Neito Monoma X Male Reader

By Xash_is_doneX

25.4K 870 399

This story is gonna take a while to write because of the amount of ideas i have for this. ANYWAYS its just Mo... More

Intro Page <3
Chapter 1 <3
Chapter 2 <3
Chapter 3 <3
Chapter 4 <3
Chapter 5 <3
Chapter 6 <3
Chapter 7 <3
Chapter 8 <3
Chapter 9 <3
Chapter 10 <3
Chapter 11 <3
Chapter 12 <3
Chapter 13 <3
Chapter 14 <3
Chapter 15 <3
Chapter 16 <3
Chapter 17.5 <3
Chapter 18 <3
Chapter 19 <3
Chapter 20 <3
Chapter 21 <3
Chapter 22 <3
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 <3
Chapter 25 <3
Chapter 26 <3
Chapter 27 <3

Chapter 17 <3

552 24 4
By Xash_is_doneX

Neito and I were playing Mario Kart on the TV when mom told us she was going to the store. We played for about a half an hour until I decided to turn it off. "Y/n, can we watch a movie or something? I dont just wanna sit here and do nothing."
"Yeah, you can pick something, it doesnt matter to me," I said, falling asleep. To be honest, I was pretty tired because every few hours last night, he kept waking me up, along with the new cat.
I didn't pay any attention wo what he turned on and just layed on him.
"Hey get off of me, go lay on your bed or something," Neito said, shoving me to the ground.
"I wouldnt be falling asleep if you would've let me sleep last night."
"Not my fault! I have a lot on my mind at night so I shared it with you."
"Well if your stupid ideas wouldnt have made me overthink for hours on end, maybe I wouldve slept!" I didnt want to argue with him anymore, so I went upstairs.

After about 10 minutes, I was woken up by a knock on the door. "Y/n, Im sorry. I didnt know itd make you worry or anything."
I stayed quiet, not wanting to say anything rude on accident.
"I guess youre asleep then huh?" he said, as I heard him turn around and walk away.
Just then, the cat meowed, which piqued his interest. He came in the room as quietly as possible and picked her up. I could feel him looking at me, so I sat up.
"Can I sit here?," he asked, motioning to my bed. I nodded as he lowered himself, setting the cat down as well.
"I didnt mean to keep you up all night. Im sorry, alright? I dont want you to be mad at me or anything."
"Its okay, I know. That was the dumbest fight ever," I laughed, mostly at myself. I felt like an idiot, I'll be honest.
"I know you want to sleep, but can you come downstairs with me? You can lay on the couch and fall asleep if you want to. Just please come down."
"You dont need to be asking like that. I'll come down, dont be a baby about it," I laughed slightly. 

We went downstairs and, as cliche as it is, I ended up falling asleep on him. I didnt care if it was embarrassing or not. He was comfy and didnt seem to mind, so its fine.
About an hour later, mom was shaking me trying to wake me up. Apparently in the time I had been sleeping, Neito picked me up and layed down on his back and layed me on his stomach, and also fell asleep. Mom also said that my grandparents were coming over, so thats just great news.
"Wake your boyfriend up and take him upstairs to your room or something. You know what your grandpa'll say if he finds out you two are dating."
"Yeah I know mom, just hold on."
"Cant hold any longer if theyre on their way right now."
This is just amazing. I was aggressively shaking Neito to wake him up when we heard a knock on the door. At this point I just grabbed him by the arm and started running up the stairs.
After he tripped up several stairs he looked at me with an irritated expression. "Y/n what are you doing? Cant we just go back to sleep?"
I sighed, "You can, by all means, but I cant."
We got into thr bedroom and he looked sad at me. "Why cant you sleep? Also, why did you rush me up here?"
"My grandparents are coming and my grandpa isnt the fondest of any homosexual relationships and I dont want you to blab about it or gesture to suggest were dating."
"What, so youre just gonna hide me? Thats deeply offensive."
"Neito its what I have to do. If I get a bad rep in the family, so does mom, and then we practically wont be in the family anymore."
"So youre gonna keep me a secret so your family will like you?"
"Pretty much. I dont want to, but I have to."
I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and ran downstairs. I was quickly greeted with a hug from my grandma. A bit lung squeezing, but thats okay.
"Y/n dear how have you been? Are you eating well? How about sleep? And are your grades good? Do you have any new friends?"
"Everythings been going good lately, across all categories. Im friends with pretty much my whole class. Theres other people I wanna be friends with but I can never really talk to them."
"Eh, you'll probably lose all of them by the end of the trimester." Of course thats the first thing he says to me. My grandpa wasnt judgemental towards me like this until a few years ago. At least he waited I guess.
"Dad, dont be like that. These kids are different than the others. Y/n will be fine, I know it."
"Thats what you said the last 2 school years. It was never true."
"I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back." I ran upstairs and went into my room. I know the restroom is in the other direction, but I need a minute. Neito was half alseep and watching something my laptop. I closed it and layed on him.
"Whats this for huh? Miss me that bad already?"
"No, I just need to prepare myself for the rest of the time theyre here," I said, muffled by the blanket.
"Why not stay here with me then?"
"Because I can't."
"Because I told them Im using the restroom and that doesnt take hours."
"Fine, just promise me you'll be back soon."
"Okay Mr. Clingy," I lightly laughed.
"Hey, don't call me that!"
"Well am I wrong?"
"No, youre very much wrong, like a huge idiot."
"I am so offended," I joked as I got up do go back downstairs. "I'll be back later, okay Neito?"
"Okay, just make it quick. I dont wanna be isolated all day."

It's been about an hour since I last talked to Neito, so I decided to text him.


me: heyyyyy hows it goin up there

Neito: Very boring. You better hurry up you loser >:/

me: hey!!! rude. i am just trying to keep a mostly stable family

Neito: It better be stable if im gonna be in it one day -3-

me: not expecting that amount of cheesy-ness from you lmaoo

Neito: Oh shut it

me: no <3

"Y/n, could you get your damn phone out of your face? Your grandmother is talking to you." Better listen to him or else he's gonna start more crap.
"Sorry, my friend texted me."
"Well pay attention to your family a bit more, got it?"
"Yes sir." Why did I call him sir??? That was so weird I want to hide under the fridge.
"Oh, dont mind him. So tell me Y/n, do you have a girlfriend yet?"
I nearly choked on my water. "I-I'm sorry?"
"Just wanted to ask! Is an old woman not allowed to be curious?"
"Y-youre allowed gradma, dont worry. And no, I dont. I-I dont think I would have one for a while.
"Well maybe you havent found the right one yet. I'm sure you'll find someone just right for you."
"Moving on from this conversation, who texted you Y/n?" mom said, trying to change the subject.
"Kendo. She said she wanted to hang out with me and Neito." Why do I need to lie about things so often?!?
"Maybe tomorrow you three can go to the park or something."
"Oooh, whos this Kendo?"
"Mom please, dont trouble him like this right now."
"You're right, you're right. I'll stop with those kinds of questions."
"Good, they're pointless to ask him."
"Okay, seriously dad?"
"Its okay. He is right after all. By the time next week is over everyone is gonna be gone."
"Y/n, that is not true."
"It has been the last several years so why wouldnt it be the same now?"
"Okay, Y/n I love you dearly, but go to your room please."
"Okay." I need to learn how to shut up and not fight with everyone.
I opened the door and layed right on Neito. I hugged him tightly and started to lightly cry. He didnt say anything, he just started rubbing my back. We stayed like that for a few minutes in silence. After a while though, the silence broke.
"Y/n, tell me whats wrong."
"I started arguing with mom."
"I said that I wouldnt have any friends by the end of next week. No one ever stays that long."
He then picked me up, wrapped my legs around his waist, and marched downstairs. "Neito, please, please put me down," I quietly protested. "Mom and my grandparents are gonna be furious, please. Just turn around."
He didnt say anything. He just brought be downstairs, walked over to the couch, and plopped us both down. "Neito please stop, what are you doing?"
"Your grandpa probably gave you that mental image do Im gonna sit here and hold you so that he knows Im not going anywhere."
"Thats ridiculous just lets go back upstairs."
"No thanks, Im fine here."
"Neito, seriously-" He cut me off with a random kiss, and once my grandpa saw that he blew up.
"I cannot believe you rasied someone like that," he shouted ay mom, grabbed grandma and stormed out the door. I stood and ran upstairs, wanting to just shut the lights off, lock the door, and crawl under the blankets. But I coulsnt. Neito is still here and I know he wont sit downstairs without me there.

*knock knock*

"Y/n, could I please come in."
"Go away Neito."
"Im sorry. You were being a brat so I had to shut you up."
"Yeah, and you pissed off my grandpa and me and mom will never get invited to any family event ever again."
"Well if they get mad like that then theyre not family. Theyre just assholes who think theyre better than everyone else."
"Thats not how things work." I heard to door open and he walked in. He layed down next to me and hugged me from behind.
"Next time your family does something without you, I'll make my mom come over so we can do it with you and your mom. Were better than those jerks." I stayed silent. All that was heard in my room for a few minutes was me sniffling. "Can you sit up for me? Face me too preferably." I didnt question what he said, so I did. He hugged me so tight, it felt like my ribs were about to break. Just then, mom knocked on my door.
"Hey Y/n, are you alright in there?"
Neito answered for me, "Hes okay, hes been crying though so its hard for him to talk. Im sorry I made things hard for you guys, really I am."
She opened the door. "Its okay, we have some family that will side with us. We should be okay. Dont feel like its your fault. Im glad that Y/n can express himself a bit more around his family now."
"Are you sure its not a problem?"
"Dont worry, if I'm being honest, this was bound to surface sooner or later anyways."
"Okay. I dont wanna cause too much trouble for you guys."
"You're still going to though, arent you?"
"Yup, better get used to me Y/n's mom."
"Okay, if you want, just call me mom. Thats what Miko does, so you can too. Tell your friends that as well, I dont like being called 'Y/n's mom', maked me feel old," mom laughed lightly, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her. Neito layed down, still holsing me tightly in his arms as we drifted off to sleep.

HELLO PEOPLE!!!!!!! Its been sooooo ling since I last updated and I feel horrible about it- I hope you guys liked this part, even though it was all over the place. It kinda sucks butttt its okay, right??? Im trying to get out of writers block but schools kicking me in the ass really hard :[[ Anyways, I'll tey and update for frequently!! See you guys next chapter, byeeee <3

For some reason this part unpublsihed? I have no clue why 0-0 Anyways Im working on next chapter, sorry schools had me swamped lately so theres been no new parts lol


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