By maris_ent

2.8K 338 2.6K

When KAiA debuted from the survival show CORDELIA they didn't imagine their rocky start would take a path lar... More

→ Coming soon??
→ 'You Flood into Me' Album cover, CD etc.
→ 'As you Wish' M/V Teaser
→ 'As you Wish' M/V
RHAPSODY (Teaser & Concept Picture)
Into the Dorms
Been quite long
took it literally
Love is Home.
unwanted pt-2
when things took a turn
→ [엄마가 잠들후에 ] After Mom is Asleep
KAi-HiND ↴
→ 'You flood in me' M/V behind
→ KBS Song Festival behind
KAi-dyllic ↴
rumours - KAiA's first scandal??
incorrect quotes¹
Incorrect Quotes ²
→ DIANA : Two Birds on a Wire
→ ARA + WHANNIE : Alexithymia
→JENNA : Panic Room
→ KOTONE : From Now On
→ KOTONE : うっせぇわ
→ DIANA : Dernière Danse
→ KOTONE : 可愛くてごめん
Fire on Fire (AU)
Evanescent (AU)
Evanescent - I
Evanescent - II
Happy Diana Day!

never say never

28 3 70
By maris_ent

"stop crying Diana, you're gonna be sick." Manager Roh sighed, rubbing the girl's back.

Poor girl did not get a blink of sleep as she sat on the hospital bench, nonstop tears flowing from her eyes.

"Eonnie....it wasn't your fault. None of ours. And Whannie will be fine. The doctor said that the cut wasn't too harmful, she just needs to get rest to let the shock of the situation settle down." Ara said, despite her voice being shaky.

"If it wasn't for you three, Jenna, deep and Sooyoung, I don't know....it scares me." Diana whispered.

"We're past that. All that happened, so now we know to stay alert." Ara convinced her.

"Yeah and we'll get better security systems for you all. CEO-nim has already sent her words and she'll be in your dorm to see you all tommorow." Manager Roh informed.

The girls nodded, media were already bombarding around the hospital, disturbing it's peace. The management team were slowly trying to settle them down, explaining the situation as vaguely as possible, keeping the names of other idols out of it.

"The patient is awake, you can visit her, but two at a time, just in case." A nurse informed.

Manager Roh nodded at Diana who shook her head, "She'll get worried about me crying, I'll go in later."

"You look really cool right now." Deep said, making jazz hands, referring to the bandages on the girl's neck, "very mafia vibes". Whannie smiled sloppily, chuckling slightly.

"This kind of pains when I talk." She said lowly.

"Then don't." Jenna said, hands on her hip, giving the youngest a look.

"Yeah, right, like that's ever gonna happen." Deep laughed.

"You okay?" Whannie asked Deep who stopped for a second before breathing out heavily, "scared, and guilty, but more of the scared maybe a bit angry too." She said, clenching her fists that now had bandages on them due to the blisters she recieved after punching the man.

"You know, you'll be viral now. I heard the nurse talk about how you should inspire other idols enough to...and I quote, 'beat a bitch up.' .....that woman is a grown ass woman in her fifties, they don't lie when it comes to that." Whannie said with a proud smile.

"I'm sorry though, I opened the door without looking. It was kinda my fault. I know you guys are all blaming yourselves, but please don't. I should've been careful, don't deny it." Whannie said, looking away.

"Just get your ass back home. I'm tired of you guys hitting hospitals every now and then. ONE more person who needs to come here and I'll leave the group and study medical to treat all of you everytime. Period." Jenna grumbled, softly drawing circles on Whannie's palm, staring down at the bed.

"You didn't even have science subjects in highschool, you literally studied acting, what are you talking about? You'll fail. Plus, you're scared of blood so...." Deep said making the older scowl and pinch her thigh, erupting a moan of pain from the other. Whannie just shook her head with a goofy smile on her face.


"Hello, Sunbaenim." All of them bowed to Neptune respectfully as the CEO entered the room.

"It's ok. Sit down girls." She smiled softly before her face fell slightly.

"I would personally like to appologise for the lack of security provided to you girls despite of noticing the growing amount popularity and the danger it brings. It was a great mistake of ours. You girls are new into this, I do not expect you to imagine such thing to be possible to occur, but I must warn you, this is quite normalised in the industry, unfortunately. Most of which get bribed down but we decided to file a law suit against the criminals and give a warning notice for further safety. Maris Entertainment will take full responsibility of this situation for being this way. Also, your dorms will change. We will move you into more safe place, an apartment complex which is highly protected because of its multiple celebrity residents. We will also provide high security for only KaiA whenever out in public for things other than personal matters. If anything is further necessary, you guys can suggest them, I'll look into it." Neptune said, folding her hands together, staring at all of the girls.

"Thank you Sunbaenim, that a huge help. Thank you so much for thinking of our safety." Ara bowed.

"It's my responsibility." Neptune smiled before turning to look at Ash, Deep and Jenna.

"You guys injured those criminals quite some. The police wanted answers, thank god we had a cctv showing that it was for defence, otherwise you'll make into the headlines with that as well." Neptune shook her head, letting out a small laugh, "but you did good. One got a permanent broken nose....you really are taekwondo trained huh?" She asked Deep who shyed away, hiding behind Ash's shoulder.

"SM and HYBE entertainment were a bit angry but the boys took the blame on themselves." Neptune nodded, giving the girls a look.

"That's all for now. Stay safe, we have a lot of things for you." Neptune said before leaving the meeting room.



"You good sis?" Yeonjun laughed leaning on the door frame of the dorm room, watching Whannie who gave him a glare before sipping on the soup offered by Diana who wouldn't let her eat on her own.

"Eonnie, i can do it myself." She mumbled.

"No. Your hands are all puffed up because of all the saline pins and stuff. How dare they just pull it out like that do hard. And act surprised when it started bleeding!" Diana rambled before blowing on the spoonful of soup and putting it forward again for Whannie to drink.

Yeonjun laughed but yelped as he felt a shove. He turned around to find Soobin pushing him to enter the room.

"Not even a day till i came back home and you lot already want to make wanna go back- i mean Them! No offense Eonnie." Whannie said lowly,  changing her words at the look she recieved from Diana.

"I'm taking back the chocolates." Soobin said turning around.

"Ok." Whannie said, glancing at the bedside table full of gifts, well wishes and chocolates. "Peasants come and go."

Soobin pouted, keeping the chocolate on the same table before ruffling the youngest's hair.

"Jenna! Give Koko her vitamins if she finished eating!" Diana yelled out recieving an, "Alright, captain!" From the said girl causing the oldest in the room chuckle.

"You seriously did that?" Heuning Kai asked Deep, having heard the story of her beating the sasaengs up from Whannie when he sat in her room.

"For the last time Heuning, yes." Deep sighed.
"Leave the poor girl alone Kamal." Jenna said, hands on her hip as she came out of the kitchen.

"Koko Eonnie, vitamins." She said. Kotone looked up from whatever Beomgyu was showing her, "yeah right. Send me screenshots Choi, this is very interesting." She told the boy seriously.

"For the last time Jenna, don't use my middle name against me." Kai said, narrowing his eyes at the girl. Jenna just mimicked him, picking up the plates from the coffee table and walking back into the kitchen.

"I am your senior you know!" He huffed, sulking. Taehyun chuckled, standing up and heading to the kitchen as well.

"Yeonjun hyung said you literally broke his nose. Teach me your ways queen." Kai said, holding onto Deep's hand suddenly, forgetting all kinds of arguments he was about to start with Jenna. The girl gave him a look, caught off-guard. Kai laughed, ruffling her hair before heading towards their shared dorm room where whannie was staying. Deep just sat their, staring at the wall, "It's teenage hormones. It's just teenage hormones." She shook her head.

Kotone gave her a look before going back to her deep conversation with Beomgyu, who finally, in a long time, found someone like him, or atleast close.


"Jesus! Mother of Mary, oh god." Jenna  said, nearly dropping the dish she was rinsing from her hands. She heaved out a breath, closing her eyes.

"Jesus mother of Mary?" Taehyun said but on recieving a look from the girl he shrugged, not bothered that he nearly just caused property damage. "Didn't know you get scared so easily, will keep that in mind." He smirked.

TXT and KaiA had been online bestfriends for a while now, but the rare times that they are together is a mess, so it was not a surprise when Ara was found complaining to Diana about Yeonjun saying something mean to her and the younger denying it with a yell. Both Taehyun and Jenna turned to hear what it was about but decided it wasn't important.

Jenna scoffed, threatening to smack him with the utensil scrubber in her hand, "I don't know what you are in here for Kang, but I won't hesitate to shove this up your ass." She snapped.

"You're still mad because I told Heuning Kai about your little crush on Sunoo?" He raised a brow, leaning on a counter beside Jenna who was agressively scrubbing a pot.

"Just Kai?! Taehyun, I trusted you with that information. It was like this small crush and you caught onto it. And you told the one person who guarantees the unsafeness of your secrets. And you tell me it wasn't on purpose." Jenna said, warmth creeping up to her ears. Taehyun snickered, watching her ears turn red.

He shrugged, giving her an innocent look, "it wasn't. And you sure it was small? I mean atleast it didn't reach till Sunoo himself.....yet....I hope." 

Jenna groaned, holding herself back from breaking the sauce pan in her hand on her own head, "look, even if the world forgets that this got out, I wouldn't. And it's not even a serious crush. You know that very well. If this reaches him, i'll unalive myself and you aswell."

"You aren't buff enough." Taehyun tilted his head, challenging Jenna in a way as his eyebrows perked up. (Dying rn)

"Yeah well, I don't have balls and a responsibility of continuing your bloodline, bitch." She gave him a sarcastic smile. Taehyun stepped back slightly, folding his arms over his chest.

"It's nothing to freak out about, Jen." Taehyun frowned, clearing his throat.

"It sort of is though... " Jenna sighed turning to look at the boy beside her.

Taehyun let out a breath, placing a hand on her head, "I'll tell them it's a joke. I just wanted to get back at you for beating me in the game that day." He said, smiling.

Jenna nodded before giving him a mischievous smile, "wow, it's just a game tyun, it's okay to loose, don't be a baby." She cooed, before snorting out a laugh, pushing his hands away from her head.

"Yah." Taehyun said, flicking her forehead, causing her to smack him and the bickering continued.

"Should we stop them?" Soobin asked Ara who was waiting for TXT to leave so she could finally crash into her bed.

"I don't know man. What I see is a man annoying our Jenna." She looked up at him, literally.

Soobin looked down, " All I see is
annoying kids annoying each other."

"Probably because you couldn't discipline that kid." Ara retorted

"He is older than you....." Soobin sighed, already regretting starting the conversation.

"And?....the point is?...." Ara asked.

"Oh my god. I need Yeonjun hyung." Soobin nearly cried.

"Very fruity."

"Jesus, ugh-"

"I'm so tired." Ash cracked her neck making Yeonjun cringe at the sound.

"Go sleep then." He suggested.

Ash shook her head, "we still need to unpack literally most of our stuff. It's been three days, we still couldn't move in properly." She sughed

"Oh...." Yeonjun said, leaning one the hallway wall as he heard his members bidding the girls goodbye. He glanced at the second oldest, startling himself to find her already looking at him.
Ash smiled slightly looking away quickly.

Yeonjun scratched the back of his neck, staring at the side of her face glistening ever so slightly because of the dim lighting of the hallway. Her blonde lock's fell on her face perfectly, framing her face. Her eyes, he thought they were the prettiest thing he witnessed all his life. They held wonder, curiosity and a want to catch ahold of the world unknown. And quiet oblivious to himself, he did really want to join her in the conquering of all secret wonders, as long as he could keep seeing it in her eyes.

"Bye guys." Diana smiled, giving Soobin a small hug. "Bye Noona, take care all of you." Soobin smiled, walking away from the oldest and towards the door, agressively ruffling Jenna's hair on his way out.

"Oi! Not the hair!" She cried out, hair all over her face.

"You look like you're in your natural habitat." Kai said, laughing from beside her, urging Beomgyu once again to complete his conversation with Kotone fast.

"Yeah well your natural habitat is in the north pole so you're not one to speak."

"That doesn't even hurt me." Heuning Kai shrugged turning towards Deep to see if she agrees.

"True. Penguins are cute." Deep said.
Jenna turned around in shock, blinking few times before pulling on the taller boys hair, "what did you do to her?"

Deep suddenly realised what she said without realising. Her face grew hot as she turned around. Heuning Kai smiled,  "I've got charms."

Jenna gave him a disgusted look.

"Bye guys!" A scream from the room inside.

"Dae whan! I told you to sleep!" Ara shouted back causing everyone to clinch and the boys to suddenly hurry out of the dorm. They bid their last goodbyes and went their own way.

Whannie pov:

15 new messages in Biggest KAiA Fanboys😍

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Biggest KAiA fanboys😍

Members: Yun Ara, Kim Diana, Koko, Sooyoung, Jenna Moon, Sua, whan, Yeonjun, Choi Soobin, Gyu_u, Taehyun, Kai<3, HeeHee, Jay, Jakie, Park Sunghoon, Sunoo( ◜‿◝ )♡, Jung-one, Riki.

Group name changed by hot Koko just now.

I have so many unanswered questions about that group name but Koko did it so it's fine i guess 🥺


atp, questioning ya'll feels tiring.
Tf, what's with the group name, omg. 💀

Hot Koko
Yuh, you gotta problem Johnson??🤨

For the love of God it's Jongseong.

Hot Koko
Same difference.

Whannie, Stop using your phone and go to sleep please. I can see you reading the texts 🧍🏻‍♀️

Omg. That highkey scared me :
Nah man, sleep is overrated.

Well so is Harry Potter but people r still obsessed.

Hot Koko

Sunshine 🌻
Someone hold my earrings i am about to beat a bitch up.😚

😍 you're literally the size of my knee, girl.

Sunshine 🌻
Nah that's not me, that's your IQ level. 🥺 Must be a hard life, huh? Being that dumb and all?


I was about to say stuff but damn bro Jen.

Damn the burn bro. Hoon, you good?💀:

Sunshine 🌻
🤡 Bro went real quite all of a sudden.

Guys....why is Sunghoon hyung, staring at the wall for so long? Is he possessed? Do i bring salt??

It's the I-land ghost.

Say sike rn.


Jenna😭 I love you for that. Keep tormenting Sunghoon please.

Sunshine 🌻
For sure, anything for you😌



Sunshine 🌻
Hold your horses, you rat.

Ayo that's my son you're talking to.

Explains the misbehavior.

Hyung is the house:


Kai Kamal
She really went there huh?

Sunshine 🌻

Is all of KaiA allergic to men or is it mainly Whannie, Ara and Jenna???

Kai Kamal
It's the Gayz

That shit's gotta ring to it ngl.


Sunshine 🌻


You sound very homophobic.



So young
No but fr tho, explains the misbehavior. Tsk tsk.


So young

Is this some weird way of communication????

Why you gotta third wheel kid? :

Who you calling a kid, bro? I'm like 4 feet aller than you. 🙄

Sunshine 🌻
News flash: you're not.
But anyways kid, you're literally a half grown embryo....

Fr fr

I feel old.
Whannie, you're supposed to sleep darling 😭😭please don't make me come into your room.

Alright alright. Geez.
Goodnight peasants. :

Good night, Princess Aurora.
Have nightmares 😍

That's literally what is the definition of dreaming about you, bitch. But okay😍 :



Sunshine 🌻
I'm tired of third wheeling in this household.
Good bye.


Things go down and up real quick, whannie thought, tugging up her duvet, closing her eyes with a soft smile on her face.


Crying, why does my mum want me to score 95% in boards all of a sudden?😭(she was probably joking but man that makes me tense.)

Anyways. Here's a chapter, just like loml asked for.😔🤌

Ok bye.

PS: Drop some incorrect quotes ideas Here->
Cuz I'm out of ideas.


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