Broken ||Editing||

By fandomsfangurlll

3.3K 328 64

Love, betrayal, hurt, anger. Kylie Turner has moved back to the place where everything went wrong. Betrayed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 17

60 9 4
By fandomsfangurlll



I stared at myself in the mirror feeling empty and sad. Enough of this I thought to myself. I took out my purple hair extensions and changed from my dress into jeggings and a shirt and took out my contact lenses and put on my black round glasses tying my hair into a messy bun. I smiled at my reflection. I'm probably crazy for doing this I thought to myself.

I went downstairs to smell pancakes and sausages but decided to go to school without eating breakfast. I looked for my keys in my school bag when I realized I left it in the kitchen. "Shit." I muttered to myself.

I walked into the kitchen, my dad was on the phone and my mom was taking out the plates when I heard a loud crash, my dad looked up to see my mom looking like she saw a ghost. He turned around to see what she was looking at and stared at me. I bit my lip anxiously at them. "Wha-" my dad closed his mouth again, his eyes full of emotions. "What the hell Kylie?!" my mom screamed at me. "Why are you dressed like her." she snarled bitterly at me. I didn't say anything and she took a step forward and smacked me "Why are you dressed like her?!" she screamed at me again. "You bloody child, do you have any respect for your sister at all?!" I covered my face with my hand where she smacked me. The tears threatened to fall. She gripped on my shoulders and shook me hard "You killed her and now you're dressing like her?! What is wrong with you?!" my dad pulled her off me and glared at me "Go, Kylie. You're going to be late for school. I grabbed my keys and walked out of the house. I cried on the way to school in my car. Maybe I was wrong to do this, it's not my fault. It's all Lukas's and Sara's fault. I hate them, they left my sister to die and I will never forgive them for that.

When I arrived to school everyone was looking at me, shocked. They looked like they've seen a ghost. I walked towards my locker to see Cole raising an eyebrow "Uhm Kylie." I glared at him "What do you want Cole?"

He raised an eyebrow when he saw my outfit "Nice." he smirked and I folded my arms "You look like Bekah." he muttered. I glared at him suddenly feeling angry and sad "You didn't even know her." I snapped at him. He raised an eyebrow at me, smiling slightly. "So?"

I frowned "So how do you know how she looks like?" he stared at me for a while without saying anything making me annoyed "So?" I asked annoyed. "So, I saw a picture of her in Lukas's room. Hmm actually I saw alot of photos of both of them. They must have been close huh?" he asked and I nodded slowly, distracted. All of the memories started flowing back. "Yea, they were I guess." I muttered trying to keep in the tears that threatened to fall. He rubbed his palms together forcefully and I snapped my attention back to him "Do you have anything else you want to say? Cause if you're done you can go back to ignoring me."

He gave me a hurt look and as I was about to walk away he grabbed my arm lightly "Kylie, I wasn't-" I turned around to look at him, raising an eyebrow accusingly "Ok yea, maybe I was ignoring you but I'm sorry. I was just..." he paused for a while as if he was thinking what to say "I was just trying to wrap my head around it and I had some problems with stuff..." he trailed off quietly. I didn't know whether to laugh or get mad at him because that was the worst lie I've ever heard. I sighed suddenly feeling tired "Wrap your head around it? I didn't tell you I murdered someone did I?" he shrugged "Well, it sounded like you want to kill them." he said raising an eyebrow as if questioning me. I have never felt so angry or hurt at the same time. I let out a harsh laugh and walked away. He sighed and grabbed my arm again and made me face him "What did I do now?" he asked frowning. Seriously, guys can be so clueless sometimes I thought to myself.

"Do you really think I would kill them? Or anyone for that matter?" I asked feeling hurt and sad "Do I really seem like the type of person that would kill someone? I hate them but I wouldn't..." I shook my head, even the thought of me killing someone made me feel queasy and horrified. "I would never do that, to anyone. No matter what they did. I just want everyone to know it's not my fault and they..." I trailed off, it was silly of me to actually think of having revenge on them. I didn't even know what I would do. I just know that I want revenge and I want everyone to know it's not my fault. I don't want my parents to think I killed her, I don't want them to think it's my fault. I hate how disappointed they are in me. I hate how they hate me and how they wish I was the one dead. "I'm sorry Kylie, I don't think you have it in you to kill someone." he said looking guilty. I leaned against my locker not caring anymore. If my parents don't believe me what makes me think everyone else will? My own parents I thought unbelievably.

I shook my head not wanting to break down and cry in the middle of the hall. "So, what do you want Cole? Is that all? Can I go now so you can continue ignoring me." I said feeling annoyed and tired at everything and everyone "look, I'm so sorry for ignoring you Kylie. I didn't..." he trailed off for a second and then continued "I shouldn't have done that." I looked at him and he gave me a sincere smile "Forgive me?" he asked and I bit my lip nodding slowly "Yea ok." I said quietly. He smiled at me again "So, is that all?" I asked and then he smirked at me. He surprises me every time. First he's smiling like a sincere angel and after the next minute he's smirking like a devil.

I shuffled wearily looking at him smirk at me "What?" I asked "Why are you looking at me like that?" he cleared he's throat and then said "There's a dance tonight." he said slowly. I raised an eyebrow as my heart raced. I had a guess about why he was telling me but instead of saying anything I nodded my head slowly "Yea and?" I asked. He stared into my eyes "Do you want to go with me?" he asked slowly. I bit my lip to stop me from screaming and grinning and then something hit me, I was already going with someone else who's name I can't remember because Cole was staring into my eyes making my stomach have butterflies. I said hesitantly "I'm already going with someone else..." I trailed off biting my lip hard. He nodded and didn't seem surprised "I know, you're going with Mark." he said slightly annoyed.

I frowned "Wait, you knew that I was going with someone else and you still asked me?!" I said feeling bad because I was about to say yes and I didn't even remember he's name. He stared at me for a second before nodding "Yes." I laughed harshly and shook my head "that's..." I trailed off at a loss for words "That's selfish and yes I feel guilty because I was about to say yes." I said to him and he gave me a hopeful look but before he could say anything I said "I'm going with him." I said feeling annoyed because I forgot his name again. He's name isn't hard to forget it's just that I keep forgetting it for some reason. He sighed "You really want to go with him? He's boring and lame." I glared at him "I'm sure he's not boring and lame." he raised an eyebrow at me and said "and you would know because you went out with him before."

I rolled my eyes at him "I'm sure he isn't." I said and then smirked "you seem like you know how he is on dates. Have you ever dated him." he shrugged and smirked back "Maybe." I stared at him for a long time and then he burst out laughing "No, I saved his last date before." I shook my head amused and said "You mean stole his last date." he laughed softly "Not exactly stealing if she begged me to do. Besides, I'm sure she would agree we had more fun than her listening to him talk."

"You stole his date and what did both of you do anyways?" I asked curiously, feeling slightly jealous which annoyed me. Why should I be jealous and that's in the past. Why don't you just go out with him if you're so jealous and you like him so much? The voice in the back of my head said. He smirked at me and he's eyes twinkled mischievously and I instantly knew what they did "We were-" I shook my head "I don't want to know anymore!" he chuckled and held he's hands up as in surrender "You're the one that asked." I shook my head and said "And I regret it." he laughed and smiled at me slyly "I didn't even finish my sentence Kylie." I shrugged, trying to hide my annoyance and jealousy. This is silly I thought to myself.

I frowned feeling disgusted and jealous which made me feel annoyed. I shouldn't be jealous and I should still be mad at him but I'm not. Why does he do this to me? "So, you still want to go with him?" he asked slowly. I nodded "Yes, he would be a better company then you would ever be." he touched he's heart in mock pain "Why must you be so cruel to me Kyls? Do you not pity my poor heart? It aches for you." I rolled my eyes at him trying to hide my smile "You're so immature Cole and frankly, I really don't care about how you feel."

He scoffed and smirked at me "Yea right, you and I both know that you care a great deal about my feelings." I was dumbfounded when he said that because I knew he was right but I wasn't about to admit it to him "Get over yourself." I said instead and pushed him away so I can get to my locker, getting my books. "and it's still a no. I'm not going with you, I would rather die then go with you." he shook he's head and frowned "Your words hurt me sweetheart."

I stared at my textbooks not daring to turn around. I don't want him to see me blush. When I finally stopped smiling and blushing I turned around to face him and said "It was meant to hurt darling." I smiled and walked away, hearing him chuckle.

Sorry for the super late update, this took me forever but I did it!! This part is kinda boring but it's going to get interesting later on.
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