By PhantomiaTheHated

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This book isn't mine. I'm just reuploading it. The original got deleted with the account 'PHANTOMMEMBRANES' P... More

03. | LETTER
05. | DESIRE
09. | A NEW LENS
10. | REST
11. | LIKE YOU


246 5 1
By PhantomiaTheHated

"Nice choker," Nick said.

"Oh—thanks," Clay blushed, running his thumb between his collar and his neck.

It was definitely tight.

Clay really did like the way it looked though: black leather with a gold buckle like a traditional dog collar. On its front hanging from a jump ring was a gold, circular tag with a rose engraved on it, the hilt of a sword protruding from the center of the petals. On the back of the tag were the words "If found, return to Blood God" and an engraving of a minimalistic crown above them.

More importantly, it had a little remote that went with it, which Dave told Clay to keep on him if he was wearing the collar—just in case. There was a switch and two buttons on it; the switch basically controlled whether magic could be connected to it or not, meaning when 'off,' even Dave couldn't use it to do anything to Clay. The buttons simply caused the little remote to make a beep for about a second, acting as their safeword if Dave had Clay gagged or he couldn't speak for any other reason. Push the button with one line for a higher pitch that meant crest, and the button with two lines for a slightly lower pitch that meant arrow.

Clay simply kept the small thing in his pocket as it was quite small and didn't draw much attention. It even had a keychain ring on it, so he could put a finger through to hold on better.

Knowing what the collar was really for, and what it could do, Clay felt his cheeks grow even warmer the more he thought about it. Of course Nick would bring it up, though he was only trying to be nice.

"Maybe we can find you more in one of these stores," George said, "They suit you pretty well, to be honest."

Clay chuckled as they walked past groups of people who didn't realize they were in the same space as alleged celebrities. There was a new mall constructed back in the city Clay had previously lived in; it wasn't exactly a mall though, more like a super center for all kinds of things. Small exhibits, magic displays, little stages for small artists to perform music, live painting, plus all the stores and shops. It seemed like its intended purpose was bringing people together rather than taking their money. It was a beautiful place and absolutely massive—so big that it had portals connecting ends of the mall back to each other to spare shoppers their legs.

It was actually quite interesting just how much variety there was to the place; there were even some little stalls for small activities that were completely free of charge, like the little psychic reading tent they were just coming upon.

"Hey, that actually looks cool," George said.

"Hm? Oh, the psychic lady over there?" Nick clarified.

"Yeah, you guys wanna get our energies read or whatever it is?" George laughed.

Clay was interested by it, "It sounds somewhat intriguing—it's free though, sure it's not just gonna be like... more of a theatrical thing for the aesthetic of it?"

The trio walked closer and read the sign that was outside of the tent, which actually had a warning on it explaining that those sensitive to time manipulation probably shouldn't enter. Apparently the woman running this particular kiosk used magic to distort the way time passed while inside the actual tent, meaning longer readings would take no time at all to the outer world, allowing for more customers and less waiting time.

Clay took back his previous statement upon reading the text, "Actually, if they're using magic like this, then they've gotta be legit."

The closed, purple curtains suddenly peeled back and a young girl walked out, thanking the woman sitting on the other side of a table inside the space; it was much bigger on the inside, decorated with books, crystals, dim lights, and animal skeletons.

"George should go first to test it," Clay laughed, "It was his idea."

"Oh, fine," George rolled his eyes, stepping in.

His reading was quite average and Clay and Nick weren't waiting long at all. The woman told him that while George's last "love" was unrequited, it was very temporary and she could sense that his heart was very open to new experiences and new people. Evidently, George's soul radiated a sensitive but positive energy, packed with hope and patience; she told him his career was only going to continue to grow larger thanks to those qualities.

Next was Nick, who was told that he had a wild heart that yearned for constant adventure and new joys but needed something consistent in his life to keep him grounded. Her advice was to not let himself drift too far away from familiar things while exploring new and interesting opportunities that found him.

And now—Clay's turn.

Clay stepped through the tent, the curtains sweeping closed behind him, leaving things quite dark. He sat in the chair that was there across from the woman running this little stand. Putting her elbows onto the table, she held her hands out to Clay.

"I'll need to hold your hands to read you."

Clay put his hands into hers, watching as she closed her eyes and let her head fall slightly, hair obscuring most of her face now.

He could hear the woman softly breathe out as she squeezed his hands a little, concentrating. There was a tiny gasp as she made a connection, now able to read the man before her.

"You're a very busy and ambitious worker, that's evident from the minute I connect with you. There are... a lot of emotions stirring inside you, they're quite intense. Most of them seem to center around a specific man. You've been waiting for an admission from him and your hopes seemed to have wavered in the past, but you're content in this moment. You both are... very closely entwined, spiritually. Fate has brought you together. Your souls are so close, I may... I may be able to read him through you, if you would like."

"Really? Please," Clay accepted the offer quickly.

Silence fell between them as the woman kept her head down.

"This man you love—his soul has existed for longer than the number of years he's actually lived. Do you know anything about this?"

"Ah, no..." Clay said softly.

"I understand. His emotions and aura are all very messy, not very organized like yours. He's difficult to get a proper read on..." she stayed quiet for a minute before speaking again, "There is certainly a very deep love stirring inside him but it was troublesome to find—it's overshadowed by an immense feeling of guilt. I'm not sure what the guilt is for, everything is quite... cloudy. If I—"

The woman suddenly let go of Clay's hands and recoiled with a sharp breath, eyes wide. Clay just sat there, confused and unsure of what just happened or what to do.

She quickly scooted her chair forward again, rolling Clay's sleeve down to reveal a quickly fading but bright pink pig insignia on Clay's wrist. It was in view for merely a second before it disappeared, fading away to clean skin.

"It appears my connection was forcibly severed. I assume it must've been him—you recognize the symbol, yes?"

"Yeah, that was his."

"I suppose he's not fond of others peeking into his inner workings like that... It's understandable, though. I didn't expect him to have a link to you like that, or be able to use magic. Normally I'd be able to sense it, so your lover must be incredibly skilled.

"I can do another reading on just you, if you'd like."

"I think I'm okay. I heard some... interesting things that I'll definitely keep in mind. Thank you."

Clay smiled slightly, genuinely thankful for even a bit of insight into things. The woman nodded and the curtains behind Clay sprung apart, light seeping into his pupils once more.

George and Nick peered at him with eager eyes, excited to hear about Clay's experience.

"What'd she say?" Nick asked first.

"Just some stuff about me and Dave, I'd rather keep it private since it's pretty personal and he's not exactly here to agree to telling you about it."

"Oh, that's fine. It was cool at least though, right?" George asked.

"Yeah, it was," Clay laughed.

"Let's see if we can find a store that sells some chokers for you," Nick smiled as he put an arm over Clay's shoulder, hugging him for a short moment.

Clay stifled a laugh at the height difference and the three continued walking.

"Pretty good way to start things off before we're stuck in that stupid studio in front of a bunch of cameras for, like, a week straight, right?" Nick laughed.

Clay and George spoke at the same time, "Definitely."


For the first time in a while, Dave was feeling truly lonely again. With Clay having been away so much more recently between the last championship, filming his show, working on Tommy's archery, and balancing a relationship with his other friends, Dave was feeling just a tiny bit dejected. He'd become used to frequent hugs and cuddle sessions and generally just always having someone beside him. Obviously, they'd spent time apart before, but not quite like this. Clay had been so busy there wasn't much time for the same affection, and if there was, he was so exhausted he'd rather sleep. Dave wasn't upset at Clay, everybody had things to do, he just wished there were more hours in a day to make the most out of. Not to mention that it all was clearly taking a toll on the blonde himself; Dave could feel the tension in his muscles and sense the stress that radiated from him.

He didn't quite expect Clay to totally break down today when he came home late after hours upon hours of filming.

Clay buried his face into Dave's chest as soon as he saw him, which was immediately since the pig had been waiting. His relieved sigh morphed into a quiet sob, finally letting out physically how overwhelmed he'd been feeling.

"Clay, baby, it's alright," Dave soothed, "You're home. You can relax now; we'll do whatever you want."

The kind of comfort Clay felt at the sound of Dave's voice as he hugged him simply couldn't be put into words. Dave rubbed his back up and down, saying nothing and letting Clay cry it all out in peace. Even though Dave felt awful for him, it was at least nice to know that Clay was comfortable confiding in him like this.

"Sorry," Clay mumbled, wiping his nose as he pulled back, "It's just been so fucking crazy recently—everything has been so busy, I feel so drained and overworked and... I just want a God damn break but I have responsibilities and people count on me-" he spoke quickly and some of his words slurred together.

"Honey, look at me."

Clay felt Dave gently tilt his head up by his chin. The tall brute's eyes were like caramel, not an ounce of harshness to them. He spoke just as tenderly.

"Go upstairs, wash up a little, change into something comfortable. I'll be down here waitin' for you and as soon as you're ready I wanna hear all about the week you've had—what was stressful, what made you happy, anything you're proud of. Just unload and relax and don't worry about anything else. Okay?"

"Okay," Clay whispered.

As his beloved went upstairs, Dave opened up the nearest door, taking a shortcut to the kitchen. He'd bought more cinnamon swirls while Clay was gone, and thought now was probably a good time to bring them out. All the servants steered clear out of his way as Dave quickly put together a tray of the cinnamon rolls and a small cup of chocolate to dip them in, putting a kettle on the stove to boil water as he readied bags of hazelnut black tea leaves. It was Clay's favorite tea; Dave could vividly remember him saying it reminded him of a cozy, winter holiday.

After speedily preparing everything, he carried the tray out with him back to the stairs. Dave had finished just in time, getting there right as Clay got to the top of the stairs. He walked a little faster now, trotting to the bottom with a small, cute smile the whole time. The ends of his hair in the front were wet from washing his face.

Even now, Clay kept the new collar on.

"So, where do you wanna go?"

"I... I want to sit in the library."

"Lead the way," Dave smiled.

The blonde fumbled himself into Dave's lap after the pig sat down, picking up the cup of tea first. Dave gently draped his arms around the other's waist and kept him close, kissing his head.

"I don't know where to start..." Clay murmured, "I guess at the literal start, time-wise. I really like teaching Tommy archery, actually. It's fun and I think it's helping us get a little closer and understand each other better. He's warming up to me and I'm glad I can help him; he's a good kid."

"You two have been spendin' a lot more time together now," Dave chuckled, "You said he still had some work to do though, right?"

"Definitely. He seems like a natural with a sword but not so much ranged stuff. That's alright though—with enough practice he can be really good."

Dave hummed, urging Clay to continue.

"That was a good way to start off, especially after the last championship, but I was so exhausted, physically and mentally, and yet I couldn't say no to Nick and George when they asked about going out together. I don't know why I didn't just tell them I was too tired, it's not like they'd be mad. Like, I had fun, but then to have days of scenes to film after that when I was already doing a whole bunch before? It just feels like there's so little time and I'm so scared of mismanaging it. I have friends other than them that I've been meaning to hang out with again but I can't—my thoughts are too loud and everyone else isn't helping by creating so many distractions. And I don't want to neglect you while trying to keep everything else together..."

"Clay, you're not neglectin' me," Dave said softly, "I promise. I know you have other people you care about, you're allowed to divide your attention between multiple things and multiple people. You should take your own advice and have some more time for yourself."

Clay smiled sheepishly, biting into a cinnamon roll; he was so glad Dave got them, "Yeah, I know I always hound you to take breaks and then I turn around and do this... I've always been an overachiever, it's stupid."

"It's not stupid, lots of people are like that—I'm like that. I know that desire for constant improvement and growth, wantin' to accomplish so much in so little time. But not all growth is so easily measurable. Anyone can keep chasin' after bein' the best but that's only a temporary title. I want you to just keep doin' your best—I want to see you happy."

Clay could feel the pure joy in his chest as Dave uttered those last six words.

"Well, you make me happy, so I guess you're getting your wish," Clay laughed quietly, "And you're one to talk about someone's best, Mr. Perfectionist. Both of us need to stop pushing ourselves so hard."

"I'm already on a break and we're always talkin' about me. It's time we worry about you now."

Clay hummed almost silently, relaxing even more into Dave; he practically used the man as a bed half the time.

"I..." Clay began softly, "I guess I just like worrying about others more. It allows me to ignore my own problems and feel okay... Helping others makes me happy too. But that isn't exactly a solution to anything. I've always been really ambitious so I give myself lots of things to do and big goals that require a lot of effort and attention. Combine that with this now and I can't turn my head fast enough to keep up with it all."

"How long until you completely finish shootin' this season?"

"Four more months is what they're saying right now. I've already gotten through two out of the six."

Dave tightened his arms around Clay's waist and tucked his nose into the other's neck, mumbling against it, "Can you hang in until then?"

"Yeah, I can. I get a four day break starting tomorrow, actually," Clay smiled, "Everything they're filming these next four days doesn't involve me."

"Glad they actually give you some time to breathe," Dave murmured.



"Since I have a little break..." Clay trailed off as he turned around, straddling Dave on the large loveseat they were on, "I'll have some extra time to recover..."

"You're gonna regret wastin' your weekend layin' in bed with sore legs," Dave said with a sly grin.

Clay's arms slinked around Dave's neck, "That's why I waited for a decent amount of time off. You can leave me hurting but I'll embrace the pain like always."

"You just like bein' taken care of afterward."

"And you like taking advantage of me, so hurry up and do it while I'm giving you the perfect opportunity to ruin me."

Clay tilted his chin up and roughly pushed his lips against Dave's, licking the other's bottom lip. Dave could taste the cinnamon and leftover sugary icing on Clay's tongue and teeth, sweeping his mouth for more. Clay moaned, letting the other do as he pleased.

"You're a spoiled brat," Dave panted as they broke apart, "but I'm glad I get to be the one who spoils you," he finished.

Clay yelped quietly as Dave slammed him back against the cushions, the metal on his collar jingling against itself. Dave swiftly picked up their kiss where it last left off. Clay's eager hands quickly found their way under the hem of Dave's shirt and crawled up his chest, practically having a mental map of his muscles by this point, even knowing each scar.

Little moans leaked out from the corners of Dave's lips throughout their heated make out session, glad to be close like this to Clay again.

"Your body has felt so rigid lately, maybe now we can finally fix that," Dave murmured as he slipped out of his shirt, followed by Clay.

Dave admired the blonde's waist, with beautiful, voluptuous curves but still maintaining a sharp, masculine appearance. Based on Clay's silky smooth skin, you'd never have thought that almost every inch of his torso had been cut open and bleeding at one point or another; not a single trace of the past had been left behind.

Clay blushed, realizing Dave's eyes were scanning his hips.

"I just don't understand," Dave mumbled, running his hands over Clay's stomach and sides, "how you and your body can be so perfect."

Clay thought his brain might just turn to mush; Dave said that Clay and his body were perfect—his being, not just his body. That alone was a lot, and to top off the compliment, Dave gingerly kissed along Clay's abs, leaving small hickeys behind. The shorter man sighed happily, his head falling back onto the plush arm of the loveseat. The pig slowly tugged the hem of Clay's sweatpants down, revealing more and more skin to kiss and nibble on. Dave pulled Clay's sweatpants down and off, leaving his underwear alone for the moment.

A crash of thunder rolled through, distant and muffled. Oddly enough, being in such an interior room with no windows, the softened rumbles set the mood rather nicely.

"Hold on just a second," Dave whispered, kissing Clay's temple before getting up and walking through the library door to their bedroom.

He kept his trip quick, returning to Clay with a thick blanket and a black box, one of many that Dave kept around to store toys inside to keep them clean and organized. He set it all aside and climbed back over Clay, sliding his underwear off and flipping him over. Clay immediately got on all fours for Dave as the pig kicked his pants off. The pig took the first item out of its box: handcuffs. They clicked into place as he put them over Clay's wrists, who laid his arms over the arm of the loveseat and let his wrists dangle off the edge. Clay blushed, feeling Dave's body against his as the cold metal touched his skin. His gold bracelet contrasted the silver handcuffs.

Dave grabbed Clay's pants off the floor and put the remote to his collar in the blonde's hands. Clay stared at it, flustered, as Dave brought out lube and spread some onto his fingers. Surprisingly, Clay didn't feel it go into him, but on. Dave quickly coated Clay's most upper, inner thighs with the lubricant, wiping his hands promptly afterward.

Without a word, Dave pushed Clay's knees together and grabbed his hips, sliding his cock against Clay's between his thighs.

Clay gasped, 'Oh my God—oh my fucking God, he's fucking my thighs-!' he thought.

Dave moaned quietly, leaning down and kissing the back of Clay's neck. He shivered and gave out a quiet whine, dropping his head low to his arms. Dave was good, far too good, at scissoring their cocks together like this. Clay hadn't anticipated pleasure to also be coming from his thighs as well, but it was—he supposed it must've been an erogenous zone for him. Clay mewled quietly, arching his back as more thunder danced through the space.

Dave snuck a hand down and groped Clay's balls, sticking his thumb into Clay's perineum and applying a bit of pressure there as he swiped the knuckle of his thumb back and forth. Clay panted, cock pulsating with pleasure and excitement at all the stimuli.

"Dave," Clay whimpered, flipping the switch on the little remote to the on position, "please... shock me," he whispered.

"I'm sorry, darlin', I couldn't hear you," Dave said quietly against Clay's ear.

"P-Please shock me," Clay said a little louder.

"I know you can speak clearer than that, use your words like the grown man you are, Smiley. How else can I give you everything you want?"

The muscles in Clay's back and stomach tightened as Dave put a gentle hand around both their dicks, jacking them off now as well.

"God, just let me see how it feels!" Clay begged in frustration.

He was met with a strange sensation coursing through his body, an odd mix of pleasure and pain, seemingly bouncing back between the two in a feedback loop. It stemmed from his neck and reached all the way through every muscle to his tendons and bones, his flesh and blood, his skin. The sensation was tingly and warm; it was hottest and most intense in his spine just below the nape of his neck, and almost vibrated in his chest. A slew of Clay's ardent moans and excited whimpers filled the air, leaving Dave satisfied with how the collar worked. It didn't quite shock per say, as there was no real electricity, but Dave could conjure his magic through both Clay and the collar to evoke a number of different feelings in his body.

Clay could still feel it and the hot spot began slowly drifting down his spine, moans growing louder and louder as it reached his tailbone. Dave was already a groaning mess himself, sweaty and blushing at what they were doing. Dave rubbed his hands over Clay's ass, playing with it some as he let the magic fade out, stopping the "shock."

Clay panted, rocking his hips back and grinding the shaft of his cock against the tip of Dave's. Dave silently sighed in pleasure, rubbing them both up and down faster now. Nearly silent mewls came out between Clay's pants, never having heard Dave moan the way he was now. Even the way Dave was holding him and touching him was very different. The pig knew that at this rate, he'd climax far too quickly for things to be that fun on Clay's end, and pulled his cock out completely from between Clay's thighs. The blonde whined a little at the lack of friction now but didn't make too much of a fuss over it.

Taking a cock ring out of the box next, Dave lubed it up well and very carefully slid it down Clay's dick. Usually he wouldn't risk it, as Clay wasn't exactly fully hard yet still but was pretty close, but considering the ring was silicone and Dave had plenty of experience with it, he felt confident that he wouldn't hurt the other. Clay probably would enjoy the pain regardless but that wasn't the issue. Either way, Dave slid the ring on without issue and got it into place.

Clay's body shook with anticipation as he felt Dave's fingers smearing lube around and inside his asshole, going through their typical routine. He still preferred when Dave used his spit—it was so much warmer and nicer. Clay didn't complain though, happy to just be doing this at all. He knew he probably looked drunk, wiping a bit of spit from his lip that drooled out while he was busy moaning away. Clay whined softly as Dave put his hands around Clay's hips again, thumbs pressed into the dimples of the blonde's back.

"Sh-shock me again when you start," Clay said.

Clay could out let out a cry of ecstasy next as Dave's girth slid into his asshole, warmth spreading from his neck to the rest of his body again as the tingles from before ran rampant through his nerves. When he asked for a shock collar, he hadn't quite anticipated this, but it was so much better.

"Dave," Clay gasped, "Mm~ha!"

Dave's fingers toyed with the tip of Clay's cock as he stretched him out a little more with each thrust, beyond glad that he could feel Clay's tight walls around him again. As Dave pounded into the smaller man, long groans and tiny pants from both of them crowding their hearing, he decided to up the ante and make the current "shock" to Clay much more intense. Clay wailed, arching his back as he felt himself grow much hotter and the tingles turned somewhat needle-like, almost as if all his muscles had fallen asleep at once, but were still tightening in response to everything.

As he curled his toes and latched his fingers onto the arm of the loveseat, Clay knew he could get even more of the same euphoria if he did what he did best; suck up to Dave, his Blood God.

"You r-really are," Clay panted, "a God~!"

"Don't think I don't realize what you're doin'," the tone of Dave's small laugh afterward was deep.

Dave raised one hand off of Clay, a shiny, candy-pink knife appearing in his hand, looking similar in texture to the umbrella from before.

"You just want me to fulfill your fantasies, tryin' to be coy about it like some masochist puppy beggin' for treats," Dave panted, more thunder rolling through over the wall of noise that was their moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin.

"Be direct with me like you were before."

Clay groaned as Dave slowed his thrusts but made them more forceful, roughly sliding back and forth against Clay's prostate. A shiver ran down the blonde's spine, the familiar feeling of a sharp edge barely skating down his back; it wasn't cold though.

"You always," Clay gulped, the handcuffs clanging together and against his bracelet as his body bounced from Dave's movement, "manage to break me down and make me beg."

"It's a natural talent of yours, so put it to use," Dave purred by his ear.

"Ha~ Please cut me, God," Clay pleaded in a whisper.

Dave smiled impishly, sinking the blade into Clay's skin as he ran it down his spine, just barely slicing open the delicate layer. Clay's legs trembled with overwhelming pleasure as he put his head completely down onto the arm of the couch, ass held up high and proud in the air.

"You're even layin' here like a dog," Dave teased, putting a hand on the back of Clay's neck and sneaking two fingers between his skin and his collar to keep his head down.

Steering the man's body to drive his cock deeper into him, Dave made a couple of slits on Clay's lower back, watching the blood run down, and down, farther and farther back towards Clay's neck from his posture.

"I-I wanna be good for you," Clay managed to moan out.

"You do now?"

"Yes sir."

Dave suddenly pulled his hand back, shiny pink chains manifesting in his grip, attached to the collar that Clay had on. The blonde yelped as his head was pulled back and his spine was forced into a peculiar arch as his body went from laying to being up on his knees against Dave, who held him up by the chains to his neck for balance. Clay bit his bottom lip, Dave's cock feeling even larger in this specific position. Dave held the knife against Clay's neck, at the skin just below the level his collar sat.

"Be a good boy and bark for me then."

"W-Wah-?" Clay spluttered, blushing furiously.

"You heard me," Dave mumbled, biting onto the area between Clay's neck and shoulder and kissing and licking at the small bit of blood leaking out of the tiny punctures from his teeth.

Dave pushed the razor sharp, glassy pink blade into Clay's fragile skin, just barely cutting the very top layer a few times, the neat and tidy lines stacked on top of one another. Dave's hands were very stable, and made seemingly perfect cuts as he pleased.

Clay grunted as his warm blood seeped out of the wounds, quickly lapped up by an even warmer, wet tongue, courtesy of Dave.

"W... Woof?" he whispered.

Clay clenched his teeth as Dave pulled on the chains even more, forcing their bodies closer as he rammed his cock up into Clay, letting himself go completely. Clay kept his cuffed hands up to his chest, trying to keep his center of gravity closer to his body so he wouldn't lurch forward and accidentally choke himself with his own collar—he'd rather those sorts of things be on purpose, really, and now was not the time with all the other stimuli.

Knowing Dave probably expected more out of Clay—a less timid bark—he swallowed his pride and gasped for a bit of extra breath, rolling his head to one side to offer up more space for Dave to leave hickeys and bites all over.

"Woof!" he groaned louder, "Woof, woof!" his face was burning with embarrassment but he knew Dave would give him the time of his life for it.

Dave always destroyed Clay in every best possible way.

"Wahh ah~!" Clay moaned as Dave put his hands around his dick, jacking him off quickly while he fucked him, forgetting the chain and letting Clay fall back to his original position with his arms and face over the arm of the loveseat.

His wails of pleasure only grew louder as he felt pins that were much more akin to quick shocks stab through his neck and upper chest, more painful than the tingles he'd felt before but just as nice. Like Clay said, he would embrace the pain like always. Clay definitely didn't like being injured normally but, somehow, if Dave was the cause, it felt good. Clay's legs already felt like Jell-O; he knew he wasn't gonna be walking much tomorrow if at all. The stress of this position on his muscles and especially his back was going to be Hell to pay but right now it didn't matter.

In this moment, it felt like Heaven. Dave, as devilish as he was made out to be, always felt like a slice of paradise. Even if Clay's body felt sore and stiff later, his mind would be free of the stress that had been eating away at his thoughts and his heart until this point.

Clay could feel sweat dripping down his face and chest as Dave's heavy panting flooded into his ears from behind him, along with the wet slapping of their skin crashing against one another's. More pins of shocks trailed down his spine, making Clay arch his back and scream in ecstasy.

"God! Fuck~!"

He clutched his little remote tight in his hands, careful not to push on the switch or buttons accidentally—that was the very last thing Clay wanted.

Dave's forceful thrusts were deep and brutal, sparing absolutely nothing and pushing Clay's body to its absolute limit, stretching him out as far as he could go as Dave rolled his cock around inside Clay, shoving the tip against his prostate and constantly rubbing all over it, giving it non-stop attention. By this point Clay had just reached his climax, his body unable to resist anymore. His legs had been trembling and shaking for a while now, sweat pouring down his skin and his heart racing faster than his thoughts. His cum spread over Dave's hand, which caught everything, thankfully. The pig eagerly licked it up off his fingers, a great multitasker.

"Dave, God, Dave~!"

"No need to wear all my names out when you could just pick one," Dave taunted between breaths.

Clay bucked his hips back, a loud groan escaping Dave's throat. The boar leaned over slightly, pushing one hand onto Clay's upper back to keep it down.

Oo"Shock me again," Clay moaned, still not having had enough.

"I'm sorry baby.," Dave panted, lines of pink crossing over his vision, "I can't focus enough, I'm not used to," he gasped, "usin' magic like this—I need more practice."

Clay whined but was understanding, While a normal shock collar wouldn't have this sort of limit, this allowed for far more sensations than just being shocke d, and Dave seemed very good at making it concentrate in all the right areas. You just can't beat magic, he supposed.

Clay squeaked as Dave's cock grew a little bigger, throbbing desperately. Considering Dave also just said he couldn't focus, Clay knew exactly what it meant, immnediately crying out a very important request as another muffled roar of thunder tried speaking over him.

"P-Please cum inside me! God, I need it! I need you to make me a mess! I need it s-so ba-ad~!"

"So you're a cumslut now too?" Dave asked grufly, hands rubbing down Clay's back which was stained with dry blood.

"Mmhf- Y-Yes."

"And who do you belong to?" Dave demanded.

"You! O-Only you, forever! I'm—I-I'm the Blood God's little cumslut!"

"Just how badly does my little cumslut need this?" Dave asked, close to Clay's ear.

Clay shivered at the feeling Dave's warm breath caressing his face as his ass was still being brutalized.

"More than I need air," Clay breathed.

Dramatic? Yes. Fitting in this sick yet sultry moment? Absolutely.

"I guess there's no other option then, is there?" Dave said coyly, playing along.

Clay only panted and groaned as Dave's cock grew to its largest and he finally hit his climax with an intense and fervid groan. Clay squealed in delight at the familiar feeling of the warm, sticky slick filling him up. Dave bit his bottom lip, panting and stabilizing himself with his hands down on the cushions on either side of Clay, dropping his head low as he gasped for breath and his ears angled down. The pinkette sat there, an open-mouthed mess of pleasure and pure fulfillment as he let everything else go—his composure, every other feeling, every over thought. Everything was just about his beloved partner, euphoria filling the void that his lack of thoughts left.

Dave's long, soft hair tickled Clay's back, barely grazing over the little cuts that decorated his peachy skin. Ever since Clay's confession, Dave's cock would swell large enough to not let any cum leak back out, and did so every time now without fail, Clay whimpered, letting his exhausted body fall slightly. Dave, still breathing hard, moved one of the small pillows there bene ath Clay's stomach. Reaching into the little black box of adult treasures again, Dave brought out a butt plug.

"You want to keep it all in, right?"

"Yeah," Clay sighed, knowing it'd be less ofa hassle to just take it out later over the tub rather than try and worry about getting cum all over the fabric beneath them.

Red faced, tired, but high on life, Dave took the butt plug out of its little cloth bag and slowly inched his cock out of Clay. Just as the tip started to show, Dave swiftly pulled out the rest of the way and inserted the plug in a quick motion, Clay grunted quietly as the lube was mostly dried out and there was really only Dave's own cum to help, but he was already so far stretched out that it wasn't bad.

Dave gulped, watching every single one of Clay's muscles finally give out.

"You really shouldn't move for the rest of tonight—or tomorrow. Your body's a wreck," Dave said as he took Clay's cock ring off.

"It's what I asked for," Clay murmured, "and you'll take care of me, won't you?"

Dave used a small cloth from the box to wipe away the dried blood from Clay's skin, careful not to reopen

the thin cuts that had already clotted shut.

Dave spoke softly, "Of course I will, darlin'. I'll give you a nice bath tomorrow before breakfast and we can just stay in bed together all day unless you'd rather have some alone time," Dave kissed Clay's head.

Clay smiled, looking up a little as he watched Dave's hands gently grab his own and take the handcuffs off of his wrists. After setting the little remote to his collar on the nearby end table, Clay slowly but surely turned himself to lie on his back, peering around with a dazed expression.

After putting the ring and handcuffs back into their box, Dave picked up the thick blanket he brought in; knowing Clay was gonna be sore and hurting, he decided they would just sleep there for the night so he could rest up a little and Dave would carry Clay to their room tomorrow.

"You enjoy this as much as I do, right?" Clay asked as Dave put the blanket over them both, laying down.

The question came as a surprise to Dave.

"You think I'd keep doin' this if I didn't?" Dave laughed slightly in disbelief, but also from the nervousness that was starting to creep in now.

"I just feel like a lot of what you do is with solely me in mind and I... I feel bad. You don't tire out as easily or ask for much attention, I wish I could keep up better for you to have a little more enjoyment yourself..." he admitted quietly, "You don't... find it irritating or disappointing that our sex always centers around how much I can handle?"

"Clay, it is not about "keepin' up". If I was in your position, I'd be sore as all fuck like this too. I have no issue givin' you the proper time and care you need to comfortably recover. You sub every time, so I'm gonna center everything around you. I enjoy every minute we spend together regardless of what we're doin' and I like makin' you feel good. It's not very enjoyable if I'm genuinely hurtin' you and you're not havin' a good time too. I'm not puttin' myself second, we're on equal footin'."

"You mean that?" Clay whispered.

"I'd never lie to you."

Dave locked their fingers together, holding Clay's hands tightly as he gently kissed the other's soft lips. Clay's eyes immediately fluttered shut, relaxing and wrapping his arms around the neck of the man who was half above him, half beside him. The thunderstorm still hadn't passed, more grumbles from the clouds fading into the background of the quiet and tranquil library. Both men could feel each other's lips quivering as they threatened to smile, desperately holding their gleeful expressions back so they could continue their waltz of delicate affection.

Dave trailed his kiss down to Clay's neck again, leaving even more hickeys on it and even over top of others that were just beginning to blossom beneath Clay's skin.

"I'll make your thighs match tomorrow," Dave mumbled.

Clay sighed happily as Dave pulled away, brushing some hair out of his face. Clay's hands snuck from the back of Dave's neck to his cheeks, cradling the pig's face as he stared into his eyes.

"Goodnight, darling."

Dave's cheeks flushed pink at the whisper of those two words, a tiny, bashful smile adorning his lips now.

"Goodnight, darlin'."


"Open," Dave said softly, holding his left hand underneath the fork he held in his right, pieces of pancake stabbed onto its prongs.

Clay had a stupidly arrogant looking grin on his face as he opened up his mouth and took the bite he was offered, comfortable and warm under the sheets of their bed. The regal, open curtains on the windows to their bedroom perfectly let in the late morning sun's light, accentuating the amber and yellow shades in Clay's hair as it glistened, still wet from a bath. Clay's lips lingered on the fork for longer than they should have, slowly retracting his face from the utensil with a suggestive expression, especially in his eyes.

"You're enjoyin' this treatment far too much," Dave said flatly.

"I literally can't even walk around because it hurts too much, let me have fun the only way I can," Clay pouted.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, honey," Dave teased, holding Clay's chin in his thumb and index finger, "I guess I must've misinterpreted you when you gave me the perfect opportunity to ruin you, as you put it."


That was the very last bite of Clay's breakfast, all the pancakes, bacon, and eggs once on his plate now gone.

"You don't think you're getting away though, after you so generously offered to stay with me all day, right?" Clay said smugly.

The boar playfully rolled his eyes, "You act like I expected even the possibility that you would want anything else; you're obsessed."

Dave neatly stacked up the plate and all the cutlery that was used onto the small tray that he carried all of it into the room with, leaving it on the nightstand.

"It's more like..." it was more like in love, "bewitched," Clay said, not sure if he should use that word yet.

Dave peeled the sheets back enough to slip in between them and was careful not to disturb the arrangement of pillows that Clay had already made. Clay quickly latched onto him, hugging Dave's broad chest.

"I can see the pain on your face when you move that fast."

"I don't mind it, it's only temporary as I'm moving—not like it hurts anymore now that I'm still again."

"You should still be more careful," Dave mumbled, "It's not just about the soreness, you're gonna end up actually pullin' a muscle or some shit if you don't give yourself a rest."

"Coming from you, again."

"Shut it," Dave chuckled.

The pair went quiet, enjoying their bath in the warm sunlight in a sea of soft, satin sheets. A very light drizzle of rain came down outside, tiny droplets pecking the glass of the windows as birds chirped in the distance. Clay didn't think he could even imagine what his mornings sounded like back in the city anymore.

"Hey," Clay said softly, "you remember when I mentioned liking pigs a lot as a kid?"


"I actually used to sleep with this pig plushie when I was super, super young—like, before I was even old enough to be in kindergarten. It was like a security blanket for me, I always had it so I didn't feel alone sleeping all by myself."

"That's cute," Dave snickered, "What brought that memory back to your attention?"

"I realized I sleep with a giant one now," Clay laughed, blushing.

Dave let out a short and shy chuckle, looking away with a timid smile.

"You have no idea what you do to me sometimes," Dave uttered.

Clay hummed, "Hopefully good things."

"It's only good things."

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