Bella Hale: Peter Hale's Dau...

By AsherGaudreau

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Bella Hale is the 12 year old daughter of Peter Hale. After a devastating fire that killed almost her entire... More

CHAPTER 1: The Beginning
CHAPTER 2: 6 Years Later
CHAPTER 3: Derek's Return
CHAPTER 4: A Week of Normalcy...Not!
Chapter 5: Derek's Arrest
Chapter 6: Stilinski House
CHAPTER 7: Wolfsbane Bullet
CHAPTER 8: The Alpha
Chapter 9: The Alpha Revealed
Chapter 10: Daddy's Home
CHAPTER 11: What If I Wanted the Bite?
CHAPTER 12: Derek is Missing
Chapter 13: The Fight
CHAPTER 14: Transformative
CHAPTER 15: Rescued
CHAPTER 16: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend
CHAPTER 18: Panic Attack
CHAPTER 19: A New Nightmare
CHAPTER 20: Battle at the Sheriff's Station
CHAPTER 21: I Will Not Lose Her!
Chapter 22: Hales Have Records Too
CHAPTER 23: The Final Battle
CHAPTER 24: Another Enemy is Coming
CHAPTER 25: We Need to Talk
CHAPTER 26: A Debt and a Promise
CHAPTER 27: The Promise
CHAPTER 28: Unexpected Help
CHAPTER 29: First Day
CHAPTER 30: The Vault
CHAPTER 31: Deucalion
CHAPTER 32: Deucalion's Spy
CHAPTER 33: Derek's Past
CHAPTER 34: A Supernatural Secret Revealed
CHAPTER 35: A Storm is Brewing
CHAPTER 36: Shifted
CHAPTER 37: Derek Makes a Choice
CHAPTER 38: The Lunar Eclipse
CHAPTER 39: The Run
CHAPTER 40: What Am I?
CHAPTER 41: The Werecoyote
CHAPTER 42: Alpha Roar
CHAPTER 43: Barrow
CHAPTER 44: Take Control
CHAPTER 45: You Will Always be my Number One.
Chapter 46: Chess Game
CHAPTER 47: Another Enemy Defeated
CHAPTER 48: Let's Get Angry!
CHAPTER 49: A Quiet Birthday
CHAPTER 50: A Die Hard Christmas
Chapter 51: The She Wolf
CHAPTER 52: The Mute
CHAPTER 53: Clairvoyance
CHAPTER 54: The Sun, The Moon, The Truth
CHAPTER 55: 2 Million
CHAPTER 56: Unlikely Family Reunion
CHAPTER 57: Determined
Chapter 58: The Benefactor
CHAPTER 59: The Drive to Kill
CHAPTER 60: Shadows and Demons
CHAPTER 61: Showdown at La Iglesia
Chapter 64: Reunion in Lockup
CHAPTER 65: Not Easy to Convince
Chapter 66: Leaving
CHAPTER 67: The Dread Doctors
CHAPTER 68: Malia's Search
CHAPTER 69: Malia Finds the Desert Wolf
CHAPTER 70: Mother vs Daughters
CHAPTER 71: The Train Station from Hell
CHAPTER 72: Reconciled
CHAPTER 73: Peter Goes Through the Portal
CHAPTER 74: Contact
CHAPTER 75: Peter Tries to Help Malia
CHAPTER 76: Finding the Rift
Chapter 77: They're Back
Chapter 78: Emotional Connection
Chapter 79: The Hunt is Over
CHAPTER 80: Leaving Beacon Hills Behind
CHAPTER 81: Pack Negotiations
CHAPTER 82: The True Alpha Comes Calling
CHAPTER 83: Malia Shows Peter Her Memories
CHAPTER 84: Broken Glass
CHAPTER 85: Jackson Reunited
Chapter 86: Wolves of War
CHAPTER: 87: The Father's Flashback: Bella's Birth
CHAPTER 88: A Father's Flashback: The First Year
CHAPTER 89: A Father's Flashback: Calm Before The Storm
CHAPTER 90: Scared
CHAPTER 91: The Truth
CHAPTER 92: Scorched Earth
CHAPTER 94: Looking Over the Edge
CHAPTER 95: Golden
CHAPTER 96: Illuminate
CHAPTER 97: A Chat Among Cousins
CHAPTER 98: Revelation
CHAPTER 99: A Choice
CHAPTER 100: The End

Chapter 63: Dr. Fenris Meets with Peter.

343 7 0
By AsherGaudreau

Two weeks had passed since Fenris' meeting with Deaton. Bella's behavior had changed dramatically. Fenris tried to convince Bella to stop drawing on the walls in her blood and to use a sketchpad and crayons. It worked but not for long. Bella continued to use the blood of her fingertips as ink and drew in blood in the book, tossing aside the crayons. Almost as if writing and drawing in blood satisfied her.

Eventually, Bella started rambling, talking about what Fenris thought was nonsense when she was just reciting lines from an entire film from memory. Bella repeatedly recited the lines used in the Harry Potter films as if it had comforted her. She's also started signing to herself. Fenris tried to ask Bella why she was quoting those films and singing.

"Is Harry Potter your favorite movie?" He would ask but Bella said nothing back and kept repeating the words from the movies and songs.

Bella still woke up at night, screaming bloody murder from the nightmares she suffered. She would wake up, screaming for her father. Nothing he did helped the girl.

Fenris didn't like it but he eventually gave in and started to make the arrangements for Peter to be transferred to the same cell his daughter was in. But first, he needed to have a talk with Peter.

Peter doesn't look like Peter. That's Fenris' first thought when he sees the werewolf in his office.

He looks like a ghost of Peter Hale. There are dark circles under the wolf's hazy eyes. The usual brilliant blue is now dull. He is swaying and probably only walks straight because of the guard's hand in his back.

"Leave us." Fenris told the guard.

The guard eyes Fenris with annoyance. Fenris just glares back and sits more upright.

Peter slumps onto the chair opposite Fenris and up close his skin looks clammy.

Peter raises his head, blinking at Fenris

"Peter. How are you doing?"

Peter barks a short laugh that makes the guard who went to stand at the door shift his weight. "Oh, I am just peachy. I absolutely love being high all the time and having no idea if it's day or night. Also the service is fantastic. 10 from 10 stars. If you like the occasional electric shock or stupid dog-joke that is."

Fenris smiles weakly although he doesn't feel like it. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

Peter puts his cuffed hands on the table separating them and Fenris' gaze falls on the black lines spreading out from the metal where it managed to cut into the skin too deep.

"What do you want from me?" Peter asks him and sneers.

Fenris raises his chin. "I'm puzzled, Peter. I don't like being puzzled"

Peter arches his brow. "Puzzled," he echoes.

"What do you remember when you first arrived here?"  Fenris asked

Peter first looks surprised, then he scowls. "Other than being doped up on wolfsbane? I remember being put into my cell with Valack. You know the rest."

"You don't remember anyone else joining you when you arrived?" Fenris arches his brow. "Not even your own daughter?"

"What are you talking about?"

Fenris said nothing.

Peter leans forward on his chair, a sudden spark of wild rage in his glazed eyes. "You mean to tell me that my daughter is locked up in here?!"

Fenris nods

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Peter yelled

"Nothing." Fenrius simply said "Nothing that she didn't do herself. Your daughter? She was placed here to serve a time for punishment for aiding you for your crimes."

"She did no such thing!" Peter argued as Fenris continued

"What was supposed to be a short time was extended by months. She became a danger to herself, forcing me to keep her still for the time being."

"Where is she?!" Peter demanded

"Safe for now. In her own cell. But first, you need to let me explain the situation."

"The hell you do. My thirteen year old daughter is locked up like a criminal for something she didn't do!"

"No." Said Fenris "She's simply just devoted to you."

"What?" Peter asks quietly.  Peter's breath hitches. He doesn't understand ...

Fenris noticed and explained everything to Peter regarding his daughter's captivity in the time they've both been here.

Peter is at loss for words. He was angry, scared, heartbroken. His own child. In a cell, slowly losing her mind. She refused to care for herself, which put a stop to her leaving Eichen House and moving on with her life. His own little girl, harming herself. For what reason? Peter couldn't believe it when Fenris told him that she's attempted suicide. Seriously harming herself.  But Bella couldn't do that. She wouldn't. It was a cry for attention. It had to be.

"It was a plea to try to get to you, Peter." Fenris told him. "All she wants is her father. Nothing more."

Fenris was right. Bella was truly devoted to Peter. Where he was, so was she. Bella doesn't deserve to be here, suffering.

"What do you want me to do?" Peter asked.

The question stunned Fenris "I want you to help her. You and I both know that she doesn't deserve to be here. I know you would do anything for the child."

Peter looked up at the doctor in surprise.

"You are going to convince Bella to leave Eichen. Leave you behind."

"She won't do that." Peter said

"I know. Which is why I need you to tell her that. No matter what you say or do. I've made arrangements for the two of you to be cellmates for the time being just for this reason. But only for you to break her. Break her free of her devotion to you."

This isn't right. It never was, it never will be. Bella went through a strong amount of trauma. It all piled up in his mind. Where is it all supposed to go? Bella should be in proper treatment, not rotting in a cell in Eichen House. Alone with everything inside her head. Abandoned again. It isn't right.

Peter bites his lips in frustration.

"You want me to tell my own child to just forget about me?" Peter asked, voiced raised.

"You are in charge here, Peter. What you say to her is up to you. Let's start with placing you in the same room as her and go from there. You'll soon find out that you'd come to agree with me."

Peter isn't thrilled but he also knows that he had no choice. And what he could do could very well break his daughter's heart.

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