Remnant's other worldly adven...

By Itsjack123

31.2K 286 126

After years of conflict made by the hands of the brother gods. A powerful being had enough as the timeline is... More

Prologue: "A suprise kidnapping"
Prologue 2: A "friendly" gathering
Prologue 3: The "break"ing point
Chapter 1: Star wars "Revenge of the Sith"
Chapter 2: Transformers final battle
Chapter 3: "Oversimplified ww1" part one
Chapter 4: "Oversimplified ww1" part two
Intermission 1: lessons we learn
Chapter 5: "rise and fall of Empires"
Chapter 6: A show of an idiot's misfortunes/antics
Chapter 7: My "Darkest Desire"
Chapter 8: The News.
Chapter 9: the Gifts and returning home
Chapter 10: These 4 months in remnant

Chapter 11: Let the tournament begin & the host

1.4K 10 3
By Itsjack123

After four months after the viewing and the guest returning home. They live a good life (most of, you already knew who it is) and enjoyed the gifts and the lessons they learned after the viewing. During this time Blackjack had taken his time on earth to find his host, though from what Kero knew they don't seem to get along at least for now. While Kero is discussing the plans for the trip to earth, Dreya had brought Salem to the arena to watch the show and Blackjack had also arrived with his host. And so they stayed in the shadows and watch as the hunters get to battle out in the arena to earn the title as the champion of the festival.

Soon the Vytal festival is about to begin and the young hunters are going to fight with other huntsman from other huntsman academies. But unlike their previous counterparts, they grew stronger thanks to hard training and the gifts they received thanks to Blackjack.

General POV, Blackjack, Salem, Dreya, and his host.

Blackjack: Oh this is going to be awesome! *prepared popcorns for everyone*

Dreya: you said it! *brought out drinks for everyone*

Salem and the host simply watch as the festival is about to begin by the announcer.

Announcer: Attention to the people of remnant!! The Vytal festival is about to begin!!

Everyone cheered and looks at the announcer as he spoke.

Announcer: As we all know. The Vytal festival happens every two years here in Vytal as a treaty for peace between the four kingdoms after the Great War. So let's celebrate this event of equality and prosperity and let's begin our festival!!

Everyone in the colosseum cheered as a parade is happening with various clothing, performers doing their show, and soldiers from different kingdoms march alongside each other with their flag in each of them.

Since the Faunus are recognized as equals to humans, their kingdom Menagerie is represented as a kingdom. They are also marching alongside the four kingdoms, and you already now what's happening there.

Salem: I never saw these kingdoms actually marching together side by side. And the Faunus are here too, is the Vytal festival actually uniting them?

Blackjack: I won't be so sure about that Salem.

Salem looks at Blackjack in confusion.

Salem: *confuse* and why is that?

Blackjack: *looks at Salem* I'll let you read their minds and tell me are they united?

Salem simply nods and Blackjack puts his left hand on her head allowing her to read the minds of everyone in the colosseum.

{Why are they here?}{I hate this when are we gonna fight}{since when did these animals get recognition??}{I want to kill these human scum}

She is shock by the amount of hate this people have, and she didn't smell them? How did they not die yet.

Blackjack: your thinking about how the Grimm couldn't smell them weren't you?

Salem: *nods slowly*.....

Blackjack: *lets go of his hand from Salem's head* to be honest with you even I'm surprised on how Vale didn't fall early well whatever the case may be, what we should worry now is how much hate they have to one another.

He looks at the crowd below them. The rest joins with him as he spoke.
(Side note: they are standing on the highest floor, not the roof top, and are hidden in the shadows)

Blackjack: Remnant today is a powder keg and the politicians of the kingdoms are stupid men lighting their cigarettes... One single spark will lead this world to flames.

The others remain quite as the parade ends. The host recognized that small speech since he also read a little of earth's history.

Announcer: Thank you so much performers for your wonderful performance!! And the soldiers of each of the kingdoms to represent who they should protect.

The soldiers salutes and the flag bearers walk towards the flag pole and raise their flags then salutes. And as they finish raising their flags, they marched back to their group and go to the exits.

Announcer: Now the soldiers have left the colosseum and the performers have done their performances from each of their cultures. Now is the time for our final event and our most favorite!! THE COMBAT TOURNAMENT!!!

Everyone cheered hard as the ground shakes reveal to be a round arena for the battle.

Blackjack: *smirks* lets see how our friends are going to prove themselves if they've grown stronger.

General POV, Team Jnpr, Team Rwby, Team Sssn

While the events are happening, they are in the food court eating their meal before the battle begins, and Jaune seems to be eating a lot more than usual.

Pyrrha: Jaune, I think your eating too much again.

Jaune: *looks at Pyrrha while eating* ywou sway smmthmng??

Pyrrha: *sigh* never mind.

Sage: I think Nora is more of that caliber.

They look at Nora who's simply eating a huge pile of pancakes, you know Nora being Nora.

Nora: nom nom nom nom *eating more pancakes* MWORE PANQAKES!!

Yang: oh yeah? What about ours?

They look at Ruby who's eating a pile of cookies.

Ruby: nom nom nom nom... *eating more cookies* MWWRE COOKWWIS!!

Sun: oh! Why not a food eating contest! Winner gets free dinner!

Ruby and Nora glimmers more with star eyes.

Scarlet: I don't think the chef would like that.

Everyone looks at the chef and they can see him giving an angry look saying "don't even think about it kids" and they shivered.

Neptune: I think it's best we should leave before we anger them even more.

There was a moment of silence before the speaker spoke and realize something that hits them like a brick.

Speaker: Team Rwby, Team Jnpr, and Team Sssn, The tournament is about to begin and you are going to be late. If you don't come here by 15 minutes, then your disqualified!!

They all quickly rush to the arena in lightning speed, meanwhile Blackjack was watching them through the shadows and he sweat dropped.

Blackjack: *sweat dropped* [it seems even knowing the future, they still seem to be late and more importantly even team Rwby is late. But should we be surprised?]

Meanwhile Dreya is laughing while the other two sweat dropped and just simply wait for the tournament to begin.

Announcer: hmm it seems that some of the huntsmen are late-

Out came the teams that were late and quickly reach to their respective seats.

Neptune: *panting* we...made it.

Announcer: oh never mind they're here.

Some of the students and audience snickers as they went to find their seats and blushed in embarrassment. Their family sighed at their children/sibling's behavior.

Announcer: Well now that we have everyone here, we are about to start the tournament for the huntsman to battle out against other huntsmen from different academies.

The huntsmen cheered in excitement.

Announcer: As we all know, whoever wins the tournament will get the title as champion of the Vytal festival!!

The hunters again cheered in excitement.

Announcer: But before we start this tournament, let me introduce you to our headmasters of each of the huntsman academies!!

He points to one of the platforms on the colosseum revealing the three head masters of the hunter academies.

Announcer: first we have Theodore from Shade academy!!

As Theodore steps forward and waves the audience, the students from the Shade academy cheered.

Everyone cheered while Theodore finds a seat on the platform.

Announcer: next up we have General Ironwood from the Atlas academy!!

Some cheered while few booed, mainly the Faunus. But Ironwood ignores it and takes his seat.

Kero: [you seem to take my advise well Ironwood.]

Announcer: last and not least we have the headmaster of Beacon academy with his assistant, please I welcome you to Ozpin and professor Glynda Goodwitch!!

They step forward to properly introduce themselves, meanwhile students from beacon academy cheered for their headmaster and professor.

Ozpin: *using the microphone* it is an honor to be here as headmaster of beacon academy and watch as we compete with other huntsmen from different academies. Now I know that we have our differences but with this event we can put these barriers aside and stand side by side with other hunters to fight off against the Grimm and protect the citizens. I hope all of you have your great day as we conclude this event as our 40th anniversary of the end of the Great War.

Everyone cheered as the huntsman leaves their stadium to their respective lockers and prepare for their battles. Ozpin returns to his seat with Glynda and the other headmasters.

Meanwhile with the four watching from the shadows.

The host: things seems to be going well.

Blackjack: for now boy, for now.

The host: if we have to save earth as you planned to, then how are we gonna do that?

Blackjack: lets think about remnant first since this is our main task. For now you'll be helping me to be there for them without causing trouble while on earth.

The host: but what if-

Before he finish his sentence a flock crows appeared behind the group and they all look at it revealing to be Kero. It took a moment before Kero looks at them in confusion by the silence.

Kero: *confuse* what's going on?

Blackjack: nothing much.

Dreya: *rolls eyes* yeah sure.

Blackjack: *looks at Dreya* silence!

Dreya jokingly shuts her mouth causing Kero to be even more confuse.

Kero: .....okay?? I'll ignore that and ask how's your adventure Jack?

Blackjack: A "fun" adventure I'll tell you that.

Kero: cool. *looks at the host* I'd take it you are his host little boy. I can tell by the crown your wearing.

They all look at the boy wearing a black crown with a red glowing eye. Salem sense dark energies coming from the crown.

The host: *smiles* yep I'm the host.

The crown looks at Salem which causes her to flinch in surprise and fear, but quickly calms down by Dreya.

Kero: but that doesn't explain one thing. You look like a kid, how old are you?

Blackjack is sweating a little while the host smiles.

The host: *innocent smile* I'm 15 sir!

Salem widened her eyes in surprise and Dreya chokes on her drink while Kero's eyes can't be seen causing Blackjack to sweat allot.

Kero: .......*looks at Blackjack with an emotionless stare*...

Blackjack: *sweating profusely* uhh. Uuuuhhhhhh.... Surprise? *nervous smile*

Kero grabs him by the neck chocking him and  shaking him.


Blackjack: *being choked* he's 15!! He's a teenager right?! Plus Ruby is 15 too so come on why not have another!!

Kero: Well for starters Ruby entered the academy too early because of Ozpin and two THAT'S WRONG ON SO MANY LEVELS!! Just look at him and tell me his not innocent like Ruby!?

They both stop and look at the young boy and he's right, he looks like an innocent young boy.

The host: thank you mr.! *innocent smile*

The three looks at Blackjack with anger as he began to sweat even more.

Blackjack: *looks at the host* kid your making this situation even worse than it is already!!

Kero: What in the world did you do with him during these four months!?

Blackjack: I told you it's a fun adventure!! Like a trip to an amusement park!

The host: huh??*confuse* but didn't you ask me to go in a strip club on one time??

That got the three even more angry as they release an aura of bloodlust ready to kill him. No one sense it luckily thanks to Kero.

Kero: you what?...

Dreya: is this true?...

Blackjack: *sweating profusely* uuuhh... ehehehehehe... that was for the mission. Hehe... [oh I'm screwed]

As they beat Blackjack into a bloody pulp, the host is watching the sight in satisfaction while eating popcorn. When that's finish, everything calms down and they look at the host and apologize.

Kero: *bows* sorry about Jack here, causing you trouble young one.

The host simply waves it off.

The host: it's alright, if it wasn't for him I would've been dead a long time ago I owe him for that.

Blackjack: *bruised up* HAH see?!

Kero: *sigh* did he cause you trouble?

The host: *smiles* yep!

Kero and Dreya looks at Blackjack with a dead stare while he is fidgeting his fingers and looks away while whistling.

Kero/Dreya: *sigh* you absolute idiot!

Blackjack: hehehehe...

Salem: *sigh* So... *looks at the host* what's your name? You didn't introduce yourself yet.

Markus(oc): *smiles* My name is Markus, Markus Fridly.

Dreya: Fridly? Isn't that the famil-

Blackjack/Markus: yes.

Both answered quickly while Blackjack gives an emotionless stare while Markus shivers a little though no one noticed.

Dreya: then why is he her- *realized* oh ooh...

Blackjack: didn't I already say that when we get here?

Salem: Fridly??

Blackjack: it's a family that you do not like. Trust me you do not want to know.

Salem just nods and moments later, the announcer announce their first team battle for the tournament.

Announcer: alright the arena is set and the contestants are ready, let the team battle tournament to begin!!

Blackjack: *smirks* about time they started.

Dreya: finally we've been waiting forever and that long annoying speech from the announcer is getting on my nerves.

Kero: well I'll be with the professors since we still got plans to do.

Kero transforms into a crow and flies off leaving the remaining four on the platform watching and excited to watch the battle to begin.
Chapter 11 ends...

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