By Canery_Blue8

15.8K 1.3K 529

After an ugly incident, the Twin prides of Yunmeng finds themselves tied to the two Jades of Lan. In a modern... More

Chapter 1: End Of Year Party
Chapter 2: Fighting
Chapter 3: Not A Secret.
Chapter 4: From Frying Pan To Fire
Chapter 5: Inconvenience
Chapter 6: One Last Reproof
Chapter 7: New Schedule
Chapter 8: A Jade's Promise
Chapter 9: Winds Of Change
Chapter 10: Before The Games
Chapter 12: Motivation.
Swimming In Regret
Chapter 13: Open Competition.
Chapter 14: I Miss You
Chapter 15: A Yu-tastrophe
Chapter 16: A Yu-tastrophe II
Chapter 17 : Is Your Love In Trouble?

Chapter 11: Let The Games Begin

807 71 14
By Canery_Blue8

It was a few days before the games. Students competing were almost through signing up. The swimming team had been working their hearts off for this big event, like no other. As the youngest captain of the swimming club, Jiang Cheng was under a lot of pressure. 

Some were waiting for him to fail already but he had held on for so long. When one of his best swimmers suffered an injury during training, the captain cried to his friends at home. They were on the pool patio, having a good time.

"I'm fucked. I can't settle for the leftovers who can't even make it across one lap," Jiang Cheng banged his forehead into the table continuously. 

"Slow down drama queen, it's just a competition. It's not the end of the world," Wen Qing did not bother consoling him. That never works with someone like Jiang Cheng. 

Yanli was outside with a bowl of chips while Wen Ning carried more drinks. Most of the servants had the day off so they had to take care of it themselves. "Is it that bad?" Yanli caressed Jiang Cheng's hair, trying to get him to stop abusing his pretty face. 

"You have no idea. If I mess this up, I'll get voted out of my seat for sure," said Jiang Cheng, moping with a crispy snack in his mouth. 

Wei Ying got out of the water when he was done playing fish in the pool. Huaisang tossed him a towel, which he hung over his head. "What's happening guys," Wei Ying dipped his hand in the bowl. His body was heavy, acting like a magnet towards the earth. He could hardly move his legs when sat down.

"Hey, why not ask Wei Ying to take that guy's place, isn't he a good swimmer?" Wen Qing suggested. 

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes, "Nah, this is my thing, I do not need him raining on my parade. He has enough attention as it is."

"Pfft! What? You wish I would," Wei Ying smacked him on the head. "Anyway, I'm not interested in getting wet during the games. I prefer to stay dry and hot."


"Wei Xiong, what of Lan Wangji? Didn't you say you could get him to compete?" Huaisang brought an interesting point to the table. 

"Yeah what happened to that? Did the jade scare you into chickening out?" Wen Qing said. 

"Haha, more like killed him with the silent treatment," Jiang Cheng suddenly felt better contributing to ridiculing his brother. 

Wei Ying licked the dipping sauce off his lips, nodding as the crew giggled in mockery of his delay.  They knew him well, they knew he hated being dared or reminded of his failures. "Today is Wednesday, right? Give me up to next Monday, and we'll see who chickened out of what," his eyes darkened. 

"Ohh, watch out guys, I think he just entered a beast mood," said Jiang Cheng.

"Shut up, I'm the one helping you here!" Wei Ying hissed.  


Thursday morning...

Wei Ying had a plan when he joined the second jade's car. Lan Wangji was careful about looking at him the whole time but he wasn't. 

"Am I coming over this weekend?" He said.

"Mn," Lan Wangji hummed.

"Yeah, I forgot to ask. How is your mother?"

"She is....okay," Wangji did not count on the discussion going that way.

"Mmm, I see... Lan Zhan, have I not been a bad son-in-law?" Wei Ying sat sideways to get a proper look at Wangji, his hands tucked on his knees. "It's poor of me to not pay homage to Madam Lan. You know; visit her, ask for her advice."

"What advice do you need? I can give it."

"Hehe, it's omega stuff, you wouldn't be able to help."

"I've read extensively about your species."

 "I am not a book, I'm a person, and you have no clue as to what runs through my mind on a daily."

"Alright, if it's that urgent I can take you to her this weekend," Lan Wangji did not want to drag it.


At midday, while heading to the next class, Wei Ying made a stop at the vending machine. He feeds the metal box and makes his choice. Once it comes out, he tucks his notebook in his armpit and helps himself. 


"God!" Wei Ying jerked at the abrupt interruption. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand following the spillage of his drink.

"I'm so sorry," the person that startled him was quick to offer a handkerchief. "Master Wei," he bent over to pick up Wei Ying's notebook in addition to that.

Wei Ying squints at the fellow, thinking out loud, "You're Wen Qing's cousin."

"Wen Xu."

"Yeah, that."

"It's been ages since we crashed into each other," the gentleman said. 

Wei Ying could not forget that confident smile and suave. "You mean since we shared a snack?" He said.

"That's correct," Wen Xu grinned bashfully. "I must have offended you then since you did not even ask of me from my cousin. I bet you'd obliterate me if I asked to be your friend or have your number."

Wei Ying tilted his head with a mysterious smile rooting on his face. "My obliterating days are over now that I'm engaged. That would be my partner's job."

"Ah, then I'm in luck. I do not see Lan Wangji within our radius," Wen Xu spied around as if that ever bothered him.

"Oh, so you know who he is," Wei Ying was a tease.

"Yes...and he is doing a poor job guarding you. I can point eight people around us who are drooling to mark you right now," said Wen Xu.

"Huh...interesting. Are you by any chance stalker number one?"

"I can't say, I'm only your friend's cousin hoping to get your contact. Who knows I might do a better job at protecting you from the other seven hungry sinners."

Wei Ying gaped, amused and oddly flattered. It's not every day an alpha was bold enough to humour him. He wanted to say something but shut his mouth and held his peace.

Wen Xu did not budge when the omega reached forward and dipped a hand in his pocket. Wei Ying searched Wen Xu's pants before venturing to his jacket, all in the name of fun and games.

He arches a brow when he holds Wen Xu's phone up to his face to get in, and then punched and saved his phone number as... "Secret Crush?" Wen Xu was impressed by his guts as the screen was shown to him. 

"You did not deny being stalker number one," Wei Ying winked. He tucked the phone back in the alpha's jacket and then walked away without making another sound.

Later that day...

Lan Wangji went to the university pool at his preferred time; when it was quiet and empty. The pool at home was not this huge and did not give the feel of good practice. His body needed the exercise, it was therapeutic for him. After getting changed and wet under the outdoor shower, he made it to the plank. Lan Wangji slid the pair of goggles over his eye, bent into position and dived. 

His head was blank, his ears centred on the sound of water. It felt nice not having crummy thoughts about his family and his mate-to-be for a change. Wangji smoothly propellers himself by pushing against the wall when he makes a turn. 

 'That backstroke was abysmal. I should practise more often,' he pulled the goggles to his forehead and swiped his palm over his face minutes after making it to the finish line. 


Lan Wangji turns sharply at the spontaneous applause behind him. He peered around, looking for the sound. Out, comes Wei Ying, clapping his hands like an excited ten-year-old. Lan wangji hid his eyes, dying internally from the unwanted intrusion on his private time. 

"That was gorgeous. It was like watching a dolphin," Wei Ying looked awestruck for someone who knew more about swimming. 

 Lan Wangji slicked his stray hair back with a hand to ward off the ends getting in his face. "What are you doing here?" He did not appear enthused to see his betrothed. 

"Who me?" Wei Ying looks around clumsily to make a point. "Jiang Cheng said to meet him here. I must have been late since I don't see him," Wei Ying folded his arms, playing the fool. "I should be asking why you're here at this hour, in nothing but that," he grins cunningly at Wangji's Netherlands. 

Lan Wangji takes a snappy look at his almost naked self, and he suddenly feels violated. "Your brother is not here."

"I see that but I'm glad I came," Wei Ying took to walking around to meet him.  "You seem to know what you're doing. You should sign up for the games," he said. 

"No, I'm leaving," Lan Wangji grabbed the rail. 

 Wei Ying waved to him, "Eh! Lan Zhan, don't go. I'm a good swimmer but I lack strength when it comes to backstrokes." Unfortunately, Wangji ignored him and got out of the water. " Come on. How about teaching me a move or... Argh!" 

Lan Wangji heard a loud splash. He was going to leave, given that Wei Ying knew how to swim, but after walking a distance, he got alarmed by the noise going on behind him. It sounded as if Wei Ying was flapping his arms like an amateur in the water. Again, Wangji told himself it was nothing. 

"Lan Zhan!" The loud gasp was the last straw. He was going to give Wei Ying a piece of his mind yet his eyes shot open to find him stuck at the same spot, with his bag and his clothes. 

"Wei Ying, what are you doing, get out of the water," Wangji said to him. He wanted to believe this was some kind of stunt, but seconds flew by and Wei Ying's situation did not get better.

Wei Ying was visibly swallowing water, struggling to stay afloat. "H...Help!" He let out a shaky cry. 

At that instantly it dawned on the jade that the omega was in trouble. Why was he so bad at this forever job? Again, he had let his omega fall into distress. 

Lan Wangji forsook the rules and run. 


He dived in just when Wei Ying sank to the bottom. Wangji locked his arm around the other and swam to one end of the pool. With a lot of effort, he pulled the omega out and lay him flat on the ground. 

"Wei Ying!" Lan Wangji tapped the omega's cheeks several times but got no response. Wei Ying looked a little blue and he felt stupid for taking this as a joke. Hurriedly, he lifts the omega's chin and pries his mouth open. Wangji checks that his throat and airways are clear before plastering his lips to Wei Ying's.

"Come on, respond," Wangji interlocked his fingers and pushed on the omega's chest thrice. "Wei Ying, wake up!" The jade yelled in real fear...

"Lan Wangji nearly let me drown in the pool the other day," Wei Ying did not skip on the details when they made it to the Cloud Recesses that weekend. 

"What? Wangji, how could you?!" Madam Lan switched to kill mode. She did not need the second party's side of the story. Wei Ying is precious, Wei Ying is her new baby, Wei Ying can never lie- that was Madam Lan's new policy.

"It was an accident," Lan Wangji said. 

"No, it wasn't. I sprained my ankle and fell into the water. He just stood there and told me to get out on my own. It was terrible, mother...I saw my life flash before my eyes! My ghost would never rest in peace knowing I had not seen you in a while, I missed you," Wei Ying broke down in waterless tears. "Can you imagine your future son-in-law going down that way? Not even a pup to show for my legacy."

"Oh, my poor son," Madam Lan held the little lotus affectionately, stroking his hair to comfort him. 

"Mother, he is not your son, I am," Lan Wangji said. His naturally hushed demeanour did not help matters. He came off as the cold-hearted alpha, but he felt terrible for what had ensued.

"Wangji!" Madam Lan glared at him. 

"See what I mean?" Wei Ying wailed louder. "It was awful.  All because I asked him to take part in the inter-varsity games. *Sob* I told you he hates me!" Wei Ying choked himself with more rehearsed tears as he rested his head on Lihua's lap.

"Shame on you Lan Zhan!" Madam patted the omega's back and rebuked his son. "You made promised to take good care of A'Ying. How could you be so petty?"

"..." Lan Wangji was stoned and beautifully cornered. From the look of things, he could not whoosh away his mother's expression of disappointment and distrust. 

"You will apologize to Wei Ying immediately and do something special for him. I expect you to be there to hold a towel for him when he so much as sneezes. That is the way it's supposed to be," Madam Lan had served Lan Wangji's head on a silver platter and the perilous omega was up and ready with a golden spoon, to scoop his brains out.

"Mother, there is something that might make me feel better," Wei Ying said meekly, stealing glances at Wangji with an innocent pout.

"What is it child, name it and it will be done."

"Well..." Wei Ying turned to Wangji with sat bunny eyes...

Next Monday.

"Excuse me, I'm here to save your asses," Wei Ying showed up at lunch with a filled slip for the president of the swimming club. "I've found you a replacement."

Jiang Cheng, "Who?"

Wei Ying, "Lan Wangji has agreed to compete for the school."

Wen Qing, "What! How?"

Wei Ying, "Oh, it's a token of his appreciation for the man going to make his nest someday."

"More like death bed. Wei Ying you freaken devil. How did you get him to sign this?" Jiang Cheng remained in a state of disbelief.

"Let's just say he realized that he can't out-best me," Wei Ying replied. 

For the remaining days, he would continue to torment Lan Wangji by making sure he was present at practice and not shunning away from the rest of the team. The omega called himself the perfect cheerleader. 

When his siblings asked, Wei Ying later revealed how he managed to make lemonade out of the sour lemons Wangji threw at him. "You two are giving off the vibes that you're not reading grandmother's book. It should be a best-seller, I am making that my bible," Wei Ying was lying on the long couch, with a lollipop in his mouth.  "Mnn, rule number seventy-five: Sometimes, false danger is the best card. I fell in the pool by accident but he bought into the idea that I was hurt and needed saving. I had his guilt in the bag. Since Lan Wangji agreed to let me meet his mum, I deployed rule number twenty of book two: If his mother is not a rotten egg, she is your golden goose. Madam Lan is the best mother-in-law an omega could ask for. You should have seen her in action, Lan Zhan looked pitiful, hehehe... I call it the double grenade," Wei Ying felt invincible. 

"You bloody bastard, where are those books, I need them!" Jiang Cheng became a believer.

"Slow down Jiang Cheng... A'Xian, I know mother can be manipulative but that is not the best. Using tricks and dangerous means to have your way could backfire. What if Lan Wangji never dived in for you, would you have allowed yourself to drown?" Yanli was not comfortable with her brother's tactics.

"Jie, without mother's books I would still be the devil in Lan Wangji's life. It's better this way."

"But I thought you were starting to like him. It's bad to build a relationship on lies and trickery," Yanli argued.

"Pfft! Hahaha, like who? Lan Wangji? I'm merely being accommodative of him. He has just crossed over from being a narcissist to my friend, nothing more," Wei Ying snorted. 

"Either way, be careful. Playing games is never a good thing," Yanli stood from their side and left the hall. 

"What's her problem?" Wei Ying turned to Jiang Cheng.

"I don't know, just hook me up with the book, I have to teach that jackass Xichen a lesson," Jiang Cheng had another agenda.  

"I'll give it to you after the games. So make sure you win that relay," Wei Ying was all for violence and he felt good about it.


Huaisang P.O.V

I woke up on Saturday, to the melancholic sound of my alarm. A song that sings to my charming yet disturbed nature. I wash my face in a jiffy and sit behind the computer with a toothbrush in my mouth, the murky mint of the toothpaste losing its foam the longer I leave it unattended.

It takes about an hour to edit the last videos. Yes, I'm a nutcase who stalks his friend for a stupid project but I won't let the very sensitive stuff get out sometimes. Just a slight peek to keep the viewers hooked. I've hit three million in the last seven days. More people are noticing that this is real.

I dash over to the sink and finally get my mouth clean. Having my own space is cool but these days the silence is getting to me.

I know, there is the question of why I'm doing this. Invading my best friends' private life to satisfy my need for something out of the box. But why not?

This idea was born out of my lack of engagement with the real world. It was initially meant for a short project but then I heard the students murmur about doing anything to get a glimpse into the lives of the infamous Jiang and Lan siblings. Who wouldn't want to know if they would be the perfect match? Soon I began to fall in love with the idea. I won't pretend it's right, but it is worth something to me.


So days ago the polls went up. Wei Ying and Lan Wangji had a provocative car incident that put them at the top of the chart. I can't say I did not find that cute and sexy: that dumb look on Wei Ying's face from getting his first true whiff of the ice jade. 

Jiang Cheng is still bitter about Xichen. Hmmm, that might be difficult to patch. A few haters are getting into this Jin character Xichen keeps babying. Who knows, this Jin Guangyao dynamic might make the story more interesting. I mean, who doesn't love triangles and stuff? I'll see what I can do to make some magic happen with those two.

Last Thursday and Saturday, Wei Ying outdid himself by ensnaring Lan Wangji into doing his bidding, but some viewers have begun asking about Wen Qing's cousin. Wen Xu was straight out flirting with Wei Ying and my idiot friend seemed to like the attention. (When has Wei Ying not liked getting attention?)

My instincts tell me Lan Wangji is about to have a rude awakening when he sees those two together but then again, he might be cool with it. He has been avoiding Wei Ying, after all.

For now, I order breakfast and sit my butt down. I pop some suppressant pills and ease into the safety of my apartment so I can work to my heart's content. This heat better not happen during the games. There's a lot I have to cover.

(P.O.V ended.)


Thanks for reading. I love, love your comments and follows. See you in the next update. ❤️❤️💙😭

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