My Love - Mason Thames

By BabyB1130

29.7K 254 193

Cassie is an amazing young actor who has been in many popular things before. When Cassie gets a job on The Bl... More

Meet the Characters
Chapter 1- The Call
Chapter 2- The Meeting
Chapter 3- Table Readings
Chapter 4- Insta Posts
Chapter 5- Who is He
Chapter 7- Cast x2
Chapter 8- What's Wrong
Chapter 9- The Mall
Chapter 10- OMG REALLY
Chapter 11- Insta Posts #2
Chapter 12- Filming #2
Chapter 13- Almost WHAT
Chapter 14- Paranoia
Chapter 15- Let me help you
Chapter 16- Girls Convo
Chapter 16- Boys Convo
Chapter 17- Pizza, Movie, ect.
Chapter 18- Hotels and Lobby Talks
Chapter 19- Sleepover
Chapter 20- Chick-fil-a
Chapter 21- I KNEW IT
Chapter 22- Oh Another Day
Chapter 23- Last day
Chapter 24- Premier

Chapter 6- Filming

1.2K 13 15
By BabyB1130

Today is the first day of filming and I couldn't be more excited. It has been about 4 weeks since our first table reading and 'Kaden' is as annoying as ever, he feels the need to tattle to Scott about everything us kids do. Everyone on set is over him. I don't really know why Scott keeps him around but whatever the reason it has to be good.

"Cassie! CASSIE! HURRY UP!" Mason yelled into the phone, he had called me so he could know when we were going to leave. Mrs Thames and JJ worked something out to where they take turns taking us to set. I was running late per usual but only by like 2 minutes. I quickly put my shoes on and ran out the door, Mason was already waiting like always and we head for the elevator. Mrs. Thames left about 5 minutes ago to get the car and bring it to the front. "Do you always run late or is it a new thing?" Mason asked

"Well Mr. Thames by my calculations since most people are still sleeping there should be very little traffic and we should be right on time so calm yourself." I sassed back

"Ok, ok, fair enough. Are you ready to start filming?" Mason asked getting excited. It was his first big movie just like most of the cast the only other one I had been in was Secret Headquarters but I also had worked on some other well known shows. 

"Yeah, but I would be a lot more excited if it was an hour later." He laughed. It was about 5:30am and we start filming at 6:30 so to have time for make-up, hair, and dressing we have to get there at 6:00

"It is a bit early I agree. But I think there's coffee and breakfast once we get there." Mason says trying to get me to smile. It works of course, free coffee and food, yes please everyday.

"Ok, hurry up I want coffee and food." I say running the rest of the way to the elevator and pushing the call button, Mason quickly caught up and we head down to his mom's car. 

-----Time Jump-----

Believe it or not we actually made it to set on time today. Mason joked that Kaden wouldn't have anything to get mad about, I commented that he would get mad about that. We couldn't look at each other after that cause we would end up laughing. We walked to our individual trailers to drop our stuff then head to hair and makeup. When I got there I was met with Maddy and Tristan and Becca, we had 3 hair and makeup trailers 1. Me, Maddy, Becca, Trison, Mason, and Miguel. 2. Jacob, Brady H, and Brady R, Banks, and Jordan 3. Had all the adults (Ethan, Jeremy, James ect.) 

"Good morning my beautiful Cassie." Becca says glancing up at me

"Good morning bec." I smile at her

"Hey Cassie, you look tired." Maddy comments

"Yeah I was told that there would be coffee here and I have yet to find coffee." I explain what Mason had said to me

"Ha! Who told you that?" Tristan asks, right before I was going to answer Mason walked in I turn to him

"Ah it's true, speak of the devil and he will appear." I say to Mason also as an answer for Tristan's question. Maddy, Becca, Miguel and Tristan all laugh and Mason just seems confused

"What in the world did I do?" He asks

"You told her there would be coffee, and there is no coffee." Maddy explains, Mason just nods his head

"Yeah, sorry about that I just needed you to get going." Mason says

"WHAT?! How rude! I would never do that to you." I exclaimed knowing very well I would do the same. He gave me a look as to say he knew I would to, "So what scenes are we filming today?" I ask changing the subject

"Uhh I think some of the school scenes and all of the kidnapping scenes." Becca answered me

"Dang, that seems a bit much don't ya think?" Maddy asked

"Yeah, they probably don't think it will take long." I suggest

-----Time Jump-----

I could not have been more wrong. We have been filming for 14 hours, it was currently 9:42 and I couldn't possibly be more tired but we still had to film the kidnapping scene between Finney and Layla. They were supposed to get kidnapped together, the van that we get thrown into is a real van, Scott even said that we get to make our own dents in the side. 

"Places everyone!" Scott yelled. Mason and I hurried over to our marks, "And ACTION!"


"Finney, Gwen will be fine and so will everyone else there really is noth-" We notice a guy drop his groceries in front of us

"Well isn't that just peachy keen?" The man says bending down to pick up his groceries

"You need some help?" Finney offers, I look up and notice the van that is right next to the guy and get a sick feeling in my stomach

"Would you hand me my hat?" The man asks pointing to where it fell. Before Finney could do anything I hit his arm causing him to look at me

"I think we should be heading home, sorry sir." I say

"Layla it's fine." Finney picks up the hat handing it to the man

"I am a part time magician. Would you like to see a magic trick?" The man asks. That weird feeling in my stomach never left but if Finny trusts him why should I argue

"Yeah," Finney answers he looks in the van window noticing something, "Are those black balloons in there?" Fin asks. I knew we should have left, I really don't feel good about this anymore. The man opens the van, pulls the balloons out and tries to pull us into the van. My first thought is to fight back but he sprays some stuff in my mouth and I pass out cold, the last thing I remember is being thrown against the metal of the van interior. I hope Finney gets away.

-----End of Scene-----

"Cut!" Scott yells. Mason and I both get out of the van

"I am so sorry Cassie I didn't mean to throw you in there that hard. Are you okay?" Ethan asks

"Uhh yeah I'm fine just a little headache." I say smiling at him

"You both did amazing you two are talented little actors." He says then walks off. I smile in response but Mason looks pissed off

"Hey Mase you good? What's wrong?" I ask, he looks down at me and his face softens a little bit

"Nothing. Are you good? Do you need tylenol for your head?" He asks and I shake my head no. Scott walks over to us

"That was amazing you two. We are done for the day so feel free to leave whenever your guardian gets here. Sound good?" We both nod

-----Time Jump-----

When we get back to the hotel Mason and I are both extremely exhausted but I'm still wondering about what he was so upset about before from our scene with Ethan. Everything went fine. We were in the lobby when I stopped him

"Hey Mase can I talk to you real quick?" He looked at me with a concerned look in his eye but nodded his head. He told his mom he would be upstairs in a few minutes and came back to me

"What's up? Is everything okay?" He asks

"Yeah, I was just wondering what made you so upset earlier while we were filming. You were fine before the scene and after you seemed completely pissed." I said looking up at him

"Yeah cause Ethan just threw you around, and you ended up getting hurt and all he said was sorry. Like that's supposed to fix everything." He started to get worked up again. I tried to pout my lips while trying not to smile but ended up failing

"Aww is Masey a wittle protective? I'm fine okay, my headache is already gone, and at the time it was all Ethan could do, he could have offered me tylenol like you did but I didn't want any." I explained. I could see Mason calm down a little, he pulled me into a hug, a very tight hug

"I know, I just don't like how he hurt you, and I kinda just had to let it happen." He lightly spoke into my ear

"Hey, I know that if you could have done anything to stop it you would have. Okay? You don't need to blame any of it on yourself." I say pulling back, as I did Mason let out a cute little yawn, "Alright, we both are super tired and just because we have a day off tomorrow we still need sleep, so let's head upstairs. Also, if I'm not in my hotel room in the next 5 minutes James is gonna think I died." Mason laughed but started heading toward the elevator with me right behind him. Right before I go into my room Mason stops me by pulling me into a hug. He had wrapped his arms around my waist and his chest was against my back

"Goodnight Cassie" He whispered in my ear. I turned around still in his arms and gave him a proper hug

"Goodnight Mason." I whispered back into his ear. He nuzzled his head into my neck a little and we just stood there for a minute or so. He was the one to pull back, "Who knew sleepy Mason was so touchy?" I questioned, a little smile grew on his face

"There are lots of things you don't know yet." He said backing up to go to his room, "Night Cass, see you tomorrow."

"Night Mase" I said walking into my room, a smile present on my face

Hey!! I really hope you're enjoying the book. Sorry about all the time jumps I'm just really excited to get to a certain part and time is in the way. PLZ don't be a silent reader I love to hear what you have to say

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