Y/n Lupin

By HPandMarvelstorys

1.6K 31 8

This story is about Y/n Lupin, the daughter of Remus Lupin. It is a story with music titles in it. I didn't w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

183 2 2
By HPandMarvelstorys

-1. September-

Dad woke me up and I looked happy at him.
„Today I'm going to Hogwarts. I'm so excited." I said.
„I believe that, let's have breakfast."
„Yeah." I stood up and we ate breakfast. After that, my dad drove me to the train station. Together we ran through the wall and on the other side it was so crowded. I was stunned when I saw the Hogwarts Express. He brought me to the express and waved when the train started. I waved back and then searched for a compartment. Finally, I saw Charlie in a compartment and slowly opened the door.
„Can I sit with you?" I asked.
„Of course, you can come in," He said smiling.
„Thanks," I said and sat down.
„So...are you excited?" He asked.
„Are you kidding? Of course, I am. It's Hogwarts."
„In which house do you wanna go?"
„Uhh, I guess Ravenclaw or Gryffindor."
„Ravenclaw would fit you," He said smiling.
„You're smart, unique, creative and a lot more."
„Thanks, that's cute of you. I really hope it's one of them."
„Don't worry, the hat is never wrong. So you'll be in a house that fits you, trust me."
„Thank you, that helped," I said smiling. We talked a lot.
„We should put our robes on. We'll arrive soon."
„When we arrive you'll be guided by Hagrid to the castle. That's a half-giant, but he's totally nice."
„Okay, thanks for the warning," I laughed.
„He's a good friend of mine. He loves creatures just like me and really cares about them. What do you think about magical creatures?"
„That sounds nice, I like magical creatures too. Mostly Thestrals. Can you see them?" I said.
„I'm better with dragons and I don't think I ever saw one. We could ask Hagrid if he knows if some live here."
„That would be great," I said happily and then the train stopped. We got out and I saw Hagrid, so I walked up to him.
„Hello, Hagrid," I greeted him friendly.
„Hello, do we know each other?" He asked confused.
„No, but my friend Charlie told me about you."
„Charlie Weasley?"
„Then you must be Y/n," He said.
„I am, how'd you know that?"
„Charlie and I often drink tea in my hut and talk. He told me about you." He said and when everyone was there we walked down to the black lake. There we got into little boats. I saw the twins and got in their boat.
„Hey, guys," I said.
„Hey, Y/n," They said at the same time.
„In which house do you want to come?" George asked.
„Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. What about you two?"
„We're Weasleys, we'll be Gryffindors," Fred said smiling.
„That would fit," I said smiling.
„We know." They grinned.
On the other side, we got out of the boats and walked to the castle. Professor McGonagall welcomed us and led us into the great hall. Then everyone got called up and got an old hat on. Finally, it was my turn.
„Y/n Lupin." She said. I walked up to her and sat down.
„Ahhh, interesting...A Lupin, you're smart and creative. Your father was a Gryffindor and you're brave, but I think you would be great in RAVENCLAW!" The last one he screamed and the blue table applauded. I was so happy to be in Ravenclaw, but also sad because I wasn't in a house with Charlie and the other Weasleys. I looked at them and Charlie just grinned and formed with his mouth ‚I said it'. Now I smiled and nodded. After dinner, our prefect led us to our dorm. We had some time left to look around the area, so I took my guitar and went down to the lake. I sat under a tree and played a few chords to warm up. Then I played one of my songs and sunk into my music. So I didn't notice that someone came up to me or better not until he tapped me. I turned around and there stood Charlie.
„By Merlin's beard, you scared me," I said laughing relieved.
„Sorry, didn't mean to. You sound beautiful by the way," He said.
„It's okay, thanks. Come, sit."
„Okay. So what were you playing?" He asked.
„Oh, uh...One of my own," I said shyly and his eyes got big.
„You wrote that?"
„Yeah, it's a hobby of mine."
„Wow, that's impressive. Why did we never hear you play?"
„I'm a little shy about it..."
„You don't have to, you sound amazing."
„Thanks, I practice almost every day."
„How long have you been playing?" He now asked.
„Uh, I think Keyboard for nine years and guitar for four. Also, I sing since I can speak."
„Wow, that's unbelievable. It's so long, but I remember the Keyboard. Do you still have the small one and the little microphone?" He chuckled.
„I do, but I don't use them that often anymore. Dad got me more professional ones when he saw, how much I love playing and singing," I said smiling.
„That's nice of him."
„It is, he's the best dad ever," I said smiling and Charlie smiled too.
„I was on my way to Hagrid. Wanna come?" He told me.
„Sure, but would it be okay with Hagrid?"
„Of course, I think he likes you."
„Okay, then I'll come."
„Let's go then." Together we walked to Hagrid. We knocked and he opened us.
„Hey, Hagrid. I brought Y/n, is that okay with you?" Charlie asked.
„Hello, Charlie. Of course, nice to finally meet you Y/n. Let's not pay attention to the meeting at the Train Station, that's something different," He said smiling.
„Nice to meet you too." I smiled and we sat down. It was a nice evening and we talked a lot about beasts like dragons. After a few hours, we had to go back and Charlie and I talked on the way. Then I went to bed and fell asleep.
The next morning, I woke up early and went to the great hall. I ate breakfast and then went to my first class. We had potions with Gryffindor, sadly Charlie was a few years above me and we had no lessons together. So, I sat down in the first row and hoped nobody would sit beside me. I was better at working alone. The lesson would start in a few minutes, so I took everything, that I needed, out. Then I played a little with the necklace, I never took it off. That was the only thing I had left from Sirius. I missed him every single day and couldn't believe he snitched on Lily and James. I sunk into thoughts and didn't recognise that someone stood beside me.
„Hey, can I sit here?" He asked.
„Oh Merlin, you scared me. Uh sure," I answered and he sat down.
„I'm Lee by the way," He introduced himself.
„I'm Y/n, nice to meet you," Then the lesson started and I listened carefully. I knew every answer and my potion worked on the first try. That was good and Professor Snape didn't seem like he hated me. Just my last name wasn't that helpful. Actually, I enjoyed the lesson. After the lesson, I went to the next one.
The next days were normal. I often went for a walk with Charlie or visited Hagrid. Then, one day, I saw the twins running towards me.
„Y/n, please give us a quick Alibi," Fred said.
„What for? What did you do?" I asked them.
„We tell you everything when you give us an alibi for the last hour," George said.
„Fine." I saw Filch coming at us.
„Miss Lupin were these two with you for the last hour?" He asked furiously.
„Yes, they were. May I ask why you wanted to know?" I said friendly.
„Someone stole a parchment from my office."
„Hopefully you find the thieves," I said and then he walked away. "Hand me the parchment right now," I said to them.
„Why?" Both asked.
„Because I just saved your asses."
„Good point," They said and handed me the parchment.
„Thanks." I looked at it and then I took them to an empty room. „I solemnly swear that I am up for no good," I said and tapped it with my wand. The parchment revealed a map of Hogwarts.
„Wait, how'd you do that?" Fred asked confused.
„Read it." I just said.
„Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the marauders' map." George read out loudly and both looked confused at me.
„I looked for that map and you two found it. My father and his friends invented it," I told them.
„Yeah, would you mind if I kept it?" I asked.
„In an exchange."
„Ugh, fine. You can copy my homework for two weeks."
„Three and we have a deal."
„Okay, deal."
Then they left and I kept the map. Dad would be happy to see it again. The next day we had Broom Flight class. James was a pretty good seeker, so I considered playing quidditch. I had some time, you can only play when you're at least in your second year. Charlie was a seeker, so I wanted to cheer on his first game this year.
Then the class started and we learned how to get our broom and then we should sit on it for a short time. It was kinda fun, but I wasn't that sure if I wanted to play quidditch anymore. But I learned a lot about it, so I'd understand Charlie's game.
After some time the season finally started. I sat on the Ravenclaw tower and cheered for him. He was such a good seeker.
When the game ended, I walked to him and hugged him.
„Well played," I said smiling.
„I did my best and it worked."
„Shall we go for a walk after you changed?" I asked.
„Sure, I'll hurry."
„Good, I'll wait here."
He changed and we went for a walk. Sadly we were disturbed by some other first years. They screamed and went on our nerves.
„Could you please be a little quieter?" Charlie asked friendly, but they didn't stop.
„HE SAID: SHUT UP!" I said loudly and they looked at me. Then they pointed at me or better my hair. It was dark red, fuck. Charlie also looked confused at me. I tried to calm down to change my hair colour back to normal. Finally, the others walked away and we had our peace.
„Why didn't you tell me?" Charlie asked.
„I wanted to, but almost nobody knows it. It was better that way. Do you understand?" I explained and he nodded slightly.
„Who knows it?" He asked then.
„I'd guess soon the whole school, but before that just dad, Lily, James, Sirius and Peter," I said.
„Oh, that is not many."
„Nope...but I'm happy you know."
„Yeah, I should've told you sooner. You're one of the few people who never left me and hopefully never will."
„I'll never leave you, no worries." He smiled. „But you just told me about the others who know. I'm sure they'll never leave you too."
„They already did..." I smiled sadly.
„I'm so sorry, I didn't know."
„I never told you, it's okay."
„You sure?"
I nodded and he laid his arm around me. That felt good. We walked for a few hours and back to the castle, we ate dinner. He invited me to the Gryffindor table. I sat between Charlie and Percy. When we finished, the owls brought our mail. I got a letter and a small package.
„Open it," Fred said. It was from my father. I opened it and looked in. It was a little bag, but my whole arm fitted in when I reached into the bag. Then I opened the letter:

Hello princess,
I hope you like Hogwarts. In the package is a bag with an extension spell. So you can take your instruments anywhere. I hope you like it and please write back, it's empty without you.
I love you

I read the letter smiling and decided to answer him tomorrow.
„So?" George now asked.
„Just a bag with an extension spell. Good night," I answered and went to my dorm.
The next day I wrote him back and told him how happy I was here.
Christmas I went home and we celebrated at home. It was cosy. I even played some Christmas songs and we sang together.
Back at school, nothing much happened. My grades were still great and I did a lot with the Weasley siblings. Also, I played the guitar every time it was possible.
Then the first year ended and we all went home. Dad picked me up at the train station. I told him that I found the marauders' map when we were at home. I totally forgot that on Christmas.
„You did?" He asked.
„Actually, the twins, but they gave it to me."
„And what did they want for it?"
„Is that important?" I asked.
„No, but I'm curious," He said smiling.
„Fine, they were allowed to copy my homework for three weeks."
„Huh, not inventive, but helpful."
After that, we talked and enjoyed our time together. The break was really nice. We visited the Weasleys and I also learned a lot for school. Good grades were important to me.

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