Across the Dimensions (A Disn...

By publisher14

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Across the extreme universe of Disney and Dream Works, there are lots of things that us fans love to fantasiz... More

Authors Note
Part One: Accidents and Magic
Part Two: Corination Day
Part Three: The Girl with Golden Hair
Part Four: Dreams and Changes
Part Five: Journey Strong
Part Six: Cold and Dark
Part Seven: Earn her Trust
Part Eight: Feeding on Lies
Part Nine: Beginning of a Dark Age
Part Ten: Aquainteces and Sibling Rivalry
Part Eleven: A Daring Escape
Part Twelve: Find the Holder of the Cure
Part Thirteen: Going After Jack Frost
Part Fourteen: The Island of Berk
Part Fifteen: Beware Her Frozen Heart
Part Sixteen: The Rosetta Shard
Part Eighteen: Together we are Strong
Part Nineteen: Make Things Right
Authors Note

Part Seventeen: Horrible Fates

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By publisher14

Anna could only stare back at her crazed sister. In a way, both sisters reflected how much they were changing. Each of them couldn't handle it and it was only making things worse. Anna knew her sister was too focused on the thought of killing her to notice the shard at all. Slowly, the Rosetta shard was slipped out of sight as Anna staggered forward. It seemed everyone, and even the cave itself, was holding their breaths at the tension.

"Elsa..." Anna breathed, sounding relieved and exhausted all the same. "You came all this way to see me?" It was as if Anna herself had forgotten that this enraged snow queen was on a rampage for bloodshed.

Elsa stood confused, her hand still raised.

"I did come to see you." She replied, her words sloppy and blurring together.

"What is this? Who are these people?" Elsa questioned in the same way.

She looked around at the surrounding people, watching them intently. Elsa then looked back to Anna staggering towards her. With each step she took, Elsa stiffened.

"These are my friends... They have helped me run away from you..." Anna had started with a weak smile, but then frowned slightly. "B-but I don't want to do that anymore... I'm tired of running..." As Anna step forward again, she nearly lose her balance and stumble over, but she caught herself out of pure luck. "I'm hurt Elsa. Very badly."

"How?" Elsa asked. Her hand faltered for a moment but remained raised.

Deep inside Elsa's heart it pained her to see her sister like this but Elsa buried the feeling deep inside herself.

Elsa's old self was starting to break free from the dark magic that concealed it. Seeing Anna so close to death and in so much pain was quickly tearing down the dark magical barriers around her heart.

"Y-you." The one simple word. That's all it took to see the shock on her face. Elsa looked so stunned that her eyes reflected the conflicting sides of her two halves. "I'm this way because of you..." Anna continued with a sad smile her words hitting deep nerves on her sister. Anna gripped the shard behind her back tightly, keeping in the tears.

"H-How did I do this to you?" Elsa asked. Her voice softened a bit though it was full of concern.

Her hand faltered again and she slowly lowered it.

Seeing Anna this hurt was snapping her back to reality along with bringing back some of her sanity.

Elsa was oblivious to the fact Anna concealed the shard behind her back. For now Elsa was only focused on the fact her sister was badly hurt.

"Your anger, your want... Your need to eliminate me from your life got so intense just a short while ago that it was felt throughout this region. It blasted me to the head. Like... Like when we were kids. Only that was harmless..."

Everyone knew what instantly flashed through the sisters minds. The day their lives changed forever. The day they truly lost one another.

"Higher Elsa, higher!" Shouted young Anna with joy and happiness, jumping upon snow banks her sister kept making. Elsa was smiling at first... but it faltered when she realized she couldn't keep up.

"Slow down!" Elsa warned, her eyes widening. But young Anna had not heard. She jumped off the tall mountain of snow with a gleeful laugh, not realizing herself that there was not another pile to catch her. Elsa gasped her hand outstretched, as if she could reach and grab Anna from mid air.

"ANNA!" The unmistakable power left her fingertips and there was a soft groan of pain as Anna now lay unconscious beside the snow pile. Elsa was stunned. She didn't know what to do... Elsa ran to her sister and in an instant had Anna's head in her lap.

"No, no..." Elsa whispered to herself. There was a sudden white streak that had appeared in Anna's hair, shining bright like moon light. "MOMMA! PAPPA!" Elsa began sobbing, and the main hall of their castle that was just moments ago filled with the laughter of two loving sisters and decorative snow began to melt and darken into depressed feelings.

"Now..." Anna continued once again. "It's making its way to my heart. So why kill me quickly... when you can witness me dying slowly? That is what you want, isn't it?" Anna gave another sad smile, her hair losing the last of its white shine and completely being engulfed in black. The changes happened before Elsa's eyes, in which she couldn't help but notice.

"N-No... I can't..." Elsa stammered.

The barriers within her heart were crumbling quickly like walls. But one refused to crumble. It sealed the darkness within her.

Her psyche was split into two. One part was screaming, "No you can't let her die!" But the other part was screaming right back, "Yes let her die! Your pain and suffering will finally be over!"

Elsa was clearly conflicted between the two and which one she should side with. The confusion was evident as she grabbed her head in her hands in attempt to just make everything go away.

Elsa looked up at Anna, her hands still on the sides of her head.

"Why do you do this to me?" She pleaded for an answer..

"I'm not doing anything..." Anna said weakly. She stumbled forward and found herself embracing her sister. She held on for support since her legs shook severely to hold her up. "Elsa I never wanted us to be like this..." Anna's hands wrapped tightly around her sisters abdomen and the shard was gripped tightly in her right hand, angled in such a way that the sharp end was directed into the small of her sisters back.

"The shard has to be emitted into her somehow." Anna winced at remembering the words.

This is the only way... She tried assuring herself of this but it proved difficult to accept. Tears began falling rapidly from her eyes as she held onto Elsa tightly, resting her chin against her sister's shoulder.

Elsa grasped onto to her sister holding her close, unaware of what was to happen next. She could feel Anna's tears dripping onto her shoulder.

"I... I'm sorry Anna. My whole body is telling me to kill you. But... I can't. I can't bring myself to do it. When I hurt you that night... I... I just became so terrified. I thought I lost you... It was the worst feeling I've ever felt..." Elsa said hugging her sister tighter as tears formed in her eyes.

"I know I've been unfair to you all these years. And I know I've been unfair to Jack as well. I've cast you both aside." Elsa continued, the tears beginning to fall.

"Anna... I know you can never forgive me... But I want to say I'm sorry. I know you'd never hurt me so I'm trying my best not to hurt you... I love you..." Elsa concluded, the tears freely falling as she hugged Anna closer and ran her hand through her hair.

Anna swallowed down her nerves, horribly shaking but keeping just a firm enough grip onto Elsa to keep herself steady. "I have always told you... that no matter what I would forgive you Elsa. And I am sticking to that. At first when all this began, all I could do was find reasons to hate you for it. But that's what everyone does. Finds some way to blame another for something of the past. Well I am done with that. I am done with this whole mess." Anna raised her hand farther away from her sisters back. "I am done with the evil that has come into our lives. I just want us to be together once again."

Jack's eyes had widened at the scene. He couldn't believe it. Anna was going to literally stab her own sister in the back. It was cruelly ironic all the same. At first he was just going to let it happen. At least Elsa would be back to normal... but then he remembered the reason why the shard had to be melted in the evergreen tea.

The Rosetta Shard is a very powerful item. He remembered reading. When handled, the magic must be dissolved into an herbal tea. It will be neutralized, and its effects will be concentrated, doing whatever it is you wish. But be warned. If a the Shard is not melted down, who ever uses the device onto another will be sealed in a fate all the same. It is hard to tell what that is, but if the one using the Shard is weaker, the effects are hard to say and may not wear off. Jack looked up startled at the recognition. He went to grab the shard, but gasped in horror when he saw it was already done.

Anna had plunged the needle sharp Shard into her sisters back.

"Anna what are you doing?" Elsa had asked seconds before when she felt her arm move away.

It was sudden but it hurt all the same. The sudden pain that had erupted from Elsa's back was agonizing.

She did not understand what had happened. Elsa slumped forward onto Anna. She looked up into her face with confusion and pain.

Elsa's eyes were slowly dulling, indicating she was dying. She tried to form words but no sounds left her mouth.

Elsa slowly grabbed onto Anna's free hand and squeezed it. She stared into her eyes the best she could.

Elsa squeezed Anna's hand once more before she fell limp, her sapphire eyes dull and devoid of life.

In the same second, a bright light emitted from Elsa, it engulfed the sisters. Anna felt an immense pain, the same, if not worse, than what her sister was feeling, but it erupted like an explosion and Anna let out a pained yelp.

Suddenly, ice and frost began to combine, starting from their feet and spreading upwards. Like a wild fire it began to cover them. Anna's eyes lost their liveliness as well as she hold tightly back onto her sister. In mere seconds the two were frozen solid. Ice statue's that were most beautiful but terrifying all the same.

Moments later after the air was still in shock and disbelief, Maximus, Sven, and Polaris had burst into the mouth of the cave, but stopped dead noticing the ice statue. The small wolf puppy popped his head out of the horse's satchel. He thought his heart nearly stopped. Polaris jumped out of the bag and slowly walked up to the statue in curiousness. Then he sat down, his eye turning sad as he lifted his head up to the sky and began howling. It was long and soft, but hollowed out in pure despair.

There was a black swirling crowd that appeared then, faster and faster until a man was visible. He stepped from the black sand, applauding.

"I loved the show! Very dramatic." It was none other than Pitch Black. Astrid gasped and hid her face in Hiccups should a, trying desperately to mask her tears. Jack Frost stepped in front of the dragons scowling.

"How could you do this!?" He screamed. "What turned you into this monster?!" Pitch seemed pleased that Jack was so distressed.

"You did! The last time you sent me away! Into that hole of eternal suffering! It was dark. Cold. And once again I was the boogie man. But no one believes in the boogie man anymore. He's invisible. Much like you used to be... Before you changed everyone's minds." Pitch's smile was wide and terrifying.

Toothless began to growl deeply in his throat threateningly. Hiccup turned back and saw the dragon start to coil, but he place a hand on the Night Fury's nose to stop him.

"No Toothless." He said gently. The dragon compiled in the command but still scowled.

"It was because you tried to rid of all the guardians in the first place." Jack snapped back in defense. "Manny didn't want the children to fear you any longer, so he gave them hope, happy dreams, wonderful thoughts... and you tried taking that away."

"Well good." Pitch began, raising his hand slightly. "Now I have come to accomplish so much more. The drama between those two sisters was honestly so annoying." He swirled black sand over his fingertips, blowing it to both sides of him where ratted, torn, and nearly lifeless versions of his servants stood. Even Han's and Gothel looked awful, barely able to stand as their energy was being sucked dry from them.

"Now that they're gone," Pitch said motioning toward the frozen sisters. "I only have all you left to rid of until all the worlds are mine!" Jack gave a disgusted look toward Pitch but none the less he was terrified. "Good bye Jack." Pitch raised his hand, a black sand starting swirl into an orb shape. Jack gulped, and everyone behind him held their breath.

All except Toothless.

The dragon let a growl escape him and he launched forward, his eyes wild with rage. The Night Fury began gathering his energy and it glowed a vibrant blue from his mouth. But Pitch just smiled and repositioned himself.

"Toothless!" Hiccup cried and went to Run forward but was being pulled and restrained by everyone he loved.

But the damage was done and now Toothless lay weakly at Pitch's feet. Hiccup let out a howl of despair and escaped everyone's grip.

"Toothless... Oh Toothless! I'm such a horrible friend... You have saved me from death twice and I can't even repay the favor... You stupid dragon, why'd you play hero?" Hiccup was crying now as his dragon nuzzles his hair.

Everything was quiet now, and Pitch smirk at the depressed atmosphere. He stood back watching the tears and sadness. It brought Pitch a joy that only a true cruel man could feel.

Astrid's head hung low as she let her own tears fall. She stood holding her dragon by the neck and hugging it tightly for comfort. She couldn't help but glance over at the sisters. They looked beautiful yet terrifying... But how they posed, it was like they accepted their fate. Astrid cocked her head slightly and suddenly her eyes widened.

"E-elsa?" She squeaked out. "Elsa's thawing!" Everyone looked toward the statue, even Pitch, and sure enough it was the truth.

Elsa felt something she had not felt for a long time. A warmness in her heart.

It happened slowly but quickened over the few seconds since it started. Elsa's body started to thaw from its icy tomb. It started from her heart and spread outwards.

Soon the last of the ice melted from her body and she fell to the ground. Elsa could not remember what had previously happened or what she had been doing or even where she was.

But soon the horrible memories of what she had done and tried to do would slowly dawn on her.

For now however, Elsa was stuck in the present. Using her hands she pushed herself up. As she pushed herself up her braid caught her attention.

Elsa's hair had returned to its cheery platinum blonde coloration. For Elsa however this was confusing. Since she could not remember anything after the incident at the coronation at the moment, it baffled her.

Elsa looked up seeing an odd group of people staring back at her with surprised looks.

Elsa looked at her hands. She did not have her gloves on.

Elsa panicked remembering the night in the foyer where she'd nearly killed her sister. Elsa held her hands close to herself to avoid hurting anyone. Though something stuck out in her mind.

Where was Anna?

Anna meant everything to Elsa. What had happened to her?

Elsa noticed Jack was among the odd group in front of her.


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