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By ThaliaMornn

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(REWRITING) Everything in her life feels like hell until she meets the one who caused it, a guy who she finds... More



168 11 0
By ThaliaMornn

Are You Mine?

»— ⊷ ☩ ⊶ —«

"Look, I finished my draft!" Seth holding his paper up to my face while I was busy doodling. I faced him, closed my sketch journal, and placed it on my thighs as I grabbed his paper, and he had a long ass one paragraph that I couldn't understand from the way he wrote his words.

"Are you serious? It needs three paragraphs, not a long straight one big paragraph." I said as I slid the draft back to Seth, who snickered behind his fist.

"You're so cute when you're stressed out." Seth commented with a crooked smile.

"I'm not stressed." I said, my voice frustrated.

"You certainly aren't."

"How can I be sooo stressed out that I'm here being a helpful good student for the sake of my new classmate, hm?" A sarcastic grin appeared on my face. I'm literally keeping my cool, this is wonderful because it's not like I'm going to be late for soccer practice. Ugh, it had been nearly a week of assisting Seth with his late essays, but anyway, I think we are nearly finished following up on his missing important school works, so.

"Aw, but— I was just kidding, this is my actual draft, not that one." Seth crumpled the fake one and handed me his other piece of paper.

When I grabbed Seth's paper and began to scrutinize every word, I wasn't aware he moved closer, making his chair squeak on the marble floor, and then wrapped his arm around the back of my chair, all the while watching me and his paper. When his broad chest gently hit my shoulder, I was taken aback by his proximity. I frowned and cast a quick glance over my shoulder, Seth was just smiling and looking at his paper, and when he cast a glance into the distance as he lifted his head slightly, I caught his gaze over someone's presence. I followed where he looked, lowered the paper, and saw Cam from a few feet away, three tall bookcases in front of me and Seth. Cam was standing next to a monitor with his bag pack on his right shoulder, chatting with Luce, and I noticed him smiling and teasing her as I heard a small laugh.

"So! What do you think?" Seth asked loudly, as if he wanted the strict old librarian's attention from the other room.

Cam's smile slightly lessen as a result of Seth's loud voice, which caused him to cast a glance over our place. I wondered what he was thinking seeing Seth and I at the table together. Is it a mutual feeling, as I see him and Luce together right now? Seth took my hand in his and lifted the paper slightly to block my view of Cam. "How's my writing?" Seth asked again, his face an inch away from mine, and he cast another glance over at Cam.

"It's pretty shit." I said with no hesitation and loudly until I get shushed by the old librarian.

Seth arched his brow, rested his temple on his fist, and leaned back, giving me a look, "Whoa, which part?" He averted his gaze, amused by my opinion.

"I meant your writing style and I couldn't understand the other words." I chuckled as I set the paper down.

"My writing is cursive." Seth quipped, offended.

"I know, but why do you write in such a rush?"

"Maybe because I just wanted to spend my time with you, only you." He said with his eyes-lidded as he gazed at me. Oh, he's got to be joking. Then Seth laughed at my exchanged look and added, "I'm just messing with you, (Y/n)."

"You're so full of cringe." I said, despite the fact that I was smiling and snickering, and I picked up the essay again. Seth leaned against the table, chuckling raspily as he looked over my paper and to me back and forth. Seth sighed, his smile fading, an awe sensation replacing his pleasantry, "What shall I do to make you mine?" He asked, sounding sincere but a little desperate by staring into my eyes, my cheeks flushed as I was taken aback by his tease. What the hell? He is so loud and annoying, like, we're literally in the library.

"Oh shut the fuck up, Seth." I sneered as I returned Seth's gaze. Oh, he does love teasing girls around this academy, making everybody laugh and giggle from his flirty jokes.

"I know I'm hilarious." Seth tapped the table and looked away from me to get a look of Cam, who was facing away from our place now.

"Enough," I swatted his arm playfully and handed him the essay after reading it, saying, "This is fine despite the way you write your words,— now, you have one more essay to write."

"Is this for history now?" Seth's eyes narrowed, playing and twisting the blue pen I gave him between his fingers, which he doesn't even use anymore because I saw he used black ink in his draft. Anyway, I don't mind Seth returning it because I don't use blue ink pens that often, but I'm confused as to why he hasn't returned the pen to me. So, I'm hoping Cam bought his own new pen to use instead of this silly blue pen I used to own, which is now in the hands of a new kid at school.

"Yes, Mister George's."

"We forgot the textbook in the room," Seth scratched his temple with the blue pen, pulling his draft closer to his chest. "Do you have yours with you?"

"No, but the library probably has that textbook somewhere." I looked around the room. Seth watched me put my sketch journal down next to my bag on the table before getting up on my feet, his eyes darted from behind my back as I turned around and pushed the chair back to the table. He frowned a bit, "Where are you going?" he rested his temple over his arm that placed over the table, looking up at me.

"I'll go look for it," I said, and when I lifted my gaze, Cam had already left the room, and Luce was now with Penn. I looked over my shoulder, and Seth was still looking at me with pleading eyes, so I added, "Go rewrite that draft to a new paper to pass it on."

"Yes, ma'am." Seth replied as I began walking through the hall of tall bookshelves and into the other room containing history books. my eyes darting left and right as I slid my fingertip into each book and read every title. "Damn it, where is it?" I muttered to myself, and as I moved my finger to the next layer of the shelf, I looked up to the highest top last layer—, saw the book I needed "How did that get up there?"

I tiptoed, raising my hand to reach it until my back began to ache from stretching out my entire weight in force, and how ridiculous of me trying to stretch my arm towards the book more as if it would extend, but I still couldn't grab the book. I glared and dropped my hand and my heel on the floor, I gave my hand a shake to try again, I groaned in frustration as I stretched my hand out again, and yet I failed my attempt. Next, a silly thing I tried was jumping this time to reach it and my fingertips only just touched the textbook. This bookshelf is so tall, it's starting to annoy me, I need a fucking ladder.

I felt someone standing behind me, and I saw his rolled-up black long sleeve in front of my face, the veins on his tattooed arm exposed, and he easily grabbed the book.

I thought it was Seth until I noticed the angel wing tattoo on their arm and smelled the familiar scent of attractive cologne. As I felt his body get closer to mine, I dropped my hand and froze. Oh, I know who is this. I sucked in a little shaky breath before turning my head, stepping backwards, and facing him, staring at those green eyes, which were mesmerizing and left me in awe if I kept staring at them. I couldn't take my eyes off them because they looked so familiar.

Cam smirked faintly before looking down and examining the book, stroking the spine, then flipping the pages as if he was trying to persuade me with this acting-of-reviewing-notes-look he gave me, making me wait impatiently. "I need that book." I said sharply.

Cam's green eyes darted to my grim expression, arched his brow after closing the textbook, "Here you go." he handed it to me, and while I was still staring up at him with grim, he lifted the book in front of me again and glanced at it, as if waiting for me to take it in his hand, which I did— not, because he moved the book away from me, knitted his brows, and asked, "Do you really need it?"

I felt myself groaning from his tease, "Just give me that." I urged, reaching for the book from his grip but he moved to his side and opened the book, examining it again teasingly "You sure you do need this? Or someone else does?" Cam looked up, gazing at me, at my eyes, waiting for an answer, but it seemed like he wanted to hear more than that when his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

I scoffed and tilted my head, clenching my jaw as I averted my gaze, "Just give me the book."

With a small pout and he asked,"Why?" Cam moved closer.

"A classmate needs it." I watched his steps move towards me, making me step back slightly but keeping a stoic expression on my face. I couldn't let Cam see that I was easy to mess with, so I paused, placing my hand on the shelf next to me before Cam could walk past me.

Cam noticed my defense as he shut the book, moved closer and he leaned against the bookshelf next to my hand, he folded his arms, "Who?" he asked, looking down at me, his eyes squinting like he caught me done something either amusing or unimpressive.

"Seth, from the other batch."

"Oh, your new friend."

"He's not a friend. We're not friends."

"But you're to him, and he treats you like one, or even more."

"Oh, you think so?"

"I know. He can't get enough of you." He stated as if it were a fact.

"Well, I don't see him as more than a classmate, and I don't think he does to me either." I remarked, because from all Seth's flirt jokes, he was probably just joking around since he does the same to other girls in this school.

"Good.—" Cam finally handed the book to me, and I grabbed it, puzzled when he didn't let go of my grip, causing me to glare, and I tried to pull it from his strong grip as I took a step back from his closeness, but Cam instead gently pulled me a little closer with the book, but I didn't stumble. Cam leaned his face forward on mine, his eyes locked on mine, tilting his head to the angle as if he was going to kiss me, but he just moved closer to slightly whisper on my ear with his face so close, averted his gaze, "Because it would be awkward if Seth knew about what happened between us."

I scoffed, my brow furrowed. What does he mean by that? When Cam just kept messing with me and my feelings, leaving me befuddled at the end of the day. "Oh really? I didn't know there was something going on between us?" I said, narrowing my eyes as he shifted his gaze back to mine.

"Hm, I meant this.—" Cam's other hand found my waist and drew me closer to himself, making my heart pound from his touch. He leaned in close to my ear, "When I held you like this, while you were sitting on my lap," his whisper numbing the back of my neck as well as my cheeks, "Us being drunk together, and messing around— in that party." he explained, and then a smirk formed on his face as he backed away a little, gazing down at me deeply or sincerely, causing me to look away and act unbothered but deep down, there was something in my gut feeling I was stimulated, and I returned his gaze, mystified, from the way he described what happened at Roland's party made my thoughts exchanged into replaying that hazy-drunk-memory.

Oh, he fucking remembers everything. My cheeks flushed, and I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I wanted to say something back, or even a comeback to his tease, but I couldn't because I was stunned. Cam let go of the book and my waist after, I felt his fingertips sliding on my skin as I wore a thin tank top beneath this shirt jacket. I couldn't tell what he was attempting to make me feel from the way he looked at me intensely as if he owned me, he then smiled amusingly at my expression before straightening his spine, turning around, and walking out. Leaving me befuddled, with my cheeks numb, blushing in shame.

I returned to the table with Seth, still blushing, god I can't believe Cam remembered it, I don't know what to feel or act like around him now, wait, no, I'm not going to let him fool or mess with me like that, he can tease me all the time, but that doesn't mean he's the only one who wants to play that part in this silly game. Oh, I know that you know what you're doing, Cam, and I'll get back to you one of these days. When I lifted my gaze, I noticed Seth staring at my sketch journal and about to reach for it, so I dashed up and thumped the book on the table, startling him slightly, "Found it."

"Oh, nice, thanks." Seth gave a crooked smile,  grabbing the textbook.

"What were you doing?" I asked, my eyes narrowing at his suspicious behavior toward my belongings.

"Nothing," Seth shrugged as he watched me grab my bag and sketch journal. "Are you leaving?"

"I have a soccer practice." I said as I walked out of the library while my thoughts nagging at me, replaying the moment when Cam was holding my waist, us alone between these tall bookshelves.

I opened my journal and flipped through the pages, checking each one before pausing at an illustration of a guy who looked a lot like Cam from that strange dream. I examine those familiar eyes, and I catch a glimpse of Cam's eyes, which were staring at me in the library just a moment ago. Who are you?

Then a loud flash of lightning struck the sky, making my heart thump and diverting my attention away from the clouds, which were going grey and preparing to rain at any moment, and teenagers from the field begin running back to the castle.

Molly walked by and purposefully bumped my arm "Oops." before snatching my journal from my grasp and grinning mischievously "Oh ho ho!" and lifting it above her face, examining the drawing in amusement.


»— ⊷ ☩ ⊶ —«

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