So Strange Is The Tranquil Li...

By Yuno_Hein

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This story revolves a man who is just...lost. Where does a warrior go when the battle is done? To the next so... More

One Last Task
Tip Of Strength
Colliding Beliefs
Dragon's Venom
Small Reunion

Curiousity Angers Those Disturbed

650 32 0
By Yuno_Hein

Y/N's Point of View

A buzzer rang twice making me look in front and rested my chin on the table. The class was already filled and it was hard to get some shut-eye with all the noises. Annoying wouldn't be enough to describe it but not like I have the right to shush them up. I just waited while some men sat on top of their tables as they talked to their peers.

I can even hear Ahri talking with a few people, all their voices sounded feminine but I had no thoughts to look. Wait, just wait so I did. All while trying to keep my mind blank.

A teacher finally came and no one seems to have noticed. That color made my eyebrow twitch when I realized who it was. The Mantle of Decorum as well as the floating jade reflected some part of the sunlight but not like they were already glowing on their own. Karma went to the middle and I can see her looking around before her mouth let out a sigh.

"Everyone to your seats! Now!" Karma declared with a growly tone. And just as told they all scurried to find a chair to place their asses. I raised my back and let it lean to the chair all while ignoring the thuds and the screeches made by their footsteps and the chairs being pulled.

Just as things were beginning to quiet down my left arm went on its own. I could feel a soft texture by the end of it and turned my head a little. Someone nearly sat on me...again. Bad thing was she's a girl, good thing is I didn't touch anything sensitive but my palm could feel her bare back.

That tail spiked up when I surprised the lady and I can feel her looking at me. A vastayan, she had purple hair with some sort of halo floating on top. Her arms were green without gloves making me wonder how and her green and purple colored tail was quite long if you ask me. Some sort of amphibian, hmm a lizard probably but those tails were a little soft when it came in contact with my wrist. I just pushed her lightly since I was sure there weren't any seats available.

"Neeko, please take a seat," Karma said when she noticed her quick steps forward to regain her balance. I promise you I did not push her hard.

"Y-yes Ma'am," the vastayan replied and walked forward where a seat was available. I couldn't remove my eyes from Karma but I still see how the vastayan leaned her face to her left and that tingling sensation of being looked at was present.

Even when she looked away it didn't disappear making me furrow my eyebrows. Karma smiling suggests that she was the reason. I took a deep breath hoping to not ignite any ember that could turn into anger. I just looked at the table and crossed my arms to my chest.

"Now then, take out the book under the table and turn it to page 312," Karma said and walked to where the windows were. Seeing how I've got nothing else to do I did what she said. I could hear how a lot of them went on to slam the book to the table making me scoff. Some students just love to be annoying don't they? It's not even that heavy, must've hated this subject.

I turned the page until I found where she told us to stop. It just made me sigh out my dismay when all the words I'm looking at doesn't seem to be connected to class.

Mana-Contribution, mana-fucking-contribution but the shit I'm reading contained nothing but philosophical stuff of both mana and life. Felt like she was trying to rub some ideas on me, she still knows how to pour rub some alcohol into flesh wounds doesn't she?

I just took out a new notebook to write a small summary as I read. Something tells me this useless shit would appear on some quiz so I just followed that instinct. Realized I only brought out my pencil making me sigh as I reached for a black pen. Seeing how this has 3 whole page dedicated to the idea, I figured it's best to do both to save some time. Just as I was about to write I noticed Karma wincing at the door. As long as it doesn't concern me then I won't bother so I started to write.

"Please read the topic at hand, I have some matters to attend so don't get too rowdy," Karma said before going out. Must be to tend that commander, oh well. I can tell by Karma's pace that it was an emergency of some sort when it didn't take her too long to get the hell out. Silence...finally.

Time flew by for a while I bet but I was just focused on my work. The silence I thought would last did so in about 3 minutes or something and that was already a long time ago. They're not too rowdy though, some were whispering their chats while some became supervisors as they walked everywhere.

I already wrote 7 names with their main ideas and any unique words I could find to tie them up with them. There's only 1 person left but my back was beginning to feel heavy. I pushed the book and my notes forward a little just so I could lean my chin back on the table.

A few people were talking with Ahri and just hearing them whispering was much more annoying. I'll just finish this and sleep, I might get lucky and get that nap. I was writing the description of the last person when I felt someone staring at me.

I looked to my left when I noticed something strange and there was the reason. It was the Vastayan from a while ago and she was peeking in my direction all while hiding her lower face on the table. I just let her be and continued writing.

"Uh...hi?" she asked and it came from one ear to another. I don't have the energy to spare so I just ignored her words but I can see her left palm open as she waved lightly.

Silence followed and that made her stand. I can see how she was placing her face in front of me, that was weird when all I could see resembled that of a murder victim leaning on her side. I just kept writing when I can feel this thing was taking longer than I thought.

She finally stood up but I can feel her circling me, I couldn't even see her eyes but I can still feel her observing me. I ignored when finally, period. My notes were finished so I closed everything up when I wanted to take a nap.

I straightened my back and stretched my shoulders when they felt a little stiff. I was about to lay my head down but I heard a grunt making me groan internally. I was wondering why I haven't felt the girl move when she stopped to my right but she was intruding.

"Hngggghh!!" a pained grunt came from her as she tried to lift my weapon.

"A-Ahri? What! is! this?!" Neeko let out through spaces when she was still attempting to even move it. This made the girl wince in her direction and gestured her arms to stop with the worried expression.

"Wait Neeko! That's not mine!" Ahri whispered her worries and the group she had all looked at the girl.


The sound of a small clack made me widen my eyes a little when I realized what happened. The growling sound as it slid through the wall helped me pinpoint how fast it's falling. I timed where it will be and pressed my left arm to the wall. My timing was right when I pinned the halberd's head before it could touch the ground.

The chains let out a noise that made my ears ring when they loosened up a lot. Seems like Neeko was able to lift it a little but she wasn't strong enough to control it when she was dragged with it.

"Hands off," I let out sounding more like a snarl when my throat felt rough as I let it out. She complied and I had to struggle a little just to pull the halberd by its head. The chains eventually slipped adding another pain in the head when I had more to do. I leaned the halberd on my right shoulder before taking the chain.

Ugh, I can feel a few people looking at me because of that and it just feels disgusting in a way. I just looked down as I tried to wrap the chains back as quietly as I could. When I was done, I placed it back from where it was while Neeko tried not to get in the way as she tiptoed behind me.

Seeing how it stood, I sighed and tried to draw my arm back but I felt a soft feeling that wrapped my right hand. Her arms were the cause of that but I felt the vein about to pop off my forehead. She's pestered me so much already so what the hell is she planning now?!

I was about to ask but a faint glow covered her whole body forcing me to close my eyes. The moment I opened them, I was looking at...myself?

My image was there in Neeko's place, looking at his arms as if trying to figure out something. Seriously, this lady not only crossed the line, but she was also was fucking stomping on the damn thing! Deep breaths, I thought as I did that but it really was fucking irritating in a way.

"Neeko feels-urk," her words were cut when she held her abdomen with a face about to puke. Her image shifted back to normal and that just made me raise an eyebrow when her cheeks were puffed with air from within.

"Neeko?" Ahri let out as she stood and supported the girl by grabbing her shoulders. She deserves that in my opinion but it's a good thing she didn't vomit. Her heavy breathing suggested she didn't have a good time at all.

"N-Neeko's fine, Neeko did something wrong when transforming," she said as she stood straight and rubbed the back of her head with a smile.

"Tell me if you're going to the infirmary okay? I'll help you," Ahri suggested making me look forward. I could see Neeko nodding and the fox took her seat. Finally felt no one was watching and it calmed a part of my mind as I placed my notes back to the briefcase and the book back on the desk. I let my face rest on the table and the cold felt nice to the touch. Neeko leaving was the icing to it all as I closed my eyes trying to nap while chatters were scattered around. It's noisy but it is better than the noises I've grown accustomed to.

Instead of giggles, I can still hear the metals clashing inside my head. The smallest brief of silence was enough for me to hear a pained shout. I...I can still hear them dying in front of me, I need to keep myself busy.

The ground made those thuds, I peeked and saw everyone rushing back to their seat. They timed it well when Karma came inside just as a buzzer rang from the hallway. Time went by again, it was faster and I didn't hate it but I had to raise my back just to avoid the Headmistress from calling me out.

"Class please return the books. It's time for your break so use this time to clean up your mess," she said calmly making me scan the ground. Looks clean so I picked up my briefcase and let it lean on my lap as I waited.

Since there's only 2 classes left I'll take this opportunity to nap. I don't have any appetite to eat anyway so I'll do just that. We waited until that buzzer rang twice making everyone stand. Karma didn't really react to it and just nodded. The class bid farewell and went outside followed by the students. I waited until everyone was gone but one person didn't follow. She walked up to me and I sighed when she stood there.

"You need help," Neeko said in a softened tone. I stood up from my seat and took everything I owned. I just ignored the girl and went outside but she followed.

"You need to find Soraka! Neeko felt it, you're in pain," she said with trembling voices making me roll my eyes.

"I feel fine Neeko," I replied without giving her a look. I don't know what pain she was talking about and I'm not interested in any topic regarding myself. Didn't even want her to be here after...all that.

"You are not! Don't you feel it burning?! Neeko worries!!" she said as she tugged her own hair.

"Then don't, you don't need to worry at all," I said as I was close to the stairs. She let out a groan and a long sigh as her back hunched and loosened her shoulders.

"Go do what you got to do Neeko, I need sleep," I said when I felt like she's following me for a long time. I took two steps up and felt her stopping but I just went on.

"C-can Neeko have your name?" the lady asked making me look back. I saw her mouth and that alone held some anticipation when it's slightly open.

"Y/N," I replied briefly and continued walking up. I didn't see what she did next but not like I care.

I got to a class where everything seems fairly quiet. Hmm, guess these kids just like to eat. I went to the corner and picked the last seat beside the window. The warmth from the sun is what I'm after since that will get me sleeping. I set the halberd down and the briefcase beside the chair before resting my face on the table. I closed my eyes and knew I'll be asleep without me knowing.

"Urgh, mmmrrgghh! Nggghh!!" a muffled shout made me open my eyes. The thing I woke up to made me sigh when I could see the grey sky as smoke and flame were visible from afar.

I could see people in armor running as they watched their steps. Watching their steps to avoid the corpses scattered on the ground. Some had people in black-clad armor while blood spilled from their bodies, some had much shinier armor but it's no different when they're all dead aren't they.

I was sitting on top of a few corpses and I could feel my vision was restricted when a helmet was weighing my head. I also felt something heavy leaning on my left shoulder but my gaze went to 2 soldiers just below me.

One lied down on the dark-colored soil with a missing arm and was biting down a cloth when the other tried to bandage the wound. They were wearing silver-like chain plates but a blue cape with the Ionian symbol made me observe. The other had removed his helmet trying to aid him as best as he can, bandaging the wound and such but I know he won't make it. I could see there was more to his injury when blood kept seeping out even when it wasn't coming out from the missing limb. The other noticed and looked at me with a worried gaze, his light blue colored eyes looked teary as he grit his teeth.

"Don't just sit there! Go ask for help!" a gruff voice shouted to me making me chuckle. I just gripped the handle of the halberd when it's tiring my shoulders and laughed. This confused him but immediately looked away to try and heal the one on the ground.

"Help? Fucking help?!! Look around you!" I couldn't help myself from shouting those words while my right arm gestured the area. He didn't look back while the other raised his shout.

"There's no one out there! No one to ask for help! The commander ran to save his fucking life and you're asking for help?!!" I could feel my blood boiling at those words. I sighed and see the fallen soldier finally relax as his shout began to shush with the trembles beginning to calm.

"Come on! Come on man stay with me!" the other shouted as his voice began to choke but it's no use. The dying soldier just looked at the sky and let out one last breath making me look away. This was just one of the many casualties we had, I took the halberd and let it lean to my left shoulder before walking down the corpses I sat on.

"Stop, he more," my voice let out but he didn't. He kept bandaging up the wound as he sniffed and grunted making me place my hand on his shoulder.

He threw my arm away and kept wrapping the bandage. I just closed my eyes and still forced my arm to stop him when he's wasting resources. Then I heard him sob which made me slowly open my eyes to another direction. I looked at the wall behind me, a wall so clean and undamaged.

"Go back soldier, the battle is won," I said making him stand up quickly. This departed my arm and I heard him throw his helmet away before looking at me as he grit his teeth.

"Won? Won?!! How?!! How did we win Y/N?!" he screamed and grabbed me by the shoulders. I just looked him in the eye and gestured my head to the wall.

"It's standing isn't it? It's what we're tasked to do," I replied and felt that impact on my right cheek. He punched me hard enough for the helmet to fly but he didn't stop there when he grabbed my chestplate and pulled his face closer.

"We lost almost everyone! I lost my friends! My brother!" he screamed and I could feel his spit flying to my face. He looked down but his grip tightened and began to shake me back and forth.

"How? How is this winning?" he let out through a desperate whisper. This just made me see how the place had more corpses than what I had in mind. I just looked at the weapon I was holding when it was the only thing I have left.

To see it still glimmer that golden color, looks like this was probably the 3rd wave of attacks. I sighed and closed my eyes all while his cries still echoed through my head.

The buzzer rang and it made me wake up to where time really is. It was quiet, I raised my upper body and lean it back to the chair while looking out the window on my right. I can see the walls covering the horizon making me wonder.

"Will you laugh at times like this? Or will you be as broken as I am? Kinda wish you're still alive today," I said out loud when I remembered the man. I just looked in front but my arms trembled just at the thought, I clenched my fist when I need it to calm down and the silence. It made me want to throw the goddamn table out of the window. I can still remember everything clearly but I need to bury it deep, I have to bury them deep!

I shook my head and picked up my weapon with my left arm wondering if it'll make me feel better. It's heavier by now not just due to the chains, I looked at it and saw how a piece wasn't covered properly. Those ash-like color made me close my eyes as I tried to cover it with the bandage above it.

I looked around the room where no one was here yet making me raise it high before slamming the tip down to the ground. That thud resonated through my feet making me feel at ease but I did notice a crack. I looked at where it landed only to see it left a dent making me groan, I just leaned it back to the wall and waited as I looked at the sky.

A first student arrived with someone and I couldn't help but look especially when they were being followed by a lot of people. I thought there wasn't any uniform but I've been seeing those clothes on many people, girls with white blouses and checkered skirt red and black with jackets of their preference. Boys with black slacks and white polos with a jacket of their choice. Neither the student manual nor Karma said anything about it, majority of the students were 50/50 on wearing it anyway but I just wish I won't have to participate in this shit anymore.

I can see those tails following connected to a lady with that flashy clothes. What was her name again? Evelynn? I guess so. She was talking with another girl who was wearing the usual blouse and checkered skirt. I looked at them wondering if something changed but none. Eyes still blurred but I can see she had the same hair color as Evelynn as well as the skin tone, her haircut was short compared to the other one when it just reached her shoulders.

"Everyone please go find yourselves a seat," I heard Evelynn say with some sort of charm to her voice. This made the crowd disperse with her words making me raise my eyebrows a little. That was...weird.

It made me grab the halberd as I looked in front. I know the other girl, I just can't find where I saw that figure. I looked to my table since they might find me looking as annoying but I still saw how they stopped beside me. My nape tingled at the sensation of being looked at making me raise my head a little.

"Ah Y/N, glad to see you this time," Evelynn said making me raise an eyebrow. I nodded to reply her words and she sat down. The other was...I can't tell. She's just standing there like a post but I can still feel her stares. It made me look through the corner of my eyes and I saw how her shoulders jumped a little.

"Can I help you?" I asked as I looked back at the table. If she wants this seat then sure, it's not like I love places like these when the sun can be too blinding sometimes.

"N-no, sorry but you're from here aren't you?" she asked to which I nodded. I could hear her monotone hum and that also made Evelynn look at her.

"Anything wrong Riven?" Evelynn said, that name made me raise my eyebrows a little. Riven, the only person I know with that name belonged to an actor that popped up 4 years ago. The hair and stature also aligned but my mind wasn't convinced that it's the reason she looks familiar. I didn't think too much about it and forced myself to speak hoping she'd leave.

"Do you want this seat?" I asked with a stare to which she just shook her head. The seat behind her was open and that was where she sat, seeing how she didn't want to take my seat I placed the weapon and leaned its head against the wall. I looked down at the table and lowered my face with a silenced sigh. A few seconds was what it needed for this class to be filled along with the noises they made.

Eventually, a professor came making me raise my eyebrows when I could barely see the guy. No offense to the yordle but now that I see him clearly, I already knew. Heimerdinger, it's a little funny to see how his furs formed a mustache but he was wearing his usual suit. Seems like he came in a rush when those large red goggles were resting on his forehead.

"Morning everyone," his voice was just like you expected. That accent from Piltover or what people call the classy accent for some reason.

"Good morning Professor," the class responded making him nod. He tried to look at the back but it just made the class giggle when he had to use his toes to raise him higher. Heimerdinger just sighed as he rolled his eyes and snapped his finger summoning a turret.

Class didn't seem alarmed so I lowered my left hand when I could already feel the handle. I waited wondering what he's going to do, he...climbed it. This just made me sigh at my actions as I crossed my hand to my chest while he was busy looking around.

He scanned the room and was able to portray a cheery smile when he noticed Evelynn and the one beside me. Problem was it didn't even last that long when he noticed me.

"O-oh uhhh, it's a pleasure miss Riven, miss Evelynn," he said but his voice trembled as he clasped his arms. I noticed the people nod but I couldn't bear to move my eyes to look away from the creature.

He seems anxious by the way his fingers were restless. It kept tapping the back of his palms and I wasn't the only one who noticed.

"Professor is something wrong?" a man asked. It sounded a little deep but smooth and kinda cocky if you ask me. This made Heimer face the man with a smile and shook his head.

"Nothing Jayce, ahem. For the new students I welcome you to my class. Today we'll be learning about diagrams and since it's our first day of this semester, I'd like everyone to draw this piece of mana circle," Heimer continued and the turret began moving on its own.

The way I heard that electric sound was a little irritating but it just moved Heimer to the edge of the board. He picked up the chalk and began to write. I also pulled out a purple-colored notebook and took some notes.

Time passed by with silence but not for me. Felt like my ears could drop when I keep hearing some metals clashing followed by groans. Good thing I was busy drawing this bastard...was this what Karma meant by helping? Hmm, not really that great but it did keep me sane especially when this bastard was a pain to draw. Circles, lines, fucking geometries on top of another. Even when I know how it works it's still a pain to do this. The buzzer rang making me wince at the open door only to look back at what I was writing.

I was done making me let out a long sigh without even bothering to hide it as I flicked the cover to close it back. This thing was still a pain so I looked at Heimer who seems to have finished writing something. Fucking hell there was more to it huh? Reading it however seems more like an explanation, I just took my pen and opened the goddamn notebook. A knock came on the door making me peek, seems like a teacher when he had the same clothes as Ivern.

"Professor Heimer, Headmistress Karma is asking for you," said a bald man who had a beard with purple skin. Heimer nodded and the man went away, I looked at where he stopped and it seems to be enough for me. 3 sentences explaining the parts of the illustration but I already knew the other 2 that were missing.

Heimer jumped from the turret and snapped his fingers twice making the turret disappear. That is a neat ability but I just continued writing.

"Class I'm sorry but I might not explain everything. I have written the meanings on the board but there are still some parts missing so search for it back at your place. Please see to it when the second buzzer rings proceed to your next class," Heimer said as he looked towards the first row. This made them nod and Heimer walked out, I just looked back at the board and tried to follow where I left off.

I couldn't help but groan internally when someone was close. Way too fucking close since I can feel her breath on the left side of my face. I thought she was trying to go somewhere else when she stood up but it had to be here.

"Something wrong?" I asked and I noticed how she flinched through her shadow.

"S-sorry I have a little problem looking at the board," said the lady. Her voice really sounds vaguely familiar but I just can't believe she said that after deciding to sit in the back like damn! Calm...calm down.

"You need my notes?" I asked when it felt like that was the case. If she has trouble looking at the board then she didn't even write anything but I could be wrong.

Feeling how she gave me space I faced her direction. That chin went up and down making me close my eyes when I didn't know if I should nag at the lady but I just raised my left index finger.

"Give me a moment, I still need to write something," I said and looked at the notes I'm writing. She didn't really wait, she just pulled her chair and sat down on the left side of my table. I could see her palms out of my peripheral vision but I just let her be.

"Say have we met before? You kinda feel familiar," she asked so I shook my head without paying too much attention to her. Maybe we did when that voice was forcing a memory out of me. I didn't want to remember so I went back to writing.

"Your not Noxian but you feel like you don't belong to Ionia either," she said making me close my eyes when it's getting to my nerves. In that brief second of silence I leaned my chin on the table and wrote. I just like how it doesn't let me see much of the place but there she is again.

"You...don't talk much huh," she said so I shrugged. I was finally done so I slid the note to her, I just really wish she'd leave if I'm being honest.

My notes were dragged out of my sight implying she took it but she also read them there while crossing her leg. Haah, seriously? I placed my face flat on the table because I didn't want her to see how I was irritated. Might as well just sleep in the process.

"Woah you know this?" she asked.

"Mmhmm," I replied without processing what she just said. I heard her let out that monotone hum and eventually her chair squeaked when she stood.

I looked since I still felt like she had business with me and she was looking at the halberd proving me right. She placed my notebook on her table but her arms began to fiddle with the chains. It made me let out a raspy groan as I straightened my back but now she was holding the chains.

" it can't be," she whispered the last phrase but my ears could still pick it up. The chains kept clanging whenever she let it slide until she grabbed the edge. She kept observing it as she let out a sigh. I looked at the other students when I wasn't really getting anything out of her. They were all too busy with their papers, Evelynn on the other hand seems like she wasn't doing the same.

"You were," she whispered making me look. She's been babbling for some time already and it's just making me think about what.

"Y/N...L/N?" she said confused. I can see her left eyebrow was higher than the other as she looked and that gesture was giving me a small hint.

"How did," I was about to ask when I never gave out my last name to anyone but it finally hit me.

"...oh God," I let out as I covered my face with my right hand. Noxian, I just realized it now. She was the kid that followed Swain during my time at Noxus. That was more than 5 years ago and I only got to see her two times during that time.

"You're him aren't you?!" even though she was whispering it held how she seems much angrier than surprised by the tone.

"Shush," I said before sighing when she held a piece of information I personally don't want others to know.

Swain...what got to your head? Should've known it the moment I saved that lady. Karma what deal did you make with the old crow?!

I groaned that irritating idea away. I knew Noxians were here but some of those people stick out like sore thumbs on my part. If that lady is here then that annoying man is here as well, I'll just try to shush him if we meet.

The file, I need to look at that one more time. After helping Swain overthrow the king he gave me documents that I never really thought much about. Haaah, it's their problem anyway so who am I to care. Now it's time for me to clear up my own when she sat back down beside my table.

"You survived. T-thank you for helping my country," She said and I noticed Evelynn's head turned a little to Riven's side.

"Save your thanks ma'am. Remember, I am your enemy," I replied but that just made her scoff. I can tell Evelynn was hearing everything since now she was leaning a little to her left.

I decided not to make this conversation go further than it already has. I looked at Riven who seems to be smiling making me furrow my eyebrows a little when I was confused.

"That was a long time ago Y/N," she let out without losing her smile. I didn't move knowing what she said doesn't change the fact that I am one.

Silence eventually, I didn't want to engage in talking especially when the buzzer rang twice. I just closed my eyes and stood up when I don't want to stay here any longer. The others eventually did the same, some yawned and some let out their sigh of relief. I took the halberd and Riven was standing just behind me making me groan as I turned around.

"I'm just glad you're alive," Riven said which made me raise an eyebrow. My well-being is not her concern I'm sure so I find it questionable why she'd say such things. I just nodded all while strapping the halberd to my back.

"I'll give you back the notebook once I'm done," she said and gave me a pat on the elbow. I nodded and took the briefcase before walking away.

Tsk, I knew attending here was a pain but I'd never thought it would be this problematic.

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