If the music fits (Cinderella...

By Lexierocks1

2.5K 61 21

Luke was having a hard time dealing with the death of his mother and to make matters worst, his stepfather an... More

Finding my melody
Music room
Leaving at Midnight
Finding my prince
The Meeting
The truth is revealed
True Love

Another chance

144 4 0
By Lexierocks1

A month later

Julie's POV

It's been a month since I seen Luke and my stupid bodyguard won't let me see him or call him. My dad said he used to be part of the CIA but I don't really care about that because for a month straight I just wanted to see Luke. I tried sneaking out but he always end up finding me. It's like he put a tracker on me. Anyway, I'm so sick of this bodyguard that I'm planning a way to tell my dad to fire him. But just when I was about to open the door to my room, somebody opened for me. It was Flynn and Willie as always and I saw Carlos entering my room too.

Julie: You do know that there's a thing called knocking.

Carlos: Sorry sis but we have a plan?

Julie: A plan for what exactly?

Flynn: To get you to find Luke. Obviously.

Willie: And it was all your brother's plan.

Carlos: I had to come up with something. I don't like seeing my sister moping around. Plus, if she gets a boyfriend, I could get some street cred for being best buds with him.

Julie: Thanks. I guess. Anyway, what's the plan?

Flynn: Well, you know that you're birthday is in 2 days, right?

Julie: Yeah?

Willie: Well we thought that maybe you could book a band for your birthday party.

Julie: What does this have to do with Luke?

Flynn: Well, since we know that he's in a band, you could book his band.

Julie: But I don't even know what his band name is.

W and F: Sunset Curve.

Julie: How did you guys know?

W and F: Boyfriends.

Julie: Oh.

Flynn: We also know that our boyfriends are best friends with Luke so we can contact them and when they get here, you could see him.

Julie: That's a great idea.

Carlos: And it's all my idea because none of you guys never even thought of it.

Julie: Okay Carlos, you're a genius.

Carlos: I know.

Willie: So all we have to do is convince your dad to book Sunset Curve to your party. And by "we" I mean "you".

Julie: No kidding.

Flynn: Go ask him!!!

Julie: You mean now?

Flynn: Duh.

I got up from my bed and walk out of my room with my friends and brother behind me. I was looking for my dad when I saw him in his chair typing on his computer.

Julie: Hey dad, do you got a minute?

Ray: Of course mija, what's up?

Julie: Well I was wondering if I can book a band for my birthday party. There's this really good band I've been listening to and they are amazing.

Ray: I don't know mija, after everything you've been through I don't think it's a good idea.

Julie: Please dad. It will mean so much to me and it will make me forget about the whole thing. Plus it is almost my birthday.

Ray: *sighs* Fine, you can book a band for your birthday.

Julie: *squeals* Thanks dad.

I got up to hug him and he hugged back. I left his office and told my friends the plan is on. I'm gonna see Luke again!!!

Luke's POV

School was finally over and I finally moved out of Trevor's and moved in with Alex. I'm glad it's summer break but I still couldn't stop thinking about Julie. I kept trying to call her but she never picked up. Everytime I call, it goes to voice mail. I hate to say it but I'm starting to think that maybe she blames me for what happened a month ago. Maybe she doesn't like me anymore? Maybe she doesn't even want to see me? I don't think I can never handled that. I was on my way to my room when I was getting a call from Reggie.

*on call*

Luke: Hey Reg, what's up?

Reggie: Band meeting in the Café. Be there in 15 minutes.

I was about to say something else but he hunged up. That's Reggie for you. I left home and made my way to the Cafe. Once I got there, I saw Alex and Reggie sitting at a table with smiles on their smiles.

Luke: Hey guys, what's going on?

Reggie: Dude, you won't believe who called me?

Luke: I'm guessing Flynn.

Reggie: How you know?

Alex: You talk about her all the time,  dude?

Reggie: I can't help that she's amazing.

Luke: Can we get back to the topic please?

Reggie: Right sorry, anyway she called me saying that she wants us to perform at a birthday party-

Luke: No way are we performing at a birthday party. We are rockers who are trying to get famous not be a band for parties.

Alex: Let him finish, Luke.

Luke: *sighs* Fine.

Reggie: Back to what I was trying to say. The birthday party is none other than JULIE MOLINA!!!


Reggie: I was but you interrupted me.

Alex: When's the party, Reg?

Reggie: Flynn told me it's in two days and she already send me the address.

Luke: This is amazing.

Reggie: I know right.

Alex: You're going to see Julie again, dude.

Reggie: And you can finally get a date with her.

Luke: Hold on, what if she doesn't want to see me?

Alex: Willie told me how devastated she was when she couldn't see you. I think she wants to see you.

Luke: Okay that's good. By the way, how did your boyfriend and girlfriend know Julie?

A and R: Best friends.

Luke: Ohhh.

We talked about what songs we are going to sing and what we should wear. But I didn't care because I'm going to see Julie again!!!

Narrators POV

When Luke, Reggie, and Alex left the Café, someone overheard the conversation. The person paid for their meal and walked out of the Café while getting there phone out of their back pocket. The person pulled up their contacts and called Nick. He didn't expect this person to call him but he let it go and answered it.

Nick: What do you want?

???: I got some news about your stepbrother and a certain party he's going to.

Nick: Okay, what do you know?

???: Not so fast pretty boy. If we are going to do this, we got to work together on this. We both know exactly what we want.

Nick: And what do you know about what I want?

???: I know you want a relationship with Julie Molina.

Nick: And what does that have to do with Luke?

???: He's going to perform there.

Nick: What?!

???: You heard me. And here's another thing. He's in love with her.

Nick: You got to be kidding me!

???: I know right. So what's it going to be? We work together or not.

Nick: You got a deal, Carrie.


We are almost done with the story and I can't believe it's almost over.

I hope you like the chapter and make sure you vote or comment.

Byeeeeeeeee 😁

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