Across The Backrooms

By Valadictorian123

460 16 45

- Sincerely, Valadictorian123 -------------------------------------- Ever since I noclipped into the Backroom... More

Level 0 - The Lobby
Level 27 - The Wooden Walls Of Tortured Souls
Level 28 - The Laboratory
Level 29 - Sun Rise and Set
Level ! - Run For Your Life
Level - The Hub
Level 50 - Familiar Pasts
Level - You Cheated
Level - Press Start
Level - You Win! Part 1
Level - You Win! Part 2
Level - You Win! Part 3
Level 37 - Sublimity/The Poolrooms
Level - M.E.G. - part 1 - "A New Home"
Level - M.E.G. - part 2 - "Planning"
Level - 34, 106, 87 - "Triple Trouble"
Level - 34, 66, 87 - "Together Again"
Level - M.E.G.
Level 974 - "Kitty's House"

Level - You Win! Part 4

12 0 6
By Valadictorian123

We leave the nightclub and head up to the next room, and oh my gosh was it the best floor in this whole level.

The 5th floor was a dining room! Or a restaurant.


Some people are shaken by his screaming, others are smiling with a pleased face on.

We immediately dash to a table that has just enough chairs for everybody.

"This is literally the best level to exist in the history of the Backrooms." Leo says.

"Yeah," I say.

Ami meanwhile is looking around tense.

"Ami? What's wrong?" Leo asks.

"Ah, um, I'm just scared, that's all. What if that bartender noticed us and talked to my dad? Knowing my dad he'll send hundreds of troops after me once we finds out where I am. I don't want to put all these innocent wanderers at risk. We should go." Ami says.

"No, Ami, were not leaving. We just got here. I'm not getting up until I want to, and I currently don't want to. My legs are killing me from all this running." I tell her.

"Yeah, Ami, just stop thinking about it. I understand how you feel, but we can't keep having these sudden occurrences where we gotta leave for some weird or random reason." Leo says.

"But it's not for a weird or random reason, it's for a life-or-death reason! If we don't leave we'll be putting ourselves at risk! Also, weren't you the one who was worried about our safety? You were the one who was desperate for us to leave so we wouldn't let our guards down and get ambushed, and if you guys are injured, or worse, dead, I would feel like it would be my fault, I'm the one their after, I put you guys at risk when joining your side."

"Bro calm down. You were the one that was all for taking a break, now we have a break. We'll finish eating and then leave. Ok?"

"Yeah, Anne is right, (can I call you Anne?) You were the one who wanted a break, so were taking a break. We'll leave after we finish eating. It's a 2v1 you lost were staying."

"Make that a 3v1, :)." Elizabeth says with a smirk.

"I- fine, we'll stay, but we leave RIGHT after we eat."

"ok, yes ma'am. (And yes you can.)" I say.

Just as we finish talking, somebody else enters the restaurant, we all shrug it off until I take a double-take and realize who it was.

Suddenly, one of the employees comes up to us.

"Hello, what would you like today?" She says as she gives us a menu.

"Oh umm, I would like a caesar salad please." Leo says.

"Pizza for me." I say.

"I'll have umm, a burger and some fries." Ami says.

"I'll have the biggest bowl of ramen noodles known to man." Liz says.

"Ok! Your orders will be with you right in a bit." The employee says.

Leo and Elizabeth start talking to each other, Ami is sitting there quietly. The man I saw from earlier sat on the table close to the right of us. He looked like he was talking to someone on the phone. I can't hear him over the talking of other people near us. I inch a bit closer and only make out a few words.

"them.... beside.... 5.... disguise......"

I tried to get closer but he then realized I was eavesdropping on him. I heard a few more words from him.

"They..... me...... backup.....Now......."

He then moves to another table farther away from us.

Just then our food arrives.

"Enjoy! Have a good day!" The employee says.

"Thanks." Leo says.

The employee smiles then walks away.

Everybody then starts eating their food.

I want to tell them, but they just found comfort, and Ami looks like she's chill again. I don't want to ruin this moment... But I don't have much of a choice.

"Guys, we gotta go, now."

"What, why? We just got our food." Ami says.

"Well, we don't have to leave now, but right after we finish our food."

"Yeah, that's what we agreed on, what's the problem now?" Leo asks.

"Well, remember that bartender from before?"


"He's here, in this floor. Right now. He knows."

"Wait, as in, he knows who we are and what the Moth Cartel has against us?!" Ami says.


I lean in and eye Michael. He's eating his food. Everybody immediately realize that it's him.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh NO!" Ami exclaims.

Some people in the bar just stare at her, then go back to eating.

"How did he know?!?!" She asks.

"I don't know! I just saw him coming in a disguise here. So I started eavesdropping on him, I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I do know that after he realized I was eavesdropping on him, he called for backup, or at least I think he did."

"Well in that case we should leave, now." Leo says.

"Can we at least finish our food first? We don't know if we have to pay or not." Elizabeth says.

"WHAT CAN WE PAY WITH LIZ?! We'll eat on the way to the next floor! This is our lives were talking about. Now let's go!"

We all pick up our food and start speed-walking out of the restaurant. I look behind me. Michael quickly got up and starts speed-walking behind us.


We make it to the 6th floor, and thankfully, it's a dark room. We hide beneath a couch and look around. We see Michael enter the room and start hastily asking people if they saw us. We finish our food, dump it in a nearby trashcan and sneak out of the room. I don't think he saw us that time. The 7th floor is a computer lab. With a bunch of people on computers. Some playing games, others watching youtube, and others... Being just down bad. What intrigued me the most was how people were communicating with their friends and family through chatting websites and apps.(The ones that have noclipped into the Backrooms that is.) I don't think you can communicate with friends and family outside the Backrooms, that's just me, though.

"Is this a computer lab?" Ami asks.

"Looks like it." Elizabeth responds.

"And with a working internet connection? This is my place." Leo says.

"Well, sadly, we can't chat here forever. We should get going." Ami says.

"Hold on, lemme try one thing, it won't take long I promise." I say.

I hop on a computer and it surprisingly works well. What surprised me the most though was that it had all the apps I had on my computer back home. Like literally, all the exact apps I had back home. But anyway, my plan was to try and communicate with Benjamin, Avery, or Amani. We had a group chat that we would joke around and talk to each other in. I logged onto my Discord account, and our chat was exactly how we left it. Only it said that the last comment was like a day ago. I then start typing in the chat.

(Hello, guys, is anybody there?)

No response.

(Guys, it's me, Anthony? Where are yall?)

No response.

I was about to leave, until I hear a response.

(Ummm Who is this?)

(Is this really Anthony?)

I was filled with joy and excitement, I haven't spoken to them in hours.





(I DID! I got noclipped into I guess a secret level then got noclipped somewhere else. Where are yall? Where's Avery and Amani?)

(Avery and Amani are right beside me, we only have 1 computer so we couldn't all get back in the group chat.)

(And tbh, we don't know where we are.)

(Well explain your surroundings.)

(Well were using a very old computer. Were in what looks to be an office room. There are 2 big bolded letters in the middle of this area.)

(What does it say.)

(It says..)


(The End? Doesn't ring any bells to me.)

(We traveled a few levels until making it here, we think that this is truly the end to the Backrooms. We've just been exploring and looking around.)


(If this is the end of the Backrooms, then find a way to escape, leave.)

(Dude no, we'll be leaving you.)

(No, I gotta plan, while I find a way to escape after you guys, tell anybody and everybody you know about the Backrooms, tell the authorities that hundreds to thousands of people have been lost in here.)

(This explains all the disappearances that have been recently happening in the real world.)

(This could help a lot of people. So do it not for me, but for everyone that lost family members.)

No response.


(Fine. But please don't die.)

(... I'll try my hardest.)


*Microwavecaprisun has left the chat.*

*deeznut2344 has left the chat.*

I look behind me to see Ami looking kinda sad.

"That must've been hard." She says.

"Yeah, but I'll be fine." I respond.

"Do you think they'll really leave without you?"

"To be honest, I don't know. But I have no choice but to trust that they do and tell the authorities about the Backrooms. Now come on, we're leaving. Go get the others."

While Ami gets everybody I head upstairs and wait beside the floor 8 door.

Eventually everybody gets upstairs.

"I heard what you had to do, I'm sorry." Leo says.

"No It's fine. Let's go."

Just as I get up I hear a loud voice screaming downstairs.


We hear sounds of people screaming downstairs and getting down on the floor.

"What's happening down there?"

"I don't know, I'll go check." Elizabeth responds.

We watch as she sneaks downstairs.

Just a few seconds later she comes rushing upstairs.

"That bartender from before got like 8 soldiers beside him holding a bunch of people at gunpoint."

We then hear another voice.

"We are the Moth Cartel, any step out of line will result in a quick death. We come with 1 question: Where are they? Fugitive's: Elizabeth Cadell, Leonardo Barrett, Amelia Smith, and Anthony Alexander. You all get killed if you don't answer."

"W-Well we saw a g-grey haired man pass by..."


At this point we were all downstairs watching him closely.

He does some finger things telling some guards to go look for us. (I guess?)

We all rush upstairs into the floor 8 room. It's like a hotel with multiple bedrooms.

Without thinking we all split up and hide in different rooms. I hide under the bed. I hear the guards enter the room and start looking for us.

Eventually a guard enters my room and starts looking around. His back is turned, good.

I slowly sneak from under the bed to the door and close it behind the guard. It makes a creaking noise. The guard sees me and screams "HEY!"

I quickly dash away from the door and start running down the hallway.

Then more guards show up.

They start shooting and manage to shoot me a few times all around my body. I climb up the stairs to the ninth floor and hide under a table. The guards enter the room and everybody starts screaming, some ran away. Others started to fight the guards.

The guards started shooting, and in a matter of seconds, killed everybody in the room.

After everybody was dead the guards start looking around the room for me. I'm over here trying to control my breathing. I thought I was dead, until I see them.

I see Leo, Ami, and Elizabeth, armed, clearly pissed.

"HEY!" Leo says.

The moment the guards look back, it was too late. Leo, Ami, and Elizabeth started shooting them repeatedly until they were dead, and eventually, they were.

"ANNE? ARE YOU HERE?!" Leo calls.

I slowly climb from under the table onto a nearby chair.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok?"


Leo gives me a bottle of Almond Water and starts bandaging me up and wraps my left arm and left leg, (the ones that got shot,) with a tourniquet and a big bandage. (You know the one that's like a mini-towel and you wrap it around your wounded limb.) He wraps another bandage around my chest area. Y'know, how am I still even alive? I really don't know.

What saddened me was how Ami was shocked, and started crying.

"I'm sorry.... My anger got the best of me..."

"Ami, it's fine, if we hadn't done something they would've killed us."


I felt bad for her, she's probably never had to actually kill someone before, neither have I. I'm still kinda shaken from when Elizabeth killed that other guy from the shop. But I also feel bad for the guards. I bet they were just random people just trying to survive to make it back to their families.

"Ok, Ami, I feel bad for you, but we can't sit here and have a pity party. We have to go before more reinforcements come, or worse, Michael. I get this may sound rude, but you quite literally have to suck it up. Now please help me up."

Ami looked sad, but had an understanding face. Her and Elizabeth come over and they all help me up.

We climbed to the 10th floor, it's another shop. But it's bigger and kinda looks like a Walmart. They all lay me down in a corner.

"Were going to get some more supplies, don't get up, stay here."


Then they all disperse into the shopping walls.

I kinda just sit there and stare off. Multiple people come over and ask the occasional, "What happened?" "Are you ok?". So not to scare them away I would tell them that my wounds were from another level. Some people gave me some supplies and told me to stay safe. Others asked if I wanted to join their colony. I denied the offer and told them that I'm already with some other people. One guy even gave me a knife and gun to defend myself. I appreciate these handouts, they'll really help me in the future. I put them in the bag Leo gave me when we went shopping. Eventually they came back.

"Bro I said not to get up."

"I didn't, these supplies were from complete strangers."


They all help me up, and we leave.

*Now through Michael's perspective again.*

Michael gets a phone call, he takes out his phone.


"Did backup show up?"


"Did you capture her?"


"Hello? I need a response."

"No sir. I didn't."

"Did you at least kill the other ones?"

"No sir. I didn't."


"I would expect more from the captain of our army."

"Yes sir, sorry sir."

"Usually I would send more troops to kill you instead of the other ones. But I'm feeling good today, I'll give you ONE last chance to get her and kill them. Otherwise I may be the one killing you myself. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-Yes sir."

*Call ends.*

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