lightly: "I have never done anything against my conscience."

    Yan Xue sighed: "Your conscience is really worthless."

    "You want to confront me, I'm here." Zhuo Hui didn't want to give Yan Xue a chance to take the lead, and took the lead: "It was you who were crying and fussing and going to take a bath, I will accompany you I went, I thought you would be more or less grateful to me, but I didn’t expect that on our way back, we encountered alien species. Under the circumstances at that time, as long as we didn’t move, the alien species would not find us, just because you ran away , the alien species found my hiding place, you left me there, I had to fight to the death to kill the alien species, and get back into the team by chance."

    Zhuo Hui pulled off his collar, revealing half of his shoulder, with a hideous scar on it, which spread directly to the The position of the heart.

    Everyone gasped when they saw it.

    With such a serious injury, Zhuo Hui had to escape from death.

    Mrs. Liu questioned: "Yan Xue, the detachment leader's injury is the evidence that he almost killed him, what else do you have to say!"

    Broken Zuizhong seemed to be really sad for Zhuo Hui: "Detachment leader, why did you get hurt so badly?" , why didn’t you say it before.”

    Zhuo Hui’s expression was gloomy: “Yan Xue is an ordinary person, she subconsciously ran away from the alien species, I can understand, I just wanted to wait for her to apologize, but I didn’t expect to be confronted face to face. Brother

    Xu exaggerated: "Detachment leader, you are too kind, Yan Xue almost killed you, how can an apology do it? " Mrs. Liu     fanned

    the flames: "I think it's better to let her leave the team."

Said: "Yes, there is such a person as my teammate, I really don't feel relieved to hand over my back to her."

    The people around said: "The evidence is convincing, Yan Xue must not stay here this time. In the team."

    "Didn't the detachment leader say that Yan Xue apologized?"

    "Anyway, I don't feel at ease with her as a teammate, what should I do next time she sells me out?"

    "I don't think it's too early to draw conclusions, you guys Didn't you realize that the people who targeted Yan Xue before were speaking for her?"

    "Actually, I don't think Ms. Yan Xue is the kind of person that the detachment leader said." The little boy's mother suddenly said, "She is very nice and helped us." The

    little boy said loudly: "Yes, sister Yan Xue He is a good person."

    Yan Xue stood up slowly, and walked in front of Zhuo Hui, her agile eyes were clean and dirty, as if she had never been infested by the dust of the world, she blinked and asked, "Why did you frame me?"

    Zhuo Hui seemed to listen Not knowing what Yan Xue was talking about, she gave a bitter smile at the corner of her mouth: "Yan Xue, I almost lost my life because of you."

    Yan Xue took her time and smiled, her dimples bloomed like delicate flowers, tightly Then he waved his weak and white hand, and slapped Zhuo Hui's face forcefully: "

    Pa——" Zhuo Hui is not as powerful as Liang Chenhao, but he is a second-level supernatural being. His physique is stronger than that of ordinary men, and his muscles are also strong. very developed.

    But such a strong man was slapped by Yan Xue, causing him to fall to the ground and vomit blood.

    Zhuo Hui choked on the blood in his mouth, coughed for a long time, and then vomited blood and two teeth.

    Yan Xue said softly, "You are so weak."

    Everyone around was dumbfounded.


    Why is Yan Xue so strong!

    Isn't she a beautiful waste!

    Shouldn't she be delicate and weak, waiting for others to show her off? How could she slap a second-level supernatural user down with a single slap?

    Yan Xue stepped on Zhuo Hui's calf, others couldn't see how hard she was, but Zhuo Hui immediately let out a painful cry: "Let go, let go of my leg!"

    Yan Xue tilted her head, unable to speak Gentle and playful: "You almost lost your life for me, is that all?


    That's it?

    Everyone around fell silent. What they thought was a good-for-nothing was actually a supernatural being stronger than Zhuo Hui.

    How many ranks does she have? Tier 2 peak? Tier 3? It can't be the fourth rank!

    "So Yan Xue, who is stronger than Zhuo Hui, why did she abandon Zhuo Hui and just run for her own life?" Someone was so angry that the company leader stopped shouting: "Isn't it easy to kill that alien species with her strength!!"

    "Ma De, we were deceived by Zhuo Hui." Someone murmured: "If Yan Xue hadn't hidden this trick, we would have jumped into the Yellow River to wash it away."

    "We misunderstood Yan Xue." Zhuo Hui's former supporters Holding her head, she regretted endlessly: "I fucking helped Zhuo Hui to speak ill of Yan Xue."

    "I can't blame you, but I can only blame the three of you, Mrs. Liu!"

    Mrs. Liu, Broken Zuizhong and Xu The starling was stunned, and stood still, motionless, with cold sweat on his palms, blinking his eyes frantically.

    how can that be possible?

    How could Yan Xue be a supernatural being!

    The people around suddenly turned their heads and stared at them viciously: "The three of them misled us."

    "We can't let them go!"

    "I don't feel at ease with this kind of person as a teammate. The next person stabbed by them may It could be you, or it could be me, so I firmly disagree with them staying in this team."

    "It's too scary, words kill people invisible, if it wasn't for Yan Xue's ability, she might have been killed by them."

    Brother Xu took advantage of Mrs. Liu's burly physique to hide behind him and hide himself.

    Mrs. Liu was very upset, she turned around and grabbed Brother Xu by the collar, and carried it to the front: "It's none of my business, there are some things that Brother Xu told me."

    Broken Mouth Clock immediately realized, and put the blame on Brother Xu On his head: "That's right, my mouth is a bit broken, but I never spread rumors. If Brother Xu hadn't lied to us, it wouldn't have caused such a big misunderstanding."

    Brother Xu roared: "You fart, Yan Xue The only thing is that you pick the top! I just agree with you!"

    Mrs. Liu punched Brother Xu in the face: "You framed me, and I beat you to death."

    Broken Zui Zhong pretended to persuade him to fight, and secretly stepped on Brother Xu several times: "Don't hit me, there must be a misunderstanding here.

    " The man folded his arms and looked at the three old friends with a sneer, but now they have become like enemies, wishing to beat each other to death...

    Yan Xue squatted down, resting her chin on her hand, tilted her head, and asked Zhuo Hui curiously: "Why do you want to kill each other?" Frame me?"

    Zhuo Hui's calf pain made his lips tremble, and his voice was hoarse and trembling: "I didn't mean it... I didn't want to, I like you very much, don't you remember, I even gave you compression Biscuits."

    Yan Xue suddenly said: "Wait, how many compressed biscuits did you give me?"

    Zhuo Hui thought that Yan Xue had forgotten about it for a long time, and he didn't care, now he is very clear about the difference in force value between himself and Yan Xue It's quite big, so I honestly replied: "One piece."

    "Wow, one piece, that's a lot." Yan Xue smiled and said, "You don't think you want to hear me say that?"

    Zhuo Hui stammered "No, no."

    Yan Xue smiled and said, "It's fine if you don't, you almost made me angry, and I would beat someone when I was angry."

    Fortunately, he said no! ! !

    Zhuo Hui was very fortunate that he escaped a catastrophe.

    But soon he realized that it was too early for him to rejoice, Yan Xue slapped him and said, "But I hate stingy people."

    Zhuo Hui spit out a front tooth, crying bitterly thinking, he is not stingy anymore! ! !

    Yan Xue continued to ask: "You let Mrs. Liu, Broken Zuizhong, and Brother Xu spread bad words about me in the team?"

    Zhuo Hui said nervously: "I really like you, if you promised my confession that day, I won't frame you at all, as for the three of them... In fact, only Brother Xu is mine."

    Yan Xue blinked and slowly stretched out her hand.

    Zhuo Hui subconsciously knew what she was going to do, so he lost his shame and begged for mercy: "Can you, don't slap me in the face?"

    Five seconds later, Zhuo Hui lost two more teeth, making it five.

    There are two reasons why Yan Xue guessed that the so-called original owner ran away, left Zhuo Hui behind, and let him face the alien species alone.

    One is that the original owner will only rely on the man's liking to become the world. She has a clear understanding of her own abilities, and she is a very sober "trash" rather than the kind of "I do it and let me do it" fool who thinks highly of herself.

    So if she really met the alien species with Zhuo Hui, she would only place all her hopes on Zhuo Hui, and if Zhuo Hui asked her to return to the team to call someone, she might have to hesitate a bit.

    The second is that there are too many traces of planning on the original owner. Only this incident seems to be an accident, but the least accidental is often a bigger conspiracy.

    Yan Xue's eyes were moist and lively, she looked at Zhuo Hui whose face was half soaked in blood, and said with a smile, "Do you have anything else to say?"

    Zhuo Hui lost five teeth, his mouth was full of blood, and he was slurring his words Qingdao: "No more, I'm done talking."

    Yan Xue's smile bloomed, her dimples were like bright and delicate flowers, hanging on both sides of her cheeks, beautiful and charming: "Master told me that honest people are best at lying, so you I don’t believe it.”

    Zhuo Hui was in a trance: what kind of honest person am I?

    A golden light flashed from the sparkling eyes of the little junior sister, and Zhuo Hui, who was looking at her, suddenly felt a strong sense of drowsiness, his head shook, and he passed out.

    The little junior sister's thoughts entered Zhuo Hui's mind and pulled out his memory.

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