Taehyung x the boyish girl

By ChristopherHarifa

84 23 15

Hii this is about Taehyung and Rash , Taehyung is a play boy and Rash is a girl who act like a boy she's roo... More

The hidden truth

When they meet each other

17 7 0
By ChristopherHarifa

Rash pov
Finally today I am moving to my new house aaaahh!! I am so excited I heard I got a roommate, by the way let me just introduce my self first
Y hmm.. My name is Jean Rash and just 18 years old and the most important thing is I am a girl but I just act like a boy to be safe from the world and to stay away from my dark past

Here I am standing in front of my soon to be house, I got spare keys so I opened the door and was about to go inside but my eyes got widen when I saw a half naked boy is searching something
Boy-: ooo you must be the my house mate , nice to meet you
Rash -: why on earth you are half naked !??
Boy -: oh c'mon we are boys dude btw I am Kim Taehyung
Rash -: Jean Rash , and please wear something
Boy -: aish you are just like a girl , but you Girls are dying to see the beauty
Rash made a disgusting face and was about to go but stopped by taehyungs words
Taehyung-: after a while my gf will come to the house so don't show up in front of her
Rash: like I don't have any work
With that rash went inside her room
Time skip to dinner
Rash and Taehyung was taking dinner peacefully
Taehyung-: we got some rules in this house
Rash -: oh okay go on
Taehyung-: 01 each one of us should never poke to others business or enter their rooms
Rash-: that's easy
Taehyung-: 02 we should come home before 10:00 o'clock
Rash-: okay so that's it
Taehyung-: that's it for now
Rash -: okay rules are accepted
Taehyung-: so do you have someone in your life
Rash -: no I don't ummm you got one right
Taehyung-: no I don't
Rash-: but your gf was here just while ago
Taehyung looked at rash and chuckled
Taehyung-: you know toys
Rash -: so you are a play boy
Taehyung didn't reply he just left from there

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