
De PheraDream15

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Raph x FemReader: Raphael saves an ER nurse from a mugging after an argument with Leo. His night isn't going... Mai multe

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

Part 10 - Epilogue

4.4K 148 83
De PheraDream15

A/N: This is the last chapter of Teddy. I have enjoyed writing this (and it's my first ever multi-chapter fic that I've ever finished! *small win considering I've only been writing since this past february). Thank you to anyone who's stayed and been following along. I hope you enjoy this as much as I have writing it. Any feedback is welcome. Enjoy! -- Also, if anything doesn't make sense, it may be because it's supposed to be an inner monologue that I usually italicize but for some reason when it's uploaded to Wattpad it changes the formatting. 


Four years have passed. Man, does time fly when you're having fun. Y/n and Raphael have been going steady and knocking down anything that tried to come between them. There had been a rough patch about two years ago when Karai thought it was wise to kidnap little Jamie from school under a false name. Jamie, the lil' booger, gave her a run for her money and once Raphael and his brothers found out, they made sure that it was the last thing that Karai ever did. Gruesome right?

Anyway...Mikey reminisced as he watched his burly older brother sink a handful of marshmallows into Jamie's hot chocolate cup behind Y/n's back. It was an endearing sight and made him think back to the first time he saw them together in Y/n's kitchen all those years ago.

"Psst, dude!" Raphael perked up and saw his youngest brother waving for him to come over in a glitch-like way as if attempting to go unnoticed.

"What's uncle Mikey doin'?" Jamie slurped up marshmallows that floated at the top of his steaming cup of hot cocoa.

"D'know squirt, betta' go find out, eh?" Raphael winked before ruffling the young boy's hair and made his way over to his exuberant brother.

"Wha—," he didn't get a chance to finish before Mikey started to squeal in excitement, his baby blues burning bright and shimmering with unshed tears.

"Dude! When are you gonna ask!" Mikey couldn't quite hold in his excitement, it's been a long time coming and he was so very excited to have another sister. April was cool and he was so happy for both her and Donnie, especially since they were expecting their own little bundle of joy in less than three more months.


"Shud'up bonehead," Raphael growls as he smacked his baby bro up the side of his thick skull, contemplating whether or not he'd get away with murder. Eh, probably not.

"That's not nice, Raphie!" Jamie yelled as he jumped from the barstool and grabbed his hot cocoa from the counter.

"Ey, get back up there bud, remember what momma said?" Ol' Raphie turned back towards JJ and watched the young kiddo pout before a string of giggles echoed through the lair as Raph chased the nine year old around the den. Mikey wasn't one to get frustrated but he couldn't figure out what was taking Raph so long. Why's he dragging his feet?

A few hours later, Mikey was at his limit. Why hadn't Raph asked yet? Dinner was done, and everyone was just sitting here, doing nothing!

"Mike...Mikey?" Huh?

"I said... I made your favorite pumpkin spice cheesecake cookies," a look of confusion broke across Y/n's face, it wasn't like Mikey to not perk up and go berserk at the mention of his favorite cookies.

"Wha—Thanks angel!" Mikey's strange behavior didn't go unnoticed and Y/n watched as he pushed away from the table and went into the kitchen. Then, Raphael stood, collecting plates and placing a kiss to the top of her head while ruffling JJ's hair before disappearing after his brother.

"Do you know what's gotten into him?" She leaned over and asked JJ, who was trying to look inconspicuous about sneaking food to Klunk, Mikey's cat.

"Eh? I don't know, it's just uncle Mikey," lil' Jamie shrugged then hopped down from the tall stool and followed both Raph and Mikey.

Y/n was at a loss, she wasn't sure what was up but there was something. Raph's been acting strange by the day, Jamie has been more standoff-ish and then Mikey's weird behavior has just been the icing on the cake. What was going on?

"My dear, is everything alright?" Master Splinter pawed her shoulder with a comforting gaze.

"Yes Master Splinter... I think," she gazed back towards the kitchen where her boys were being abnormally quiet.

"I think I need to go check—," her hands were fidgeting with her hoodie pocket.

"Oh no, my dear, they are alright. Let us go help April." He motioned towards the den where April was currently attempting to bend over to move presents aside. Despite the calm tone of Master Splinter, the way his paw moved from her shoulder to her back made it evident that he was not asking. She loved how subtle he was, and at times, she learned a few of his techniques to help handle Jamie when he became a little over zealous.

Y/n was sucked into the Christmas spirit as they assisted in getting everything ready and thoughts of her Raphael, Jamie and Mikey flew to the back burner.

Unbeknownst to her, back in the kitchen, Raphael was all but strangling Mikey to keep his blasted mouth shut long enough to not ruin the plan.

"C'mon Uncle Mikey, we need your help!" Jamie whined, kicked his small legs off the edge of the counter as he watched the brothers wrestle around the kitchen.

"Mike, I swear, if you ruin this for me I'm gonna kick your—," Raph wasn't able to finish his growled out threat as Jamie yelled at him.

"Raphie!" Jamie's small grumpy voice forced him to focus on the kid sitting on top the counter. His grumpy pout and knitted brow was too cute not to laugh at, which gave Mikey a chance to escape the large bara's grip and breathe with a gasping breath.

"Alright knucklehead, listen, this is what I need ya to do for me—." Raphael continued to explain and divulge the plan to both Mikey and Jamie as they both held each other to quieten their excitement.

"Now what do we have here?" Leonardo appeared, leaning against the doorway leading into the kitchen to see Mikey and Jamie holding each other tightly as Raphael tried to feign irritation with a slight smile on his face as he gripped the counter, head downcast.

"I told'em the plan," his honey bourbon eyes locked onto his eldest brother as Jamie and Mikey looked between the two brothers.

"What! You told Leo before me! Dude, what the hell! I'm your hype man!" Mikey's look of betrayal was soothed by Jamie hugging him tighter and sticking his tongue out at the large brute.

"He just happened—,"

"I walked in while he was talking to Donnie about it." Leo shrugged as he turned to grab a tea from the fridge, now fully invested in the plan.

Mikey's eyes blew wider than before, his jaw dropped and tears started to well up in his baby blues.


"Mike, look, I didn't wanna tell ya first because ya can't keep a secret when it comes to this kinda news. Remember what happened when Don and Ape were going to announce they were expectin'?" Mikey's jaw shut quickly as shame overtook his features and his eyes moved downcast. Yeah, I messed up on that one. Don gave me the cold shoulder and Ape faked a smile to be around me for a solid week before I caved and confronted them... Michelangelo was pushed from his reverie of everything that had transpired a few months ago, Jamie tapped him on the snout.

"Uncle Mikey," JJ cooed, a smile on his face, "I'm excited," Jamie whispered before tossing a look back towards Raph and Leo who were talking in whispers. Mikey's attention was brought back to the boy in his arms

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah..." Jamie's little face reddened and his eyes went bright as tiny tears formed in the corners. If he cries, I'm gonna cry—

"Raphie is gonna be my daddy!" Mikey couldn't help but watch as Jamie's face broke into a wide smile as happy tears clouded their vision

"Yeah, he will, lil' man," Michelangelo nodded, as he hugged the boy tighter, hiding his face as he tucked Jamie's head into his neck so he didn't see him cry.

"He is an awesome daddy!" Jamie's excited whisper was choked out as his string of giggles vibrated against Mikey's chest as they embraced. Yeah, I'm gonna be the best uncle ever!


"Okay everyone! Time for gifts!" April called, holding her blooming belly in a loving grip as Donnie's arm was wrapped protectively around her waist. They were a beautiful sight and Y/n couldn't be more excited for them but...she'd be lying if she said she wasn't a little nervous.

Raphael walked in to see Y/n biting her lip, fiddling with her hoodie pocket, like she does when she's deep in thought.

"Mmm' baby, everythin' okay?" The sudden feel of a thick arm wrapping around her waist and a gentle kiss pressed against her crown woke her from her worries.

"Uh, yeah...actually, there's something that I need to tell yo—,"

"JAMIE GOES FIRST!" Mikey yelled as he entered with lil' JJ riding his shoulders, his little arms fisted in the air with a huge smile plastered to his face.

I'll just have to tell him later...


Two hours have passed and the only thing left was for Y/n and Raph to exchange their gifts. It's time, I gotta tell him...ugh why am I so nervous!

Raphael, oblivious to his girlfriend's inner turmoil, signaled to his family that it was time. Slowly, and nonchalantly, his family started to say their goodnights and go their 'separate' ways.

"Mommy," Jamie's tired voice finished with a yawn as he rubbed his little eyes with the back of his sleeve.

"Yes, honey? Are you tired?"

"No! I'm not tired!" His tired little voice whined and Y/n knew he was fighting his sleep.

"Baby, you've had a long day, I think it's time to go to bed," she bent to pick him up but he flinched away, "Santa only comes when you're sleeping—."

"But I'm not tired!" His voice went up a few octaves and she was worried that he'd start to wake the others. She needed to get him to calm down and was thinking about where his favorite blanket was.

"Uncle Mikey to the rescue, my man!" The youngest brother swooped in, picking JJ up, tossing him over his shoulder and the boy all but fell asleep within the first five steps that Mikey took. Fucking miracle worker.

"Hey sexy," warm hands gripped her hips from behind, pulling her flush against a familiar barrel chest.

"Hey yourself, handsome," she giggled, embracing him back, loving the feel of his large body encompassing her whole form.

"Yer ready?" His hands began to wonder, rubbing loving, deep circles into her hips, making her feel exactly how ready he was.

"For you, yes but," uh oh, he didn't like the sound of that but as she twisted in his arms, her hand coming up to cradle his cheek, she spoke:

"I have something I need to tell you—," her eyes bright as she watched his body tense ever so slightly at the mention of talking.

"Okay, but, could it wait? I got somethin' planned and we gotta go if we're gonna make it." The way his eyes lit up and she suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of calmness. Knowing that Jamie was in good hands, and everyone else was done for the night; she couldn't help but jump at the opportunity to finally get some alone time with her large bara. With the 'yes' shake of her head, they were off...well, after a good three minutes of heart melting kisses.


Not even twenty minutes later, they were scaling the side of a large building not too far from the center of time square when he stopped just a few feet from the top of the building on the fire escape.

"I got a surprise for ya,"

"haha, you mentioned that—," she kissed his cheek as he turned to smirk with a knowing sideways glance.

"Y/n," oh, he's serious with using my name like that, she couldn't stop the flutter in her belly.

"Do you trust me?"

"You know I do."

"I need ya to close yer eyes for me 'den."

Which, of course she obliged, she couldn't help but think about what he could possibly have up his sleeve. She certainly didn't expect what she saw the second her feet hit the gravel of the rooftop and he whispered that she could open her eyes.

Gorgeous Christmas lights were strung all around the rooftop, red rose petals formed a trail towards her family. All the brothers, April, Casey, and even Master Splinter stood in a semi-circle around a small pile of petals, with candles all around their feet.

"Y/n—," the sound of Raphael's voice, hushed in tone behind her, caused her to turn and what she saw, she couldn't believe.

Raphael was down on one knee, a beautiful box dwarfed in his large, loving hands.

"I—I, y/n..." his eyes bright and glittering with unshed tears as he cleared his throat to hide his emotions.

"Y/n, baby I—,"


They both glanced over to see Jamie walk up and grip his mommy's hand before moving to hold Raphael's hand before his tiny voice spoke.

"Mommy...Raphie wants to be my daddy." His voice was so sure, certain and the look in his eyes was one of determination.

"I want him to be my daddy. I want him to tuck me in. I want him to drink hot chocolate with me. And I want all of those guys," he tossed his head towards the group who had bright eyes and gleaming smiles.

"Are family. I love them. I love you and I want you to marry Raphie."

She didn't know when she started to cry, but the hot tears that fell over her cheeks and the constant nodding of her head made her feel like she was walking on clouds.

"Raph...Teddy, baby...are you asking me to marry you?" She knew the answer, but she wanted to hear it from him.

"Yes babydoll...F/M/L/n, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He gestured to the small box in his hand as it opened to reveal the most gorgeous ring she's ever seen.

"Mmm-hmm, yes," her head shook up and down so quickly she could feel a small headache coming on.

"Yes, oh baby, yes!" She fell to her knees, wrapping her two favorite boys in a tight embrace. Their laughs, and tears mixed as they embraced. Their family's excited hollers echoed across the rooftop before they were all embraced.

This is the happiest night of my life.


"Tell me I'm pretty," Mikey batted his eyes as he flaunted his new hoodie, stuffing his hands into the pocket and twirling around the open den.

"Pretty annoyin',' ' Raphael grumbled and she elbowed him in the side to which he answered with a grunt before locking her in a light headlock.

"He's going to be even more annoyin' now, thanks for that," he whispered in her ear before nuzzling his snout against her hairline.

"Who says that wasn't my intention? Merry Christmas," she grinned, turning her head before kissing the words Merry Christmas against his temple. His eyes lighting up as the hand with his ring shining bright on her beautiful finger when he remembered that she wanted to ask him something earlier.

"Oh yeah, baby?"


"What'd ya wanna tell me earlier?"

"Oh, that you're gonna be a dad." She said nonchalantly, attempting to not jump out of her skin.

He didn't say a word and she began to worry. She shifted in his lap until she locked eyes with him.

"You okay big guy?"

"I—I'm gonna be a dad?"

"wai—what?" Mikey's excited voice was cut off as Donatello's hand clasped over his over-excited brother's mouth at the news.

"I'm gonna be a dad..." Raphael kept repeating the words as his eyes shifted from hers, to her stomach, and back again. His large hands kneaded the flesh of her belly with a gentle caress before he looked over at a sleeping Jamie tucked into his other side.

"I love you, I love you so fucking much," his growl was all but moaned against her lips as he crushed her to him. She reciprocated with equal vigor until surrounding throats cleared and they were pulled apart. Being wrapped in another big embrace by their loving family.

Yeah, Raphael thought as he watched his dad tug Y/n into a loving, tight hug, I'm so happy I took her crazy ass home that night all those years ago. 

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