Intertwined~ TVD & HP WTS

By ally8173

68.3K 1.9K 414

What if the Originals weren't really the first vampires? What if there was someone that came over a millenniu... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

8.1K 250 21
By ally8173

The Vampire Diaries
Season 2: Episode 7

The first thing anyone sees is the outside of a house in the woods.

Artemis' eyes widen just a fraction at seeing her house on screen.

The camera zooms into one of the windows and presents a kitchen. There is loud music playing over a record player. Singing and dancing to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody is a young woman. All that anyone can see is her back along with her brown hair put up into a messy bun as she moves back and forth through the kitchen.

Klaus and Remus both subtly glance at Artemis. They both know it's her house and that she is the one singing and dancing.

Sirius and James were in their own world as they lowly sang along with the music as well.

Turning around after pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven it is revealed that Artemis is the woman on screen.

Most in the hall were surprised. Someone spoke up from the back of the hall saying, "So you just live by yourself?" Artemis turned in their general direction and said completely deadpan, "Well all of my living relatives are dead so..."

Artemis continued to sing to the music as she cleaned up her kitchen. Just as she was about to reach for a cookie a phone ringing is heard. Without thinking about it Artemis closes her eyes for two seconds and instantly her phone is in hand. Pointing over at the record player she also turns off the music. Looking at the caller ID she sees "Informant #5." Answering she says, "Artemis speaking." The other side of the phone call isn't heard but by the smirk on Artemis' face it can be gathered that she likes whatever is being said. She hung up after a few more seconds and set her phone down on the counter.

The camera zoomed into her face and with a smirk that was worthy of the devil she whispered, "Mystic Falls here we come."
The next thing anyone sees is Katherine Pierce, Damon, and Stefan all stuck in a room together.

Klaus and Artemis share deadly glares at the appearance of Katherine.

Katherine is sitting on a couch as she starts talking. "The three of us together. Just like old times. The brother who loved me too much, and the one who didn't love me enough." Damon spoke up from his spot near the doorway. "And the evil slut vampire who only loved herself." Stefan just stood and watched as the two conversed. "What happened to you Damon? You used to be so sweet and polite." "Oh that Damon died a long time ago." "Good. He was a bore." Finally, Stefan speaks up. "Oh, why don't you two stop antagonizing each other?"

Looking away from Damon Katherine turns her head to Stefan and asks, "Where's the moonstone?" "What do you want with it?" Deflecting she says, "Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar?" Stefan shares an amused glance with his brother before saying, "That was really desperate, Katherine. Don't you think that we could see right through you?" Katherine just minutely shakes her head. With a quizzical look on her face she asks, "So it doesn't bother you that Damon's in love with your girlfriend?" "Oh, stop it." "Or what? You'll hurt me." Katherine stands as she keeps talking. "Come on, Stefan. Everything that I feel, Elena feels. So go ahead. Better yet... kiss me, Damon. She'll feel that too."

Stefan starts to pace as he talks. "You know, this whole Mason thing has me a bit confused. Why a werewolf? The moonstone can break a curse that would help them destroy all vampires. So, what's in this for you?"

The specifications had the Originals and Artemis narrowing their eyes at the screen. Klaus looked over at Artemis who just barely nodded her head in conformation. They both knew exactly what was being talked about.

Before Katherine can respond Damon says, "Sorry about your pet wolf. Probably should've kept him on a tighter leash."

Out of the corner of her eye Artemis saw Remus' eyes widen. She subtly interlaced their fingers to try and comfort him.

Katherine faces the older Salvatore as she says, "I'll have to remember that for next time. He's not the only wolf in town."

The scene changes to Caroline knocking out Matt with her elbow. Tyler is standing behind her as another girl grabs a knife. The other girl starts to walk forward saying, "Matt failed. If Matt fails, I can't." She then goes up to Tyler to try and stab him. Caroline warns him so that he catches the girl. However, when she stabs his shoulder Tyler pushes her off too harshly and she hits the nearby desk and snaps her neck. Dead.

Tyler proceeds to freak out and Caroline tries to ask what's happening. Tyler falls to his knees in pain and when he looks up his eyes turn from his normal brown to a shade of amber.

Tyler off-screen was equally freaking out. It was called a curse for a reason. His uncle Mason had quite literally videotaped what happened and it made him sick to even think about it happening to him.

The setting changes back to the three vampires. Damon is standing at the doorway again. "Damn it. Where's that witch?" Katherine perks up from her spot standing behind the couch. "We could play charades." Stefan looked to be deep in thought before he spoke up and said, "You bargained the moonstone." Damon turns around asking, "What are you mumbling about over there?" Stefan only looks at Katherine as he talks. "When you struck a deal with George Lockwood to help you fake your death... you told me that you gave George something that he needed. It was the moonstone, wasn't it?" "Good for you, Stefan. Two plus two. And it would've worked, except people found out that I wasn't in the tomb." She turns back to Damon and she snarks, "Thanks to you, by the way. Have I mentioned how inconvenient your obsession with me has been?" "You and me both, honey." Stefan brings the attention back to the topic he really wants to know about. "But why do you...? Why do you need it back?" Katherine deflects again saying, "I love you in a suit. So dashing." Stefan pays her no mind. "What were you doing with it... in the first place?" Damon takes a drink of his alcohol he poured earlier and says, "You're wasting your breath, Stefan." His brother still keeps pushing though. "Unless it wasn't yours to begin with. In 1864, you faked your death. Who were you running from, Katherine?"

All of the Originals collectively turn towards Klaus. He doesn't look back at them but does nod his head in conformation. Artemis nearly laughs because she knows Katherine was running from someone else as well.

Outside of the Lockwood mansion where the party is happening there is the distinct sound of apparition. From the nearby trees Artemis comes walking out dressed in a short blue dress that hangs low on her breasts, a black belt around her waist, a leather jacket that isn't hers, and a pair of strappy black stilettos.

Still holding hands, Remus squeezes Artemis'. She smirks to herself at the reaction.

Looking around Artemis sees three people crouched at a table. Tilting her head slightly she listens in. She smirks when she hears one voice in particular. Whispering to herself she says, "Bingo."

Around the hall whispers start to break out. It was obvious why. Artemis was definitely at a distance where she shouldn't be able to hear this groups conversation. However, if she was asked about it her best excuse would be her animagus.

From the right side of the couch they were sitting on Sirius spoke up. "Arty, what the hell are you doing there?" Withholding a wince Artemis turns and gives a small smile as she says, "I'm not sure, Siri. It will probably be shown though." She doesn't know how they will react to the truth. And with as much as she would like to hide it from them, it will most likely be shown on the screen.

Artemis doesn't go over to the three teenagers. Instead, she heads inside to mingle until the party was over.
The party was finally over and the people of the Mystic Falls group were all heading home.

Artemis was standing in the shadows watching Elena and Stefan talk from a distance. When Stefan was gone she started silently making her way over to the doppelgänger. Keeping her distance she saw Elena start to talk on the phone with her brother.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a man in a mask walk up behind Elena. Needing to put herself in the situation she started jogging and yelled, "Hey! There's someone behind you!" Elena had quickly turned around, but she had gotten caught in the process. Now being closer Artemis saw there was more than one person. Purposely not reacting she let herself get kidnapped as well.

The screen went black as she "passed out."

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