Aria Salvatore x Klaus Mikael...

By pastmidnight_

507K 12.2K 2K

Imagine believing your brothers died over a century ago? Believing your whole family was dead? Being turned i... More

Coming Home
Three Salvatores
Founders Day
Because I Am
He Will Come For You
The Sacrafise
Road Trip?
Ray Sutton
Getting Lost
Protect You
Happy Funeral
Hello Again Elijah
Family Business
What I Used To Be
Because I Love You
Sacrificial Lamb
I Needed To Say It
Trespassing Into Hell
Your Small
White Oak
Kieran Ripper
Denver Blues
Until We Meet Again
The 1950s
Did you miss me?
Make It Stop
Here We Go
Change Of Plans
Lost Marbles
It Stopped
Bubbling Secrets
Wrong Crowd
Buried Hatchet
What We Are
Numbed Minds
Into The Woods
New Bodies
Do It All Over Again
One Tear
Speed Walked
Back When
Turned Tables
If You Make It Out Alive
Hide and Seek
Highway To Hell
Happy Birthday
Bleeding Out


3.1K 98 31
By pastmidnight_

Arias POV.

My clothes were sticking to me as we flashed through the clouded thundering woods.

My eyesight was blurry and my feet were beginning to ache. Damon was right behind me making our beeline for the boardinghouse.

"Aria duck!" Damon hollered as a vampire leaped from the bushes.

"You two are going to regret what you did!" he said attempting to break my arm when Damon grabbed him snapping his neck, cracking noises filled my high sense ears.

Strange? I'd thought Damon would murder the fool.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a weak voice I was tired and needed blood.

"If we take...him back to the house we can use him as leverage against the bastards chasing us" he said picking up the vampires feet.

"Damon you and your brilliant plans" I replied sarcastically picking up the vamps head as we carried him quickly.

This vampire needed to lay off the sugar he was heavy...and I have super strength.

We could see the house now in clear view we zoomed up to the orange flicking light outside the front door.

It was still lashing rain as Damon scrambled the door open.

"Watch his feet" I muttered as Damon shuffled in side we started arguing lowly as to how to carry the fool.

"Well watch his head" Damon argued as I nearly knocked the guy on the side of the door.

"This is your fault in the first place if you hadn't bloody gone Kamikaze on the place where did you even learn how to do that" Damon muttered and I sarcastically smirked.

"Well if you hadn't-" I was cut off.

"Um....Guys" we heard Stefan say.


I and Damon looked up to one another and turned slowly to see the whole Scooby gang there staring at us in extreme confusion.

Oh my god Nik does not look happy.

"Well hey guys" Jeremy said annoyed he was shirtless?.

Caroline and Bonnie smiled at me cheekily seeing as to how we were caught doing this.

"Hey." Damon said nonchalantly as I stood there looking at Rebekah avoiding Nik's eyes boring into me.

"Hey guys...what's up?" I said also nonchalantly.

"Where the bloody hell have you been I've been worried sick" Nik growled at me.

"I told you they were fine" Rebekah said to Nik as Kol stood behind him.

Stefan's eyes were beaming in mine wide not having an actual clue as to what we'd done.

Stefan help me. I said with my eyes.

What on earth did you do? He asked with his eyes.

Shane was lurking behind Bonnie whys he here?

"Fine?..Alright well Aria sweetheart...what's this?" Nik's voice said keeping his anger locked in but it was soaring out of his eyes.

I'm so screwed when we're alone.
My mouth slightly parted as Damon urged me to say something.

"W-We went vampire hunting." I blurted out with a wide smile quickly referring to the man in mine and Damon's arms.

I looked to Damon wide eyes smiling and he smiled the exact same expression on his face and nodded.

"Yes. Vampire hunting that's what we did" he said.

"That's why we didn't tell you." Stefan said looking at a disbelieving Nik and Kol.

Rebekah nodded we couldn't tell them the stake was bloody let loose they'd loose their marbles completely.

"Yes. We knew how mad you'd get" I mused along with Stefan.

"Why are you covered in..." Kol asked pointing at the mud and ash all over us.

Damon just shrugged as I smiled awkwardly.

"This guy was hard to catch" I said smiling innocently at Nik who looked like he was about to spank me right here right now.

"We brought him for Jeremy" Damon said and Jeremy furrowed his eyebrows.

I just realised how stupid I if I'd kill anyone then bring them for a second death.

"So. You snapped this vampires neck then brought him here to be killed by Jeremy" Nik said placing his hands behind his back his eyes boring into me he's about to loose it.

"Yes." I blurted out in sync with with Damon.

"Well I've already completed my mark we're just waiting for the mark to grow" Jeremy said.

Oh so that's why he's shirtless I thought that was quite random and that's why Shane and Bonnie are here.

"Oh well Aria guess all this work was a waste" Damon said sarcastically dropping the guys feet smiling at me.

"Yeah what a bummer..." I said dropping the vampires head.

"Well we're just going to go shower" Damon said as we started to head for upstairs.

"Well I guess you guys..." Stefan said smiling strolling over then stopping blocking his mouth and nose making a disgusted sound but trying to cover it.

Oh no we do smell terrible well considering the day we've had.

"Aria where have you been ?" Nik asked pissed past his limits knowing we're lying to his face. Also he's picked up our smell with his wolf sense crap.

"They had a slight car crash. They lost their phones." Rebekah said straightening up smiling.

"If they lost their phones how did you know that" Nik said hostility seething in his voice.

It's as if I and Damon just lost our complete function to speak.

"They called from a telephone" Stefan said.

Okay this conversation has gone beyond stupid it's clearly obvious were lying.

"Isn't that right Damon" Stefan pushed.

Damon's mouth was parted but nodded a tad cough "Y-Yeah." He said.

"Well" I said with a light chuckle.

"Yeah we should shower and wait for Jeremy's mark to-" Damon got cut off by her aggravating voice.

"Damon Aria your back!" Elena said strutting into the room from the kitchen.


Damon told her to stay in her house she should have listened to the sirebond why is she here!

"Elena hey" Damon said as she crossed her arms and I slowly made my way for upstairs I need to get out of here Nik and Kol are staring at me.

"Did you find the stake" she asked and the room dropped in silence I practically felt Nik's veins pop.

"Stake?" Kol asked angrily.

Oh please please zap me out of here I looked at Stefan and Damon.

"What the bloody hell are you-" Rebekah was about to ask Elena like she was stupid.

"Enough!" Nik roared and I bit my lip knowing it's over now. Heads are going to roll.

I want to rip Elena's head off but it looks like Stefan and Rebekah might do that for me.

"Stake? The both of you better bloody answer" Nik growled at me.

"We left town to get the stupid white oak stake that got loose because Elena stole it from us her fault! Then it got stolen from her and it's been a really tough day and we're sorry!" I spat out quickly and Damon nodded in agreement.

Everyone was silent as we stood there in complete faze our hair messed up and Stefan's face was priceless.

"You left town without telling me!?" Nik shouted at me and Damon scoffed.

"She doesn't belong to you!" Damon spat at him both Mikaelsons cocked an eyebrow as if they think there better than Damon and that he shouldn't speak to them like that.

"Watch yourself Salvatore" Nik seethed then returned his eyes to me they were a tad softer.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he questioned. Rebekah was about to stand in for me knowing how bad this was but I need to speak

"You would have went mental..." I mumbled trying to smile looking down I know I should have just told him. He wouldn't have been mad at me.

"Well after all of it you didn't even get the stake" Stefan said sadly sighing shaking his head.

I cocked an eyebrow at Stefan giving him a "really" look.

"Well it's her fault" Damon muttered like a child looking at me.

I looked to him with pursed lips placing hands on my hips with a smirk. He slowly turned to me squinting his eyes.

"You think we'd go through all of that and I wouldn't get what we went for. What do you take me for?" I said.

I pulled the white oak stake out from inside my jacket with a smirking as Stefan grinned at me

"H-How?" Damon asked shocked.

"I'm a Salvatore" I whispered.

I looked to Nik who was strutting towards me and I gave it to him without hesitation he was going to eat me alive later.

His nose twitched clearly repulsed by the smell of us.

"I'm only okay with this because you got it back" he said lowly I know that's not the end of this conversation.

We all began to settle as the tension went down.

Everyone separated into their own conversations.

Elena was compelled by Kol to come to the house apparently they were trying to figure out where we were.

"Damon you need to shower" I said quietly to him with a chuckle as we began to walk towards the stairs.

Rebekah was still giving death glares to Elena she was sitting alone with Jeremy. Bonnie and Shane had left the room along with Caroline into the kitchen.

Nik had mentioned something about "talking" later. I hope that's a good talk I'm not fighting with him.

"Yeah yeah jeez your starting to act like mother already" he said chuckling and I swear my heart stopped.

Oh god Damon.

"Wait" Stefan said loudly coming out of his conversation with Rebekah.

We both halted our backs turned to him and Stefan said the words.

"What do you mean she's starting to act like mother already?" He asked anger in his voice.

We both slowly looked to one another and turned around to see him our mouths hanging open.

Stefan's eyes squinted as the room fell silent then his mouth parted his eyes looking into my bloody guilty ones.

"Have you been seeing mother behind my back?!" He shouted and I and Damon again lost out words.

Nik looked at me with pure rage oh I'm in so much trouble now.

"Yes but it was once." Damon said to Stefan annoyed.

"You WHAT?" Nik roared and I whacked Damon over the head Rebekah laughed.

"What happened" Stefan said.

It's at this moment I could see how hurt it made Stefan. He hated mother now. As children mother was everything to us.

"She showed up earlier today and helped us get the stake back! That's all it was one time and it meant nothing! Please we're sorry but we had to work with her and she gave us pie and stuff I'm sorry Stef" I blurted out and his eyes softened looking at me and he nodded knowing how sorry I was.

"She's our mother too Stefan just because you hate her doesn't mean we can't see her!" Damon spat at him this has been aggravating Damon you can hear it in his voice.

"Have you just forgotten what's she's done?!" Stefan spat at us. I couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Stefan how long is this little grudge going to last?" Damon asked annoyed.

Stefan just glared at him then his eyes looking into me.

"Do you forgive her after all she's done to us" Stefan asked lowly.

"No. Yes! No I don't know Stef. Stop looking at me" I said conflicted.

"I can't believe either of you! Damon what happened to everything you said about her" Stefan asked and Damon went silent.

"Aria blew up a building with us in it!" Damon blurted out. Really. Really!

"What?!" Nik and Stefan shouted.

I looked up to Stefan pursing my lips shaking my head.

"Thank you" I stated dryly.

"Well you nearly killed us all!" He retorted.

"I was told to cause a distraction hence forth I did" I said crossing my arms we were fighting ignoring everyone else giving out at us.

Nik and Stefan were furious. Kol looked proud clearly and Rebekah stood shocked at all that's happened.

"Then scream! Kick someone! Don't bloody blow up a building" he said angrily and I squinted my eyes at him.

"We're alive aren't we" I said placing my hands on my hips as Stefan walked up behind me putting a hand on my shoulder.

"You nearly killed Damon!?" Elena asked standing up angrily looking at me. Oh for the love of.

"Shut up!" I and Stefan snapped at her in sync and she looked taken a back as Damon walked towards her.

"Well they got the stake that's the most important thing" Rebekah said smiling to me and I nodded.

That's when Elena started giving out to Stefan, Rebekah and I.

"For the love of" I said under my breath I face palmed.

"You know Damon why don't you tell her to calm've managed to use that sire bond pretty well so far" Stefan said and Damon turned to him with pure rage.

Dayum Stef. My eyes widened as Damon growled and suddenly threw a knife aiming for Stefan.

But it didn't hit hum.

This has been the best day ever the knife landed right in my neck.

"Aria" Stefan said holding on to me as I fell backwards.

"Damon what the hell is wrong with you!?" Stefan yelled at him.

That's when Nik growled his eyes turning yellow and zoomed towards Damon pushing him against the wall.

Heads are about to roll.

Stefan pulled the knife from my neck and Nik began to punch Damon as Kol held Damon down.

"Stop!" Elena shouted as I was trying to catch air Rebekah came to us. Nik was gone psycho punching the crap out of Damon.

"Nik stop!" I shouted Stefan held me back.

That's when I saw Nik was a about to bite Damon, I pulled away from him and zoomed to Nik pulling him back.

"Nik stop" I said placing a hand on his chest tears brimming in my eyes and he looked so torn.

That's when Jeremy began to scream like an ape ripping his shirt off making us all stop and look at him.

The hunters mark was becoming visible on him and growing immensely.

"Here we go" Stefan whispered.

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