By maris_ent

2.8K 338 2.6K

When KAiA debuted from the survival show CORDELIA they didn't imagine their rocky start would take a path lar... More

→ Coming soon??
→ 'You Flood into Me' Album cover, CD etc.
→ 'As you Wish' M/V Teaser
→ 'As you Wish' M/V
RHAPSODY (Teaser & Concept Picture)
Into the Dorms
Been quite long
took it literally
Love is Home.
unwanted pt-2
never say never
when things took a turn
→ [엄마가 잠들후에 ] After Mom is Asleep
KAi-HiND ↴
→ 'You flood in me' M/V behind
→ KBS Song Festival behind
KAi-dyllic ↴
rumours - KAiA's first scandal??
incorrect quotes¹
Incorrect Quotes ²
→ DIANA : Two Birds on a Wire
→ ARA + WHANNIE : Alexithymia
→JENNA : Panic Room
→ KOTONE : From Now On
→ KOTONE : うっせぇわ
→ DIANA : Dernière Danse
→ KOTONE : 可愛くてごめん
Fire on Fire (AU)
Evanescent (AU)
Evanescent - I
Evanescent - II
Happy Diana Day!


40 5 5
By maris_ent

Sometimes even nightmares seemed peaceful. It was an unusual sort of bliss, you'd wake up gasping for air, eyes wavering over everything around you to check if it was all real, the pain, the fire, the chaos, the blood, the screams...the deaths. But you sigh realising none of that was reality but just a mere dream. But when they are regular, you start wondering if it is a matter to be given some thought but the more it repeats, you grow numb.

Feel the cold breeze of a fine morning on the face, pale, patches of darkness under the honey brown eyes as they stare out, in a sort of peaceful daze. Her raven coloured hair blew out of her face subtly resting on her shoulders as the rest of it cascaded down to her mid-back. Cold sensation, of the stone tiles bordering the window, long gone. Few birds chirped among themselves. The girl's eyes trailed towards them, her lips curling upwards ever so slightly. She watched the small birds building their new nest after the small storm that took place few days ago. The girl looked around the garden finding quite some twigs collected to the side by their gardener. Her fingers danced in the air, scarlet wisps spluttering out of thin air, floating around her hands like clouds before they set out for their mission. The twigs got entangled by the red wisps of the unusual, the girl floated them towards the birds and rested the twigs near them. But the smile dropped from her face , frown taking over as the birds flew away, startled.

"Nature works its own way, tampering with it brings nothing great unless it is help." A voice chirped in from behind her making her whip her head towards the person.

"Kev." She greeted with a sheepish smile. "Why're you awake so early? I thought you were resting. Is something wrong with Sua? It's not full moon anytime soon." She enquired.

"Jenna..." Kevin sighed, walking forward before taking a seat beside her. "I could hear your uneven heartbeats from accross the house. You didn't sleep....again." he said, voicing his concerns.

Jenna breathed out tiredly, "I try alright. And no, if you're here to pester me about it again, I won't tell you what it is. You're carrying around all my burdens, and there's enough of them, I don't want to add more to it." She said, standing up and walking towards her wardrobe. "We have this early morning seminar sort of thing anyways. It's like all of the departments and sections in one class, workshop sort of. Don't even know why they do this...." She tried to change the topic.

"But you're suffering because of this..." Kevin added looking at her pleadingly.

"Right? Who wants to hear first years whining so early in the morning-" Jenna cut herself off when she saw the look that Kevin was giving her, "look Kev, it's honestly fine. I've dealt with it for years, I'm fine. It doesn't bother me anymore. It was there before you came along, even when I lived with Mr.Kang.....it was always there, long before shit started going down. So just ....leave it" She argued, rushing into her bathroom, the door slamming behind her.

With a loud pop, a man, nearly Kevin's age stood near him.
" Is she ready?" Mark asked, yawning tiredly.

Kevin gave him a disgusted look, "do literally pop into my sister's room out of nowhere like this? How are you even allowed to do it." He asked, creeped out by the fact a man can pop into his sisters room without any restriction although he knew Mark was the last person to do something wrong, he was the Archangel afterall.

Mark shrugged, "I can pop outside of her room if you want me too." He scratched the back of his head. Kevin groaned, looking outside of the window where Jenna left the twigs.

He was surprised to find the birds back on the try after the momentary fear of an attack, happily chirping while building their nest faster.

Nature really does have her ways..


"Why did they think this was a good idea?" Jisung grumbled pulling on the ends of his hair. Jay snickered slightly watching the boy avoid any and every human being in the room heading up to sit somewhere isolated from everyone else.

"So early in the morning and you already hate every human interaction...." Jay shook his head, taking a seat beside his friend.
He turned to watch the group of new students entering the huge room, curiously looking around.

"We were like that a year ago." Jay said, chuckling. Jisung looked up, scanning the crowd, "I was more like that." He said, pointing at the annoyed looking girl who looked like she was about to burst and burn everyone down.

"You need to act normally, Whan." The boy shook his head.

"What makes you think I am acting abnormally, Haechan?" Whannie snapped.

"I don't know, glaring at anyone and everyone? They already know we are some blood sucking weirdos, now you're making it seem like we're about to murder them all which, although is very tempting, something we would never do............... without a reason." Haechan said, pushing past the group of angels that stood talking with a smirk.

"Whatever." Whannie rolled her eyes, "where are the rest? Chenle said he'd be late, like always, where is Sunghoon and Renjun? And the new girl?" She asked the older boy who shrugged.

They took a seat at the back of the room, away from most humans.

"Oh, Senior! Can I sit beside you? Am I late?" Sua scratched the back of her head.

"Never too late, sweetheart."Ash winked, ushering the younger to take her seat. "You know we have a research development meeting after this, I hope you're ready with the answers just in case Jeno forgets, that dumbass, never listens to me." Ash sighed.

"I'm always here to save the day. Just promise me we can start the kítrinos stone research next." Sua asked.
Ash laughed, "alright, alright."

" are you going to follow me around now?" Jaemin asked, glancing at Kotone with a raised brow.

"Am I not supposed to do that? I don't know, I've never been a guardian angel!" She smiled, eyes nearly disappearing behind her cheeks.

"Geez. Uh....sit behind me, I guess..." Jaemin shook his head, wondering why did the Heavens decide that he needed a guardian angel when he is a highly trained warlock. He sat behind few people in his year, watching as the third of the trio rushed up to the other two with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Hey, Jen." He greeted.

"Hello Jaemin-ssi's friend!" Kotone greeted from behind him.

Jenna gave them a quick smile and voiced out a hurried "hi, jaem. Hello"

Jaemin sighed and spoke, "you don't have to go out of your way to greet everyone I greet. You can have your own life...... don't stress it Kotone." Hearing nothing back he turned around only to find her talking to someone beside her happily. He shook his head in amusement.

"Shit, shit, shouldn't have let Mark drive today. Scoot over bean stalk." Jenna panicked, pushing Jisung into the long bench nearly causing Jay to fall off from the other side.

"Morning to you too." Jay gave her a look.

"Yeah okay mum, start lecturing me." She shrugged him off, cracking her neck. Jisung, poor boy, winced at the noise staring at her in terror.

"You're so...." Jisung shuddered

"Amazing? I know bro, but you've got no chance on me so look away." Jenna smirked.

"Right, as if I would try." Jisung gagged.

"Can you both not argue for two seconds."

"We weren't-"

"Ara...." Jay trailed of as the said girl slowly walked up the stairs of the seats. The girl looked pale, face puffy and corner of her eyes red.

"Oh Ara, come sit with us!" Jenna smiled but she frowned watching her walk past their seat and sit at a isolated corner, away from everyone. She glanced around the room and watched three boys behind her, walking past them. Two of them gave the all humans present, a glare, them not being an exception. She watched one of them usher Ara to sit with them but the girl only blankly stared away from.

"Aren't the boys demons? Why would they ask an Angel sit with them? What's wrong with Ara." Jisung frowned, Jenna nodding in agreement. Jay sighed, concerned eyes finally moving from Ara, "she got thrown out of Heaven for treason."

"WHAT?!" Jenna shrieked gaining attention from multiple people in the room. "Sorry." She muttered turning to Jay with a face of utter confusion. "Her? Treason. Even if you told me I'd marry Satan I'd believe you but not this." She shook her head.

" I know....She was framed." Jay sighed. All of them gave glance of sympathy to the girl who sat at the back.

"Ara.....come sit with us." Chenle said, knocking on her table. Sunghoon rolled his eyes, " she is still mourning about Satan knows what, you are here because you did something real bad you fucked up. Move on. Stop being so dramatic, angels are always dramatic-" He was cut off by a strong smack.

"Stop being so insensitive." Haechan said, smacking the back of his head, joining the group. Ara clenched her fists, feeling anger and hatred bubble in her. As an angel she hadn't mostly ever felt these emotions. But as a demon all of it was there, the sorrows, the pains the betrayal felt stronger than ever, it was painful.


"Hey Jen." Mark greeted the tired looking girl.

"Why are you here again?" Jenna groaned, narrowing her eyes on him.

"Is he bothering you miss?" A passerby student asked.

"None of your business."
"No no, don't worry, sir."

Both Jenna and Mark said in unison, respectively.

"I told you that I can take care of myself. I'm not a child and am fully capable of taking care of myself." She groaned like a disappointed kid.

Mark shook his head, "you still act like your fourteen year old self." He laughed, remembering what she was like back then.

"Yeah okay old man, leave. I'll be home late today." She said and walked away, glancing back at him but gasped as she found him infront of her again, looking at her suspiciously, "I am the Archangel you know?" He sighed.

"Are you? Wow dude, that's amazing, Congratulations!" She gasped sarcastically, giving him a look.

"Jenna." He said, unamused. "What is it this time? I can't have one of your scavenger hunts again."

"Look, I don't know when you or Kevin were going to tell me about the whole Ara situation but I need to know so I'm....me and the boys are going to meet her after class, their's end later so I was going to the cafe to meet up with Sooyoung eonnie for a project. Now if you want to willingly do the honour and explain it to me and reduce my worries.....then be my guest." She said, folding her hands up to her chest.

"It's..... confidential." Mark said sheepishly, flinching as he half expected her to tell at him but instead she scoffed at him, "offcourse. Almighty people of heaven, fair and secretive. If you're so fair, why you gotta be secretive? Absolutely doesn't make sense! Make it make sense." She ranted to herself, turning 360 degrees in frustration.

"Okay, let's go home." Mark urged, watching as few demons walked out of the campus area.

"Can you please stop treating me like a child!" Jenna yelled, but as she did a purple surge of power left her body, hitting Mark straight to the chest, throwing him towards the wall behind him, making him groan in pain slightly.

"Oh...oh- I- I'm so....Sorry. Mark I-...." Jenna stuttered, helping him up and brushing the dust off him. Mark sighed, just tapping her head before shaking his head.
"Go. I won't bother you, really." He smiled.

"I....now you're making me feel bad." She whispered out.

"Nahhh. Maybe I'll drop by at night and hear about what you discover, and you read me well, you'll know if you're close or far." He smiled. Jenna chuckled nodding before leaving.

"Mark" A female voice greeted.

"Diana" he nodded, watching the female Angel walk close.

"She's a witch." She said in wonder.

"It's much more complicated than that...." Mark sighed.

"Get off me, Chenle." Whannie groaned, pushing the boy off her.

"But I've been trying to convince you since forever. Just ONCE." Chenle whined.

"Look, I asked Dad and he said no...so." she shrugged.
"Can't we sneak out?" He suggested.

"You discuss that with Mr.Lucifer, my father, thank you." She snapped. The rest of the demons stared at her in horror before plunging into silence.

"Can you please stop treating me like a child!" A loud yell hit their ears.
They watched in awe as the Archangel himself got hit by whatever magic left the girl's body.

"Damn, did she just- is she one.....maybe some seven prince offspring because....." Sunghoon spoke in awe but shook his head as he watched her help Mark up.

"Not one I know of. No." Renjun shook his head, "We would know-" He gestured between him, Haechan and Whannie, "if we suddenly have another cousin or sibling." He deadpanned.

"Geez. You just...." Sunghoon shook his head.

The others kept talking among each other when Whannie focussed on listening in on the conversation between the Archangel and the Guardian Angel.

"It's much more complicated than that.....she's the first of her kind." Mark said.
"What do you mean?" Diana asked curiously.

"She is against creation of one, she's a hybrid. Her father is an angel, her mother is a witch." He said, continuing further, "Things went wrong, her father did not know her mother was a witch until the baby was about to be birthed and she was to die, Olvir being an angel could not inform Lailah to bless the unborn child to bound her powers away, because of this Lilith had access to her first and like other witches and warlocks, blessed her with magic not knowing she was part angel. Angels can't have Lilith's blessing, neither can human beings. Because of this both Jenna and her mother died at child birth due to her powers already activating in her womb due to the blessing. Fortunately Lailah reached them but couldn't stop Lilith, although she failed initially, she bound Jenna's angel counter powers inside her and revived her, which ended with her having blessed by heavens as well. It was a chaos." Mark shook his head, thinking of the day.

"Is she......The Bridge of this century?" Diana trailed off recieving a nod from Mark. "But they shouldn't have powers at all to protect the forbidden door......"

"Olvir is a fallen now." Diana said, referring to her father.

"Yes, because he protested that his daughter be an Angel rather than a witch after her mother died because of magical powers...." Mark explained.

"Mark, what if her bound is broken?" Diana frowned. "Would that open the door?"

"Not a possible way I know of, but I'm sure Lailah does, there's always two sides to a door. The bridge guards the creatures of dark from causing destruction, it's no coincidence, she takes birth every other century. Jenna happens to be the complicated case." Mark chuckled. "I mean her previous birth was a male. Easier for me atleast." He laughed to lighten up the situation.

"Whannie!" Sunghoon snapped her out of her trance.
"Yeah? Yeah. Let's go." She said, following her friends, turning to look back at the two angels she just heard talking, curiosity taking over her.


"Mother." Whannie greeted.

"You have questions...what is it?" Her mother smiled, her raven dark dress dragging behind her as she walked past her daughter.

"What is The Bridge?" Whannie asked causing her mother's face to drop.

"Who told you about that?" She asked her daughter.
"No one in particular, I heard." Whannie shrugged.

Lilith sighed, " The Bridge is a protector. When the war between Hell and Heaven was in its peak, all the rage, rebel, regret and betrayal created creatures of the dark. At first.....our kind thought they will side with us, be our slaves since we stand by what they conceive but it was.....it was made from us, the angels and demons combined, it was powerful, way more powerful that whatever we held. It was named destruction of every kind. The bridge is the key to the door that keeps them away, that locks them away in the dark. The Bridge is born as a normal being with no magical powers for what....I do not know...., they are born every other century. Even if the somehow own some type of power they are locked away to keep them safe. " Lilith looked bothered as she spoke next. "But I fucked up with this century's one." She said.

"How?" Whannie asked.

"I did not know she was a angel-witch hybrid, the only of her kind. Lailah wasn't there when I reached the poor witch. I blessed the unborn child because I thought it was of magic kind......"

"How is that bad?" Whannie frowned.

"Hybrids don't live naturally, they cannot be conceived if they recieve both parents' power. They die in the womb if that case because of clash of powers before birth. This one.....she was blessed by me to gain her witch powers without me knowing she is an angel and then Lailah blessed her and bound her Angel side to keep her alive, they.....we had to save the bridge to keep ourselves safe so.....she is the miracle hybrid that made it out alive."

"But the bridge having powers, how is that a problem?" Whannie pressured her mother to spill more. If this concerned her people, she should be equally concerned.

"Whan, you should go to your room." Lilith sighed.

"Mother....." Whannie pressed on.

Lilith gave out a sigh again, "Because the bridge is secured when no power of the bridge is exposed. The Bridge has to have all the powers of his or her creators. Your Great Grandfather, The Archangel Superior and the original witch all three came together for the first time to lock away the creatures of the dark, coming to an agreement to end the war. They created a mortal void of powers. They blessed it to take birth every century and guard the door unknownst to betrayal of any kind. The child having her magical powers unlocked just opens one of the three padlocks protecting the door."

"We'll be damned if her Angel side activated as well. Can't even imagine if someone turns her." Lilith said, look of fear evident on her face.

Whannie took in a sharp breath, "Who is the girl?"

"Moon Suyeon."



Jenna main character era feels so weird so here is a Whannie gets to know about shit chapter 🤩👍

I overread this chapter so I find it to be very bad but yeah. Here's the first chapter. And my pre boards end tommorow so🤩 ok bye.


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