Songs of the heart

By Lover2212

4.3K 179 83

This is a one-shot book. Each one is based on/inspired by a song. I do take song requests. This book will be... More

Damn you're such a...
My type
If you love her
We own the night


605 24 7
By Lover2212

I made a playlist with all the songs from the book! I will be adding songs as I work on chapters! Playlist link is also available on my Twitter (stitch_1412)

Song: Afterlife by Hailee Steinfeld

Wednesday was stabbed by Crackstone and you arrive not long after. Goody is nowhere to be found, and you don't know if Wednesday will make it. You are a vampire, you and Wednesday have been dating since the rave'n where you danced together.

The leaves crunch beneath my feet. I'm running through the woods, Enid went to get the nightshades, and I left to get Wednesday. She needs to be okay. I can't lose her. She is my love. My eyes are red, as I use my vampire speed to get to her faster.

Wednesday's POV:

My ear is buzzing. I'm trapped. This dammed knife in my stomach. No one is coming. They don't even know where I am. Oh, how immortality is bliss. Oh unlucky I've been. At least my death will be painful, just like I've always imagined. Unfortunately, it's won't be painful for me alone. My sweet Y/N. I'll be leaving her behind. I wish I had the chance to say goodbye to her.

Y/N's POV:

I can smell it. She's bleeding. Something inside me snaps and I run faster than I've ever run before. The wind howls in my ears. My hair flickers behind me, and my glasses are long gone, exposing how red my eyes are. My fangs have also come out because I smell her blood. I need to get to her. I need to know she's safe.

Of course, she's not safe, she's bleeding. She's hurt, and I need to help her. I'm going to kill that woman. She dares lay a hand on my Wednesday. I will suck all the blood from her body and make her wish she never crossed me. I don't care what she does, but she never should have dared to touch my girl. Now she will perish.

I follow the scent of her blood. It's unique. Normal blood smells like iron, but hers smell like dahlias and oak. Everything about her is unique. I love her; I love her with everything I have in me. I've been alive for over 200 years, and never before have I felt like this. The light that she brings into my life (ironically) has made everything in my long life so much better.

I finally arrive at Crackstone's crypt, her scent is strong when I rush in. At first, I don't see her, but then I do. She's on the floor. Bleeding, a knife logged in her torso.

"Wednesday!" I rush to her side and place my hand around her wound. She has a gash on her forehead and on her hand too. What happened?

"Y/N" is all she whispers, her bloodied hands wrapping around my own. I ghost of a smile on her lips. She wants to say something, but she starts coughing instead. Winching at the pain from the knife. I try and press harder to stop the bleeding, but it's no use, she's not going to make it. I have to do something.

"There isn't anything we can do my love. It's my time. You have to finish what I started okay? You can't let them destroy the school." She whispers to me, once I realised I said my thoughts out loud.

"I can't just leave you here. I need you. The school needs you, Wednesday" I say. Every time her name leaves my lips, it runs still like words unsaid. It feels like fire in my veins, my deep love for her is just that, fire. It makes me feel alive.

"It's okay mi Amor. I'm not afraid. I'm just lucky enough to be able to say goodbye to you. I want you to know that I love you, and I want you to know that no matter what happens you have made me happier than I've ever been." Wednesday says between breaths. She's losing blood fast, I have to do something.

"NO, we are not saying goodbye okay? You and me, we're forever right." Tears are streaming down my face. She smiles and places a hand on my cheek.

"Answer some things for me?" she asks, I nod into her hand.

"Will you love me when my heartbeat stops? When my heartbeat stops, will you stay mine? Will you find me in the afterlife?" tears have started forming in her eyes, and they fall when she blinks.

"Yes. I will forever be yours. No one will ever come close to you. For better or worse. Will death be our last kiss my love?" I place my forehead against hers.

"Unfortunately it will be." She says and kisses me. I can feel everything in that kiss. Her love, pain, her fear. I can feel everything we've ever been in that one kiss. Then her hands fall limp against mine. I pull away from her, her eyes are still closed and she isn't moving.

"No no no no, Wednesday! Please. NO! I can't lose you. Wednesday please I need you. You have to come back to me. Please!" I sob into her still chest. I grip her hands tightly.

I can feel it inside my chest. I can feel my unbeating heart shatter. I can feel it in my soul. Hers is lost. I can feel it in every part of me. I've lost her. She's gone.

Her lips have lost their light red colour. Her body has stopped moving. Her heart is barely beating. I stare at the wound in her stomach, before removing the blade. The wound has stopped leaking blood.

No, this can't be the end. I have to do this. I promised myself I wouldn't ever do it to anyone, but she needs this, and I need her. The school needs her. I can't do this without her. It's her. It's always been her and it always will be.

I lift the knife to my hand and press it against my palm, slicing it open. Looking down at my now even more bloody hand, I press it against the wound in her stomach, letting our blood mix. This better work.

"I'm sorry my love," I whisper against her forehead as I leave a kiss there.

Suddenly she sits up gasping. Her lips a blood red and her fangs poking from the top of her mouth. She looks at her wounds as they slowly start to close up. She then looks at me, her eyes wide.

"You... you turned me," she stated the obvious, seeing my bloody hand.

"I'm sorry, I had to. I couldn't lose you Wednesday. I need you, I can't do this without you. I'm being selfish but I don't care" I don't get much out before she pulls me in and kisses me.

When we pull away, I help her stand up, and we're off. We need to stop Crackstone once and for all. She rushes through the woods, Wednesday isn't used to the speed, so she falls a few times but I catch her each time.

That is until Tyler comes from behind the trees and starts attacking us. He knocks me against a tree, the branch piercing through my leg. He presses Wednesday against another tree, and I'm screaming at him to stop.

Luckily Enid comes to our rescue, she is in her wolf form. Wednesday helps me up as Enid fights Tyler.

"Wednesday, I'll only slow you down. I'm going to stay and help Enid, go end him," I tell her, she nods and kisses me once more, before running off. I then join Enid in the fight, until the Sheriff shows up and shoots him. Enid transforms back, and Thing and I wrap her in her jacket. She and I make our way back to the school. We find a group of students outside.

"Where's Wednesday?" Enid asks. Everyone looks at us with sad eyes.

That's when we see her walking from the gates. Enid and I rush to her and we pull her in for a hug. We're all covered in blood and dirt. She hugs us back, and when we pull away, Wednesday smiles at me, her fangs on display.

"Oh, that's new," Enid says then looks at me.

Looks like this is our afterlife.

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