Rise of the Arockalypse (Seco...

By darklordi

549 48 17

Faced with growing tensions for three long years now, monsters and humans are no longer allowed to meet. Whil... More

Chapter 1 - The Assembly
Chapter 2 - Uncertain Future
Chapter 3 - The Duty of a Lady
Chapter 4 - New Home, Same Love
Chapter 5 - Evolution or Damnation?
Chapter 6 - Black Market
Chapter 7 - The Demon and the Doll
Chapter 8 - The Arrival of Doom
Chapter 9 - The Messenger of the Ancient Ones
Chapter 10 - The Watcher
Chapter 11 - The Darkest Times
Chapter 12 - Hell Heirs
Chapter 13 - The Eye of GENESIS
Chapter 14 - The Soldier from the Future
Chapter 16 - Scarctic Battle part 2
Chapter 17 - A Very Last Hope?
Chapter 18 - The Prime Monsters
Chapter 19 - Faith and Redemption
Chapter 20 - The First of the Ancient Ones
Chapter 21 - Wrath of the Thunder God
Chapter 22 - Last Calm, Last Storm
Chapter 23 - The Cosmic Overlord

Chapter 15 - Scarctic Battle part 1

11 2 0
By darklordi


The general alert from the control tower continued to broadcast on a loop as the GENESIS troops present rushed to their positions. In the watchtowers that surrounded the walls, men placed themselves at the controls of heavy gun turrets, activating them and aiming them all in the same direction, towards the north. Armed with rifles of all kinds, the soldiers took their places, checking their sights and waiting under the supervision of their officers. The hangar being the largest room in the base, the majority of the troops were there, and would be supported by the cyborg Magnum, and the undead Kalma.

Kita and G-Stealer were sent to the prison wing to support the guards on duty, but also to keep an eye on Kone. Enary, along with Sigma, Gamma and Omega, were going to defend and protect the Dr. Jekyll in his office.

Mr. Lordi, Emily, Amen, Awa, Ox and Mana had taken up position outside, on the main platform which was in the front line of the attack. With them was Ian Redfield, along with many fully equipped GENESIS soldiers. The already icy air had cooled further and the sky had darkened, bringing a very strong wind from the north. Under everyone's astonished eyes, the ocean water all around the base began to freeze.

_"I would like the others to be there. Their help would be invaluable." Emily said, her sword in hand, mentioning Mathias, Hella, but also Hiisi and Otus.

_"I know...me too." replied Mr. Lordi gently, looking at her, then took her by the hand.

_"Show no mercy, for they will have none!" Ian shouted loud and clear to the GENESIS troops like the captain he was.

Suddenly, the surface of the frozen ocean cracked and broke, with dozens of foul creatures emerging from the water and coming in larger and larger groups. They had a humanoid stature and were like a mixture of human and fish, their skin scaly and tanslucent, hands and feet webbed and armed with claws, gills, crests covering their backs but above all abominable heads with multiple eyes bulging and huge jaws filled with protruding teeth and dripping a sticky green slime.

Many were disgusted by the mere appearance of these things. However, the creatures did not attack and with horrible guttural voices began chanting as some sort of name...

_"Rach-Naa! Rach-Naa! Rach-Naa!"

All were not long in seeing who it could be because of the blizzard which had just risen on the area, another solitary form and much larger than the fish-men, advanced with a sure step on the ice, the creatures stepping aside respectfully as it passes.

He was nearly 4 meters tall, humanoid and stocky, a body completely covered with kinds of white plates, almost like an insect shell. He had four arms, two of which held a kind of large scepter with which he seemed to freeze all around him. Blades adorned his slightly humped back, and the plates covering his head split open almost like a carnivorous plant, letting out a cluster of loathsome tentacles and emitting an infernal roar. This thing almost looked like a Bionicle Rahkshi, Emily thought, only much scarier and more gruesome.

Rach-Naa suddenly brandished his scepter with force and let out another roar. Without hesitation, the fish-men, by the hundreds, leaped to attack the base. Worse still, other giant octopus-headed bat-like creatures emerged from under the ice, breaking it. The army of creatures charged from all directions, completely encircling the base trapped on all sides by ice.

_"FIRE AT WILL!" ordered Ian Redfield.

The forces of GENESIS obeyed and a deafening rain of projectiles poured down from the heavy turrets and the barrels of the numerous guns. The first rows of creatures were struck and ripped apart by the gusts, crumbling in explosions of blood, flesh, and bone, only to be immediately replaced by other hordes of abominations, like an endless tide. From behind, the Rach-Naa entity watched without flinching.

From his position on the platform, Ian had also opened fire like the other soldiers, using his masterful marksmanship to kill several creatures in seconds. In the center of the platform, Mr. Lordi, Emily, Awa, Amen, Ox, and Mana stood ready to eliminate any enemies who managed to come onto the platform. The Monsterman and his lady held each other firmly by the hand, supporting each other mentally as always. Awa had joined Ox and Amen and Mana would work as a duo.

The misshapen bats came in fast, roaring squads from the air, forcing several defense turrets and defenders to have to focus on them rather than the Fishmen on the ground, which spread the defenses too thinly. Unfortunately, GENESIS suffered its first casualties in battle when three soldiers were ruthlessly decapitated by the giant bats which erupted razor-sharp blades from their hind legs. Ian managed to take down several of them with precise shots. Awa stepped forward, deciding to intervene and concentrating her power to make a very powerful shrill cry in the air. Several flying creatures were hit by the wave, stunned, and crashed violently onto the platform. Amen and Mana quickly finished off those who were still moving.

On the ground, despite taking very heavy casualties under the incessant human fire, the fish-men continued to gain ground, increasingly beginning to scale the pillars of the base to reach the watchtowers and the platform. Other base defenses were activated, electrified sections of walls going on and burning alive any creatures that touched them. But even these defenses were insufficient to halt the ascent of the endless hordes.

On the platform, a giant bat attempted to decapitate Emily, but the young woman reacted and summoned a beam of holy light from her blade that pierced the thing through the heart, killing it. Beside Emily, Mr. Lordi roared mightily, cutting one flying creature in half, and destroying a second with his power, reducing it to ashes. He and Emily smiled at each other, staying together and the young woman summoned the power of her pendant to further strengthen her inherited angel power, her blade almost glowing and decapitating another creature. Ox leapt into the air, grabbing a flying bat by the throat and slamming it hard against the concrete floor of the platform. But very quickly, the first fish-men arrived on the edges of the platform. Awa reacted and with her telekinetic shockwaves began to kick them out and knock them down from above, supported by Ian who took them down one by one with headshots. Mana transformed into a swarm of black and green flies and entered a fish-man through the mouth and gills, and killed him from the inside by tearing him apart. Amen grabbed a creature by the throat, pinning it down and ripping its heart out with his bare hands.

Meanwhile, other groups of Rach-Naa's fish-men had managed to break through the defenses and sneak into the base, threatening the other sectors. In the main hangar, the fighting had already started. Hidden behind improvised barricades with crates of materials or vehicles, the soldiers of GENESIS and Magnum fired at will, wreaking havoc on the enemy ranks but not enough to make them give up. With his chain whip, Kalma struck and destroyed any creature that came too close, though the growing number gave him more and more difficulty. Magnum threw one of the grenades of his invention, this one causing an electrical explosion which disintegrated a group of enemies.

In the prison wing, Kita and G-Stealer had managed to defeat a few creatures, but unfortunately the GENESIS guards present had all perished in the attack. Kone, still locked behind the thick glass, approached.

_"Let me out. I can help you!" he insisted.

_ "And who tells us that this is not an attempt to trick us ? You will stay here until Mr. Lordi and Emily have made their decision." Kita replied warily and catching his breath, suffering a slight fishman wound to his shoulder.

Suddenly, G-Stealer groaned in pain and fell to his knees, clutching the sides of his head.

_"No...Not now! Get out of my head!" he exclaimed with pain.

_"Brother! What is happening?!" Kita asked worriedly and wanting to help him.

But suddenly, without explanation, when Kita wanted to help him he was violently hit and pushed back by G-Stealer who had suddenly changed his attitude, no longer suffering and remaining totally expressionless and cold, almost like a robot while he turned hostile towards Kita.

_"You are a traitor, Kita. I have been ordered to bring you back. The masters demand it, and I will use force if necessary." G-Stealer growled, speaking unnaturally, as if being remotely controlled.

Kone was confused by what was happening now. Kita meanwhile, getting up, guessed with horror what was happening with his brother.

_"The inhibitory chip... No... so you didn't remove it..." he breathed worriedly.

Like all of his race, Kita had been born in a cloning vat and had had an chip implanted in his skull in order to be completely subject to the orders of his creators. But one day, after being hit too hard in the head during a battle on a distant planet, Kita had his chip damaged and thus realized what he was: a puppet destined to fight and die for ruthless power-hungry creators. Kita had then taken flight, fleeing the galaxy of Mu Arae to take refuge on earth, and soon after, was taken hostage by a demon-snake in the Himalayas, and was later saved by Mr. Lordi.

_"My brother, listen to me! You must resist!" Kita then tells Stealer in an attempt to resonate him.

_"Good soldiers obey orders... Good soldiers..." G-Stealer was saying, not even listening to him and repeating this sentence like someone possessed.

Kita remained bewildered, this sight bringing him back to harrowing memories of his life before, having seen so many of his fellow creatures brainwashed and conditioned blindly following orders to the detriment of their own lives. G-Stealer lunged at him to attack him and the two aliens rolled on the ground in a tug of war. However, Kita was doing everything just to block or dodge her brother's fang and claw strikes.

_"G-Stealer, stop! I don't want to fight you!"

_"Good soldiers obey orders!" Stealer repeated madly once more.

Kita defended himself as best he could, but was violently punched and pushed against a wall. But as G-Stealer was about to inflict a killing blow on him, Kone surged up behind him, having managed to free himself from his prison and abruptly grabbed G-Stealer by wrapping his arm around his neck.

_"Quick, I'm not going to keep him long!" Kone said, resisting the alien who was struggling furiously.

First surprised by the unexpected intervention of the stranger, Kita very quickly reconcentrated on the current situation and rushed towards the fight.

_"Sorry my brother..." he said, then with a very violent blow well placed knocked out G-Stealer who ended up falling heavily on the ground, completely unconscious.

Catching his breath, Kita looked at G-Stealer with confusion but also feeling sorry for him, then looked up at Kone who had let go and taken a step back.

_"Thank you." said the alien.

_"When I told you that I was on your side." Kone answered coldly.

Meanwhile, the battle on the base platform had taken a rather tense turn as the endless Rach-Naa's hordes of creatures continued to stream in and scale the facilities. The GENESIS troops had already suffered several losses and several defensive turrets were completely buried and destroyed by the creatures.

_"Damn, the more we kill, the more they come!" Ian yelled as he stepped back and continued to strafe in all directions, noticing that he was running out of ammunition.

_"Above all, don't stop! Keep fighting!" replied Emily not far away and finished a fishman on the ground by piercing his skull.

Suddenly, a misshapen, sprawling bat lunged at her from the air, making her fall to the ground and trying to bite her on the head. Mr. Lordi was nearby, struggling angrily to get rid of the fish-men surrounding him and trying to pin him down, and managed to throw his ax forcefully to decapitate the flying creature that threatened Emily. The young woman stood up and thanked her husband with a nod.

Awa, Amen, Ox and Mana also began to be gradually surrounded but continued to fight with all their strength and supporting each other so as not to get separated in the fray. They could also count on the support of several GENESIS soldiers staying with them. Amen finished throwing a fish-man to the ground and stomped the head with his foot. Mana summoned swarms of flies to send them covering and devouring multiple enemies at the same time. Ox continued to crush skulls, rip limbs and jaws from the creatures he caught, while at his side Awa covered him, sweeping away approaching enemies with her telekinetic waves.

Dropping yet another fishman creature he had just killed by snapping the neck, Mr. Lordi joined Emily in the middle of the battle to see how the situation was developing. Their attention immediately turned to the leader of these abominations and the instigator of this attack. Rach-Naa approached slowly but dangerously, his scepter in hand and freezing all around him while continuing to endlessly summon new creatures from the holes in the ice.

_"We have to kill him..." Emily said as she caught some breath after fighting so hard. "As long as he's here, these things will keep coming endlessly."

_"I agree, but it's too risky..." replied Mr. Lordi with a growl of anger towards the entity. "His frozen aura surrounds him completely. We can't approach without risking ending up as statues of ice."

But as they wondered how they were going to be able to approach the entity without risking freezing to death, Mr. Lordi was suddenly invaded by a strange but familiar sensation that made him wince. Emily noticed it right away, though her angelic part seemed to react to the feeling as well.

_"Mr. Lordi?... What was that?"

_"Is it possible? It's..." growled the Monsterman, confused.

Suddenly, the answer was revealed to them and also caught the attention of the hordes of creatures still on the ice and Rach-Naa. On the frozen ocean, an infernal vortex surrounded by flames began to form, spinning faster and faster. Within seconds, a towering, mechanical, roaring form erupted from the vortex in an explosion of flames to everyone's amazement. Mr. Lordi, Emily and the others widened their eyes.

The thing that had arisen from the vortex of hell was some kind of demonic-looking car, belching clouds of flame and smoke from its pipes, but more importantly, its occupants were not unknown. Otus and Hiisi were there in the back, each standing ready to attack. In the passenger seat in front, Hella was also ready, her hammer in hand and a very focused look. And finally, holding the steering wheel and also showing the fiercest look, was Mathias! The demonic car rolled in an intense mechanical rumble, slamming into dozens of creatures in its wake and began charging towards Rach-Naa.

_"ROCK N ROLL!" Mathias shouted with a laugh as Hella tightened her grip on her hammer and ready to jump and fight, while the Rach-Naa entity emitted a chilling growl and seemed to focus its frost aura even more.

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