Love At First SNAP! | LawSan...

By Absent_Heart

9.3K 395 534

"LoveDoc added you on Snapchat!" When his online confession leads him to a rejection, Sanji decided to delete... More

1. Confession 🌹
3. Mornings With You ❤
4. Lovestruck 🌹
5. Pending Invitation 💌
6. Reservations 🌹
7. Fast and Curious 🎡
8: No Signal 🌹
9: Lost and Found 🕶
10: Voice Message ⏭ 🌹
11: Aquaman 🐳
12: Beekeeper 🐝
13: Two Beds, One Room? 🎭
14: Mixed Emotions 💫
15: Frostbitten ⛄
16: Flirting on the Job 💋
17: Funniest Man of The Year 🌹
18: Drunk in Love 💋
19: Painted Red 💉
20: Musical Momentum 🎶
21: Unexpected Visitor 🌹
22: Undisclosed Emotions 🍃
23: Talk Me Down 💋
24: Officially Yours 🥀
25: The Morning After 🌼
26: Sanji's Lament 🥀
27: A Perilous Abyss 🌊
28: Envious Loners 🎭
29: The Cook's Storyteller 📖
30: A Twisted Situation 🎨
31: Free To Be Me 💋
32: New Bed, Old Habits 🍺
33: Defend A Friend 💛
34: Cupid's Love Resort 🌹
35: A Farewell Kiss 💋
36: Undelivered Messages ❗
37: A Dispiriting Departure 💔
38: Fractured Heart 🌧
39: Heartstrings ❤
40: Direful Desires 🔥
41: A Tough Decision 🐛
42: Sanji's Lullaby 🌙
43: Savage Love 💖
44: Rejected ×2 🌪
45: A Forgetful Captain 🍖
46: Birthday Bliss 🎂
47: A Tangled Proposal 💍
48: The Engagement 💎

2. Sunnyside Down 🌻

398 13 16
By Absent_Heart

Law: "Nice weather we're having, right?"

Sanji: "Save it: The last time I started a conversation like that, the dumbass I thought I loved, ended up being taken."

Law: "It's a good thing this isn't a proposal then. Don't you think so?"

Sanji: "Smooth, ink-man."

Law: "The fuck? Do I look like a squid to you?"

Sanji: "Well your camera's off right now, so for all I know, I could be talking to a Fish Man."

Law: "Good point. Let me prove my "human identity" then."

Sanji: "I have a feeling you rolled your eyes after saying that."

Law: "So far to the point where I could view my old memories in 3D."

Law: "I like that laugh you let out just now."

Sanji: "I was kind of needing one... Thank you."

Law: "Are you feeling better now?"

Sanji: "In a way. How about you?"

Law: "Somewhat the same, I suppose. So, still think I'm a Fish Man?"

Sanji: "Mmm, just a little bit."

Law: "Good answer."

Sanji: "Why?"

Law: [New Snap]

[Opened ✔ 4:00 a.m.]

Sanji: [New Snap]

[Opened just now]

Law: "Wow, no wonder you went quiet on the call. How long did it take you to edit that photo?"

Sanji: "SHHH!"

Law: "I would leave some flowers for the grass, if I were you."

Sanji: "Oh God."

Law: "So many bees are gonna be anemic now because of you."

Sanji: "How??"

Law: "You absorbed their only sunlight and source of nutrients."

Sanji: "PFFT- Shh!"

Law: "I can see blood dripping onto your screen. Just wanted to let you know."

Sanji: "Crap, my bad. It was your fault for not wearing a shirt in the first place!"

Law: "There's a difference in between lifting your shirt and being shirtless, 'Sunshine-ya.'"

Sanji: "What difference could- could- C-could... Sunshine?"


"SUUUUPER STRETCH! Is it morning already, dude?"



Law: "I'm hearing a lot of voices right now, but yours is definitely the most concerning. Did you go on a rampage because of the heartbreak?"


[Call Ended]

Typing. . .

[New Chat]

LoveDoc: Now, I'm no expert when it comes to guessing, but something tells me that the Strawhats are all awake.
Seen ✔ 4:02a.m.

Seen ✔ 4:02a.m.

LoveDoc: I don't think those bees are the only anemic ones. Your hemoglobin levels must have dropped as well.
Seen ✔ 4:02a.m.

LoveCook: You're damn right, Doc. I might need a blood transfusion from you if I keep this up.
Seen ✔ 4:03a.m.

LoveDoc: I would love to, but the ink in my blood won't allow me to donate. We'll have to find you a donor ;)
Seen ✔ 4:03a.m.

LoveCook: Good luck finding someone who's O- like I am.
Seen ✔ 4:03a.m.

LoveDoc: Your blood type is rare, not extinct. But if you wanna keep those iron levels high, I suggest you put your excitement on hold for the time being.
Seen ✔ 4:04a.m.

LoveCook: I appreciate your advice, but no promises.
Seen ✔ 4:04a.m.





LoveCook: Say, Doc... Think you prescribe me some antidepressants?
Seen ✔ 4:06a.m.

LoveDoc: I only give those out to patience who have depression. Is it possible for a sun to be depressed?
Seen ✔ 4:07a.m.

LoveCook: Oh, it's possible. Trust me, I feel like a Sunnyside Down, oppose to a Sunnyside Up right now.
Seen ✔ 4:07a.m.

LoveDoc: Even the Sun and bees have moments like these. They start to get gloomy or hide just before it rains.
Seen ✔ 4:08a.m.

LoveCook: You should be a meteorologist.
Seen ✔ 4:08a.m.

LoveDoc: How come?
Seen ✔ 4:08a.m.

LoveCook: Because you just predicted my future forecast: Endless rain. Lol.
Seen ✔ 4:08a.m.

LoveDoc: What happened?
Seen ✔ 4:09a.m.

LoveCook: I'm bipolar, see.
Seen ✔ 4:09a.m.

LoveDoc: Hate to break it to ya', but any other false diagnosis could have been more convincing than you being bipolar.
Seen ✔ 4:09a.m.

LoveCook: Can't I just be happy one minute and sad the next? Isn't that how a bipolar disorder works?
Seen ✔ 4:10a.m.

LoveDoc: In a way, but not in the way you make it out to be.
Seen ✔ 4:10a.m.

LoveDoc: Now, going back to your philosophy on me being a meteorologist: Let's suppose I am one and have a full seven day forecast ready for you. What then?
Seen ✔ 4:11a.m.

LoveCook: I have a feeling I'll be needing my umbrella all week then.
Seen ✔ 4:13a.m.

LoveDoc: Let's see...

Saturday: 70°F ☀
0% Chance of Precipitation☁

Sunday: 86°F ☀
2% Chance of Precipitation 🌦

Monday: 92°F ☀
0% Chance of Precipitation ☁

Tuesday: 60°F ☁
50% Chance of Precipitation 🌧

Wednesday: 103°F ☀🔥
0% Chance of Precipitation ☁

Thursday: 97°F ☀
0% Chance of Precipitation ☁

Friday: 72°F 🌤
0% Chance of Precipitation ☁

Saturday: 88°F ☀
0% Chance of Precipitation ☁

Sunday: 84°F ☀
0% Chance of Precipitation ☁

According to my forecast, it'll be sunny almost all week, so you can put your umbrella away.
Seen ✔ 4:20a.m.

LoveCook: Are the portals of hell gonna open up on Wednesday?
Seen ✔ 4:20a.m.

LoveDoc: That's because you'll be drenched by Tuesday.
Seen ✔ 4:22a.m.

LoveCook: Yeah? Drenched in what, tears? Because Valentine's Day is on Tuesday 😬
Seen ✔ 4:23a.m.

LoveDoc: Hey, I'm just a weatherman trying to do his job, here. It's up to you to decide if those tears will be of sadness or something else ;)
Seen ✔ 4:28a.m.

LoveCook: Is that an invitation or another one of your predictions. Hmm?
Seen ✔ 4:28a.m.

LoveDoc: I'm leaning more towards "invitation". Got any big plans on that day?
Seen ✔ 4:28a.m.

LoveCook: I might.




"Zoro, Luffy, stop yelling! We're right in front of you two, you dingbats!!"

"Sorry, Nami! It must be the excitement, nishishi!"

"What is it?"

"Zoro and I are going to celebrate Valentine's Day by the beach where... Where we became a couple."



"About time, you two!"

"YOHOHO!! How exciting!"


Typing. . .

LoveCook: I'll be free all day long on Tuesday.
Seen ✔ 4:44a.m.

LoveDoc: Alright. What time should I pick you up?
Seen ✔ 4:45a.m.

LoveCook: Any hour works for me. Preferably sooner than later.
Seen ✔ 4:46a.m.

LoveDoc: Gotcha. Does 3p.m. work for you?
Seen ✔ 4:47a.m.

LoveCook: Yes, sir. It sure does! 👌
Seen ✔ 4:47a.m.

LoveDoc: I'll be there to pick you up then. Hopefully my submarine doesn't get you claustrophobic.
Seen ✔ 4:48a.m.

LoveCook: My eyes are so sleepy, I read that as "homophobic". Now I'm scared that your submarine might turn me straight again!
Seen ✔ 4:49a.m.

LoveDoc: ...
Seen ✔ 4:49a.m.

LoveCook: Okay, maybe BI.
Seen ✔ 4:49a.m.

LoveCook: Never mind.
Seen ✔ 4:50a.m.

LoveDoc: You would stay the same.
Seen ✔ 4:51a.m.

LoveCook: I would stay the same.
Seen ✔ 4:51a.m.

LoveCook: Well, now that everyone got up, I have to go attend to the kitchen.
Seen ✔ 4:51a.m.

LoveDoc: And I have to go see a few patients in an Island called Derlandia. My submarine docked just now.
Seen ✔ 4:53a.m.

LoveCook: Good luck in Derlandia! ♥
Seen ✔ 4:54a.m.

LoveDoc: Thanks. Good luck in the kitchen.
Seen ✔ 4:54a.m.

LoveCook: Thanks a lot. Trust me, I'll be needing it today.
Seen ✔ 4:56a.m.

LoveDoc: And supposing that "hi" is the new "bye", Hello then ~ Let's call each other again sometime, Sunshine-ya 😜
Seen ✔ 4:57a.m.
(1 ❤)

LoveCook: Hi to you to then 😂 Give me a call later on tonight whenever you're free, Cupid 😉
Seen ✔ 4:57a.m.
(1 ❤)

~ [Offline] 🌹

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