Psycho....||Lee Felix FF||

By Yongbok-Shiiiii

21.7K 441 244

Felix:I will kill everyone for you,Doll. Y/N:Please,Leave me!! More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
episode 4
episode 5
episode 6
episode 7
episode 8
episode 9
iepisode 10
episode 12
episode 13
episode 14
episode 15
episode 16
episode 17
episode 18
episode 19
episode 20
episode 21
episode 22
episode 23
episode 24
episode 25
episode 26
episode 27
episode 28
episode 29
episode 30
episode 31
episode 32
episode 33
episode 34
episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37

episode 11

749 12 27
By Yongbok-Shiiiii

(Living room)

Felix:*Comes downstairs with Y/N*

Y/N:*Getting difficulty to walk but adjusts it*

Skz(except Felix):*Looks at Them*

Han:Damn..*Smirks*She seems to struggle..

Felix:*Proud*Ofcourse,my work.*Takes her to the Dining room*

(Dining room)

Felix:*Makes her sit*

Y/n:*Mind=Did they hurt Rose?Is she in the same Basement?...*

Felix:Dolly, I'll bring food Alright?


Felix:*Goes to the Kitchen*

Skz(except Felix):*Comes to the dining room*

Y/n:*Mind=Ugh!.... I'm not comfortable..*

Minho:*Sits on the chair then stares at her*

Y/n:*Eyes fixed on her lap*

Minho:*Looks at Bangchan*



Bangchan:*Sighs*Was he..too harsh?

Y/n:*Blank,Mind=Really?!... You found only this question to ask?!*U-Uhm..

Bangchan:*Mind=Fuck..her..scent..*.......What..perfume do you use?

Y/n:I.....I don't use any..



Bangchan:Is...It your natural.. Fragrance?

Y/n:*Confused*W-What do you mean?

Felix:*Comes*Yup!My Dolly's natural fragrance..*Keeps the plate of bacon and egg in front of her*There you go,dolly!

Y/n:*Mind=Huh..Eggs and Bacon....**Looks at Felix*W-What's this bacon m-made of?

Felix:*Blinks multiple times*....It's the bacon that humans eat,dolly...

Y/n:A-Ah!Okay!*Starts eating*

Felix:*Sits on a chair beside her then admires her*

Y/n:*Busy eating*

Bangchan:*Glups,Mind=Her... fragrance is so addicting...**Looks away*

Han:Hmmm..her fragrance is so sweet,Felix*Kicks his lips looking at Y/n*


Felix:*Glares at Han*What the fuck,Han..

Han:*Chuckles*I wish she was just an ordinary girl..not your love..or else..*Looks at Y/n then licks his lips again*

Felix:*Glaring at Han*Get your eyes off her..or else I won't hesitate gauging them out..

Han:*Chuckles*Relax dude.. she's your's anyways..*Leaves the dinning room*

Hyunjin:*Tilts his head then his eyes lands on her neck that has hickeys,gets jealous*

Y/n:*Wipes her mouth with the tissue*I-I'm Done..*Low tune but enough for them to hear*

Felix:Oh!Good girl.*Smiles creepily*

Minho:*Takes the plate then goes to the kitchen to clean it up*

Felix:What do we do now,Dolly?*Rest his head on the dinning table then looks at her smiling*

Y/n:*Can't keep eye contact with Felix*I-I don't know..

Felix:*Frowns then sits nicely*Tell me something which you wanna do!

Y/n:*Thinks hard,Mind=Ugh!I just want to go home!!!*W-What do you want do to..

Felix:*Blinks multiple times*Let's go see Rose

Y/n:*Shocked,looks at Felix*R-Really?

Felix:*Smiles creepily*Yup!But..You don't get to stay with her for too long.. understand? You'll only be beside me!

Y/n:*Looks down,Mind=Well.. atleast I'll get to see Rose**Nods*Okay..

Felix:*Stands up then grabs her wrist*Come lets go! I can't wait to see my dolly happy!

Y/n:*Stands up,Mind=Happy..yea..sure..*

(At the basement)

Felix:*Enters with Y/n then locks the door behind him*

Y/n:*Sees Rose tied up with her head down,scared*

Felix:Rose~~*Holds Y)N's wrist so that she won't do any dumb things*

Rose:*Groans doesn't look up*L-Leave me Alone..Lee Felix..*Coughs out blood*

Y/n:*Tears built up in her eyes seeing Rose like this*

Felix:*Chuckles creepily*Look who's here to see you,Park Rose..

Rose:I...I don't give a fuck!*Coughs*

Felix:Oh!You see Dolly..She doesn't want to see you-lets go back up,hm?

Rose:*Mind=Dolly?!Y/n?!**Instantly looks up*Y/n!


Y/n:*A tear escape her eyes*

Rose:Y-Y/n*Smiles through her pain*H-Hey!I'm glad you're completely fine..Y-Y/n*Coughs*

Y/n:B-But you're not,Rose..*Controlling her tears*

Rose:*Tears roll down her cheeks*N-No..I'm completely fine..

Y/n:*Shakes her head as"No"*

Rose:Y-Y/nie..did...h-he hurt you?



Y/n:*Looks down*

Rose:Y-Yah..say something!

Felix:*Chuckles deeply*Rose realx~I didn't hurt her!

Rose:*Glares at Him with tears in her eyes*


Rose:You Jerk!...Leave her!Leave her alone!

Y/n:*Looks at Rose*

Felix:,Shut up bitch!How many times shall I tell you!!? I.will.never.leave.her.*Dark tune*

Rose:You fucking don't deserve her!!

Felix:*Angry*You!*Leaves Y/N's wrist then goes and grabs Rose's neck choking her*

Rose:*Struggling to breath**Smirks*Only this much strength?

Felix:*Tighten the grip*

Y/n:No!Felix-leave her!*Tries to stop Felix*

Rose:*Spits at his face,smirks*

Felix:*Close his eyes,annoyed**Takes a deep breath then opens his eyes again looking at Rose deadly*

Y/n:*Scared for Rose*

Felix:I..I won't hesitate to fucking kill you,Rose!*Yells*


Rose:Then what are you waiting for?!Fucking kill me,jerk!*Yells back*


Felix:*Breathing heavily*Yeah?!*Leaves her neck then walks towards a Table then picks up a knife*

Rose:*Mind=...Please god..let him kill me but let Y/n escape from this psychos*

Y/n:*Widened her eyes in shock*

Felix:*Stops right Infront of Rose*

Y/n:Y-Yah!Felix don't!Put that away please!

Felix:*Looks at Y/n**Smiles creepily*Doll...move aside!*Dark tune*

Y/n:*Scared but stands Infront of Rose blocking her*


Felix:*Rise one eyebrow*

Y/n:Don't... Hurt h-her..Felix..

Felix:*Small smirk*Looks like that punishment was not enough right dolly?


Rose:*Suddenly feels scared*Fel-*Cut off by*

Felix:*Takes the knife then quickly moves it along Y/N's shirt tearing it apart in two pieces*

Rose:*Widened her eyes*

Y/n:*Close her eyes tightly*

Rose:Lee Felix!*Yells in anger*

Felix:*Tilts his head admiring Y/n*

Y/n:*Slowly opens her eyes with tears in her eyes,looks at Felix*

Felix: Fuck it babe.. I'm thirsty for your liquid again..*Low tune,licks his lips*

Y/n:*Takes a deep breath*Do whatever you want with me..please..just don't hurt..R-Rose..

Rose:*Looks at Y/n Shocked*

Felix:*Smirks widely*Sure..but..we going to do it here.. Infront of HER eyes!



Felix:*Goes and keeps the knife on the table*

Rose:*Understood*Shit-Y/n..Run now!

Y/n:*Caught off guard,Covers her body*

Rose:Don't worry about me-just run Y/n!Hurry!

Y/n:*Looks at Rose*

Rose:Trust!there is no time left!

Y/n:*Takes a deep breath then runs towards the door but See's it's lock,tries to break the lock as quick as possible*

Rose:*Worried*Hurry! He's behind you!!

Y/n:*Scared,Keeps her hand on the handle but a bigger hand lands in top of her hand,Froze*

Going somewhere,dolly?

Y/n:*Gets goosebumps*

Felix:*Turns her around then slams her on the door*

Y/n:*Glups,looks at him*

Felix:*Tilt his head*Babe~Its not said not to hurt Rose and do anything to you so I'm doing it..but now trying to run away?'s okay.. I'll hurt her.

Y/n:N-No!Please!Don't..I'm s-sorry..I won't to it again..just d-dont do anything to h-her..

Felix:*Smirks*Good escaping!*Puts Y/n over his shoulder then walks towards the table*

Rose:*,Tears built up in her eyes,looks away*

Felix:*Smashes his lips on Her's*

Y/n:*Close her eyes tightly*

Felix:*Throws Y/N's shirt away still kissing her*

Rose:*Tears roll down her eyes continuously*

Y/n:*A tear escape her eyes*

Felix:*Goes down Attacking her neck*

Y/n:*Press her lips together*


Felix:*Takes off her bra throwing it away then sucks Her left nipple massaging her other boob*


Felix:*Looks at her*Dolly,you look so damn hot..*Low tune*

Y/n:*Looks at him with tears in her eyes*

Felix:*Kisses her again*

Rose:*Looks away closing her eyes tightly*

Felix:*Takes off his shirt*

Y/n:*Mind=Please..Felix stop...I don't want this..please...*

Felix:*Takes off Y/N's lower clothes*


Felix:*Breaks the kiss then attacks her neck again*

Y/n:*Holds the table tightly*

Rose:*Mind=No..Please..I don't like this!!!*


Felix:*Takes off his lower clothes*Fuck-I want you right now-*Puts his whole length inside her without warning*

Y/n:Ahh!!*Screams in pain*

Rose:No-*Bites her lips, doesn't want to hear anything,close her eyes more tightly*

Felix:*Smirks widely*Fuck-Ugh!*Trust inside her in a slow pace but goes deeper every trust*

Y/n:N-No!Stop!!*Holds Felix's Shoulder tightly for support*

Felix:Ahhhhh-holy shi-Ugh!*Moans*Y-You feel so good-babe*Moans*

Rose:*Disgusted by Felix**Tears roll down her cheeks*

Felix:*Goes faster*

Y/n:*Gasp,Yells*Agh!F-Felix-No stop!-*Yells*

Felix:Fuck-Ahhhhh*Moans*R-Remember! You're only mine-dolly Only mine!


Felix:*Looks at Rose,smirks*Enjoying the show,Park Rose?*Moans*

Rose:*Looks down with disgusted*Y-You are disgusting Lee Felix!

Felix:*Smirk*I know!Only for You-Ahhh*Moans*

Rose:*Cries silently*

Y/n:*Tears doll down her cheeks*

Felix:*Quickly kisses the tears away*You're only mine,Baby-*Moans*


Felix:*Pecks her lips,Moans*Ugh-Im C-Close!

Y/n:*Cums all over his dick*

Felix:*Cums then pulls out his length,hugs her resting his head on her shoulder,tries to catch his breath*

Y/n:*Breathing heavily*

Felix:I love you*Whispers*

Y/n:*Blinks multiple times*

Rose:*Doesn't look at them*

Felix:*Backs away then helps Y/n wear her clothes*Oh your shirt-*Makes her wear his shirt*Woah..looking hot,dolly.*Smirks*

Y/n:*Doesn't say anything*

Felix:*Pecks her lips then wears his clothes too*

Rose:*Finally looks at Felix more like glaring at him*

Felix:*Smirks*Enjoyed the show,Rose?

Rose:Fuck you,Lee Felix... You'll rot in hell for what you did to Y/n!

Felix:*Laughs*I don't care if I go to hell or not,Enjoy your life they say~So that's what I'm doing,Rose!

Rose:*Sobs,Looks away*Jerk..

Felix:*Glares at her,about to go to her*

Y/n:*Quickly holds His wrist*

Felix:*Looks at her*

Y/n:, P-Please don't hurt her...

Felix:*Smiles creepily*Okie!Only for you~

Rose:*Shocked by his change of mood*

Felix:Let's go Upstairs,shall we,Dolly?

Y/n:*Slowly nods*

Felix:*Helps her stand then goes towards the door,Looks at Rose*Enjoy crying here,Rose!*Smirks then goes out of the basement locking it*

(Living room)

Felix:*Comes supporting Y/n*

Han:Where is your shirt Felix-Oh?..Why is she wearing it?

Felix:*Small smirk*

Y/n:*Mind=Oh gosh..*

Felix:Down there I mistakenly tore it apart so I gave her my shirt to wear..

Han:*Smirks*Sure?You guys didn't do anything down there too,did you?

Felix:*Chuckles creepily*Maybe?*Carries her bridal style then goes upstairs*

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