The Beta's Mate

By katiefayeb

21.1K 682 23

What would you do if you found out that everything you were taught as a kid about fairy tales was real? That... More

The Beta's Mate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Authors Note
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Important Note
Chapter 25
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Tewnty-Eight
Chapter Twenty- Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Nineteen

340 10 0
By katiefayeb

Lyssa's P.O.V.

It had been a few weeks since with had gotten out of the pack hospital, and things couldn't be better. Actually that's a lie, I hadn't talked to Lauren in weeks everytime I tried she ignored me or made up an excuse to leave. I really wasn't sure what was you with her, it kind of hurt when I found out that she hadn't been to see me at all when I was in the hospital too. She was the first friend I had made here and now she acted like she wanted nothing to do with me. But I had Maranda to be here for this and I was really grateful. "So what's it say?" I asked her nerviously. She turned the little sick over, two pink lines appeared. "Your pregnant." She said happily. It all started about a week after Trey and I began having sex, and once He knew I was okay it was all the time. I was getting sick, having cravings, getting bigger and at first I didn't think about being pregnant because with human things the time line just didn't add up, but then I talked to Maranda and she said being a werewolf it made everything speed up a lot. So she made me take a werewolf pregnancy test, it detected the hormones that weres have and humans don't when they're pregnant. So once we knew I was pregnant, I would only be pregnant for roughly 4 months.Even so with the timelime I would only have been pregnant for a few weeks now. Of course I was happy I mean, I was going to have a baby with Trey but I was also nervous I mean I was only 18 it yet again with werewolves it was normal. I smiled, "Holy shit." I said shocked. She laughed, "You better go call Trey." She said. I shook my head no, "I want to do it in person He comes home in a few days I'll just have to wait. But you can't tell Greyson either okay? He'll tell him they cannot keep secret." I told her, Trey had went to another pack with a few other fighters to train for a few days and wouldn't be home until Friday. "Alright." She agreed. I took the test and went to place it in my bedside drawer. " You can go on downstairs I think I just need a miniute." I told Maranda. She nodded, "I've got a few things to do but I'll see you later okay? Mind link me if you need anything." She said before hugging me and going downstairs. I sat on our bed and ran my hands through my hair, this was insane. Not even a year ago I had no idea werewolves existed and now here I am mated to one, part one, and pregnant with one. Being as it was a werewolf baby it wpuld grow alit fasterMy life was so different than what I expected when we moved here. I hadn't even talked to my parents since I had moved out, I mean Yeah I was pissed at them but they were my parents it would still be nice to hear from them. I took a deep breath and shook it all of deciding that I should probably go talk to Sam about the baby. Even if it was unexpected, it was still a miricle in my eues no matter what. I would have someone other than Trey who loved me unconditionally.

It was finally Thursday night and Trey wluld be home tomorrow I couldn't wait to tell him the news about the baby. The more time i had given myself go think ablut it the more excited I got. I knew without a doubt thay Trey not only would be excited but that he would be an amazing dad. He was so good to me already and I couldnt imagine how he would act once he knew that I was pregnant. I would have to brace myself for the over protectiveness to go into over drive. Pulling on a tshirt after i got out of the shower I decided to go dowstairs to the kitchen to find a snack I walked outside of our bedroom closed the door and nearly ran into Lauren on the steps. "Hey. " I said smiling at her. At first she didn't look like she was going to say anything which wouldn't have surprise me but then she lashed out. "Why in the hell are you talking to me?" She asked stopping in her tracks. I was confused, as I went to the step she was on. "Because your my friend and I've barely talked to you in a month." I said honestly. Even though she had ignored me Id still hoped that we were friends in her eyes. "Oh please save me the drama, you and I both know we're not friends anymore." She said rolling her eyes. I stepped down a few steps to get a better look at her. "What do you mean? What's wrong with you?" I asked worriedly. She snorted, "Why don't you ask your new besty the Luna." With that she began walking down the steps again pushing past me with more force than needed. The push cause me to lose my balance and go falling down the steps, I clouldnt stop myself and all I felt was pain. I knew I had broken something and my head was hitting every step along the way. Once I reached the bottom I barely felt conscious but a sharp pain was in my stomach, that's when I realized the baby was in danger.I panicked and began calling for Maranda in the mind link, she was the only one I knew to call for. Trey wouldn't be able to hear me as much as I needed him. Maranda! You've got to help, the baby. I thought as clearly as I could I was rapidly losing consciousness and could tell I was losing a lot of blood. The only thing going through my head was prayer that my baby would be okay.

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