Ace of Harts

By chicka_loca1

17.6K 520 183

Hannah, Tyler and Sarah were friends since kindergarten. Till Tyler and Sarah both moved to a new town. Hanna... More



663 18 2
By chicka_loca1

The sun rises, shinning through the shades and into the room. Hitting Grace in the face. Grace slowly opens her sleepy eyes looking around the unfamiliar room. Where the fuck am i? she thinks in her head. Grace suddenly feels an arm around her, or has it been there but she hasn't noticed. Frightened Grace quickly turns her head to see the face of the person next to her. She wasn't expecting to see Hannah which causes her to scream waking the smaller girl. Grace jumps out of the bed and realizes she's naked. She grabs random close on the floor and goes into the bathroom.

Hannah has been just looking off into space think back to what could have happened. Nothing. She woke up from Grace screaming and jumping from the same bed as her, naked and running off. The last thing she can recall was making out with a girl and that girl wasn't Grace. Grace came out of the bathroom fully clothed, Hannah still staring off at where Grace stood naked.

"Hannah."Grace whispered. It was enough for Hannah to snap out of her thoughts she turned to see the girl.

"Grace I-" Grace put her hand out.

"Don't. Im just gonna go home." Grace says picking up a few things. Hannah quickly found a pair of shorts and a tank top.

"Grace can we talk about this?" Hannah says as Grace reaches for the door knob.

"What is there to talk about Hannah. We obviously did something last night, something you do with girls all the time. Im just another girl thats on the list. So lets just forget this ever happened." Grace says opening the door.

"But-" Grace slams the door behind her. "you're not just another girl." Hannah breaths out.


"Hannah wait up!!" Sarah says jogging past a couple other students in the hallway.

"Whats up Sarah?" Hannah say sending a smile at her.

"Nothing just haven't talked to you in a while. Whats up with you?" Sarah says.

"Busy as usual with football games and practices and school work. Plus todays a Monday." Hannah says.

"Sounds like you need to take a day off." Sarah says as they turn a corner. Hannah giggles.

"Sarah you sound like my dad. Yeah i might be stressed and all but i can handle it." Hannah says.

"Thats what you always say. Ever since we were younger. 'i can handle it.' You know you never do." Sarah jokes laughing slightly.

"Yeah whatever." Hannah says smiling pushing the blonde playfully.

"Oh i almost forgot to say nice game. you were great! I guess ditching us to go to the weight room does make a difference." Sarah jokes.

"I don't ditch you." Hannah says giggling as they reach Hannah's locker.

"Sure." She extends "So you coming to lunch today or......?" Sarah says.

"I don't know. I don't think i can face....."Hannah tails off realizing she was talking to Sarah.

"Face what? Hannah what did you do?" Sarah questions. Hannah can't lie to Sarah, she's to good telling when she's lying.

"I did something that i shouldn't have." Hannah says opening her locker.

"Which is....." Sarah says hoping to get clear answers. Hannah takes a deep breath.

"I slept with Grace." she whispers into her locker. Sarah doesn't hear the faint whisper.

"I can't hear you what did you say." Sarah says.

"I...I might have....." Hannah takes a deep breath. "Im might have slept with Grace." Hannah says quickly. Sarah's eyes widened.

"You did WHAT!?"Sarah says shocked. "When did this happen?" Sarah asks.

"Friday at Sawyers party." Hannah says closing her locker. Sarah closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"This isn't going to end well." Sarah says more to herself than to Hannah. "What exactly happened?"

"Im not sure myself Sawyer told me that Chester was being all handsy with Grace and i step in and he told me to take her upstairs while he took care of Chester. From what i remember we were talking then we kissed and things went a little too far." Hannah explains.

"What happened in the morning?" Sarah asks as the two girls make their way through the hallway.

"She woke up first yelled and ran to the bathroom then when she came back out she told me to forget about it and walked out the door before i could say anything." Hannah explains to Sarah as they walk up the stair cases. Sarah is confused, Grace had told her that she liked Hannah yet Grace waked out on Hannah.

"Hannah do you still like Grace?" Sarah asks. Hannah's taken by surprise by the question.

"I don't know anymore." Hannah says looking at the dirty floor.

"What does that mean?" Sarah asks in a calm voice.

"I just don't know. I like her but i don't want to. And then Friday's party happened and now....." She trailed off. Sarah nods failing to come up with words to comfort her friend.


"Where's Hannah?" Troye asks taking a seat next to Tyler in the cafeteria. Tyler looked over at the three girls sitting across from him.

"Probably sweating from working out." Tyler says. "That girl hasn't been sitting with us for almost a month. Im gonna have to talk to her." Sarah laughs.

"She needs to relax." Mamrie says taking a sip of her water.

"I told her that she said she'll handle it." Sarah says.

"She's been saying that all her life not once has that been true." Tyler says laughing. Troye watches Grace, noticing she's off in space and quieter than usual.

"I think somethings bothering Grace." Troye whispers into Tyler's ear. Tyler looks at Grace and sees she's staring and poking her food not pay attention to anything else.

"Hey Grace!" Tyler says snapping Grace out of her thoughts.

"Yeah." she says looking up at Tyler slowly.

"You alright you're not acting like yourself." Tyler says.

"Yeah I'm fine just...thinking." Grace says looking at the others and catches Sarahs face filled with sympathy. Grace quickly looks away. Does she know? she thinks.

"Whatcha thinking about Grace?" Mamrie asks concerned.

"Nothing its nothing just something stupid." Grace says.

"Ok, Helbig." Mamrie says unsure of the blonde's answer. Grace has been think about Friday night all weekend. Remembering small bits of what happened at a time. Remembering the feeling of Hannah touching her. The feeling of her lips on hers the small tingle she can still feel on her lips. The tingle she had all over her body when Hannah's bare skin was against hers. Replaying what she remembers to the morning she left.

She felt bad, they should have talked about it Saturday morning. But now things seem pretty awkward even from eye contact. Grace knows that now Hannah will be avoiding her, for sure. She wants to take everything she did back, but then again she doesn't. Waking up with Hannah wasn't bad just frightening from not knowing what happened. She remembers the way Hannah touched her, the way it made her feel. Grace gets now why all the girls want to have sex with Hannah, from what other girls tell each other about Hannah. But now thats what Grace is. Another girl that got the chance to be fucked by Hannah, right? A girl that got lucky that she cut the line without anyone realizing. But now she's crossed the line with her friendship with Hannah

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