Kenny Omega Fics & Oneshots (...

By ItJazzBicch

14.9K 156 6

All of my fics for Kenny Omega which includes fluff, smut, and all of that stuff! More

A God's Message (SMUT)
Ready, Set, Record. (SMUT)
Sporadic Gift (SMUT)
The Fool
No Matter What (SMUT)
Battle Cry (SMUT)
Behind Tinted Windows PT. 1 (SMUT)
Behind Tinted Windows PT. 2
First Hand (SMUT)
Welcome To The Club (SMUT)
The Last Laugh (SMUT)
The Last Laugh PT. 2 (SMUT)

The Last Laugh PT. 3

776 13 1
By ItJazzBicch

[You coming over not? I have a big match tonight you know] I sent to Kenny. 

I thought I'd never see the day, but Kenny and I were getting along, getting very close and having true feelings for each other rather than just going at it. 

[Just give me a few minutes. I'll be over] Kenny sent back. 

I had a championship match tonight and Kenny said he wanted to see me before since he couldn't really escort me out himself. 

Since he had to take his time, I patiently waited for him. There was still some things for me to do. I just got out of hair and make up, my gear still needed adjusted, so I just sat in my locker room waiting. 

Kenny didn't take as long as I thought he was going to, quickly turning to my phone when I heard it vibrating consistently. 

"You finally coming over?" I asked, holding my phone up to my ear as I was still fixing my boots. 

"Sure am!" Kenny said cheerfully, "You ready for the night?"

"Always ready," I smirked, sitting up straight.

"You always have been," Kenny cooed, but then there was silence. After a moment, Kenny whispered into the phone, "Hey, give me a second."

Kenny didn't hang up, but it sounded as if he put his phone in his pocket, it was muffled, but I heard Matt. 

"Kenny, we have an interview and some other stuff to take care of. Where are you going?" Matt questioned. 

From the sound of Kenny's voice, he was remaining calm when he sighed, "You guys realize that I am a champion across three different companies, right? The champion is a very busy man."

"Yeah, but we already had this planned dude," Nick groaned, but Kenny didn't budge, explaining:

"A few minute delay isn't going to ruin anything, okay? A few minutes is all I need. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to."

"You know," Matt said, sounding like a stand off was ready to happen, "I have heard that phrase before and I'm convinced that it's a code word of some sorts."

Kenny scoffed at his comment, groaning, "Where else have you heard that from?"

"Remember when Y/N tried being a bitch again out in the parking lot? Well later that night, we coincidentally ran into her again. She told us that she had business to attend to. Said it just like you did," Matt pointed out, Nick adding:

"And how strange it was that your phone kept going straight to voicemail that night and she also went up to the floor of your hotel room."

Kenny was always good at getting around sticky situations, laughing at them at first, "Aren't the two of you observant!" But then, his voice grew serious when he continued, "Look, you two are just letting mind games get to you. Now, I have business to do. I'm not going to stand here and play into your conspiracies."

After that, the phone hung up. I was on the same page as Kenny. They sure were nosey and it angered him. I could tell by the tone of his voice. 

This week, I got myself a private locker room and no one knew where it was except for Kenny, so I left the door unlocked.

When Kenny entered, he was clearly stressed and I addressed it. 

"I heard everything, Kenny," I informed him. 

Kenny had both hands on his hips, still frustrated, groaning, "They are like brothers to me but damn, they need to mind their business!"

Quickly, I went to Kenny, pulling his face towards me so I could look in his eyes, saying, "What they don't know won't kill them. They are kind of catching on and hell, even if they figure it out! They will prove their loyalty and accept your decisions."

"They just don't realize how things have changed," Kenny whispered, "I know they can tell. They just won't face it."

"I agree, but right now, we have bigger things to worry about," I sighed, smiling, "I do appreciate you coming back here to support me."

"Believe me, I wish I could escort you out there," Kenny smiled back, looking down at me, "And then bring you back here and get you out of that gear."

"Hey, my shower is big enough for the two of us," I chuckled, laughing more when Kenny said:

"First handcuffs, now shower sex? You sure are creative."

"That's only the beginning baby," I cooed, raising up a bit to kiss him, Kenny returning my kiss, putting an even bigger smile on my face. 

"But in all seriousness," Kenny whispered against my lips, "I am really proud that you are a fighting champion. I know you'll kick ass out there."

"Don't I always?" I snickered, "Tonight, I'll even step it up, just for you."

"I'll be watching so you better live up to that," Kenny warned me playfully. 

"I always live up to the hype," I sighed, kissing him one more time. 

Kenny stayed in the locker room with me for a bit longer, we even went over some exercises to get me in the zone and I was ready. 

I had about seven minutes to get to the guerrilla and Kenny already took off, so I made my way there with my title on my shoulder. 

I was laser focused, confident like always, but on my way to the guerrilla, someone was there to give me "support". 

"Y/N!" Matt smiled, approaching me with Nick right behind him, "There's our reigning, defending, women's champion!"

"For once, I agree with you," I smiled in his face and I could see how it angered them. 

"Unlike Matt, I'm not going to play these games anymore," Nick said sternly, "We know what you're trying to do to Kenny."

"Thank you, Nick," Matt smiled at me, "We know you're just trying to hurt him. It's Japan all over again. Not to mention that little fight you keep mentioning ."

Even I couldn't deny it, My rivalry with Kenny in Japan was intense, but like Kenny said earlier, things were different and I wasn't going to let Nick and Matt get the better of me. 

At first, I just laughed, but getting serious when I said, "You two are just delusional. I have no intentions with Kenny. So what I poke some fun at him every now and then. Rivalry's just don't end you know. And that fight? Again, Kenny is the one who needs to tell you. Not me."

"We know what's happening," Matt growled, stepping up to me, "I've seen all the signs and you might think we're stupid, but you are rudely mistaken."

"Whatever you say boys," I sighed, rolling my eyes. 

I didn't have time for their interrogations and bullshit. My title was on the line and I was facing Tay Conti, a very good female wrestler who I could not underestimate. 

My match went exactly like how I imagined it would. It was all straight up wrestling. We showed that it was main event worthy and we tore the house down. 

The only thing that kept slowing me down is her constant attacks on my left arm. It all began whenever she rammed me into the steel ring post. 

I was truthfully afraid that I separated my shoulder or something, the moment I fell to the ground, holding my arm, the referee and some medical staff tried tending to me. 

Like always, my stubbornness took over. I refused to quit this match, crying through the pain when I got back up and into the ring. 

Everyone thought I was crazy, but I still kept going, using my striking and my legs to the best of my abilities. 

Towards the end of our match, Tay had me in an arm bar on my injured arm and everyone watched in shock whenever I yelled through the pain, picking up her entire body with my bad arm, power slamming her on the mat. 

My arm needed a moment. I didn't even bother to go to cover her for the pin. The ropes assisted me to my feet, Tay getting up at the same time. 

We met in the center of the ring and she went to hit me with a kick but I ducked it, running to the ropes, coming back and dodging again but the next time I came back, I hit her with a devastating, jumping knee strike, similar to Kenny's V-Trigger and I pinned Tay, retaining my title. 

The entire crowd were on their feet and cheering me while I sat on the mat, taking my title and holding it close, sitting still while the referee was checking out my arm again, but then we were all confused, looking to the stage when we heard:


I literally couldn't believe it when I stood up, turning around to see Nick and Matt on stage. 

"Wow! So impressive! That is one of the best women's matches I've seen!" Matt smiled, Nick following with:

"So much technical wrestling. I loved it!"

"Y/N, you have beaten just about every female on the roster. I appreciate you wanting to be all about the women's division," Matt began, "But remember back in Japan, when you wrestled in the men's division?"

"That was crazy times," Nick smirked devilishly, "And unfortunately for you, Y/N, you left some unfinished business in Japan and now it followed you to AEW."

I was just in shock. My arm was killing me, I just wrestled my ass off and now they were doing this, live on television! 

"You said it yourself, rivalry's never really end and ours sure as hell hasn't ended yet," Matt growled at me and after that, I had enough, requesting a microphone. 

"Are you kidding me? I just wrestled my ass off and you want to come out here, trying to pull up dirty laundry that happened forever ago!" I yelled at them, my anger controlling me when I said, "I can tell you're in a fighting mood and I am pretty pissed off! You wanna fight? Get your asses in this ring! I dare you! I'll kick both of your asses just like I did in Japan!"

Slowly, Nick and Matt walked slowly to the ring and I got into fighting position, but I knew something was off. They were anticipating something, but after a moment, they rushed into the ring and I didn't back down whatsoever. 

Right when they got to me, I was ready to swing, but then we all got knocked over. For a moment, the adrenaline in me died and all of the pain from my shoulder hit me hard. 

Quickly, I rolled over into the corner, not caring that I was crying, but watching whenever I saw that it was Kenny. He didn't intend to knock me over, he was actually protecting me and that's when I realized what Matt and Nick were doing. They were testing Kenny. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Matt yelled at Kenny, standing up and getting in his face. 

Kenny delivered that fire right back, forehead to forehead with Matt, yelling back: 

"What the hell are YOU doing?!" 

Everything was just a mess, everyone so confused as to what was happening, Nick yelling to Kenny:

"Tell us the truth, Kenny!"

Quickly, Matt pushed Kenny away, yelling at him, "Tell us now!"

"You want to know the truth?" Kenny yelled, looking back at both of them, his face so red from anger, taking everyone by surprise, which included myself when he yelled at the top of his lungs, it echoing through the arena, "I LOVE HER! I ALWAYS HAVE GOT DAMN IT!" 

We all just froze, my heart about burst through my chest. 

"Oh my god," I whispered, still crying especially when Kenny turned back and saw the condition I was in. 

In that moment, Kenny just forgot about Matt and Nick, tending to me instead. I actually had previous shoulder injures so I was truly concerned about my condition. 

"It's your bad shoulder isn't it?" Kenny asked quickly and I just nodded my head, crying:

"It hurts so bad."

"Don't worry, I'm going to get you taken care of," Kenny assured, taking my other arm, "You have to get up though."

Again, I was fighting through the pain, standing up and grabbing my title, still across the ring from Nick and Matt. I still wanted to fight them for the scene they just caused, but Kenny killed that whenever he pointed at them, saying:

"I'll handle the both of you later."

Finally, Kenny and I left the ring, taking me back to get the medical attention that I needed. They were really checking out my shoulder, multiple tests needed to be done and that scared me. 

I was grateful that Kenny didn't leave my side, but there was a moment that he needed to have whenever we heard outside the door. 

"Can someone please tell Kenny to come talk to us?" 

It was Matt. 

Kenny rolled his eyes, turning red again because he was still super upset with them but he stood up, giving me a quick kiss, "I'll be right back."

He left the door crack and even though they kept their voices low, I could still hear everything. 

"So, you love her, huh?" Nick asked, truly curious rather than being a smart ass. 

"Have you two ever noticed how in Japan, I'm the one who started the beef with her? All the sly little comments we'd make? How we never took our fights seriously?" Kenny sighed, "Since the day I met her, I've wanted her. I just didn't know how to do it."

"Kenny, I'll be the first to say, we're sorry," Matt explained, "We just thought that you two legitimately hated each other and when you two got close all of a sudden, we just wanted to have your back. I didn't want to have to do that, but you just weren't telling us!"

"Well maybe you should have taken the fact that we were taking things slow into consideration," Kenny scoffed, still upset with them. 

"You're right, Kenny," Nick sighed, "Again, we're sorry and just know that we love you man. If you want to be with Y/N, I'm all for it."

"Me too," Matt agreed, nodding his head. 

I could see them hugging and it actually made me feel good. They had a brother hood and I never intended to break that. I just wanted to be with Kenny and it was good to know that he wanted the same with me. 

"How's her shoulder?" Nick asked and Kenny just sighed, his hand covering his face for a moment. 

"Not going to lie, I'm worried for her. She had to have surgery on that shoulder before," Kenny huffed, "They're making her do a bunch of testing for it."

"God I feel like shit," Matt whined, then he just came through the door and he hugged me. 

"Dude, my shoulder," I said quickly, but also laughing as he backed away, mumbling;

"Right, I'm sorry about that."

"Y/N, we owe you an apology that has been long over due. What we did tonight was wrong and irresponsible," Nick admitted to me, "We shouldn't have tried to invade your privacy."

"I understand why you did," I sighed, poking some fun at them when I added, "Besides, fucking with you guys is always a fun time."

We all shared a good laugh, Nick giving me a soft hug too. 

"Also, just know, that match was fucking awesome," Matt smirked at me, "I wasn't lying about that. You're an amazing champion Y/N."

"Thanks. Hopefully I don't have to give it up," I sighed, looking down to my shoulder. 

"Everything will be just fine," Kenny smiled at me, trying to raise my spirits and then finally, we had a true, one on one session whenever Matt said:

"I hope you feel better, Y/N. Nick, let's go. They need alone time."

Nick and Matt finally went off and closed the door behind them and once we were alone, Kenny was still standing in front of me while I was sitting. 

Slowly I looked up into his eyes, getting emotional whenever I asked shyly, "You've always loved me, Kenny?" 

With a bright smile, Kenny nodded his head and just to brighten our moods when I said:

"I fucking knew it!"

We both laughed together, Kenny hugging me and being gentle and when his head came close to me, I whispered, "I've always loved you too, Kenny."

"I'm serious, Y/N. I love you. I just never knew how to express it. Then next thing I knew, we were the biggest rivals in Japan," Kenny exhaled. 

"That doesn't matter anymore. We have each other now and I'm serious when I tell you, I love you," I whispered, my arm wrapping around his neck. 

Kenny gave a little bit of a squeeze and when he looked back up at me, his eyes looked teary but a gorgeous smile was on his face, his head falling down to kiss me softly, whispering against my lips, "No more hiding it. You're mine and that's never going to change."

I quickly smiled against our kiss, kissing a bit harder, whispering back, "Just how I want it to be."

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