Heartbroken ○ { Boys Love | B...

بواسطة Savage_pov

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He had scraped what he could in life, it was as if the world was against him. World after world he would be t... المزيد

Chapter 01|Past
Chapter 02 | Life
Chapter 03 |Memory
Chapter 04 |Family
Chapter 05 | Moving on
Chapter 06 | Shameless
Chapter 08| The Devil
Chapter 09 | Friend or Enemy

Chapter 07 | Impudence

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بواسطة Savage_pov

Ronald entered his cubicle after his long meeting with his manager, as if her sultry stares had made him even understand that he mustn't be tardy. Maidens sometimes confuse him as all of them take a different approach to a lad when they don't know the other is bent or a homosexual but when they know some of them show their true colours, others are very awkward about the situation and tend to ask reproched questions while others are supportive that it gets to a new low of disturbance.

He slipped inside his desk as he sorts out the whole room, he couldn't stand messy places that would disturb him when he works. He would rather his space be clean and clear than an mess. He opened his laptop and started to crack open the left work that he had not completed. He would move out of his seat and shift trying to loosen his tight muscles from sitting in the chair for way to long.

Turning his head he spotted an anomaly in the office. The sun reflects at an angle so the office is always warm in the day and would become colder when it is closer to the night so the aircon is barely used. As his job is not that important but is also a key role in the company itself. He has been administered to classified files that were the main works of this company and could determine its fate.

And the shine in his office was clearly new to his body and memory, he was sure it was a little camera but he also knew he couldn't startle the prey or he would be in a bigger mess as he had no idea what the other party had on him. He slipped back into his seat and concentrated on hacking into the little camera and skimmed through the footage taken. Most of it had all of his daily basis actions but a particular footage that had been locked under surveillance was when the original was harrassed by another man from the office.

The man had to have had a bigger position than that of the original for the footage to have not been released. And the angles of the footage were taken in perverse angles as if telling a different story from the truth. This could be used as blackmail on the far reach. He slid deeper into his seat and closed his eyes as he recalled the original’s fate.

Veronica could've just eliminated his job but she didn't, she went the low road and took a different approach but she couldn't have noticed that the original was a homosexual all on her own. As her brain was filled with dirt he had no idea where it came from, but she wasn't the brightest. So their had to be another hand in the puzzle, it couldn't be Elisa. Even though she is in love with Christopher, everything was within her gains and power. And all her ‘sugar daddies’ or as she would have called them ‘backers’. Wouldn't go into deep detail about a meager person like the original.

So the person had to have had a great grudge against the original and had to have a deep pocket for this to be done. They would have had to have known the applicants and enemy like the back of their hand and they would have had to know the gains in the end.

The original was a feminine featured man and would be able to evoke the lustful feeling in men. So he, Ronald needed to find the hidden hands to cut off the horrendous ending that would happen to the original owner.

Time flew by and the cold weather affected his cubicle the most at least in his heart he thought so. He closed the laptop and clasped his hands over his head as he stretched. Feeling his muscles pop and crack as they release the tension. He carefully planned to uncover the person behind the scene and also seriously pushed all the files he hadn't finished in his bag. Careful not to alert the enemy.

He checked his watch as he slipped on his bag and rushed to the elevator, he had meeting with a very antsy lad. People nowadays are so inconsiderate that they don't even respect their elders. He shook his head as a doting smile unintentionally leaked from his expression.

Meanwhile James had a busy day it was as if something was trying to stop him from meeting the mysterious man. But the more it didn't want him to the more he wanted to. The day has been hectic, the station recieved report after report and many officers had been released so they could save a person in danger. And it seemed as the time had gotten closer to his meeting with the stranger the more the cases piles up.

But he managed to save sometime and finished all his duties. He rushed to his car before another case would even be registered. He didn't need any thing stopping him from doing his duty. He pulled out of the parking lot of his station and steadily drove to Starbucks. He placed his car in a good parking place before he exited the car and entered the café.

He was too lazy and anxious to even change his uniform into more comfy clothes. He entered the establishment as the door chime jingles signalling in awareness that he had entered. The poeole in the shop turned briefly to him and turned back to their duties. But he always felt a sight befall him in mystery as if they are hiding themself.

He walked towards the counter as he asked the women there,“Excuse me is there a person who has registered in the place of James Johnson. I think my friend is supposed to come and I want to know if he is here,” He asked her as his sight scanned the area already loaded in as he looked for his table in hopes of identifying the person who called.

The door chimed one more time but so soft that people weren't alarmed, Ronald entered the establishment and spotted the policeman a mile away. He could discern that the policeman must be asking about himself. He is always fashionably late for some event others he just comes when they end. As an Emporer and King, no one said you have to like the events to go to them. But just put up with them and then smile and wave.

He walked calmly behind the anxious policeman and whispered softly in his ear, he chuckled as the man jumped in suprise. He just found men in this world much more cute than his own world.

“I believe, I am the person you are looking for.”

A deep timbre soft voice whispered in James’s ear as a slight shiver ran to his core like fire. He blushed when the other smiled politely as they held out their hand in greating. He shook the other's hand in greeting as they made their way to their booth at the far far corner. Away from the noise and from people.

James pulled the chair for the fair and feminine featured man who exudes the air of elegance and class as well as masculinity. He waited for the other to seat before he pulled back his own chair.

“Boy, your manners seem much better than over the phone. I shall not hold your time much officer but you need to listen very carefully of what I shall say. For it has to do with how your life would either end or move forward.”

Ronald stopped talking as he felt a threatening pressure from far away. He could feel the hostility that was spread by the world itself. It seemed to have a conscious but thankfully his disguise was acceptable to this world. The true test was infront of the parents of the original owner. If he can pass the test then he is accepted but this time the hostility wasn't towards him but another person.

And that person was spying on him and the police officer, he turned his gaze and glanced briefly at the police officer. Using his pupils as a mirror. He spotted a faded figure of a women in the corner, sitting right behind her was a shadow with bright red glowy orbs with sharp razor teeth and white puss dripping down their mouth. The shadow had a deformed bone stature as the way they sat was uncommon. Though the women was nonchalant to her partners appearance.

It is either because they know each other or she can't see him. He looked back at the police officer and smiled, he knew the moment the policeman stared into his orbs for long enough he would see what he saw. So he had to act in a way that's both dramatic and believable.

“So how is our son, I heard that Blake is throwing a fuss at your house. He seemed to be more anxious than any other time we have had him. So what is going on.”

Ronald looked incredulously at the man infront of him as his smile faded and a bit of frustration leaked in his orbs. He ran his hands over his face and sighed in worry.

“I don't know anymore, at first I had thought he had run a fever but no, it wasn't it. Then I thought he missed you but when I tried to call you the other day it didn't work, he literally threw the phone down and rushed to his room. What am I supposed to do? And don't even think that getting back together would help! I tried pushing that thought to him but he is wouldn't calm down.”

He honestly looked tired as if he had been hustling over a five-year-old child. The heated and hostile stare concentrated at the back of his head had not lessened but had lightened a bit. Showing that he wasn't suspected of something but still suspicious. He had to get back and hack his history quickly.

“And why is he suddenly our son, you mister should not call your little five year old brother, son. I am still waiting for news on your side. Why don't I see myself holding a baby in my arms but having to chase after a child because of some hormone levels rising. Mind telling me what you have done now?”

James chuckled awkwardly as he was sucked into the play but he also could somewhat feel the hostile stare and is not to caught up in the story. He was in some deep trouble and he was also grateful to the man infront of him for even noticing when he didn't. He was not sure if his life would have ended right there and then if he carried on with the conversation.

“Father! Chloe just doesn't want to have children at this age. We are to young and haven't even become a financially stable couple. You always used to stress that we need to have financial stability before we thought about children.”

“Sometimes I question if you kids are even listening to me when I talk. But the mere mention of a child and your here spouting nonsense from your ass I raised you well didn't I? For you to inherit your mother's gene's at this specific moment. Boy! You are looking for a beating.”

“Dad!” James elongated the word in order to show his embarrassment but managed to look the other in the eye and speak clearly once more. He was feeling the a heavy weight lighten off his shoulders and was thankful that this was the person he was with. If it was someone else in this situation he was sure they would ramble on trying to look natural but showing some many flaws.

“Enough about me, have you seen our mother? She said she called you and that you would be getting back together once more.”

“Oh please! The moment I get back together with your mother is the day I commit suicide. You kids have always been wrapped around her finger ever since you were young. And even your brother had the same reaction. But the reason I divorced your mother is because of what she did behind both of your backs. I felt it was too much of a burden to know when you were young so I accepted the momentary hate you and your brother gave me.”

Ronald said as he lowered his head as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He could feel the stare lighten further but still not off of the two of them. He clutched his hand displaying the perfect amount of reluctance and regret as if he knew what his son was going to ask next.

“Why did you even divorce, I am old enough to take the news. So can you please tell me, I have always been a bit pissed at you when you told me that I wasn't going to see my mother.”

Ronald released his fist as he raised his head, his eyes bloodshot showing his struggle and how much this one subject affected him. Showing the face of a heartbroken man who lost his only life boat but had to move on.

“The day was when you had a show, well not exactly a show but a recidel. Your mother and I had had a heated argument of how she couldn't make it. At that time you were the same as your brother's age, five and sensitive. I didn't want this to destroy you so I stormed out of the room and...”

Ronald paused as a tear rolled down his cheek, he poured fake emotions into this performance and the more he performed the more the stare would lighten. He carried on playing. He was thankful he had something for jewelry especially rings so he had just passed clutching his favourite ring. He had recieved it when he saved a group from the Destroyers in a dark alley. He loved the ring, it was carved on silver iron the inscription on the ring is from his original language. The words written there were his own words,‘Mi Amore’ that is where it ended. The ring held to it a dark emerald and dark blue midnight gem that looked close to a matt black colour.

He lifted his hand and entangled his hand with the police officer’s showing the relation between them both. He returned his gaze into blue ones that matched his own in the faded green.

“And then what, what happened did she do something to you?”

James followed along and acted like a worried but anxious son. He was in a craze as he craved the answer so bad. But he took into consideration his ‘father’s’ current appearance. The news was somewhat the finishing end that would determine his and his own father’s relationship.

“When the recital was over I had to go home to fetch your present. I didn't want to feel saddened by her not being there so I hurried home before you could even notice I was gone. I had just reached home when I heard sounds coming from the bedroom. You know me, I sneaked inside the room and there...she was having sex with your uncle. I was confused I even rubbed my eyes to see if I wasn't seeing things.”


“Do you know how I felt, she was the women I married and put my trust in but she ruthlessly had mindless sex with your uncle while you had been probably crying or even insecure that you didn't have a mother there. I did not want this to end in a big situation so I left and dreadfully came to your school. I made sure we gave her some time to finish before we returned home.”

“Wow, I-i don't know what to say.”

“What could you say exactly, she in all honesty knew what she was doing at that time when she had sex with my brother but I had no care of myself at that time it only started to hurt after everything was done. At exactly that time she showed me a diamond ring on her finger. The whole ring was something's my brother gifted her and I could careless at this time. She said they were getting married. Even though she knew she was breaking apart a child's life she still had the audacity to think I would even pay her own checks and depts. She said that ‘Charles was too busy to care about her’. ”

As the stare lightened and eventually went away from both of them and he could feel the hostility lightening a tad bit but just enough for the other man to breath. He smiled cleanly and called the waiter so they can order. He ordered a chocolate Oreo dessert and a caramel coffee. He watched as the detective ordered a chocolate and almond milk coffee and a tray of small chocolate chip cookies.

He smiled at the other's cuteness as a trace of doting leaked through his eyes that he wasn't aware of. The way he displayed the perfect amount of love as if they were a family in truth.

Once they had finished the meal they both left the establishment and he had to give the police officer his phone number. Something told him that this wouldn't be the end of them seeing those people. He had to be more aware of this type of confronted action.

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