Still Here Loving You | ✓

By stillclo

3K 82 8

"Because even after all those years we spent apart, I'm still here loving you." __________ Sequel of You Like... More

Author's Note
Character Aesthetics
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104 3 0
By stillclo

"What the hell did you do to me, Grayson?" I hissed at him as I tried to pee, but I was too sore.

This morning when we woke up, I almost couldn't walk and the area between my legs was too sore. I was practically limping on the way to the bathroom until Grayson picked me up and carried me to the bathroom.

"Brought you to heaven and back twice." He said with a proud smile like it was some kind of accomplishment.

Okay, maybe it was, but don't tell him that.

He was by his bathtub, filling it up with water and sprinkling bath salts in it that he surprisingly owns. The bath was really relaxing though and we stayed there until our fingers were all wrinkly before getting out to change.

Grayson made us breakfast. Well ordered us breakfast really. This man doesn't have anything stocked in his fridge except for coffee creamer and water.

"What are your plans for the week?" Grayson asked, pushing my hair behind my ears then caressing the crown of my head.

While waiting for the food to arrive, the two of us were laying on his couch with me on top of him, his hands firmly placed on my ass.

"The usual, busy with work." I half-shrugged. I was tracing the shape of his lips with my finger. "I have a potluck dinner tomorrow at work, so I have to buy some stuff and you, too. How can you survive here without food?" I scolded him.

He pouted his lips like a child. "I eat at my parents' house or during meetings. Sometimes mom drops off some groceries."

I gave him a are-you-kidding-me look. "Why do you even own an apartment if you just go home to your parents' house all the time? I mean, you basically see your dad every day at work anyway, so why move out?"

He looked up for a moment like he was actually thinking for a reason why, but then shook his head. "I don't know, but you do have a point. It's nice having my own place, but I also miss home."

I get what he was saying. I myself miss living with my family all in one house every once in a while, but it is nice that to have a place of your own. My mom didn't like me moving out at all, but I had to because I needed to be closer to work. So I had to make it up to her by going to their house on my days off, but I might have ruined my streak because I spend my extra free time with Grayson.

"I just remembered that I also have a family dinner the day after and I'm in charge of bringing the fruits. You're going grocery shopping with me before you drive me home, no negotiation." I declared. "Also because I'm running low on rice and I need you to carry the sack of rice for me." I sweetly smiled at him.

"Okay, fine. Since you need me, I'll be there." He grumbled then pressed a kiss to my brow.

I patted his head. "Good boy."

"I feel like a dog."

"Which breed of dog?" I asked jokingly.

He huffed an annoyed breath.

"I'm thinking a pit bull because of your blue eyes-" I stopped talking when I suddenly felt a lick on my cheek. I stared at him in shock with my mouth gaping open.

Grayson grinned slyly.

* * *

I walked Grayson out of my house, still not over the fact he did that to me. I stared at him blankly as we walked to his car and stood on the sidewalk.

The corners of his lips curl up, amusement showed in his eyes. I crossed my arms, looking him up and down.

"Okay, bye now." I waved my fingers.

"Not until I get my kiss first." Grayson opened his arms wide and signaling me to come closer.

"Naur." I said stubbornly.

He placed a hand on his hip and let out a sigh of frustration. "Come on, it's not the first time I have licked you."

My cheeks flamed. I looked around us to see if any of my neighbors were close that might have heard. His tone was too loud, he might have just shouted it out to the entire world.

"Grayson, you can't say things like that out in public." I threw daggers at him with my eyes.

"Then come here so I can whisper it sexily into your ear and we can continue it inside your house."

The heat in between my thighs grew, but as much as I want to, I can't because I'm still sore. I was like a penguin waddling around wherever I go and wincing every so often.

Grayson took it upon himself to embrace me into his arm and tried to kiss me on the lips, but I swerved my head to the side and his kiss ended up on my cheek instead and I laughed. His eyes narrowed for a second before peppering my face with kisses.

Giggling, I tried to escape his attack of kisses, but the hold he had on me was too strong, so I had no other option but to accept it all. He was about to kiss me on the lips but then—

"Arrf!" A high pitched bark interrupted us.

Grayson and I stopped, looking at each other for just a moment then glanced down to see a brown and white bulldog puppy sitting on the ground, gazing up on us.

"Aww!" I gushed, putting a hand above my heart. I pushed my boyfriend away and bent down to scoop the puppy in my arms. "Honey, look! Look at his cute wrinkly face." I pushed the puppy towards him.

He gave his head a good rub and the puppy barked in approval. "Hey, buddy. Where's your owner?"

"This little guy must have escaped." I kissed its the top of his head.

Just then a lady was hollering down the corner of my block. "Where did he go now?" She sounded in distress.

"Uhm, miss, over here!" Grayson shouted and waved. "Are you looking for a bulldog puppy?"

"Yes, have you seen one?" The lady came up to us.

"He's right here in my arms." I chimed, laughing a little.

Panting, she let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God! I was taking him out to the backyard together with his siblings for their potty, but that one escaped somehow."

"So there's a whole lot of them?" I asked.

She nodded. "It was an accidental litter."

"But a cute one, I must say." I said and the little one in my arms yapped in agreement.

"Well, they're up for adoption if you're interested."

My eyes lit up. "Really?"

Nothing is better than adopting a puppy on a whim. I have been thinking for a while of getting one and the universe just gave one to me running.

Although, I'm not quite prepared to have my things get slowly destroyed. But I don't care because I'm getting a dog!

The lady nodded.

"Is this one taken yet?"


I squealed in delight. "I'll take him from you."

And that's how I ended up owning with a puppy named Winston on a random afternoon.

* * *

Winnie the Bull, as what I will call him soon, because you know I'm naming him Winston and he's a bulldog, you get the point, isn't pass his ninth week mark yet to be adopted by me. So I took the remaining time to make a list of things that I need buy for my little wrinkly baby.

"When are we going to pick him up, again?" Grayson questioned, slouching on the couch beside me. Long story short, he stayed over.

"'We'?" I echoed.

"Our puppy."

"He's my puppy."

"We found him together, so technically makes me his daddy."

"You can be my daddy instead." I said seductively, rubbing my hand on his thigh, shimmying my shoulders. "Just kidding! But I'm the one adopting him, so technically he's mine."

"We'll talk about that daddy thing later." He pointed a finger at me. "I'll provide his insurance for his check ups and vaccines and whatever he needs."

Dogs needs a frequent check up at the doctor's, and some breeds have sensitive health and have a lot of health related issues, so the vet bill might be heart-stopping like literally.

But they're still cheaper compared to having a child, so that's a win!

"Okay, fine. We can have joint custody of little Winnie." I finally agreed. "But he stays with me and you can have your visits whenever you like."

"What are we? Divorced?" He choked out. "I haven't even married you yet."

My smile faltered a little.

The thought of marriage freaked me out. I still have that lingering fear up until now. I don't remember when this fear started or came to be, but it has always been there.

I shook my head to erase those thoughts and let out a fake laugh, hoping that Grayson wouldn't notice it, and changed the subject.

"Anyways, I can't wait until the puppy gets to go home with me." I happily sighed, pressing myself into Grayson's side. He wrapped an around me and kissed my temple.

"I'm sure he is as excited as you are." He hummed against my head.

After waiting for almost two weeks, we picked up Winnie from my neighbor and he was still as adorable the last time I saw him. He was a little skeptical about everything around him, sniffing then barking at something in his way while we were at the pet store.

Winnie was in Grayson's lap the whole drive on the way to the pet store. Gray grabbed his tiny little paws and put on the wheel.

"You know how other English Bulldog learn how to ride a skateboard," He started. "I'm going to teach Winnie how to drive a car."

I chortled and playfully rolled my eyes at the ridiculous thought.

Grayson insisted on carrying Winnie the whole time at the store. He was already more attached to the puppy than I was, but I don't blame him. Even when we were at the counter, he refused to let me carry Winnie as he took out his wallet to pay. He had already begun to spoil him by buying tons of dog toys and treats.

When we got back home just in time because the second I let Winnie play on the front yard, he did his business in the bushes before he went on exploring.

He decided that he had enough playing today and toddled his way to the porch where I was watching him the whole time. He fell down on his butt while looking at me and let out a worn-out bark and that was sign to carry him inside for his much needed nap.

His bed was placed just by corner of the living room with an already full basket full of toys thanks to Grayson.

And speaking of Grayson, he was in the kitchen making us a late lunch. I walked into the kitchen and hugged him from behind as he was cutting up some vegetables and a loaf of bread. I burrowed my face into his back, inhaling his manly scent.

"He fell asleep." I said, my voice muffled. "And I might too after lunch."

"Am I invited to your afternoon nap?" He moved a bit to give me a side hug before going back to what he was doing.

"Of course!" I said in a 'duh' tone. "I need my human pillow to make me fall asleep faster."

"I'm also fast at other things." His voice all seductive. I can visualize the huge grin in his face right noe.

I removed my arms around him and gave his ass a firm squeeze before giving it a smack and sprinted to the other side of the kitchen laughing.

We ate our lunch outisde on the porch because I wanted a change of scenery and it was perfectly sunny day.

"So I was thinking of texting my parents," I said, putting my glass back down on the table. "Like something along the lines of  'Hey, mom and dad, guess what? You're gonna be grandparents.' and then ignore their calls and messages."

Grayson let out a boisterous laugh. "No, don't do that. I want you alive and breathing beside me. I don't want a dead girlfriend, thank you very much."

I smiled at that. "All the more to do it. I just want to see their reactions."

I grabbed my phone and opened my contacts to message my parents. I quickly typed in a text with little context and made the sign of the cross before sending it. I put back my phone facing down and hope that once they see my text they won't come knocking to my door and demanding an explanation.

If they do come knocking on my door, I will scoop Winnie in my arms and present him to them. We'll see if I get to live another day because my parents don't like these type of games. I just hope that Winnie will be able to melt their hearts enough to spare me from a long lecture about not giving them a heart attack at an early age.

I was full of nervous energy. Grayson's contagious laugh got me and my stomach was starting to hurt and tears welled up in our eyes.

Suddenly my phone was vibrating continously.

"Holy shit, it's probably them." I exclaimed.

I opened my phone and there was a flood of notifications from my parents. My eyes widened when I read some of the text.

"What? What did they say?" Grayson asked.

"Well," I gulped. "Uhm, they're texting me on full Cebuano now. So it was nice getting to know you again, honey." I placed my hand over his for a more dramatic effect. "Here, let me read some of it. From Mother Dearest: 'Pag tarung diha, Maureen. Wala ko nag binuang.' My mom basically said that I should be serious and not be fooling around. Believe me, it's scarier than you think. Oh God, my dad is calling me."

I showed Grayson my screen and his eyes widened. I pressed the reject button and read the other notifications and I don't know whether to get scared or laugh at. The latest text that my dad sent nearly threw me off my seat.

"Oh my God, not my dad asking if you're the father." I cried.

"Wait, what?" His jaw dropped. "Babe, you can't be serious? What if he's out to find me?" He looked actually scared.

I gave him a look. My dad is not really that type of person. I don't know why Grayson is scared of my dad and is looking like he just pissed in his pants when he's at least a head foot taller than my dad.

"He's not going to do that." I reassured him. "I'm going to visit their house tomorrow and explain myself."

"Tell them that I don't have any part in this plan and I was just an innocent bystander."

I chuckled. "Fine."

The next day when I was at my parents house was . . . something.

I'm still breathing, so that's great.

Right when I was about to press on the door bell, the front door was swung opened to reveal my parents with the expressions of anxiousness and anger in their faces.

Nothing I'm not all too familiar with.

I gave them a sweet smile like I didn't just do something cunning. Before they could run their mouths about me fooling around, I dropped Winnie's travel bag on the floor and pulled him out of there and showed my parents.

"Here's your fur grandson!" I exclaimed.

And immediately once they saw him, their hearts melted and showered him with love and affection. The little guy didn't know he just saved my life in more ways than one.

My face twisted as I watch my parents with Winnie. Wow, I never got that much affection growing up. I should have been a dog instead if that was the case.

I followed them to the living room where Ethan and Eloise was. I squealed and dropped everything to hug my sister-in-law, carefully avoiding squishing her showing baby bump.

"Mommy called me yesterday about you being possibly pregnant or something." Ethan nudged me by the shoulder once I pulled away from the hug.

I made a gagging sound. "Me, pregnant? That will never happen. The closest thing I'll have to a child is that puppy over there being smothered by them." I pointed over to mom and dad.

"You have a boyfriend?" Eloise asked.

I smiled thinking of Grayson. "Yeah, I do."

She narrowed her eyes at me and crossed her arms. "And you never told me?"

I gave her a guilty look. I'm not really that person who parades their relationship around for everyone to know. There's a lot of snobby people who keeps jumping into our business, and in my case: noisy relatives.

Ethan gave me a weird look like every other sibling does. "Wala man lagi na nimo gi pa ila-ila." He said in an accusatory tone. (You didn't bother introducing him to us.)

"Kamo na diay balik?" Mom asked, holding Winnie in her arms like a baby. (You're back together?)

See, even my family is in the dark about my relationship.

"Hoy, kinsa mana? Ingna ko. Parang hindi pamilya." Ethan demanded. (Hey, who is it? Tell me. It's like we're not a family.)

"I'm so sorry you had to marry a man-child." I mumbled to Eloise. "And it's Grayson, by the way."

His eyebrows knitted. "Grayson? Like Grayson Martins, your first boyfriend all the way back in high school?"

Geez, didn't know he kept track of dating life.

"Naa pa diay lain?" I said blankly. (Is there anyone else?)

A hand came to up his gaping mouth in shock. "And pray tell why did I just know about this now?"

I rolled my eyes at his drama, and they say women are dramatic. I let out an annoyed sigh and slumped back on the couch.

"Wala pud ko kabaw ana." My dad defended himself. "I thought he was a fling or something." (I also didn't know about that.)

My eyes widened. "Daddy!" I shouted in horror.

I never would have imagined my dad of all people would know that word and use it.

"He was not a fling." I cleared that up.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what you kids call it today, basta pa anhi-a siyas balay usahay." (As long as he comes visit sometime.)

Now I was the one who had their brows furrowed. This family is weird sometimes.

Ethan, Eloise and I were all staying the night. We all went out for dinner at a Filipino restaurant we always go to. We go there so often that the owner and employees have become sort of our friends.

I was setting Winnie's pee pad when Grayson called in.

"Hello," I placed my phone on the floor.

"I'm shocked you lived." He humored me.

I snickered. "I didn't want to leave you alone."

"That's very sweet, I'm touched. Where's Winnie?"

"Playing with his toys." I leaned back a little.

I eyed the little puppy on the other side of my room growling at his stuffed toy. I laughed a little.

"What's he doing now?" He asked.

"Growling at a banana." I said before calling Winnie to come closer. It took him a while to follow, but eventually he came running. I grabbed my phone and put it closer to him.

"Hey, buddy, how are you?" Grayson wondered.

Winnie attempted to let out a bark in response.

I scratched the top of his head while he lays on my lap. "He was attracting a lot of attention in the restaurant during dinner, but he was very well-behaved until he got hungry."

Grayson cooed.

"By the way, I told my family we're together and now dad wants you to come over sometimes." I added.

He looked shocked. "You haven't told your family about us yet?"

"No, just today. Why?"

"We've been dating for months now, and you just told them?"

"Dad thought you were my fling." I winced. "But I said you were not. Ethan was throwing a fit because he didn't know about us."

"I'm a bit butt hurt, but it's fine." He pouted those rosy lips I want to kiss badly.

I frowned. "Does your family already know about us?"

He nodded his head. "Ever since we started and when I told mom that we were official, she demanded me to bring you to the lake house on fourth of July."

Now I feel kind of bad. "You know that my family and I are not the best with talking each other's feelings and stuff. We're not that open with talking about things under the surface."

"It's okay, I understand." He offered me a comforting smile.

Grayson and I talked on the phone for quite some time that when the call ended, Winnie had fallen asleep in my lap. I smiled at the scene. I captured the cute moment and sent it to Grayson before placing Winnie on his bed and gave him a peck on the head and I went to bed myself.


Word Count: 3,500+ Words

(Not Edited)


Credits to the owner.

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