Letters - A Phillip Hamilton...

By promisedneverlan2

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(yes, you read that correctly. read the disclaimer, please.) Y/N is the son of Aaron Burr, and attended Kings... More

Chapter 1: A Natural Rivalry Between Two Men.
Chapter 2: Mature Men
Chapter 3: A Fight Between Honorable Men
Chapter 4: A Fathers Thoughts
Chapter 5: Troubling Glances.
Chapter 6: Arrival, and a rival.
Chapter 7: Tension.
Chapter 8: A Protective Son.
Chapter 9: Coffee Complaints.
Chapter 10: Falsely-crafted Friendship
Chapter 11: A Fathers New Declaration
Chapter 12: A Friendship Made Of Rhinestones
Chapter 13: Waiting For It
Chapter 14: Phillips Mind
Chapter 15: A Resturant Hangout
Chapter 16: Dinner Date
Chapter 17: A Roaring Ocean of Emotion
Chapter 18: Love.
Chapter 19: Another Morning
Chapter 20: A Heaven of Words.
Chapter 21: An Unforgettable Page Of Writing.
Chapter 22: A Regretful Apology
Chapter 23: The Embrace
Chapter 24: Another Embrace
Chapter 25: The Flame of Matter.
Chapter 26: A Painting Of A Candle.
Chapter 27: Enough.
Chapter 28: The Enemy Savior
Chapter 30: A Burning Flame of Spite.
Chapter 31: A Sense Of Care.
Chapter 32: Memories.
Chapter 33: A Rising, Crashing Wave.
Chapter 34: A Panicked Ocean.
Chapter 35: Emotion.
Chapter 36: Pride and Arrogance.
Chapter 37: A Wavering Flame.
Chapter 38: A Talk Between Sons Of Great Men.
Chapter 39: Red-Faced Anger.
Chapter 40: Proof.
Chapter 41: A Suspecting Man In Green.
Chapter 42: Pinned Against Your Bed.
Chapter 43: Slight Concerns.
Chapter 44: Sons of Great Men.
Chapter 45: Musical Melodies.
Chapter 46: That Damn Smirk.
Chapter 47: Conflicts.
Chapter 48: Tricks.
Chapter 49: A Surprising Event Between Two Men.
Chapter 50: A Most Irritating Woman.
Chapter 51: A Surprising Reaction.
authors note
Chapter 52: An Unexpected Turn.
authors note 2
authors note/vent
Chapter 53: An Alliance Between Two Men.
not a chapter-
Chapter 54: The College Graduates Plan.
Chapter 55: Phillip's Plan.
Chapter 56: A Natural Charmer.
Chapter 57: Enchanting The Witches Coffee.
Chapter 58: A Coffee Prank.
Chapter 59: New York Harbor.
Chapter 60: Theodosia.
Chapter 61: A Sisters Assistance.
Chapter 62: Pepper.
Chapter 63: An Assault.
Chapter 64: A Bigger Plan.
Chapter 65: Direct Vengeance.
Author note-
66: A Cruel Confrontation.
67: A Wild Chase.
68: A Nights Walk.
69: Searching.
70: A Return to The Hamiltons House.
not a chapter-
71: A New Day.
72: The Liars Consequences.
73: A Sons Letter.
74: Revealed.
75: An Admission.
Chapter 76: Another Apology.
Not a chapter again-
77: You Have To Let Me Go.
78: Something I Wanna Do.
79: Freesia Flowers.
80: Carnations.
81: Pride.
82: Sickness.
83: Mothers On The Bed.
84: Remembering.
85: Feelings.
A/N: Just a question since im bored lmao
86: Warmth.
87: Black Roses.
A/N: Question-
Not gonna write today so heres this to make up for it/lh

Chapter 29: Too Close For Comfort.

371 25 3
By promisedneverlan2

Y/N Burr, the enemy of Phillip Hamilton, had saved.. Phillip Hamilton. He saved him. His own enemy had saved him! The enemy he had tried to duel so many times had saved his life, had saved him from possibly leaving the world too soon.

Phillips eyes of light blue were laced with shock—surprise at what his enemy had done for him! Why? Surely he would have left him out there, to be beaten to death. How did he even make it in time?! Did he find him after he had been beaten, or did he fend off the attackers?

"Where—" Philip coughed, "Where is he?.."

"Your father is currently patching him up, he was—he was injured in the process of saving you," His mother averted her gaze, "but he should be fine! None of the injuries are permanent and can be healed easily."

He.. he had even gotten injured for him.

Phillip could only wonder where his enemy had been right now.


Alexander wrapped the bandage around Y/Ns wrist carefully, and only said nothing, concentrating on the injury the man had been dealt in the process of protecting Alexander's son. A small bandage on the left side of his nose, a bandage on his right cheek. It hadn't been a big deal to him of course, after all in the process of getting these injuries, he had saved a man from near death.

He had wondered what the man would think when he had saw him again, what he would do when he learnt of what he had done. Could he even tell him what he did? He could feel his face slightly flush, in the possibility of him doing something so.. nice for his enemy.

Y/N paused, and looked up at the older man who had bandaged him so. "I.. apologize for bringing your son in such a state, and I deeply apologize for the worry I had brought you all. I was.. merely worried at why he was going out at such an hour."

"No, no, there's no need to apologize." Alexander softly said, "I—I just need to figure out who the bastards who—who did this to my son are. You—You said that they ran off before you could deal them anymore injuries, right?"

"Yes, correct." Y/N replied. "I'd assume they had ran either out of.. possible fear or maybe they just didn't want to get anymore dirt on their hands. In any case, I shall not let this happen to your son again. Shall I be of the responsibility for his care?"

"Once again, there's no need to say your sorry—" Alexander sighed as he finished bandaging the wound on Y/Ns wrist, "All that matters is that your both alive. But what matters more is that those bastards are free—I'll pick up a pen and let the whole world know about this, they'll see what I can do to them, those bastards—"

"S—Sir, I shall assure you that even if you do not do such a thing, they shall be found out. Men who jump other men late at night do not go free for long, we must find out who they are before taking any action—" Y/N was then cut off by sudden words from Alexander, toned with desperation.

"How do you know they'll be found out?!" Alexander cried, "Y/N, I cannot let such men go free for long. Phillip—my son, he was injured! And they injured you too, even if you managed to make it out! Do you realize how much you both matter?! Do you realize how much you matter?!"


Y/N did not know if he could answer such a question.


"Its.. you."

Those were the small, yet awkward words Y/N had heard once he had stepped inside of Phillips bedroom. The source of such a masculine yet weak voice was Phillip himself, laying upon his bed, covered in bandages from presumably his mother and his father. Some injuries had not yet been covered though.

"You are not blind," Y/N sighed as he slowly took off his coat due to the slight warmth of the candle burning in the room, "congratulations."

Silence filled the room as Y/N hung his coat inside of Phillips closet, it was near bed-time, and due to the incident, they could not have a normal dinner like usual. Phillip was incapable of attending the regular family dinner, and Y/N could not attend as long as his "friend" was in such a state.

"You.. saved me." Phillip gasped in a rather soft, yet forced voice; it was as if Phillip was yelling, or at least the equivalent of an injured person yelling. Y/N turned around as he was about to close the closet door, and only stared; "Yes, I did save you. For what reason do you state such an obvious thing?"

"Why did—" Phillip coughed, struggling to sit himself up. "Why did you save me?.."

Y/N would sigh again in a rather exhausted manner, and only took a seat in the chair Eliza had dragged up in the bedroom so she could sit next to her injured son. "Because I have natural human decency, I would not leave you to starve if you hadn't had food in days."

"And please, do not force yourself to sit up—" Y/N rolled his eyes as he gently placed his hand on Phillips wrist, "—I would hate to have to deal with you possibly vomiting all over the bed. Lay back down until you have the soup that your mother is making for you right now."

"Dont—don't tell me what to do—"

"I believe I will tell an injured man whom nearly died what to do for his own sake, thank you. Now lay down." Y/N then firmly yet softly pushed Phillip back down in a position where he had been laying as if he were sleeping. Yet he still held onto his wrist, incase his dear enemy would try such a thing again.

"Your—" Phillip coughed again, "Your hurt."

"Hm?" Y/N realized he had been talking about the bandage upon his wrist, "Yes, I did happen to get into quite an.. argument with the men who had tried to hurt you or possibly kill you. It was only necessary, as they were not listening to the warnings I had given."

"You.. fought them?" Phillip had only asked that because that's what he presumed his enemy had meant by an argument.

"..that would be the proper term, yes. Do you need a dictionary?" Y/N questioned in a purposefully condescending tone.

Phillip did not make a remark in reply to such a condescending sentence, and only asked in a gentle yet quivering tone of agony; "How did—How did you win?"

"I fight when necessary. Not against nineteen-year olds with issues of impressing their father. If they were physically harming you, then it was only reasonable to turn to the path of violence." Y/N had only then noticed the fact that Phillip had now been grabbing his own bandaged wrist. They were both grabbing eachothers wrists. It was a rather strange sight.

"You've been.." Phillip held a weak smirk, "You've been rather soft on me today.. saving my life now, are ya?"

"If I hadn't, you'd be screaming at me from the heavens. It seems I made the right choice by following you." Y/N responded in a calm, icy tone tinted with tints of slight annoyance and irritation.

"You followed me?!.."

"Yes, is that not what I just said?"

Phillip looked in disbelief, he still hadn't let go of Y/Ns wrist. Y/N was beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable—had his enemy possibly gone mad with injury, with confusion, with whatever he had been dealt due to the incident?

"I—I just don't understand, why save me if you hate me? I hate you—you hate me—so—"


Phillip went silent, as Y/N slowly leaned his face in order to be closer to his. Y/N wanted to maintain eye contact, that was obvious, from the glance inside of his e/c eyes.

"As much as I despise you, for your arrogance and lack of intelligence, you are still a person." A blank look remained on Y/Ns face as he moved his face an inch closer, "You are everything that I despise. But do you wanna know why I saved you anyway?"

"Why?" Phillip gulped.

"Because at the end of the day, you are still a human being. And the only reason why I would let you in such a state is if you had seriously angered me. You have never angered me enough to the point of letting you succumb to death." Y/N paused.

"And even so, nothing you do will ever make me feel as if you are worthy of death. Unless you harm my family, I am not going to let you be deceased. You haven't done that. Which means, I am not letting you die."

Y/N then moved his face closer, they were now inches apart from eachothers face, noses practically touching.


But before Y/N could move any closer—the door swung open, and Eliza had walked in.


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