Marvel Madness: The Prankster...

By TheBookAddict9

615 1 0

Meet Alex, a multiverse traveler with the ability to see and modify the core attributes of characters, changi... More

Hell Yeah...
Brian Mills
The Electric Treatment
The Construction Site
The Game Has Only Begun
Alexander King
The Bet
The World Revolves Around Interests & Benefits
My Loyal Servant Bro...
Chief Ferry
Faking It
Making The Move
Happy New Year Guys
The Hit List
The Art Of Interrogation
Sam Gilroy
The Price of Greed And The Stirring Tyrant
Top-Notch Stealth
Kimberley Mills

Hydra! Good To See You Buddy

31 0 0
By TheBookAddict9

Laurent hung up the phone, released a sigh of relief, and slumped on the chair, tired.

A transaction is an exchange of interests. It is a discussion based on the status, needs, situation, capital, etc., of both parties. Finally, it reached a result acceptable to both parties.

For Laurent, this is something that he is exceptionally skilled at. As long as you pay enough price, you can reap the desired benefits.

From a small policeman to the current chief of the police station, he has experienced countless transactions, getting bribes from gangs and giving bribes to high-ranking officials...

In the few rounds of transactions just now. Laurent has suffered unprecedented losses, and it could be said that he almost went broke.

To satisfy the people of the International Human Rights Association, he had to give more "benefits" to satisfy them.

Although it is a non-government and non-profit organization, how can the staff inside not want to make money?

There will be good people in this world, but they are a minority, especially in this kind of organization. It's not just all about charity...

Everything in this world revolves around benefits and interests. Thus the International Human Rights Association was successfully tamed.

Newspaper reporters and TV reporters, which most will think are difficult to deal with, are, in fact, the easiest...

Laurent has been working with them for a long time already.

Otherwise, why is no one reporting the prostitutes all over the street and not exposing the arrogant human trafficking gangs...

Could it be because the reporters can't see it? Or is it because they are not short of money and don't want to make big news? Of course, it is because of the temptation of money and the oppression of power.

Some reporters are full of justice and willing to sacrifice themselves. Still, at the same time, only a few have a high enough position or self-protection ability to make any impact.

After some skilled warning threats and promises of "benefits," the reporters from the newspaper and TV station, as well as the bosses behind them, were all settled.

It seems that Laurent lost a lot, but in reality, he is the one who has benefited the most. Although he lost money, he saved his life.

If this matter was widely reported and known to the public. And someone found the high-ranking officials behind the gang. Laurent would probably lose the position he had obtained after "struggling" for most of his life.

If things got to that point, Laurent would just take out the gun from the drawer, point it at his head, and pull the trigger.

If Laurent gives himself a full score for how he has resolved the situation.

Timely release of profits and self-protection requires keen judgment and decisive decision-making. The negotiation process is an art...

"Excellent transactions and negotiations. It seems that Director Laurent is skilled in this kind of thing." A person said.

"Hmph, who is that...?!"

Laurent enjoyed the compliment, but he suddenly realized he was alone. Where did this sudden voice come from?

Shocked, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to open the drawer. After a gunshot, feeling the scorching heat passing by his ear, his hand froze wisely in mid-air.

"Don't get excited, Commissioner Laurent. Next time it won't miss."

The person in the shadows took two steps forward and appeared in the light. It was Alex, still holding a gun in one hand and a video camera in the other.

"Who are you?" Laurent asked, "How did you get in here?!"

"Me? Just a regular guy who wants to have some fun.

As for how I got in, it's all thanks to the wealth you've accumulated over the years, Director Laurent."

"An independent villa with front and rear gardens is a costly undertaking. The place is big as a fucking palace.

I thought it would take a lot of effort to come inside, but I didn't expect it to be so easy and look. I arrived at the right time."

Alex came before Laurent and put the working camera on the table, pointing at him.

"You happened to be on the phone when I sneaked in here. I am fortunate. After all, things are rarely so coincidental. Wouldn't it be a pity if I missed some wonderful pictures?"

"What do you want?" Laurent frowned, his heart full of disbelief... because he hadn't found Alex before!

And because of what Alex said, Laurent's heart sank. No wonder Alex dared to shoot directly... Initially, Laurent hoped his security guards would save him after hearing the gunshots!

"What do I want?" With a distressed expression on his face, Alex seemed lost in thought because of Laurent's question.

"Yes, I can give you whatever you want!"

Laurent firmly said, don't worry about whether it can be done or not. Anyway, at this time, everyone must agree to it. It is best not to try to reason with the other person when he has a fucking gun pointed at your head.

"Let me think about it, in a sense...a piece of news." Alex thought for a while and said.

Laurent breathed a sigh of relief, almost visible to the naked eye, "You are a reporter? Very good, I generally understand what you want, I can give you countless news in the future, and even cooperate with you to create 'news.' I can give you a lot of money..."

"No, no, Director Laurent, you misunderstood. The news I mentioned is not the kind you understand." Alex raised his hand to interrupt Laurent with a strange light in his eyes.

Laurent's status pops up under Alex's gaze.



Name: Laurent Lalle

Age: 56

☆Core Attributes☆

1. [Green - Ordinary]

An ordinary old man.

2. [Purple - Money Lover]

An admirer and pursuer of money. In his eyes, money is like a sexy girl with a seductive figure.

3. [Purple - Paris Police Chief]

Chief of the police of Paris.

4. [Blue-Licking Dog]

Likes to bow down to the strong, but he will strike hard at the weak. A perfect example of a Licking Dog.

5. [Blue - Little Lucky]

His luck played a part in his successful career.

6. [Blue - Affiliated to Hydra]

A sleeping cell of hydra.


Alex was taken aback by this, and he stopped modifying Laurent's character.

Hydra! Good to see you.


Authors Notes

Yo guys, are you enjoying the story.

Show me your love and support, as it makes me write more.

Feel free to comment with your thoughts and suggestions. Add this to your library and share it with your friends and fam. Also, check out my other novels as well.

Also, check out my other novels as well.

See yaa...


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