
By EmillyKathrynn

159K 3.8K 477

REWRITTEN KINDLE VERSION WITH BONUS CHAPTERS OUT NOW!! Death wasn't something she feared, especially when she... More

Chapter One | Angel
Chapter Two | Dom Perignon
Chapter Three | Lemons
Chapter Four | Elevator
Chapter Five | Thankful
Chapter Six | IWHLMB
Chapter 7 | Bun bun
Chapter 8 | Museum
Chapter 10 | Maria gets fomo
Chapter 11 | Trustee
Chapter 12 | Charity
Chapter 13 | Told you I'd kill
Chapter 14 | A ghost
Chapter 15 | I love you, it's okay
Chapter 16 | Candy cane footsies
Chapter 17 | A little chaotic family
Chapter 18 | MaryEllen James
Chapter 19 | Grandma is here
Chapter 20 | Family Reunion
Chapter 21 | PennyLane
Chapter 22 | Bridezilla
Chapter 23 | 011 and 023
Chapter 24 | Crisis of my fate
Chapter 25 | Secret life of HT
Chapter 26 | This is Goodbye?
Chapter 27 | Oh Amartolós who are you?
Chapter 28 | Unmasked
Chapter 29 | Guardian Angel
Chapter 30 | Sorry I'm late to dinner
Chapter 31 | The greatest crime
Chapter 32 | Aftercare
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 + 𝐏𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐖
First Strike - OUT NOW

Chapter 9 | Commitment

4.1K 89 11
By EmillyKathrynn

Lucas laid back on the sofa in my office toying with a yo-yo he bought for Joely but seemed to busy himself with it "So remind me again, you committed a felony with this guy? I mean if you're going to go to jail, at least make sure the sex was worth it?"

"We haven't had sex Lucas" he sat up straight staring at me up and down like I was crazy

"You haven't fucked the hot doctor? What does he have cooties or something?" I rolled my eyes focusing back to my computer

"In reality I haven't had sex since Joely was conceived because how could I?" With that the yo-yo falls to the floor

"What? You haven't had sex in two and a half years!" He looked as if I said the most absurd thing in the world. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath "Sorry, I just believe that sex is one of the many wonders in life? So you've been was celibate since she was born?"

"It's very hard to get any action with a baby and now a toddler Lucas. You didn't see me going out to bars on the weekends?" He nods in agreement walking over to my desk

"Okay, so tell me did you at least kiss?"

"Yes... he's a good kisser. I thought I was probably sloppy, but Kenny says I'm good" he looked at me confused "I kissed Kendall one time to know if I was a good kisser or not"

"What she's brutally honest! Hey you can't be weird about this you're bi-sexual anyhow. Imagine if I started commenting on you?"

"Yeah but you don't see me making out with my best friends?" I sighed powering down my computer "I need a break, this case is killing me. Mr.Reign is coming in later today and I want to look good, not like I'm running off of a pack of stale saltines and a Diet Coke"

"Well would you say the date went well?"

It had been three days since our date. I thought it went well, though since then it's just been crickets on his end. I've called once and texted twice. Maybe I've lost my mind, but I haven't been interested in anyone in a long time.

"I don't know, he hasn't talked to me since" he grimaced looking doubtful "Hmmm... maybe Kendall was lying to you, maybe you're a sloppy smacker!" I scoffed

a knock at the door came and I looked over to see my assistant Charles "Hope, a guy named Reed Austen is here to see you" I looked to Lucas and stuck my tongue out

"Send him in" I gave Lucas a warning and he stepped out of my office as Reed stepped in

In his hand was a brown bag of what I'm guessing, was food "I figured I'd try and catch you for lunch?" I stared at the bag and then back at him

"You stalking me Reed?" He shrugged

"Well I worked a 36 hour shift and then slept, and then got called in again six hours later. So I wasn't ghosting you, my life just sucks?" I laughed gesturing to the chair infront of my desk

"Depends on what food you've brought me?" He hands me the bag and I pull out a grilled cheese and gasp "How did you read my thoughts!"

"You said you loved grilled cheese's, and La Rosa's makes a great one so..... I was walking by on my way here and thought of you" I unwrap the parchment paper in bliss

I bit into the sandwich practically moaning at how good it tasted "Thank you" he grabbed the salad from the bag smiling at me "Figured I'd owe you some type of date"

"Mmm at least your trying? Especially going as far as to stalk me. Steal me for lunch?" I watch as his cheeks grew rosy and he shifted slightly

"I remembered where you worked, I owed you lunch. I didn't really think I needed to text you, also because I've never really 'dated' someone before" I rose a brow at his assumption

"Oh so we are dating? I'm not just some fling?" I grab my water bottle sucking onto the straw looking back at him

"I don't do commitment" I nodded my head

"Ah so it is a fling?" He shook his head

"I fucked up a central line yesterday because I was overtired and thinking about you. So no I don't do commitment, but I want to make this work" This man was all around confusing

"So committed to dating? Or a relationship, because those are two different things" I think one of my favorite things was stirring the pot, but in the way that all the cards would be in my favor.


"I don't think that's how that works Reed. It's been a date, technically two. This doesn't really count, so maybe... maybe I don't want to do commitment?" Now he looked flustered.

I bit in my sandwich smiling happily as he didn't bother to even touch his salad. What's up with guys and thinking that their opinion is the only one to factor in relationships sometimes?

"So you don't want to go out with me?" I laugh softly as I can sense his arrogance and insult from my reply

"I never said that, but you seem rather surprised if I wouldn't. Like I'm passing up on the opportunity of a life time?" He leaned in taking the sandwich from my hands and bit into it

"Maybe you are?" I rolled my eyes taking the sandwich back "hmmm you're pretty cocky you know that right?"

"Your right about the cockiness, though I'm pretty sure I get from my-"

"If you are about to say something dirty or sly don't. Because then I'll be thinking about other things while I should be working" he looked confused.

"Was just going to say I get it from my father?" Now I felt slightly embarrassed, I thought he'd be talking about his cock. Now I really was a lame ass celibate loser.

"Though I'd love to pin you down and fuck you sometime" I chocked on my sandwich "but we'll build up to that Taylor" his pager went off and he groaned staring at it.

"I have to go, thanks for lunch and sexy images of you eating food stored for later" I rolled my eyes and shooed him away.

"Thanks for bringing me food, I needed this grilled cheese... and this light conversation" I smirked at him as he stood and rushed out the door.

I stared at his untouched salad he'd left "Lucas!" I yelled and no response. I turned to my office phone pressing down his number and hearing it ring just a few doors down "You rang?"

"I have a salad for you if you want it" the line cut and I heard the door to his office open and close as he shuffled on in.

"Sexy doctor took two bites and then got called away to duty" he picked up the salad inspecting it "Only because I'm starving and he's a doctor so he must take hygiene seriously."

"Or he doesn't?" He stared at the salad again and back to me "Okay it's not like he's gross" he stole an extra fork from the bag stabbing it into the lettuce and taking a bite.

"So what did he say?"

"He wants to commit to me even though he's not a commitment guy? I said well what if I'm not really a commitment girl?"

"HOPE!? Come on commit to the sexy ass doctor. I'm sorry but he has glass breaking dimples, blue eyes that you could drown in and a body that one would dream of" I bit my lip at the thought of him, but then the thoughts of him filled my mind.

"What?" I looked to Lucas "hmmm?"

"You had this drooled look on your face and then it shifted, your mind went elsewhere and you looked kinda sad" I shrugged shaking my head.

"I thought about him, his body and what it could do to me. How it would make me feel" I sighed leaning back into my chair and blew a piece of hair away from my face.

"But Ryan Gosling isn't here and Reed Austen is!" He leaned back in the chair "he wants to commit to you, after two dates! So yes he may be clinically insane, but even so... look at the man Hope! He's a doctor and sexy as fuck." I crossed my arms giving Lucas a shrewd stare.

"I'm a lawyer and sexy as fuck? Maybe I don't need a sexy doctor? Maybe I need myself?" He shook his head "I refuse to let you throw this away, you are going to date him Hope, mark my words."

"I already am?" A smile grew on his face "But he wants to fuck me and I want to get to know him?"I reached for my water bottle again taking another sip "I don't see a problem with that, you haven't had sex and years. Imagine your first time in years being with him?"

"I've only ever slept with like one guy in my life, and it's weird to imagine fucking anyone else. Okay actually two guys but still my main sexual partner was the same man" I admitted it, my thoughts within my head. I'd only ever had one real sexual partner, he made me feel safe, he made me feel comfortable.

"Look I know it's scary and a little awkward. But he's gone, he gave you Joely and walked out of your life. Doctor Sexy is in your corner, now stop stressing and just be with him!" Lucas stood frustrated again.

"Fine Mr.Grumpy pants" he exited my office as I continued to eat my grilled cheese.

My phone vibrated and I looked down.

Arabella: Wine night at my place tonight- guest beds open for Joels to sleep in!

The one thing about Arabella was that her favorite nights were wine nights. We'd have them every few weeks, it was more so a deep gossip session.

Hope: What time and what do I bring?

Arabella: 7:30 and yourself :))

Hope: Deal

- Taylor Swift

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