Sword Art Online's Assassin

By tankiss01

68.4K 1.3K 2.9K

(y/n) was about to celebrate SAO day when suddenly he is put into the world of SAO itself. Now fighting for h... More

information (edited)
Welcome to a new world of life and death
Floor 1
New friend's
Welcome to the brotherhood
The Moonlit Black Cats
Legends never die
The Dragon Tamer
Thanksgiving Special
The Master Blacksmith
The Black Swordsman and Lightning Flash
The Blue-Eyed Demon
Welcome to The Knights of the Blood Oath
Girl of Morning Dew
Can We Go Back
The Battle To End All Battles (The end of the Aincrad arc)
Christmas Special
Welcome To The Dessert of The Real (The beginning of the Fairy Dance Arc)
Welcome to Alfheim Online
Thank You
New Allies And New Enemies
A Duelist's Opponent
Truth's Revealed
Truth's Revealed Part 2
You Reap What You Sow (The End of The Fairy Dance Arc)
Fun Facts
The World of Guns (Beginning of the Phantom Bullet Arc)
The Assassin Returns to Gun Gale
Death Gun
Welcome to The Warzone
Back In Black
Laughing Coffin and Past Trauma
The Assassin vs. Death (The End of The Phantom Bullet Arc)
Thank you 2
(y/n) vs
Excalibur ( The Calibur arc)
Duel of The Fates (The Beginning of the Mother's Rosario Arc)
The Sleeping Knights
The Absolute Sword's Resolve (The end of The Mother Rosario Arc)
Sachi's Return
The Assassin's and Their Skills
Welcome Back, Assassin (The beginning of the Ordinal Scale Arc)
Memories and Dreams
Walking Into the Vipers Den
"And I Count My Sins" (The End of The Ordinal Scale Arc)
Street Racing Online
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
There's Still A Job To Do (The Beginning of The Alicization Arc)
"You Got To Be So Cold, To Make It In This World"
Welcome To Another World Of Pain
Truth's Revealed Part 3
Time to Run the Gauntlet
Time to Run the Gauntlet Part 2
The Final Push
The Most Important Fight of Our Lives (the End of The Alicazation Arc)
Truth Or Dare
A Reunion With An Old Friend
Returns and Confusion
Introducing New and Old Friends
The Formation of a Brotherhood
Truth or Dare Part 2
Can't Help Falling In Love
Our Job Isn't Done Yet (The Beginning of The War of The Underworld Arc)
Character Profile
An Assassin's Playground
The Spirit of a Warrior
The Calm Before The Storm
The Return of A Hunter
Night Time Fun
An Animal is Always Most Dangerous When it's Cornered
Sī Vīs Pācem, Parābellum
(y/n) Vs. Part 2
History Is Written By The Victor
Choices Have Consequences
The Rules Have Changed
I Make My Own Luck
One Last Dance
Finale Part 1 (The End of The War of The Underworld Arc)
Boy's Night
The Good Kind of Payback (Night Time Fun Part 2)
Finale Part 2
The End


1.6K 27 23
By tankiss01

(y/n) POV

March 7 2024

Well after a couple of weeks I had ended 50 members of Laughing Coffin and then I got a tip that Poh, Red-Eyed XaXa, and Jonny Black were going to be on the 19th floor so I took the opportunity to end them and stop this hell.  After finding that out I took off and was in the forest because I knew what would happen. The "murders" in a safe zone happened so Schmitt was going over to Griselda's grave were he would be confronted by both Yolko and Caynz and the 3 heads of Laughing Coffin. Anyway I was in the forest I saw Grimlock and he is quite important so I tied him up and then activated my Hide in Plain Sight skill to try and sneak up on all 3 and end it but Kirito got there to quick and scared all 3 off. 

(y/n) thoughts: DAMNIT KIRITO I WAS THIS CLOSE TO GETTING THEM GOD DAMN. My one opportunity to take them out gone. 

Caynz: He did forge the weapons for us but only after we got on our knees and begged him. 

Kirito: Sorry but he had a different reason for not liking you plan. Greselda had nothing to do with it. 

(y/n): It is because he did not want people snooping and figuring out that the fake PK's were covering up the truth. *notices a drawn sword from Kirito* Hey, hey, hey easy you know me Kirito. 

Kirito: (y/n), is that you? 

(y/n): Hey man it has been a while. How are you? 

Kirito: I am good but I have a question how did you figure it out? 

(y/n): Ask the man himself. *drags out Grimlock* You will understand asking him. Not to mention that he hired Laughing Coffin to have no loose ends. 

Asuna: I could not find him. * notices me and a tied up Grimlock*  (y/n)? Oh well at least he is here.

Grimlock: Hello, long time no see comrades. 

(y/n): Stop talking like a fucking soviet and start telling everyone why. 

Yolko: Why, was it for the money?

Grimlock: Money, did you say money. *evil chuckle* It wasn't for the money, I had to no matter what while we were still trapped in this world. I had to kill her while she was still my wife and also because she was my wife in the real world. In a way she was the perfect wife, ideal, so pretty, so submissive, the whole time we were together we never had a single fight. But when we were trapped in here in this world she changed. In here I was the one afraid, terrified of playing this death game. But she looked so much happier here, more alive than she ever did in the real world. There was nothing I could do, she changed the Youko I loved was gone. GONE. But I realised I didn't have to live with the way she was, murder is part of this game. If I could not have the Youko I loved back I'd settle for the memory of her, who could blame me? 


Grimlock: Once you found love, believe me you would do anything to keep it. 

Asuna: Your wrong Grimlock, you've got it all wrong. You didn't love Greselda, that's what you felt. You stopped loving her when you became selfish and possessive. 

(y/n): Damn that was cold but I agree now to deal with this trash myself. *was about to strike when Caynz stepped out*

Caynz: Kirito, we appreciate your help but I think this is our problem to deal with now.

Kirito: Ok. 

(y/n) thoughts: I guess it's fine that he rots in a prison cell.

Asuna: Hey, say it was you, and you married someone and  later on you find out that she had a  side to her you didn't know about, how would you feel? 

Kirito: I guess that I was lucky, ah because, I mean if you marry someone it means you like whatever you know about them doesn't it and if you discovered something about them before and fell in love with it to then t-that would be awesome. 

(y/n): Couldn't have said it better myself (thoughts) These 2 are so fucking cute together it is killing me. 

Asuna: Right good answer. Anyway I am hungry after all of this. I didn't really get to finish my dinner.

Kirito: Oh, yeah you didn't.

Asuna: We should get back to work tomorrow. We've been off the front lines for 2 days. 

Kirito: Yeah, I was hoping to have this floor cleared by the end of this week.  *grabs Asunas arm*

Asuna: Now what? *looks back and See's her ghost*

(y/n): Requiescant in pace.  Alright, who wants a bite to eat, I'll pay plus we need to talk and catch up. 

Asuna and Kirito: Ok.

We then head off and head up to floor 50 and go to one of my favorite cafe's. After getting what everyone else wanted and paying I sit down with the food and we start eating and talking. 

(y/n): So how have you 2 been and what have you 2 been up too since we last met? 

Asuna: I am good and last time we talked was on the first floor so there is a lot to catch you up with so I am apart of the Knights of the Blood Oath as a sub-leader. 

(y/n): Wow that's impressive it seems that you have been busy. What about you Kirito. 

Kirito: Well after the 27th floor I decided to leave the guild and go back to the front lines. So what happened to the guild you were apart of. 

(y/n): *expression darkens* It's a long story and I will explain it but we need to go somewhere private so follow me. 

We walk out of the cafe and head over to my apartment on the 50th floor. 

(y/n): Welcome to where I live please make yourselves comfortable. Ok so first I want to ask you 2 something, have you ever heard about the rumors of someone nicknamed the Assassin? 

Kirito: Just rumors about a person who can show up out of nowhere and strike from even inside of a safe zone. From what I have heard he is ruthless against his targets, with plans that work well and are calculated. With a mastery of the one handed sword with incredibly powerful attacks. He has incredible speed and preciseness. But he only takes out murderers and protects the innocent. 

Asuna: I have heard the same things. But even with protecting the innocent there is still a kinda bounty. Well it is not a bounty but more we in the KOB want to just talk. 

(y/n): I see and I want to ask something from both of you, I want you to promise me that whatever I say will not leave this room and you will tell no one, promise me. 

Asuna and Kirito: We promise.

(y/n): Ok, thank you. You 2 are my most trusted allies and friends. Ok the truth is that I am the Assassin. 

Asuna and Kirito: WHAAAAAAT. 

(y/n): Calm down and I will explain. I should start with my weapons with these. *reveals' hidden blades* These are the main things I use for taking out my targets. The hidden blades have 2 perks/skills that make them so dangerous. First is the assassination skill were it is a one-shot kill no matter the armor, health, or level and the second one is the ability to kill in a safe zone. But the thing is that I follow and it is "stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent" or in normal terms I do not nor will not harm an innocent person. Now about the attack out of nowhere I will show you. *activates Hide in Plain Sight* 

Asuna: Where did he go? He just disappeared. 

Kirito: I don't know. 

(y/n): *sneaks up behind both* Boo. 

Asuna and Kirito: AHHHHHHHHHH.

(y/n): Gochya. Anyway that is what that ability is. It is like a cloak to hide yourself. 

Kirito: If that's so then how come I could not detect you. 

(y/n): You would have to max out the detection skill to hear me. But that is the truth about the Assassin. Now to explain who I hunt. * proceeds to explain what happens on new years eve 2023* That's why I hunt down Laughing Coffin. 

Asuna: I'm so sorry that this happened to you. And I don't blame you for reacting this way. 

Kirito: Yeah man what she said.

(y/n): Thank you, both of you. 

Asuna: I've got a question do you want to join us in clearing the floors and maybe even KOB because I don't think that they they would want you to be doing this, taking revenge all of the time.

(y/n):  Your right, I won't join KOB but I'll help with floor clearing.  

Asuna: Ok well we should probably go then.

(y/n): Ok lets go.

Well that's another chapter down and the truth is revealed to Asuna and Kirito. I hope you enjoy the story if you have any sugestions the please leave comments. I hope you have a great day or when ever you are reading this and this is me signing off.


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