𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄 [𝐆𝐰𝐢-𝐍𝐚𝐦 𝐗 𝐑...

Por Kaylen_Park

148K 4.1K 2.8K

Love, Hate, Heartbreak -Halestorm Gwi-Nam, the person you trusted the most in your life, was truly a monster... Más

1~~ Jin-Su
5~~I Found You
8~~Face The Truth
help me (Not A Chapter)
not a chapter (IMPORTANT)
18~~ It's MY Fault
19~~The End Of The Beginning
||future plans||
playlist :)

17~~ It's NOT Your Fault

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Por Kaylen_Park

The smoke had risen so high, it darkened the sky for hours. Smoke particles surrounding all around you. Not knowing how much time had past, or if time was passing at all

You felt all those things

After 3 hours, you were crying, kicking the ground, trying to get out of Su-Hyeoks grasps to go back. You didn't know what you were going back to, but you wanted to escape his hold

And for 3 hours, he held you without letting you go

You had calmed down after those 3 hours and knew it was pointless trying to get away. Su-Hyeok was resilient and wouldn't let go anytime soon

When it supposedly reached nightfall, smoke was still in the air, but most of it cleared. And you sat there, with nothing to do but to just stare at the chaos of Hyosan

You watched in sorrow as the school was engulfed in flames. You kept remembering all the pain and agony you felt in that school, before and after the apocalypse

And you just watched it...


Till it was nothing but a memory...

The group couldn't go anywhere as Dae-Su's leg was struck by one of the projectiles from the explosion. So they all collectively decided to stay as a group for the night

However you didn't say anything. You hadn't said anything ever since you stopped crying in Su-Hyeoks arms. And so the whole group made themselves comfortable on the forest floor and went to sleep

But sleeping proved difficult for you

Su-Hyeok sat up as he was still holding you to prevent you from running away. And he waited until you fell asleep in his arms before going to sleep himself

You had eventually fell asleep in his arms, trying to tell yourself that the thing you were waiting for wasn't coming back. And then Su-Hyeok fell asleep after

The Next Day~~

It was morning as you felt the glare of the sun on your skin.

You shuffled around but could barely move. Su-Hyeok hadn't let go of you the whole night as his arm was still tightly around you.

You looked around at the forest trees and looked at the sun. Despite all the chaos, everything seemed quiet.

Su-Hyeok then wakes up. You hear him grunt and then lift his head slightly. Since you faced away from him, he couldn't tell you were awake

The others in the group were awake, and Su-Hyeok was looking at On-Jo who was staring in the direction of the school

Then you feel Su-Hyeok standing up and slowly letting go of you, being careful not to wake you up

You then felt an energy rush as soon as Su-Hyeoks arms were off you. Like the energy from the night before suddenly came back

As soon as his hands were off you, you stood up and immediately started sprinting towards the school

Su-Hyeok: Y/N- ...

He yelled your name but you didn't stop. He realized you weren't going to listen to him, so he just let you run off

You sprint through the forest, down the path, through the school gates until you reach the building on construction.

The building was in a total reck. The flames and the explosion darkened the outer parts of the building. With ash and dead bodies surrounding the whole premises

You didn't think about it as you ran inside the building. Your breath was quick from running and you looked around frantically for any signs of Gwi-Nam

Y/N: Gwi-Nam! Gwi-Nam!

At that moment, you couldn't care if there were zombies. You desperately wanted to find him

There were no sounds from the ground floor, so you ran up the stairs to the next floor

You had reached the next floor and went into the middle, looking around frantically again

Y/N: Gwi-Nam! GWI-NAM!!

There was still nothing. Just complete silence other then your echos in the building. You tried to keep your breath in control, but it wasn't working

With every moment, you felt more and more pain bottle up inside you, about to explode

You then ran up the stairs to the next floor, which was the 3rd floor. You looked around again. For signs of anything or anyone

Your voiced lowered as tears were forming

Y/N: Gwi-Nam... I-It's me... Its only me... You can come out... You can come back... P-Please Gwi-Nam...

There was nothing. Absolutely nothing. No noise, no movement, no signs of life

Tears fill your eyes and run down your cheeks

Your legs give in and you fall on your knees with your hands on the floor. Your body too weak to stand up

Tears dropping from your eyes to the ash covered ground. Leaving tear marks on your dusty face

You clench your hands into a tight fist. Your breath heaving as you cried. You let out a deafening scream which echoed throughout the whole building. So you were surrounded by echoes of your own scream

You hit the ground with your fists in a blind rage as you cried uncontrollably

You knew he had to go with you. You knew he would die if he stayed. But you let him. You let him stay and you were so mad at yourself

This was nothing like how he died before. This time, he was actually gone. And he wasn't coming back

He said he loved you... And you loved him... You both could've escaped together and be together... But he was taken from you...

Gwi-Nam, your best friend... your childhood... your first love...

is gone...

As you cried, you heard footsteps coming from inside the building. You quickly stood up from the ground and looked around

You then walked towards a wall in the building and stood behind it, to avoid whatever was in the building. You then place your back on the wall and slide down until your sitting on the floor

You bring your knees up to your chest and listened in case there was something dangerous. Even if there was, you doubted you had the strength to fight

You then heard human voices inside the building. They were on your floor and you could hear them loud and clear and knew who it was

On-Jo: Hey, Cheong-San... Cheong-San!

She called out. Hoping that maybe, just maybe, Cheong-San was not dead
But just like you, there was nothing that replied back to On-Jo


On-Jo then cries as she had to come to the terms she didn't want to admit. She sniffs and whimpers waiting for any sign of Cheong-San. Hoping to hear his voice come from anywhere

But there was only nothing but the empty echoes of the building

Nam-Ra: Let's go... I don't smell anything... He's not here... We need to say bye to Cheong-San... and go...

It was Nam-Ra. She speaks to On-Jo in empathy. Like she could feel On-Jo's sadness as her own

On-Jo didn't want to leave, she still had hope, even if it was the smallest hope in the world. As she stood there just sniffling

There was a few seconds of silence. You sat there waiting for them to leave

They didn't know you or care about you anyway. So they shouldn't notice if you just left the group

It was a stupid idea to just stay in the building by yourself. But at that moment, you couldn't even bring yourself to stand up. Knowing this was the last place you had seen Gwi-Nam

But then you heard footsteps. And they were approaching your hiding spot

The footsteps stopped when they were right next to you

Nam-Ra: Hey

You lifted your head from your knees to see Nam-Ra standing next to you. She extended her hand towards you

Nam-Ra: We have to go...

You stare at Nam-Ra's hand for a second. You then looked away and to the ground, avoiding her gaze. You didn't say anything because you knew that if you did, she wouldn't understand, nor care

Nam-Ra: You can't stay here. There's no one here. No one is coming for you

You arms tightened around your legs. You didn't want to accept the truth. You wanted Gwi-Nam to be alive. You wanted him to find you. You wanted to see him again even if the chances were impossible of him coming back

Nam-Ra: If you stay here, you'll die

You still didn't listen as you faced away

Nam-Ra: Your wound is serious. If we don't reach Yangdong and treat it, you will die

You were extremely surprised that Nam-Ra knew. You look at her face with your eyes wide. You didn't know how she figured it out. She was acting weird the whole time you were with the group

When she stared at your stomach wound tied jersey like a hungry snake. When she heard the bomb announcements from Miles away. When she said she didn't smell anything in the building

She was just like Gwi-Nam. A half zombie. How could you have not figured it out till now when it was so obvious

Thinking of her made you think of Gwi-Nam and tears started rising up again

Nam-Ra: It'll be stupid to stay here. We have to keep moving

As you listened to Nam-Ra, you got a flashback from the night before.

When you were saying goodbye to Gwi-Nam...

"Your sight was enough to make me happy... Knowing that you were still here... Still alive..."

Thinking of Gwi-Nams words, you tried to think what he would think

Gwi-Nam would never want you to hurt yourself. Gwi-Nam would never want you to take your own life

Even if he was dead. You had to keep living for him

Because if you didn't live for him, who else would...

Nam-Ra's hand was still extended. Waiting for you to come to your sense and get up

You looked at her hand. You extended your hand hesitantly. She then grasps your hand and pulls you up. You stand up and avoid eye contact, looking at the floor

Nam-Ra: Come on. Let's get back to the rest

Nam-Ra starts walking towards the staircase. You look up to see Su-Hyeok following her. You then made eye contact with On-Jo

Both of you stood there, not saying anything, just looking at each other.

You broke eye contact first as you wiped your wet eyes and cheeks, and started walking towards the staircase to follow Nam-Ra and Su-Hyeok


The group were already making their way through the woods to try to get to Yangdong. With Mi-Jin and Ha-Ri leading the way. Wu-Jin and Su-Hyeok right at the back supporting Dae-Su's injured leg

You were walking behind On-Jo and Nam-Ra, mainly to avoid Nam-Ra and On-Jo's stares.

As you all were walking, On-Jo and Nam-Ra started talking to each other. It was rude to listen to other peoples conversations, but you had nothing else to do anyway

Nam-Ra: The soldiers saw that we were at the school, they left us there without helping us, and then they bombed the school. Maybe they actually want us to die

On-Jo: I don't believe that

Nam-Ra: I think it's all because of me... Because we were with zombies, they must think we're neither a zombie nor human, like me... Maybe that's what they thought...

On-Jo: Don't say stuff like that

In the midst of listening to them, there was this voice in your head, saying one thing over and over again

"It's your fault"
"It's your fault"
"It's your fault"
"It's your fault"

You tried shoving these thoughts down the best you could. Trying to ignore it. But it wouldn't stop

You clenched your fist while whispering to yourself that it was not true. Your mind was playing tricks on you. You knew none of it was your fault


As you were trying to distract yourself from your own thoughts, you hear something ahead of you and your head shot up

Mi-Jin: Sigh! What the hell?

The group stop walking

Hyo-Ryeong: What's wrong?

Mi-Jin: Shit. I think we're lost

Hyo-Ryeong: There's no trail?

Mi-Jin: There hasn't been a trail for a while. I think we've been going in a fucking circle

Dae-Su: Why did you lead us this way if there was no trail? If we go down the wrong way, we'll end up in Hyosan

The group was flabbergasted by this news. Everyone groans in disappointment. Maybe in Dae-Su's case, groans in pain

Just as the group started to try thinking of a new plan, Wu-Jin sees something in the distance

Wu-Jin: Ha-Ri!

The group collectively looks to Wu-Jin

Wu-Jin: Look!

Wu-Jin points downward the forest. Everyone tries to see where he's pointing. Everyone stared for a few seconds before seeing it

A yellow ribbon tied around a low tree branch

Everyone starts walking downhill towards this ribbon. Ha-Ri reaches up and examines it with her hand

Ha-Ri: Someone must have left it here

A smile formed on Mi-Jins face

Mi-Jin: Who did something so nice? A ginseng digger?

Ha-Ri was not having any of Mi-Jins bull crap. Mi-Jin pouted at Ha-Ri's sour face

Hyo-Ryeong: What's that?

Mi-Jin looked at Hyo-Ryeong, disappointed but not surprised that she didn't know

Ha-Ri: There's another one

Ha-Ri starts walking towards this other ribbon in the distance and the group follow behind her

This time, the other ribbon was tied around the tree. Ha-Ri kept seeing more as she ascended down the forest following these ribbons, while the group followed her

Suddenly, On-Jo stopped abruptly in front of you, nearly bumping into her. She was looking at something on the forest ground

She walks towards it, crouches down, and picks it up. You take a closer look at what she was holding

It appeared to be a flashlight. What made On-Jo stop for just a tiny flashlight? You watch as she stares at it intensely

Suddenly she crouches down while looking at the flashlight and starts whimpering as she holds it close to her

It must have been of sentimental value, you thought to yourself. She was already hurt enough with her father's death that even the slightest reminder could make her cry

You looked at how miserable she was. You wanted to go to her, tell her that everything was okay. But you knew that it was not true. Nothing was okay. Everything had gone to shit

You no longer had the energy to help anyone. You no longer cared what would happen. Like your mind was blank, and your emotions out of place

Besides, why would you want to help her after what she did to you?

You took one last glance at On-Jo and walked away to catch up with Ha-Ri who was leading the way. Not looking back


You and the group were walking down the small town of Hyosan. Atleast that where you think you were. You couldn't tell anymore

You looked around at the gloomy sight of it all. Fog all around, most likely from the explosion. Dead animals on the floor. Trash and other items scattered everywhere across the streets

It all looked eerie as the streets that had once been full of happy, busy people, was now left deserted and wrecked

Dae-Su: Didn't Mr Nam say to go to Yangdong?

Hyo-Ryeong: You don't think there are zombies here too, right?

Su-Hyeok: No way. Maybe the people evacuated because it's next to Hyosan

Mi-Jin tightens her grip on her weapon nervously

Mi-Jin: I'm getting a bad feeling about this... Where is everyone?

Everyone was hesitant to answer. Not wanting to think of the worst. Although you wanted to say that they probably evacuated, you didn't want to speak at that moment

Ha-Ri: We're okay here

Mi-Jin: Well how do you know that?

Ha-Ri: There are no broken windows or blood on the streets

It was true. While everything was a mess, it could've been caused by rush of evacuation. There didn't look like a zombie horde had been there at all

Even though there was reckage everywhere, the street felt abnormally clean. You also got a bad feeling

Ha-Ri: It wouldn't been this clean if there was a zombie rampage

Ha-Ri had spoken too soon as Nam-Ra stopped in her tracks, and stared into nothing. Fear slowly forming on her face

On-Jo: What is it?

Nam-Ra: Hold on...

Everyone waited silently. Waiting for Nam-Ra to tell the group what she was hearing

She looked around the area in every direction. Sniffing and trying to hear. Meanwhile, the group began to feel more uneasy by the second

On-Jo: Nam-Ra, what is it?

Su-Hyeok let go of Dae-Su to step closer to Nam-Ra. Dae-Su groaned in pain

(A/N: Justice for Dae-Su😔✊)

Su-Hyeok: What's up? Are you hearing something?

Nam-Ra: Zombies...

The group gets into a slight panic. Trying not to freak out to much, On-Jo asks more from Nam-Ra

On-Jo: Where?

Nam-Ra: Everywhere...

Hyo-Ryeong: A l-lot of them?

Nam-Ra: One... Two... Three...

She pauses, her face showing more and more fear as she realizes what's coming

Nam-Ra: Four... Five... Six...

The whole group look around the area anxiously

Nam-Ra: Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten... Eleven...

Her face said it all. The group was completely outnumbered and in danger. Her breath quickens

Nam-Ra: Run!

Everyone quickly gets ready to run away. Wu-Jin and Su-Hyeok assisting Dae-Su. Mi-Jin goes towards an alleyway nearby and gestures the group towards her

Mi-Jin: Hey! This way! Follow me!

Everyone follows Mi-Jin as you all ran down the alleyway.

You all could hear the snarls not so far away. The zombies were approaching and fast

You all eventually ran out of the alleyway and into another main street

Dae-Su, Su-Hyeok and Wu-Jin were falling behind. Eventually the stress and panic caused them to trip and fall with a loud bang as they crashed into street objects

The group turn around immediately to go an help them. Su-Hyeok gets up without haste

He scans the area and looks at an outdoor gardening store selling things like brooms, shovels, chains and other stuff

He runs towards a basket filled with iron shovels and he grabs one

On-Jo: Are you guys okay?

Su-Hyeok goes and stands in the middle of the street with shovel at the ready

Su-Hyeok: Take Dae-Su and go quickly!

Although difficult, Dae-Su manages to stand up and starts limping towards something

Dae-Su: Oh forget it!

Su-Hyeok turns around to see Dae-Su look through the bucket with shovels. Wu-Jin doing the same thing

Su-Hyeok: What are you doing?

Dae-Su: I said forget it!

Even though Dae-Su's leg was badly injured, he grabbed a shovel and limped his way to next to Su-Hyeok, so did Wu-Jin, getting ready to fight alongside him

Ha-Ri and On-Jo went to the side to get weapons to. Ha-Ri grabbing a metal shovel while On-Jo grabbed a crowbar. Eventually Wu-Jin grabbed a hammer and Hyo-Ryreong grabbed a wrench

You followed what everyone else did and grabbed a pitchfork from the side and went to stand with the group. Holding your pitchfork tightly

Even though you were tired of fighting. You felt it was right to protect the group. It was the most you could do

Mi-Jin: I feel like this may be the end...

Everyone was standing ready to face whatever was coming their way

The streets were foggy and quiet. Only making the anxiety of the group increase. You all waited for any motion

And then you all see what you were preparing for

One zombie ran out of the fog making its way towards the group. Then other zombies followed behind it

Su-Hyeok waited until the front zombie was close enough. Then he charged towards it with his shovel. He swinged his shovel into the zombies face making it fall to the ground

The the rest of the group followed behind Su-Hyeok attacking the other zombies including you

The zombies at the front were fighting against the boys who were the furthest out. Giving you some time to compose yourself before a zombie could approach you

A zombie came rushing directly towards you. You raised your pitchfork

As it came close, you hit it in the head making it fall down to the floor

It wasn't fazed as it got back up to try to tackle you again. But before it could get up fully, you kick it in the face and run to the back to try and help Mi-Jin and Ha-Ri

Zombies were approaching from the back of the street as well

As a zombie ran for Ha-Ri, she hit it in the leg, but it did nothing to the zombie and it kept running as it now made its way towards you

With the zombie already close, you had to think fast

You raised your pitchfork and hit it across the face making it fall to the floor

You then feel a tight grip on your back and a snarl. It was the other zombie you hit down beford

With the adrenaline already flowing through your blood stream, you grab the zombie with both hands from behind while still holding onto your pitchfork

You then bend down and lift the zombie up and over your shoulder onto the floor in front of you. You were quite surprised by your own strength at that moment

It then started crawling towards you. You took your pitchfork and pierced its head, making it die

But the other zombie you hit was approaching behind you. It tackled you from behind and you fell to the floor with the zombie on top of you

Before it could bite you, you quickly turn over while pushing the zombie off you, careful it didn't bite your arm

It crawled back on top of you and you held out your pitchfork against its chest. You kicked it many times, trying to get it off, but the zombie was persistent

Your arms were getting weaker as you got more tired. The zombie was so close, that if you lowered one more inch, it could rip your face apart

You scream as you knew you were about to die

You close your eyes tightly, trying your hardest to not get bitten

You then hear a gurgle come from his mouth and liquid dripping on your face.

You open your eyes to see blood dripping out of the zombies mouth onto your face. The zombies face was still and then it collapsed next to you

With your breath heavy, you look up to see Nam-Ra standing there. She saved you

She then walks over to the next zombie. You pushed the zombie corpse off you without wasting any time and get back up. Some adrenaline still in you

You looked around and the saw a zombie was heading right for Mi-Jin. You sprinted towards the zombie

You pushed the zombie to the floor and you raised your pitchfork and stabbed it in the head multiple times

Su-Hyeok: Y/N! LOOK OUT!

You didn't get time to react when Su-Hyeok pushed you out of the way

You fell to the floor and looked up to see that Su-Hyeok protected you from an upcoming zombie that was now attacking him

A zombie then approaches from your left and is about to tackle you when you pit your pitchfork up for protection

The zombie was trying to get to you as his chest was right up against the handle of the pitchfork

It wouldn't be long before it could realize that it could bite your hand, so you raised your leg and kicked it in the stomach making it fall back slightly

You stand up and as it was about to come for you again, you pierce it's head. Blood oozed out of its mouth and eyes, dripping from its face to the floor

You look around at all the chaos and see a zombie sprinting for Ha-Ri. You were about to run up to Ha-Ri and warn her when-

Wu-Jin: HA-RI!!

Wu-Jin had ran to Ha-Ri's aid and placed himself between the zombie and Ha-Ri before it could get to her

They all fall to the floor, the zombie biting at Wu-Jins neck aggressively

You felt your heart drop as you ran over to them. Mi-Jin as well

You and Mi-Jin ran over to the zombie and began stabbing it in the back. You would've gone for the head, but it could hurt Wu-Jin or Ha-Ri

But it didn't really matter because those bites already marked his death. But you didn't want to be heartless and end Wu-Jin life right there, so you kept stabbing the zombie in the back with Mi-Jin

Soon, Dae-Su tried to help as well. Wu-Jin screaming and Ha-Ri crying as she watched her brother getting bitten right in front of her

Soon, you, Mi-Jin and Dae-Su realized that stabbing the zombie wasn't doing anything and you all grabbed the zombie to try and pull it off

You eventually got the zombie off and Mi-Jin stabbed it instantly with her weapon. But it was too late for Wu-Jin

Wu-Jin lays on the floor, pale faced and weak as blood flowed from his neck

Ha-Ri and Dae-Su kneeled next to Wu-Jin

Dae-Su: Wu-Jin! Damn it... Oh no...

You watch as Wu-Jin starts saying his final words to his sister

Wu-Jin: Fuck... I knew this would happen eventually...

Ha-Ri: It's okay... Its okay...

Wu-Jin: I knew it...

Everyone starts gathering around Wu-Jin. Watching him slowly dying. You watched with a blank stare

Ha-Ri: Wu-Jin! Look at me...

Wu-Jin: Ha-Ri... Did you really make it into nationals...?

Ha-Ri: Mm-Hm... I... I-I did...

Wu-Jin: Liar... You came to school because you failed the preliminaries... Or else you would've been at the tournament...

Ha-Ri watched with sadness as it was becoming harder and harder for Wu-Jin to even speak

Wu-Jin: You should've gone home... Why did you come back to the damn school...!?

Everyone in the group start crying. Their friend was slowly dying and no one could do anything

Ha-Ri: I'm sorry...

Wu-Jin: Ha-Ri... Keep doing archery... Okay...?

She nods her head, trying to keep as much tears in as possible

Wu-Jin: Don't give up... Okay...?

Ha-Ri: Yeah... Yeah-

Wu-Jins neck then bends backwards with a loud crack. Indicating that he's nearly turned. Dae-Su flinched away while Ha-Ri holds Wu-Jin tighter, not wanting to leave his side

Ha-Ri: W-Wu-Jin... I'm sorry...

Knowing that Wu-Jin is about to turn, Mi-Jin raises her weapon to get ready to end his pain

Ha-Ri looks up at Mi-Jin with tears filling her eyes. She shakes her head vigorously

Ha-Ri: No... No... Not Wu-Jin! Please...!

Mi-Jin, already her weapon raised, hesitates as she looks at Ha-Ri's desperate face

Ha-Ri: Don't do it!

Mi-Jin knows what she must do, but is conflicted with her emotions as she has to do the right thing but doesn't want to hurt Ha-Ri further

Mi-Jin: Fuck...

Then Wu-Jins body cracks even more as he starts turning side to side. Ha-Ri let's go of him and the rest of the group start backing away

Then Wu-Jin slowly stands up with his bones breaking with every movement. You could hear the quiet snarls coming from his mouth

Wu-Jin had turned and no one was done anything. Everyone standing still, stunned with grief and fear. Ha-Ri watches in sadness as her brother has gone full zombie

Wu-Jin slowly looks to Ha-Ri with death in his eyes

Ha-Ri: I'm sorry...

Wu-Jin snarls and then sprints right for Ha-Ri. Ha-Ri prepares herself as he is about to tackle for her

But before Wu-Jin could get to Ha-Ri. Someone grabs the back of his collar. Stopping him before he could do harm to Ha-Ri

Then they grabbed Wu-Jin by the jaw and turned his neck so fast, it snapped and he died instantly. As they drop Wu-Jin to the floor, you all see Nam-Ra stand before you all

Her face showed no remorse for what she just did

Everyone looks at Wu-Jin lying dead on the floor. You look at Wu-Jin and tears start filling your eyes

You didn't know why though. You didn't know him that well. You haven't talked to him at all. But seeing his corpse on the ground reminded your consciousness about something

But you couldn't figure out what

Then there was that voice again. That lingering voice in your head came back saying...

"It's your fault"
"It's your fault"
"It's your fault"

You swore under your breath. You knew that Wu-Jin death had nothing to do with you. But you couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. Again, you didn't know why

Tears were falling out of your eyes, but you wiped them off quickly with your wrists

The group was emotional and Dae-Su crying on Su-Hyeoks shoulder as his friends life had ended

Nam-Ra turned her head around to listen for more zombies. She then turned back around to the group

Nam-Ra: There are more coming. Let's go. There won't be any zombies down this path

Nam-Ra speaks as if she didn't just killed one of her friends. You knew she wasn't one for emotions, but this was messed up

Everyone knows that Nam-Ra is right and that they had to leave there immediately. But Ha-Ri detested, gripped onto her weapon and stood up

She walked slowly towards Nam-Ra's direction. Mi-Jin, thinking of the worst, tries to intervene with Ha-Ri

Mi-Jin grabs Ha-Ri's arm

Mi-Jin: Don't! Please! Come on!

Ha-Ri flings her arm to get her to let go

Ha-Ri: Let go of me...

Ha-Ri then walks and steps past Nam-Ra. Before Ha-Ri could walk any further, Nam-Ra grabs Ha-Ri's arm, stopping her in her tracks

Ha-Ri tries to have Nam-Ra to let go of her, but is unsuccessful. Nam-Ra grabs Ha-Ri's weapon with her other hand and tosses it to the side of the street

Ha-Ri then finally pushes Nam-Ra away, making Nam-Ra let go of her

Ha-Ri stares directly into Nam-Ra's eyes with hatred and despair

Nam-Ra: Don't go and die for no reason

Ha-Ri didn't say anything as her anger was slowly replaced by intense grief as she sobbed in front of Nam-Ra

Nam-Ra turns away from Ha-Ri

Nam-Ra: If we make a run for it, we can make it. We should have enough time

Mi-Jin, with also tears running down her cheeks, approaches Nam-Ra slowly while looking her dead in the eyes

Mi-Jin: I know I've killed a lot of zombies myself... But a human being would apologise for killing her brother right in front of her...

Mi-Jin then grabs Ha-Ri's hand and walks away. The group follows and eventually, the voice in your head goes away

But you knew it might come back

But had no idea why it was there in the first place...

Hello 👋

So I've realised yet again, that the chapter is too long😀. My apologies

So I've decided to split the chapter into 2 parts. And to be honest, I've absolutely hated writing this chapter😀 Dreaded it even. I even procrastinated writing it because I desperately didn't want to😒

But it is not because I'm tired of this book. I love this book😍 But it's just that this chapter is so plain and bland, and it just feels like a carbon copy of the show with Y/N... just... present💃

I can't explain it. I promise the book will have more flavour in the next chapter 😀

I'll see ya'll for ✨CHAPTER 18✨

P.S. If you wanna follow up on updates to any of my books, click my profile👴🏻Go to conversations📳 and you should see some announcements💬 or some random shit that has nothing to do with anything😀

To: Copyright People ©️

I do not own any pictures, nor is this story my own. They are an inspiration from the Korean Netflix show called "All Of Us Are Dead". And I swear that I am only using scenes similar to the series for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.

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"i'll be right back. i have some zombies to play red light, green light with." "food is life. that's all i gotta say." "not gonna lie, they can bite...
222K 7.3K 27
Y/n who always hated Gwi-nam from the start. When the apocalypse started and Gwi-nam got infected she wasn't sad or anything she even smiled knowing...