Dr. Pepper Girl - Part 2

By LovelyComforts

2.5K 66 68

It's October 1985. Gareth Emerson and you are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. As Hawkins cools down, you... More

Chapter 1 - New Beginnings
Chapter 2 - Math is a bitch
Chapter 3 - Bizarre Love Triangle
Chapter 4 - Bonfire
Chapter 6 - Christmas Break
Chapter 7 - It Must Be Love
Chapter 8 - Dresses & Dice
Chapter 9 - Witch Hunt
Chapter 10 - Still Loving You
Chapter 11 - The Fall of Hawkins
Chapter 12 - Goodbye Hawkins

Chapter 5 - Thanksgiving

220 8 2
By LovelyComforts

Y/n is in Ms. Kelley's office. Her along with other high school juniors have set up appointments with the guidance counselor to discuss their plans after graduation.

"I see you have an excellent GPA. And your grades for Trigonometry have gotten much better the last couple of months. You mentioned to me how you want to go to college. However, you are missing an important piece to your academic puzzle."

Y/n looks confused.

"You need to join some extra curricular activities. Having good grades is fantastic but you also need to be well rounded. How come you haven't joined any after school activities since moving to Hawkins?"

You look down on your lap. Your picking at your thumb nail. A piece broke off earlier today and now the jagged edge is driving you crazy.

Of course you would have liked to join an after school club. If you had parents who made more money you would have joined the photography club or the yearbook.

But you have more important things to do.

"Whenever I'm not studying I work a part time job. I really need my part time job. Between both, I don't have much time for much else. Are after school clubs that important?"

Ms. Kelley looks down at your file and then back up at you.

"You told me you want to get the biggest scholarship you can get. Activities would give you a better chance. I really think you should consider joining a couple of activities. Or at least volunteer sometimes."

The wheels inside your brain start turning. Volunteering would take up much less time. You can volunteer a couple times a month instead of staying after school a few days a week. Volunteering is much more doable.

"I wouldn't mind volunteering."

"Great! The earliest volunteering opportunity we have is at the local soup kitchen on Thanksgiving. I will set everything up and give you the address and time."

You grab the multiple pamphlet's Ms. Kelley gave you for local and not so local colleges and went back to your scheduled English class. 

Later that day you go to lunch.
While eating you browse though the Indiana State University pamphlet.

You want to go to college for something that would be well respected. Your mom and step dad both work blue collar jobs that require a lot of physical activity. You overhear your mom talking about her knee pain and your step dads back pain all the time.

Having a job where you can dress nice and sit behind a desk sounded so luxurious.

You have been debating on majoring in either Marketing or Business. Those seem like dependable majors.

Gareth taps your shoulder, causing you to snap out of your daydreaming.

"You ready to go to Trig? Hey, you went to the guidance counselor today? My appointment is later this week."

While you both walk to Trigonometry Gareth talks about the campaign him and his friends are planning this Friday.

You go to Gareth's after school to study for your upcoming Trigonometry quiz.

Gareth completed his first study group a week ago. Unsurprisingly Sandy stopped showing up. Everyone else passed their test thanks to his ability to make a tough subject much more understandable.

Gareth now continues his study group to help with his future college applications.

After studying you both are sitting on the living room couch while looking at the pamphlets Ms. Kelley gave you. Some colleges were in Indiana while others were in Illinois and Ohio. Both hours away from Hawkins.

Indiana State University
Purdue University
Ohio University
Kent State University
Eastern Illinois University

"Wow, some of these colleges are farther away. Won't you be homesick being so far from Hawkins?"

You know Gareth actually means being far away from him. The tone in his voice was a dead giveaway.

Also, your both juniors. College isn't for another two years. Does Gareth see your relationship lasting a long time? By the sounds of it, he just might.

Your flattered that he thinks of you in the long term. Also, college still seems so far away.

You feel torn between enjoying the moment and also planning your future.

"I want to keep my options open. I'll likely go to whatever college gives me the biggest scholarship."

Gareth nods and keeps his head down. Trying to look busy while shuffling papers into his folder.

He leans back into the couch and looks over in your direction.

He puts his arm over your shoulder and gives you a kiss on the cheek.

A few days later your sitting at the dinner table. Your step dad Mark is complaining how both of his daughters are not coming over this Thanksgiving. But says that they do plan on visiting during Christmas break.

You wince when you tell your mom and Mark how you'll be volunteering at the soup kitchen on Thanksgiving.

Surprisingly, they were not upset.

"Hey that's great! It's always good to help the unfortunate. We'll save a plate for you." Mark winks

Mark drops you off at the soup kitchen and the volunteers help you get ready. One hands you an apron and hairnet. Another one hands you a ladle and says your job is to pour the gravy over the turkey and mashed potatoes.

For a town as small as Hawkins, you were surprised how many turned up for the free meal.

A lot of elderly people and even some younger people with families.

Serving food to all of these people brought back some tough memories.

When your parents divorced and before Mark was in the picture, your mom struggled to make ends meat. You remember going to the food pantry when her paycheck wasn't enough. You were grateful for the extra help. If it wasn't for the food pantry, your only meal would have been lunch at school.

Before you can look up, you hear a familiar voice calling your name.

It was Eddie with his uncle Wayne with trays of food in hand.

"Hey y/n! I didn't expect to see you here!"

"Yeah, Ms. Kelley told me they needed volunteers so here I am!"

"Yeah, well....I'll see you around."

You can tell Eddie was a little embarrassed. You wish you can tell him he has no reason to be embarrassed but that would only make it worse. You wave him and Wayne goodbye and continue serving to the other guests.

After dinner and dessert is served you start sweeping the dining area.

Eddie walks up to you and whispers in your ear.

"Hey can you keep this between the two of us? I don't want the guys to worry about me."

You nod.

"Happy Thanksgiving, y/n"

"Happy Thanksgiving, Eddie"

Once you get home from volunteering you kick off your sneakers.

Your mom starts to get up from the couch to reheat a plate of leftovers for you. You tell her to not worry about and that you can do it yourself.

Volunteering at the soup kitchen really put things into perspective. How hard things used to be. And even though you're parents current financial situation is far from perfect, you still feel very fortunate.

As your about to walk into the kitchen, you turn around and give your mom the biggest hug.

"Aww honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing mom. Just wanted to give you a hug. I love you."

"Love you too, honey"

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