magnetic attraction (lawlu)

By cheburburb

21.7K 858 264

Law had been In a state of denial about his feelings towards the captain of the straw hat pirates since his r... More



1.4K 49 3
By cheburburb

As law shuffled away, avoiding eye contact at all costs, he noticed the stillness in the atmosphere. He glanced back at luffy, wondering what was going on, and saw that he was back to staring up at the sky. Curious, law looked up himself, only to notice the clouds that had been building up for hours. How that moron of a captain wasnt able to recognise them as a storm that defffinately shouldn't be crossed in a dingy he wasnt sure, but he jumped into action either way.

"Mugiwara-ya, get your ass in gear and row, we have to get around this storm!" he instruted, begining the process of tying as many things down as possible. Luffy did as he was told, rowing in the direction law had pointed out. When everything was secured, all law could do was sit there and watch a the storm got clocer and clocer.

After a good 10 minutes of rowing, it became clear that they couldn't out run the storm. Law began cursing away, looking around in a desperte attempt to find something that could help them.

"Man if only we had a barrel." luffy said, comletely out of the blue. Law turned to find him looking thoughtful.

"What use would a barrel do? And how the hell can you be so calm!" he asked, completely freaking out. Since they were both devil fruit users, they would be dead the moment they hit the water.

"Well this one time back when i first set out and didn't have my crew yet, my boat got sucked into a masive whirlpool! It was pretty cool, but i couldn't swim so i got into a barrel and floated around for a bit, and then i got picked up by this passenger boat!"

Law blinked at him a few times. This kid and his luck... could that be what allowed him to be so optimistic all of the time? He huffed and returned to his relentless scanning.

Nothing. There was nothing. They were going to be killed.

"Oi torao." luffy said.

"I swear to god if this is another stupid story..." law threatened, giving him a way look. Luffy just grinned.

"Its not that. But do you think we could dock on that island over there to wait out the storm?"

Law was dumbfound. He had been searching for an island this entire time and there weren't any, anywhere. But, sure enough, when he followed luffys finger out to sea there was an island. Not a small one either. How the hell could he have missed it? A small tick appeared on his forhead.

"Yeah, do that." he muttered, pouting. Luffy chuckled again, begining to row. Law looked up to check on the progress of the clouds surrounding them. A massive droplet of water hit him right on the forhead.

Then, without warning, the storm hit. Waves began to pound on the sides of the boat, making them rock precariously. Luffy was still rowing like crazy, and they were approaching the island far quicker that would have been expected of their particular vessle, but law feared for the worst.

They werent going to make it.

Even as the thought crossed his mind, a massive wave smashed into the side of the boat, sending luffy flying forwards. Law was quick to grab him and pull him back in, but the action caused him to loose his balance.

Because of this, when the next wave hit, he was thrown uncerimoniously over the side. Not only was he thrown, the entire boat flipped, leaving luffy scrambeling to jump out. He flung an arm out to the island where he grabed a palm tree, wraped the other around the now unconcious law and then launched himself at the land mass in kne last desperate attempt to save the two of them.

As they flew, luffy pulled law to him and wrapped around him so that he would take the impact of the fall. Then he filled himself up with air and held on tight as they smashed into the beach of the unfamiliar island.

He bounced a few times before he was back to his normal size and then turned his attention to law. The older had somehow managed to hold onto his sword the entire time, so luffy pried it from his grip and layed him out on the sand.

The problem wasnt really the water he had taken in; he hadnt been under for too long. what worried luffy was the way he was shivering. He looked out to the ocean to find an answer and noticed something both of them had missed in the chaos.

The ocean itself was steaming. The water was so cold, seam poured off it, giving the effect of fog. Amongst the fog were chuncks of ice, giving the impression that the water was, infact, freezing cold. That would explain laws condition as well.

Deciding he needed to find shelter, luffy tucked kikoku into the strip of fabric tired around his waste and hauled law onto his back, letting his head drop onto his shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waste to hold him in place. When he was sure law was secured, the younger pirate set off, heading to the mountains where he was sure he could find caves to shelter in.

After a rather uneventful treck through the bush, luffy found himself at the base of the mountains. Sure enough, caves were scattered across pretty much every surface. He quickly picked one out and shot himself up there, leaving law and returning a moment later for firewood.

Soon he had gotten a fire started and had begun to reassess law. He was still shivering like hell and looked too pale.

Luffy hmmmed and then began to peel off laws wet cloathing and place it by the fire to dry. He left his pants on for fear of law getting mad at him when he woke up, and then puled his own shirt and jacket off and laying them beide laws.

By this point it was about three oclock in the afternoon. The storm outside showed no sign of stopping, so luffy came to the conclusion that they may have to spend the night. Then he though about it and realised they had lost their boat and would be staying a lot longer than he had origonally planned.

After all this thinking luffy was getting hungry, so he stocked up the fire, lay law down beside it and headed off to find something to eat.

About half an hour later, law woke up. He felt like shit. Try as he might he couln't get his body to stop shaking. His head felt all foggy and his limbs ached from the exposure to the extreme cold. He coughed, the action sending jarring pain through his entire body.

Whining, he curled into a ball, felling sweat dripping down his spine despite the quite low temperature. He knew he was sick. Hee knew he should be try and clear his mind, think of what to do to help him self. There was no way luffy would would able to do anything. He was too stupid.

Still, In his delarious state, he reached out for something. He knew in his soul what it was but part of him still refused to admit it after all these years.

"Mugi.. wara... ya." he panted, growing more and more deaperate. And then he was there.

Luffy returned from hunting with a dead boar slung over his shoulder and found law in an even worse state than he had left him, sweating and shaking and curled in a ball.

When he heard law call his name he dropped the beast and ran to his side, falling to his knees. Laws searching hands found the fabric of his shorts and latched onto him, seeming to calm down.

Luffys brows furrowed in concern, but he wasnt sure what to do. Law was still reaching out for him, his face pained, so luffy scooped him up and sat down by the fire, gently resting laws head in the crook of his neck and leaning his back against the wall. Law was aseep in an instant, his breathing calming down and his body going limp.

Luffy sat there with him, completely unsure of how he could help. It was his fault law ended up in the water after all.

After a few hours, he too drifted off to sleep, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the coseness of the person he cared about more than anyone else, though he couldn't quite figgure out why.

What he didnt know was the he had fallen into the same trap as countless others before him. A trap where countless others had lost their lives. Because this island was notorious across the sea and nobody was able to explain the phenomenon that took place every night.

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