Can't You See Me?

By Haeminji1

116K 6.1K 1.9K

Campus heartthrob Kim Minji is seen giving Hybe Entertainment CEO's daughter Haerin a ride home. I didn't eve... More

twenty one
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Twenty three
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New Story!

twenty nine

2.3K 135 18
By Haeminji1

Haerin's POV

It's been two weeks since I've moved in with the Kim's. It's also been about two weeks since I started working at Marsh's coffee shop. At first it was weird going to work everyday and coming back to a house that wasn't mine, but I'm slowly getting used to it. My father hasn't contacted me since I left except when he sent a message saying he shut down my checking and savings account. What a lovely man he is. I also went onto his social media page and the limited amount of photos he had of me were no longer there. He really wasn't getting when he said he would erase me from his life.

"Want to go shopping?" Hyein barged into the room I'm staying in and jumped on the bed next to me.

"I have to go to work soon." The younger girl sighed heavily slamming her head back into the pillows.

"All you do is work. I have needs Haerin, and they are to have a funny giggly time with my best friend. Tell them you can't come in." She pulled me down, hugging me like I was a teddy bear.

"Hyein, I have to work so I can afford to go college in the fall." Hyein just sighed, releasing me from her grip.

"I just don't understand why you won't let Minji pay for you to go." I rolled my eyes at the younger girl. I can't let Minji pay for me, I have to do this on my own. I've had everything in my life just handed to me and it feels wrong now to just take and take without giving anything in return. It's not right to take her money even if she is giving it to me without expecting anything in return.

"I can't do that, it's not right. We can hang out after I get off." Hyein sighed for nth time and just nodded.

"Do you promise? Because last time you said that Minji locked you and her in her room all night." The younger girl pouted, causing me to laugh and poke her cheek.

"I promise I won't even look in her direction." The younger girl's smile stretched out wide, making me smile as well. Hyein just high fived me and ran out of my room to do whatever that crazy girl does on her own. I looked over and the clock read 8:57. I have to be at work in like an hour, but I really don't want to get up and get ready. I like working at the coffee shop. I really do. It's calm and usually not that busy and the atmosphere is nice. Plus Danielle's mom is really nice.

"Are you awake?" Minji poked her head inside my room. Wow the Kim's really need to work on their knocking skills. I mean what if I was changing? Or naked?

"Depends what do you want?" Minji just rolled her eyes and came into my room shutting the door behind her. She was in a tank top and running shorts and her long black hair was pulled up into a ponytail.

"You." I felt my heart stop at her words. Minji has been like this a lot lately. Just being extra flirty since we kissed on the stairs almost a week ago. I mean she was always flirty, even when we were just friends, well we are still friends. I don't know exactly what we are, it's so confusing. Like we definitely don't treat each other as just friends, but no one has brought up the being girlfriends again thing.

"Shut up." Minji just laughed sitting at the foot of the bed I was laying on.

"I'm about to go for a run, wanna come?" she placed her hand over my blanked covered leg rubbing back and forth. Minji's love language is definitely physical touch when it comes to her romantic relationships, however not her friendships which I find really funny.

"No, I'm about to go to work. Maybe next time." I sit up leaning against the headboard. Minji just hums and stands up again.

"Wanna hang out after?" I shake my head causing the older girl to furrow her eyebrows and frown. "And why not?" She puts her hands on her hips in a fake sassy way making me giggle. She is such a drama queen sometimes, it must run in the family.

"I promised Hyein we would hang out tonight. I promised no Minji sorry." Minji groaned very dramatically and started stomping her feet like a five year old. Why do I feel like the older one in this relationship sometimes?

"Haeriiiiiiiin why would you do that?!?!?"

"I haven't hung out with just Hyein in a while. She is my best friend! I hang out with you all the time!" Minji just groaned again, crossing her arms over her chest pouting. After a long stare off we had Minji groaning again, uncrossing her arms and sitting at the foot of the bed again.

"Fine, I'll see if Hanni and Chaewon want to hang out." Chaewon? I haven't heard about her since that night she came over to watch a movie.

"No." I don't want her to hang out with Chaewon. When I came into the living room that night and saw them cuddled up to each other my heart broke. I thought she may have moved on and found someone else from being too tired of waiting on me. I looked up and saw Minji smirking at me. Oh no.

"Why not? You're hanging out with Hyein. Why can't I hang out with my friends?" The older girl crawled on the bed so she was sitting right next to me. I didn't look at her because if I did she would be able to tell. Should be able to tell that I was Jealous of Chaewon. There is no reason for me to be jealous. Minji made it very clear that she doesn't like her. I can't imagine how she was really feeling seeing Niki and I together. All I ever do is hurt her. "Haerin?" I finally looked beside me at the older girl whose smirk was still on her face.

"I'm sorry you can hang out with whoever you want to." Minji's smirk fell and she was frowning. What did I do now?

"I thought you were jealous I was going to mess with you." Minji crossed her arms leaning against my side.

"I am. I just don't want my jealousy to control you or me." Minji shot right up the smirk returning to her face.

"Haha I knew it!" Minji got up dancing around the room having a little victory party or whatever. Does she want me to be jealous? I don't understand.

"Do you want me to be jealous?" Minji halted her little dance party and jumped on top of me causing me to groan in pain.

"Well I spent the last three years constantly being jealous of the people around you. It just feels nice that you like me enough to get jealous of other people. You're not a very fun jealous person though. You just sulk. Why don't you go and fight her for my love or something like that?" Minji ended her rant with a big smile as she continued to list off things I could do to this Chaewon girl to show how much I love her or whatever. It's getting kind of annoying. I'm not going to fight someone to show that I care for her, that is stupid. We aren't fifteen. I shove the older girl off of me getting up and going into the closet attached to my room. "Are you mad at me?" Minji followed me into the closet, stopping at the door watching me as I went through my clothes trying to decide what I am wearing to work today.

"I'm not going to fight someone to show that I want you or whatever. Either you want me or her or whoever." Minji just laughed coming up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist. I try not to lean back into her because I am trying to stand my ground. I'm done letting people treat me this way.

"I want you and only you. I was only messing around. I won't do it again." Minji leaned down resting her chin on my shoulder. After a couple of seconds I break and lean into her embrace. I can never stay mad at her for too long no matter what.

"Okay." I continued to go through my closet which was much fuller since Kazuha came earlier this week delivering me the rest of my clothes. She said she was going to go back to Japan at the end of the year. I'm glad she is getting out, but I am going to miss her.

"What are you doing?" Minji still hand her arms around me making it hard to move around.

"I'm picking out an outfit for work today. Could you get out so I can change?" Minji just held on tighter, digging her chin into my shoulder.

"No." I tried my hardest to pry her hands off of me but to no avail they wouldn't move.

"Minji I can't get dressed if you don't let go."

"Fine there." Minji let go of me, but stayed inside the closet with me. What is she doing? I motioned my hand to the door hoping she would get the hint, but she just began whistling looking up at the ceiling. What is she doing?

"What are you doing?"

"I won't watch you change." the older girl stopped whistling for a second, but continued on after she finished her sentence. I laugh a little and roll my eyes at the weird girl. What's the point in staying here if she isn't going to watch. She's standing right in front of the pair of jeans I want so I nudge her.

"If you are going to be in the way can you at least be helpful and hand me those jeans." I pointed to the pair I wanted and Minji looked down, picking them up and handing them to me. This time Minji didn't look back up the ceiling, she just looked at me. "Minji." her eyes widened and she immediately looked back up with a smirk on her face. I took off my pajama shorts and tossed them into the hamper and put on the jeans. I took off my shirt leaving me and just a bra. I look over and Minji's eyes are still on the ceiling as she continues her whistling. I walk over and grab her hand, shaking it back and forth playing with her.

"Are you dressed?" I felt a smirk rise to my lips at the thought of messing with her. Minji has never seen me without clothes on so it would be funny to see her face if she saw me without a shirt on. I just tugged on her arm again without saying anything. Minji's eyes wandered down and as soon as they did her eyes widened so far I thought they were going to pop out of the socket.

"Haerin!" Minji immediately covered her eyes with her hands turning away from me. I laughed harder than I ever had before. I turned around so she was facing me, but she still had her eyes covered.

"What? I thought that's what you wanted to see since you stayed in here." the older girl just started ramling absolute nonsense. I'm not even sure what she was talking about. I get on my tip toes and plant a chaste kiss on her lips to shut her up. Minji uncovered her eyes and they immediately went south to where my chest was making me giggle once again.

"Maybe I was trying to get a little peak." Minji's blush was almost completely gone, just leaving a faint pink tint. I knew that's why she stayed. She continued to look at my torso which was starting to make me feel things I shouldn't be feeling.

"Okay you had your peak." I reached over grabbing a shirt and quickly pulled it over my head. Minji's smirk turned into a frown.


"Shut up." Minji cackled and left the closet. What a pervert.


I got back from work earlier than I thought and was immediately greeted by a hyper Hyein. She was jumping around shoving me to the living room where she had a movie ready popcorn and two drinks. Wow.

"What is this? A date?" Hyein plopped down on the couch putting her hand behind her head smirking up at me.

"If you want it to be sugarplum." We both had a staring contest which Hyein lost bursting out in laughter.

"You're so annoying." I flop on the couch next to her stealing the popcorn she just picked up putting it in my lap.

"You love me."

"Yeah whatever." Hyein put on the movie. I think it was one of the Pitch Perfect movies, but I'm not sure which one. Hyein loves these movies. I think she watches at least two of them a week.

"How is work?"

"Pretty good. Are you excited for cheer camp?" Hyein is about to spend two weeks in California going to cheer camp. It's all she has been talking about for the past couple of days and I can't blame her. It seems really exciting.

"Um yes absolutely! I've been so bored here I've been thinking about getting a job." It was silent for a couple of seconds then we both erupted in laughter. Hyein hates working and she would never get a job.

"Yeah right." It was silent for a minute and I looked over and Hyein looked a little off. Is she okay? "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing." Hyein's gloomy posture immediately changed and she gave me a fake smile.

"Hyein, don't lie to me. What's wrong?" The younger girl just sighed and paused the movie, turning her full body to face me.

"Promise me you want stress or freak out." oh god what is she about to tell me. I felt my heart beat increase rapidly. I am never good under stress. I've had panic attacks since I was little. They haven't been as constant these past few years, just a couple here and there. I had a lot however after Minji left. Hyein was there for most of them, that's how we got so close.


"Niki came by today." oh my god. How did he find out I was here? He has texted me several times since I left my fathers house trying to meet up and talk with me, but I have been ignoring him until I felt like I could talk to him. I'm not ready to talk to him. I felt my heart rate increase and my breathing get faster. I can't do this. Everything was going perfectly.

"But how? How did he find out I was here?" Hyein grabbed my hand trying to soothe me but it wasn't working.

"Leeseo was with him." That's how. I told Leeseo where I was one day when she found out I didn't live at home anymore when she tried to come over and talk to me. This is too much right now. What more do they want from me? I stand up and begin pacing trying to collect my thoughts.

"I'm screwed. If they know where I am my father surely does as well. They are never going to leave me alone." Hyein gets up and grabs my shoulders, stopping me from pacing.

"Haerin, nothing is going to happen to you. We won't let them bother you or do anything to you." Hyein pulled me into her embrace holding me tight like she did many times before when I got like this. I felt my heartbeat slow and my breathing become less rapid. "There you go. You're alright." She continued to hold me as I calmed down. After a minute I pulled away, sighing.

"Thank you." The taller girl just smiled and patted my shoulder.

"I'll always be here for you no matter what. We are besties for life Rin." I smiled up at the taller girl.

"I'll always be here for you too." Hyein just groaned and punched my shoulder.

"Okay enough with this sappy crap, let's watch this movie!"


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