Chase The Truth

By ShwahGamer

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When Yu Narukami was told he had to spend the next year living in a small town out in the country, he had no... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Welcome to Inaba
Chapter 3: A Memorable First Day
Chapter 4: Urban Legend
Chapter 5: Mystery World
Chapter 6: Contracts and Shadows
Chapter 7: Missing Girl
Chapter 8: Back to the TV
Chapter 9: Girl in the Tower
Chapter 10: Welcoming Yukiko
Chapter 11: Outing with Nanako
Chapter 12: New Midnight Channel Star
Chapter 13: Visiting Tatsumi Textiles
Chapter 14: Spying on Kanji's Date
Chapter 15: Rescuing a Delinquent
Chapter 16: How to Slack Off
Chapter 17: Waiting Around
Chapter 18: New Teammate
Chapter 19: Returning the Favor
Chapter 20: The School Campout
Chapter 21: Break in the Case
Chapter 22: Meeting an Idol
Chapter 23: Another Stakeout
Chapter 24: Save the Idol
Chapter 25: Ups and Downs
Chapter 26: This Isn't a Game
Chapter 27: Surviving Finals
Chapter 28: Souzai Daigaku
Chapter 29: The Suspect
Chapter 30: Quest for the Suspect
Chapter 31: Day Out in Okina
Chapter 32: Summer Festival
Chapter 33: Manager Troubles
Chapter 34: Rise's Dilemma
Chapter 35: Fireworks Show
Chapter 36: New Student
Chapter 38: Club Escapade
Chapter 39: Back from the Trip
Chapter 40: A Curious Development
Chapter 41: Another Rainy Night
Chapter 42: The Detective's Secret
Chapter 43: Heart to Heart
Chapter 44: Fan Letters
Chapter 45: A Hint of Jealousy
Chapter 46: Unexpected Words
Chapter 47: A Detective Joins the Team
Chapter 48: After Exams
Chapter 49: Lunch Meeting
Chapter 50: A Dumb Plan
Chapter 51: The Beauty Pageant
Chapter 52: The Second Letter
Chapter 53: Interrogation
Chapter 54: Everything Falls into Place
Chapter 55: Emergency Rescue Mission
Chapter 56: A Little Time Alone
Chapter 57: Visiting the Hospital
Chapter 58: Things Take a Turn
Chapter 59: The Right Thing
Chapter 60: Questioning Namatame
Chapter 61: Confrontation
Chapter 62: Teddie's Return
Chapter 63: Breaking a Bond
Chapter 64: End of the Line
Chapter 65: Christmas
Chapter 66: A Moment on the Hill
Chapter 67: The Ski Trip
Chapter 68: Valentine's Day
Chapter 69: The Last Mystery
Chapter 70: Epilogue

Chapter 37: Port Island

120 6 130
By ShwahGamer


~Normal POV

9/8 - Thursday

Today was the day they were leaving for the school trip to Port Island. The gang was waiting around at the train station with everyone else. Yu noticed a few of his school friends were going too. Except for Naoki and Yumi. Naoki said he wasn't interested at all, and Yumi had some family issues to attend to, making her unable to come even if she wanted. When Yosuke arrived at the platform, he practically had to pry Teddie off of his leg, with Chie's help.

"But why can't I go with you?!" Teddie whined, loudly.

"Because you're not a student, it's a school trip, and I can't afford a ticket for you," Yosuke said.

"What if I'm a good bear?"

"That won't change anything!"

"Ted, drop it already," Yu said, calmly. "I'm sorry but we just can't bring you." Teddie growled in annoyance.

"Oh, don't be so hard on Teddie, Yosuke," Yukiko said, "He's still learning about our world."

"What are you- his mother?" Yosuke replied, "He'll be fine with my parents. It's only a three day trip."

"Ya wouldn't wanna come anyway," Kanji said, shrugging. "It'll be boring as hell. It's all about lectures and shit."

Right as he spoke, they spotted a familiar face approaching the platform. Naoto came up to join them carrying a bag over his shoulder. Kanji stared down at him in surprise.

"Naoto-san, you're coming too?" Yu asked, curiously.

"Unfortunately," Naoto answered, frowning a little. "My grandpa insisted..."

"Oh, that's great!" Rise said, brightly. "We can all go together! Ooo, wanna sit with me? It'll be a little full since a bunch of girls from my class wanted to join too. But I'm sure they won't mind!"

Naoto looked at her with a bit of alarm in his expression. "I'd rather not..." He replied, slowly.

Yu recalled that the other day he spotted Naoto cleaning out a bunch of love notes left in his shoe locker. (And tossing them in the trash.) It wasn't hard to see why he'd turn down that offer in this case. He's only been at Yasogami for a week and he's already amassed quite a fanbase with the local girls.

"Well, you could always sit with Kanji," Yosuke said, smirking a little.

Kanji looked at him in shock, his face turning pink. He glanced back at Naoto, wondering how he'd respond to such a suggestion.

"Hm..." Naoto said, "That would be fine." He smiled a little. "Is that alright with you, Kanji-kun?"

"Uh, s-sure..." Kanji replied, hesitantly.

Yosuke snickered. It was after this that they were told to start boarding the train. Chie made a comment about how she hoped they'd at least get to stay at a nice hotel. They said their goodbyes to Teddie and boarded the train one by one with the other students. (Making sure to remind the bear to behave for the Hanamuras while they're gone.) Rise immediately ran off to join her classmates in the first years' car. Kanji and Naoto followed her at a slower pace to find their own seats. The second years had to sit in a separate car, so Yu led the others ahead to find their own cabin.

Meanwhile, Teddie watched everyone leave him behind with a grimace. How dare they! He wanted to go too! He hadn't seen anywhere outside Inaba yet, and this was his first chance. He looked around for a bit and suddenly grinned as an idea dropped into his head. An idea that would probably get him in trouble with Yosuke, but it'd be totally worth it!


Yu spent the train ride in a cabin with Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko. They had the cabin to themselves, so they talked freely of whatever came to mind. Yu would have preferred to sit with Rise, but she'd get in trouble if she snuck into the second years' car. Especially cause Kashiwagi was their chaperone teacher. That woman would take any excuse to punish Rise, if given the slightest opportunity.

After a long ride, they finally arrived in Port Island. The first stop was to head to the private school for their tour. For whatever reason, they weren't stopping at the hotel to check in first. So the school had to offer to hold their luggage for them at their administrative building.

The school was called Gekkoukan High. It seemed like a nice place- way bigger than Yasogami, but the visit itself was less interesting. The most memorable thing that happened was Yosuke trying, and failing, to flirt with the local student council president. (A girl he called a "bewitching bespectacled beauty." But this poor attempt at flirting merely got a good laugh out of the others when it didn't work out.) After the tour, they had to sit in on a lecture; to which both sets of students were assigned. The lecture wasn't as boring as they thought it'd be but it wasn't great either. The teacher merely told them the story of Izanagi and Izanami, the Gods who created Japan according to mythology. At least he kept it brief, since he said he figured most of them had heard it before.


When they finished their tour of the school, it was already past sunset. Thus, it was time for them to go to the hotel at last. Kashiwagi and the other chaperones led them through a street that didn't look right for teenagers to be walking through. (And she ignored the question when someone asked about that very issue.) Finally, they reached a modern-looking hotel that... also didn't look right to them.

"Alrighty, here we are." Kashiwagi said, cheerfully. "The Seaside Clamshell Inn!"

Yu stared at the building in discomfort. "She's not serious, right..." He asked, quietly.

"We'll be staying here tonight." Kashiwagi said, ignoring the murmurs from the students about the place. "So, what do you think? It was me who found this place!"

"I think you should be fucking fired..." Yu thought, irritably.

"It just opened not too long ago," Kashiwagi continued, "It's got that modern look- and the price was right! Personally, I think it was an excellent choice. Let's head in." She walked on ahead, and the rest of the students reluctantly followed her. After a bit, it was only the six members of the Investigation Team who were left outside.

"Um..." Rise said, blushing, "This area is called Shirakawa Boulevard, and it's-"

"Not for teenagers?" Yu asked, bluntly.

"Yeah..." Rise said, sheepishly.

"Say no more, we don't wanna know," Yosuke said, his face turning pink too.

As they debated whether or not they could duck out of having to stay in such an uncomfortable location, they were shocked to hear a familiar voice call out for them. A voice they thought they left behind in Inaba hours ago...

To their utter shock, they watched as Teddie hopped down from a nearby rooftop and approached them casually as if his being here was totally normal. For whatever reason, he was also dressed in his bear suit.

"Teddie?! What are you doing here?!" Kanji shouted.

"The lonely bear inside of me went stir crazy!" Teddie answered.

"Ugh, if only I could detect people in the real world..." Rise whined.

"How did you get here?!" Chie asked, "Do you have some special ability?!"

Teddie shrugged. "Eh, I took the train. I swore off topsicles and saved up the money I got working at Junes. I knew where you were going thanks to Yosuke's trip guide. You guys have free time tomorrow, right? No use hiding it! I already know!"

"How in the world did you make it here looking like that?" Yosuke asked. "I mean- why wear the bear suit here?"

"I almost got thrown in the trash a couple times," Teddie admitted. "But I kept hanging onto the promise Chie-chan made to go on a date with me! That's what gave me the strength to carry on!"

"When did I promise that..." Chie asked.

"Yay! You remembered!" Teddie shouted, cheerfully. "Is it ok with Yuki-chan and Rise-chan too?!"

Seeing that Teddie was not about to let go of this apparent promise, if one was ever actually made, they chose to simply move on.

"Anyway," Rise said, "I've been here before, so I'll show you around tomorrow. I guess we can go shopping first. For souvenirs and stuff..."

"Ooo, shopping!" Teddie said, eagerly. "That sounds great!"

Yu looked down at the happy bear unsurely, scratching his head. "Well... I guess since you're here, we can't really tell ya to go home. Alright, you can bunk with me and Yosuke. But you gotta promise to behave, ok? This is a school trip, we can't get into any trouble. Can you do that?"

"Yes, sensei! I promise to be a good bear!" Teddie cried out happily, giving him a tight hug.

After a little debate on how to sneak Teddie inside, they settled on a plan and went in. Yosuke pretended to drag Teddie along with them like a stuffed souvenir. With him subtly walking with small steps to stay incognito. They rejoined the rest of the students in the lobby, just as the teachers started passing out room keys.

The gang watched in mild curiosity as Naoto straight up refused a room key from the first years' chaperone. He then walked up to the front desk and handed the manager an impressive wad of cash and asked for a private room. The manager, swayed by the generous amount, accepted the request without any hesitation, and handed over a key.

"Of course, sir, enjoy..."

"Thank you." Naoto replied, politely, looking pleased.

"Well, that's hardly fair..." Yosuke said, getting his attention, "What- you don't like sharing?"

"I like my privacy," Naoto said, simply. He turned and went to follow the other students up the stairs.

The trip had been a chore the whole day. Even the hotel wasn't an improvement. Hopefully, things would get better during their free time tomorrow. But for now, they were all ready to turn in for the night.

~End of Chapter

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