neck kisses - jack grealish

By wcfluvrs

198K 3K 1K

neck kisses - IN WHICH A girl drunkenly texts her ex - or so she thinks or - IN WHICH A famous footballer fal... More

new book!
new book


6.5K 89 19
By wcfluvrs

warning: mentions of abuse

zarawilliams how's the view?
17,884 likes | 364 comments

user1 bod goals omg

user2 is this jack grealish's gf???


jackgrealish the view looks pretty good from here
- zarawilliams hmm really

bukayosaka87 purrr u ate!
- bukayosaka87 did i do it right?
- zarawilliams yes, u ate xx

jjordan ur so gorgeous it's insane

aaliyahxo get in my bed

user4 gorgeous!!!

kayden.thomas i know u miss me baby xx
- zarawilliams i thought i blocked u
- jackgrealish fuck off
- aaliyahxo ^^^

i know you want me zara
i know you miss me

u tryna write a haiku or sum??

shut the fuck up
you're so desperate
i'm gonna come over baby

i will call the police if you
come anywhere near my flat

stop playing hard to get
i know you miss the way i fucked u

u and ur chode need to be humbled

do i need to come over and teach you
a fucking lesson? god ur such a bitch

don't you fucking dare come anywhere
near my flat i swear to god kayden
i'm literally dialling 999

i'll see you soon baby xxxx

PANICKED, ZARA RUSHED to the front door and secured all of the locks. she was home alone which scared her even more. unlike lots of people, kayden wasn't full of empty promises, and she had seen his violent side before. she knew damn well that he would show up here if he wanted to, and god he wanted to.

she grabbed a kitchen knife and locked herself in her room, looking out her window where she could see onto the streets.

she dialled 999 and pressed call.

"999 what's your emergency?"

her voice came out shaky, trembling in fear. "um, my ex boyfriend messaged me and said he was going to come over. he's scary, he's been violent before and i'm home alone i don't know what to do" tears brimmed at her eyes as she scanned all of the faces walking along the pavement below her.

"okay darling," the operator was a woman, "what's your address? we'll send someone over to protect you" she told her the address. "and your name, sweetheart?"

"zara williams" her voice wavered worriedly.

"okay, do you want to stay on the phone with me until they get there?"

feeling bad about taking up the police's precious time, she denied the offer and wished the lady well before ending the call, grip tightening on her knife.

she curled her legs into her body as her back leant against the wall, giving up on searching people's faces.

she flinched as she heard a bang on the front door. the poor girl stayed where she was, unsure of whether it was the police or her psycho ex. "open the fuck up zara! i fucking know you're in there!" it was kayden.

she let out a muffled cry, backing further into the corner. the banging continued for so long, every time she heard it more and more tears trickled out of her eyes. a deafening silence came after about ten minutes of banging, so she waited a couple minutes before exiting her room, knife in hand.

holding her eye up to the peephole in the door, she saw that her ex had been tackled to the ground by two police officers and was in handcuffs. one of the officers knocked on her door, "zara, this is the police, you're safe now!" he shouted.

opening the door slightly, her body visibly relaxed, letting out a deep breath and allowing the officer who had knocked to come in. the other was taking her ex to their car.

"thank you"

"don't thank me miss, it's my job"

"do you want a tea? coffee?"

"a tea please, milk no sugar"

"of course"

she made him a cuppa before they both sat down, he wanted to ask her a few questions.

"have you and kayden thomas had any contact after the relationship before today?" he asked, pulling out a pen and notepad.

"um, a few weeks ago he was outside my apartment when i got home. outside the building i mean," she stumbled on her words, nervous, "he grabbed my wrist and shouted at me because i told him i didn't want to be with him. after that we didn't have any contact until today"

"what happened leading up to now?"

"he commented on my instagram post and then he dm'd me. he said he was gonna come over and i told him not to, i said i would call the police but he didn't care"

"on the phone you said you knew he had a violent past, had he ever hurt you when you were in a relationship with him?"

she went silent.

"i know this is hard, but once you tell me, we can give him what he deserves"

she took a deep breath, "he used to come home drunk sometimes, and he would say things about how he thought i was cheating on him. i wasn't. i would deny it, but that just made him angrier. one night, he got so fed up that he hit me around the face. then he just kept doing it cause it shut me up. he kicked me, punched me, slapped me" silent tears poured out of her eyes.

"and um, has he ever assaulted you sexually?"

"no. he used to tell me to suck it up, and that i should be grateful he didn't rape me. i guess i was- still am. what he did was better than rape i think. he made me feel lucky that is wasn't sexual abuse. after he would hit me, he'd apologise and say he loved me, made me feel special and loved"

"thank you zara, i know how hard that must've been for you. do you have someone to come and stay with you? i don't want to leave you alone in such a vulnerable state"

she thought about who. aaliyah and jordan were both away, aaliyah was on a spa trip with her sister and jordan was visiting his mum up north. "my friend jack"

"do you want to call him, or shall i?"

"i'll call him"

"okay, i'll give you some privacy and then wait until he arrives"

"thank you officer"

she scrolled through her contacts until she saw his name, pressing on it and calling him.

he answered after two rings. "hey baby what's up?" he asked, brummie accent strong.

"can you come over?" she sniffled, "i'm sorry for calling you, i didn't have anyone else and i just-"

"you don't have to explain, i'll be right there" he could tell she was crying, and he wanted to see her and make her feel better as soon as he could.

she sat with the police officer for about half an hour before there was a knock at the door. she opened it and he immediately gave her a hug before going in. he saw the police officer and looked at her, concerned.

"right, now i know you're not alone i'll go, have a good day zara, and remember to always call if you ever feel unsafe"

"thank you" he left and jack instantly asked her what was wrong.

"sit down" she told him, both of them sitting on the sofa.

"what happened zara?"

"kayden came" she mumbled, already getting emotional.

"what the fuck! did he hurt you? i swear to god if he hurt you-"

her face watched her hands, she felt almost embarrassed to tell him the story. "i'm fine. i locked myself in my room. he came and was banging on the door telling me to let him in. i'd already called the police so they came about ten minutes after and arrested him and then they asked me some questions, but he wanted to make sure i wasn't left alone so i called you. jordan and liyah are away, i didn't know who else to call"

"hey," he lifted her head up by pushing her chin with his finger, "i'm always here" he hugged her into his chest, letting her wrap her arms around him and cry. he could tell there was something she wasn't telling him, but he would never force it out of her.

"thank you jack" she spoke, her voice muffled by his shirt.

"i'm always here"

some context into zara and kayden's relationship
also want to get him in prison xoxoxo
remember, if you ever feel unsafe, please call the police or someone trusted.
if you are ever in an abusive relationship - not just a couple, ANY relationship - please call the police, or let someone know.

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