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Nanaloops által

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• Jaerin loved pink. She loved her dad's pink haired friend even more • > fully FICTIONAL > mention of blood... Több

01. Strawberry
02. Run
03. Them
04. Spark
05. Pink
06. Midnight
07. Alive
08. Professional
09. Invalid
10. Movies
11. Restart
12. Plural
13. Drive
14. Epiphany
15. Promises
16. Limits
17. Calls
18. Lost
19. Flowers
20. Stars
21. Exceptions
22. Stuff
23. Peculiar
24. Possessive
25. Guns
26. Police
27. Jail
28. Lunatic
29. Fools
30. Bullets
31. Coffee
32. Couples
33. Selfish
34. Talk
35. Us
36. Dilemma
37. Time
38. Regrets
39. Careless
40. Change
41. Rights
42. Faults
43. Smart
44. Hope
45. Guilt
46. Future
47. Candles
48. Madness
49. Gifts
50. Dates
51. Lines
52. Trust
53. Pretend
55. Alone
56. Kids
57. Restart

54. Mine

587 29 20
Nanaloops által

It turned out Jaemin's last brain cell was correct.

The necklace lead him to the exact same place he thought it would be. Bless his brain for gifting that to Jaerin beforehand.

The poin is, Jaemin was stupid. But not always.

It was the exact farm house he had found out earlier thanks to Min. From the moment he saw the teenager lurking around that unfamiliar street and the encounter with Kwon Jihoon, he had done a little background check.

Though he did not find much information, he was able to track down few places that were really suspicious. The farm house was one of those. Along with that Sungchan had found out few leads on the businesses Kwon Jihoon was involved with. All nowhere closer to being legal. Kown Jihoon was no ordinary man.

The name itself made him so fucking embarrassed about himself. The answer has always been there. How did he miss that? He was supposed to be good at his job.

And the fact that KJH was Jaerin's biological father didn't make any sense to him.

That was weird.

Entering the place wasn't hard at all.

Jaemin knew how to fight just the way he knew how to breathe. The only negative point was that his body was not in any shape to go into war. Not like that. Not when he felt so fucking exhausted to even stand.

But anything for Jaerin.

Anything for Jeno.

All for them.

Sneaking in was done. He prayed the guards would stay unconscious for the rest of their lives. He did what he had to do.

The next part was even more easier because as soon as he was in, he saw a little girl and a boy walking further inside, hand in hand.

Jaemin stopped for a second, blinking twice.

That was definitely Jaerin. The other boy could be anyone, he didn't try to guess.

What the— it's this easy?

Without making a sound, he quickly approached the two behind their backs. Then he put his hands around their mouths, ignoring Jaerin's startled silent yell. He pulled them back and guided themselves to a considerably safer spot.

As soon as they were out of anyone's eyes, he let go while crouching down to match their height. By then he realised that the little boy was Hwasung; Jaerin's friend. The two kids turned at him, scared. But that didn't last long as Jaerin widened her eyes with a surprised smile.

His sweet little angel.


"Shh!" Jaemin put his index finger over his lips, biting back a smile.

"Papa." she repeated in a whisper. "What are you doing here? Daddy said you—"

"Is your daddy here?" Jaemin cut in. "No– are you okay, cupcake? Are you hurt anywhere?"

She shook her head violently. The smile never let go of her face. She looked a little messy, clothes crumpled, hair all over the place and eyes a bit red.

Jaemin smiled with all his might, reaching out a hand to touch her face. He caressed her cheek and tuck few black locks behind her ear.

"I'm sorry, Jaerin." He said. "Papa is so sorry."

"But you didn't do anything, papa." she said, confused.

Jaemin pressed his lips into a thin line, putting a mental note to stop that conversation right there. Jaerin wouldn't understand the situation that easily.

"They didn't hurt you, right?" He asked again. "No one touched you, right?"

"No one." she shook her head and pointed somewhere behind them. "I stayed down there until Hwa came and took me here!"

Jaemin eyed the scared boy, who still had his hand tight around Jaerin's. He looked so small. Jaemin's heart ached for some reason.

"Hello Hwasung." He greeted. "Remember me?"

The boy took a small step back, halfly hiding behind Jaerin. Yet he did a nod.

"How are you here?" Jaemin wanted to know.

"I..... I live here..."


Jaemin bit back a curse.

You fucking idiot— of course he would be here! He's Kwon Jihoon's son.

Which makes him half siblings with— wow...

Coming back to the main point, he cleared his throat. Then took Jaerin's hand in his.

"Listen well, okay?" He started. "Remember uncle Chanchan?"


"Right.... so, he's—" he had to make out his plan in simple words. "He is outside, okay? He will take you home."

Jaerin made a face. "Aren't you coming with us?"

"Do I have to go too?" Hwasung joined in, rather calmly.

Jaemin didn't have the heart to leave one out. Hwasung definitely needed saving just as much as Jaerin did. And he most definitely did not want the poor kid to witness his father getting punched to death infront of him.

By then he was sure that it was Kwon Jihoon who had killed Meisoo. That only made one thing clear. He was the one who killed Renjun as well.

Jaemin was out for blood.

"Yes, both of you." He nodded. "I'll come back soon right after I get your daddy out of here, okay?"

"Will he be okay? I think he is hurt." Jaerin reminded him.

Please be safe. Please be safe. Please be safe—

"He will." Jaemin promised. "Now do as I—"

Someone's shadow fell upon them.

Jaemin hurried to his feet, pushing the two kids behind him. Voices came along with rushed footsteps.

"Go." He urged, running to the opposite side, covering the kids as much as possible. "Don't look back."

And they ran.

They ran until Jaemin could find another spot to hide. But the other party seemed a little too prepared. Soon enough the three were surrounded by dark shadows.

"Catch him!" someone commanded.

Jaemin wasn't sure what happened after that.

All he could hear was gunshots. Bullets flew around like rain drops. He couldn't even see who attacked them. But his body reacted faster than his brain.

He pushed the kids to another corner, knocking down few failry huge containers to have a sheild like barrier. No one seemed to find them.

It was clear that the shooters didn't know their target much well. They probably acted out of reflex. Good for them.

Jaemin heaved a sigh after a long one minute. Surprisingly none of the kids made a sound. He shut his eyes for a while, catching his breath. Then opened them back in a trance. His eyes darted down.


Digging his teeth into his bottom lip, he looked everywhere for a solution.

"Papa?" Jaerin called in a trembling voice. "Are we okay?"

No time to waste.

He adjusted his black blazer straight, buttoning it up without any more thinking. He pulled a smile, putting up his best act.

"Yes, baby, we are fine." He said knowing that the kids were perfectly okay. "But papa needs to take care of few things. So I need you to be a good girl and do as what I say."

Jaerin nodded, determined.

"Sungchan?" He called after tapping his earpiece. "Are you here yet?"

"Yes." Sungchan confirmed. "I'll get them out."

"No, you can't." Jaemin objected strictly. "Its too risky. This is my mission, I can't be responsible for you."

"That is exactly why I want to come. You think I'll let you do this alone?"

"Higher-ups wouldn't like this. Your job is at risk."

"Screw them. I want to help."


"Hyung, I want to—"

"No, Sungchan, you can't. That's an order." He said straight to the point. "Look, I don't have much time. I have to get Jeno out of here and deal with Kwon– KJH. I'll send the kids. Take them away. Do not wait for me. I need them far away from all of this."

"But what about–"

"I'll send them to you." He cut in. "Don't you dare take a step forward, Jung Sungchan. I mean it. You've done enough."

A pause.

"Fine." That sounded mad. "I don't agree but fine. I'll keep the kids safe."

Jaemin hesitated for a second. What if he wouldn't get a chance again? Sungchan was dear to him. He had to say something. Anything.

"Thank you." He settled for that. "I, uh, appreciate it."

He cut the connection off, focused on what he was going to do next. With a long breath, he pulled out a gun from the back of his belt. He loaded it and huffed out a sigh.

Nothing to lose.

"Alright, kids." He tried to sound excited. "Run when I say."

"Run?" Jaerin asked.

"Yeah, run." He nodded gently. "Don't look back. Just run. I'll be right behind you."

Something changed in Jaerin's face. She instantly held onto the hem of Jaemin's blazer.

"No." she said. "I don't want to run."

"What? No, cupcake, you have to r—"

"That's what mommy told." she said without looking at him. "But she never came back."


That changed things.

Jaemin really wanted to question about it more but he didn't have time, nor energy. It probably had something to do with Meisoo. Of course, that was it about.

Jaemin felt a little dizzy, trying to ignore the rising ache in his heart. He was pretty sure he wasn't supposed to feel that physically.

With much difficulty, he crouched down again. He held his daughter by the shoulders, just the way Jeno always did with her.

"You trust me, right?" He asked and the girl nodded in reply. "Then do as I say? Please? I promise I'll be with you as soon as possible. This is just.... adult stuff."

Jaerin made a sad pout, throwing herself at him. Jaemin scrunched his face a bit, feeling his skin burning. Nevertheless he hugged her back.

"Want to go with you." she mumbled into his ear. "Don't leave me again like mommy."

I'm so sorry, baby. You don't deserve any of this.

But there was no time for sentimental speeches.

Jaemin mustered up all his courage, picking up her into his arms. Then he gave a sympathetic look at Hwasung.

"Can you be right next to me?" He asked.

The little boy nodded his head like he understood.

Jaemin smiled at him, ruffling his hair for a second.

"I'll go with you, cupcake." He agreed. Because if that's what Jaerin needed, he was ready to give it. Anything for her. Anything for him. All for them. "Hold tight."

Jaerin clinged to him like a koala. Hwasung came closer to him. He had everything he needed around him. And he could only feel sorry for the kids who had to see the horrible scene that was about to unfold.

He moved forward, firing his gun left and right.

At first Jeno thought he was hearing things. The people around him didn't seem to flinch the slightest so he thought he was right.

But the second time he was sure what he heard was a gun firing somewhere nearby.


He didn't know since when was those two the same. Jaemin and guns. Sounded pretty hot in a way. Or maybe he just needed to treat his head.

"Go check what's happening." Kwon Jihoon ordered a bit seriously. "Bring the girl up here."

Four of the men left, leaving like ten more others.

"Back up?" Jihoon asked with a smirk but Jeno could see a hint of fear behind those eyes, like he had not expected a visitor.

"I don't have contacts with such people." Jeno said dryly. "You should know because apparently you've watched all my moves until now. Really, no backup."

Jihoon raised a suggestive brow.

Jeno sighed. "Seriously, I don't know who that is. Do you think Mark or Donghyuck would come here with a gun?"

"Ah," the older sounded quite fascinated. "Donghyuck, that sweet thing."

"Shut up."

"I think he's also one of those people I love."

"Again, that was not love." Jeno spat. "You're a psychopath with starnge obsessions. You literally kill for fun."

"I did not kill her, Jeno."

"We are not having that conversation again."

Jihoon put his hands half way up as if to defend himself. Jeno almost hissed like a snake. He was getting annoyed more than scared.

A minion of Jihoon came up running to him, whispering something to him. Jihoon's face changed in a gif. His eyes turned dark, if that made sense.

"Find her." He ordered. "I need her with me no matter what."

The man in black bowed his head with a loud 'yes' and went back.

Find her?

Did someone take Jaerin away from that hell of a place?


That has to be him.

But if he's—

"Seems like your boyfriend is hard to chase away." Jihoon said in a calm yet threatening manner. He looked displeased. "What a devoted lover."

"We are not together." Jeno stated the obvious fact, praying it to be Jaemin either way. "And no, I don't think it's him."

"I'm pretty sure it's him, Jeno. I guess he loves you a lot." that was full of mockery. "Just like Meisoo did."

"Are you stupid?" Jeno asked, amazed by the clown infront of him. "Do you think Mei loved me?"

"She didn't?"

"No, you dumbfuck." Jeno yelled out. "She knew she wasn't the one I wanted. She never loved anyone the way she did with you. That's her only weakness."

Jihoon smirked at him. But Jeno could see some unsaid sadness behind that invisible mask.

"She never changed, then."

"She never got the chance. You killed her."

"I didn't." they were at it again. "But I wouldn't promise that would be the same for your boyfriend—"

"Stop calling him that. I'm pretty sure he's my ex now."

"Pretty sure? I thought I made it clear that we were done."

Jeno looked over Jihoon. The man did the same, fully turning back.

Jaemin smiled at them in the sweetest way possible. "Hi."

It was a suicide mission in a way.

No one knew. He was abusing his own power and he was very much fine with it.

The main goal was to kill. He needed that sweet revenge. For Renjun. For Jeno. For Jaerin. For Meisoo.

For himself.

Jaemin noticed Kwon Jihoon before he could get a clear glimpse of his boyfriend.

Well, ex boyfriend.

"Hi." He greeted with a smile, not having the mental capacity to be sane like a normal person and death glare at the enemy.

Just as Jihoon turned to face him, he pointed his gun downwards, shooting the older in the leg. It happened with a great flow. None of the people inside that room saw it coming.

Jihoon dropped to the floor with a cry of pain. Before the men in black could advance, Jaemin emptied his gun with few absolutely beautiful shots. He loved shooting people, respectfully.

That's for touching my child.

He had to fight around five to six guards with his bare hands, kicks and headlocks being essential in his movements.

That's for touching him.

Jihoon stayed the same like a wounded puppy, hissing and coughing as he pressed a hand on the wound in his leg, blood pooling around him.

Jaemin looked around to throw another few punches but no one advanced. None was standing. He let his hands relaxed for a bit, finally fixing his eyes on Jeno.

God, he's beautiful.

Even with that messed up looks and scrunched up face due to confusion, Jeno still looked ethereal.

His legs moved on their own, not breaking eye contact. And suddenly he was undoing the knots that held Jeno's hands tied to the chair. Jeno helped him with the ones around his legs.

After a long time(not that long) they were working together.

They were together.

Just as Jeno stood up straight, Jaemin pulled him by the shirt collar, feeling violent. Their lips smashed.

Jaemin kissed his ex boyfriend as if it was his last day on earth.

Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine—

He needed that.

He needed to make sure that it was still his Jeno, well and pretty. His and his only. When Jeno kissed him back, sucking his breath, he knew that he was Jeno's as well.

That stupid break up was for nothing.

He pulled away, panting hard. Jeno looked like he was out of breath as well. They stared at eachother for a second, taking eachother's presence physically.

"You just kissed your ex." Jeno said, breathless.

"I'm pretty messed up." Jaemin agreed in a whisper.

"Yeah?" there was a sense of tease. "Well, I am too."

"Cool." He nodded.

"Cool." Jeno smiled.

And that's all that mattered. The world around him was falling apart. His heart was slowly failing. People were dead. But all Jaemin knew was that Jeno smiled at him.

They were okay.

Even with all the blood and cuts, they were still them.

"Kwon Jihoon killed Mei." Jeno blurted out, trying to hold Jaemin by the waist. "And Renjun."

Jaemin took a step back sneakily. He hoped Jeno wouldn't notice. And he was right.

"I know." He said. "And I'm going to kill him."

Jeno blinked faster, that healing smile long gone.

"Nana, he's Jaerin's—" Jeno didn't finish, his expressions begging the younger to understand.

"If anything, he's only a murderer." Jaemin pointed out. "He killed your wife and my best friend. He doesn't deserve to live."

"You don't have to become a killer—"

"I've killed before. I literally did like minutes ago." Jaemin flashed a little smile. "What's up with that?"

Jeno wet his own lips, eyes down to catch the existence of Jaemin's gun. Then he looked up, swallowing hard.

"I don't know what's up with that." the older confirmed with a suggestive look. "I just know that you were fucking hot using that gun. I don't think killers are hot. So, what's up with that?"

God Lord, Lee Jeno.

That's so—

Jeno admitting Jaemin being fucking hot while he was being an absolute menace was the hottest thing Jeno had ever done.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

Jaemin hoped he could still blush. Because he needed Jeno to know how much turned on he felt at the moment. He wanted to jump on Jeno and kiss every bit of his skin.

Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.

"Right...." he said with a cough. "Yeah, cool— no, stop distracting me."

"I'm sorry."

"Not forgiven."


Jaemin rolled his eyes, ignoring how dizzy he felt. Love was great like that, wasn't it?

"Just... Just stay safe until I finish everything."

Sungchan was about to leave with a very confused Hwasung and a very sad and teary eyed Jaerin, when he noticed a suspicious red mark on the white ribbon of Jaerin's red frock. Along with that a part of her leg too was stained with the same color.

Sungchan was not new to that sight.

He carefully touched the fabric and turned his fingers to have a good look.

It was definitely blood.

"Jaerin, are you hurt somewhere?" He asked quickly, not starting the car.

The girl looked at him with a head tilt. "No."

"Are you sure? Then why is there—" pause. Oh god, no. "Shit."



I hope you enjoyed this good for nothing update 🙂👍 ignore the mistakes <3

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