|| Enchanted || Lily Luna Pot...

By QueenWriter17

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"If you try guarding your heart, the doors will burst." After handling a cheating breakup, River knew she wa... More

I'm River
More Than Friends
A Private Relationship
Carnival Fun
The Beautiful Duo
Pond Hideout
Dancing & Shopping
Family Rekindled
Beach Birthday
Truth Comes Out
One Who Never Lied
Pool Parties & Movie Nights
Saving You Part 1
Saving You Part 2
Cakes, Gifts and Lies
A Terrible ATV Accident
Happy Earth Day!!🌲🌺🐠🌊
Kelly's Fairytale Dreams
My Whole New CJ
The Cheer Championship
It's a Ride of my Life
Lit Breakout Role
NYC, Here I Come
4 Months Later
Can We Just Talk
*****The 2nd Cast*****
CJ's Strange Uncle Part 1
CJ's Strange Uncle Part 2
A Stroll Through the Ministry
Four Teens & a Wizard
The Sorting Ceremony
Dinner with the Wotters
My Name isn't Firecracker
Green Smurf Potter
Night at the Astronomy Tower
Magic Lessons 101
1AM Breakfast N Chill
Some People Don't Change
Two Gryffindors vs. a Slytherin
"Don't Say the M Word!"
Roxanne Knows
Slytherin's Secret Culprit
Haters Gonna Talk
An Ultimate Faceoff Part 1
An Ultimate Faceoff Part 2
"I was Enchanted..."
My Happy Memory
Drunk Confessions
Breakfast Trips in Hogsmeade
Nightly Groupchats
Summer Adventure Sequel

The Redhead Guitarist

33 0 0
By QueenWriter17

(River's guitar up top)

It was now 4pm. Dinner doesn't start till 6 but everyone's just hanging out in the Hall or common room. CJ went to find Albus and Scorpius. Surprisingly, Jack was talking to this Lyra girl near the Ravenclaw table. Interesting. All I wanted was to go to our room and peacefully strum my guitar to past the time. I waved at Roxanne before going upstairs to fifth year dorm. Our door was half-opened. This room can fit five girls so one of them must be inside. Unfortunately, sounds of strumming was heard. I carefully listened and the strings entered my eardrums. None of them own a guitar except me! My family and friends always known a very strict rule to follow: Never. Touch. River's Guitar. Even CJ hasn't touched it during the time that I've had it. Jack is too petrified and Leila never breaks a promise. I quickly opened, finding Lily sitting on her bed with my guitar wrap around her neck. She looked up and smiled. "Hey! This is yours?" She asked. I cleared my throat. River, tame your inner beast. "What color is it?" I asked. "Blue." She said in a obvious tone. I nodded. "And what's my favorite color?" I asked. Lily hummed in response and smiled. "Blue?" She guessed. I fake smiled. "Then it's mine." I sassed. First my jacket, now my guitar? She playfully rolled her eyes. "Don't be cross. I was strumming, not cutting the strings." She sassed. I hummed in response. "Anything could've happened to my guitar. First it would've got burned." I joked. Lily looked at me confusedly. "There's no fire..." She trailed off. I smirked teasingly. She low-key growled. "Don't push it Walker." She threatened. I crossed my arms and noticed my baby still wrapped around her. "You were playing huh?" I said. Lily nodded, smiling proudly. "I'm a guitar player. Acoustic." She told me. I raised an eyebrow in shock. "Say what?" I asked. She chuckled. "Roxanne taught me. It became rather a hobby for me. Sometimes it relaxes me whenever I'm feeling unhappy." She said. Hm, don't meet a lot of girls at Keaton who plays guitar regularly. Of course, I get skeptical about new people but girls play different instruments. I inhaled a deep breath and unfolded my arms. "Are you any good?" I asked. Lily smiled confidently. "A little." She said. I hummed in response. "Looks like someone needs a little practice." I said, smirking. She fake laughed. "Sorry, I don't need teaching." She sassed. I smiled and shrugged. "Just being polite little red. If you don't need help, show me your skills." I told her. She looked at me as if I'm crazy. "My skills? On this bloody thing?" She asked. I covered my mouth in a snicker. "Unless you're an amateur on it!" I teased. Her jaw dropped. "Amateur? Who do you think you're talking to?" She asked in disbelief. I fake gasped and pretended to look around shockingly. "Oh I'm sorry! Lily Luna's being called out because she can't show off her guitar skills?! Oh Zed Zeppelin must be so disappointed!" I fake panicked. Lily huffed annoyedly while putting her fingers on the strings. "Fine. Go mental." She said through gritted teeth. I smiled innocently and sat beside her. "Ok, what song?" She asked. "Anything you can think of." I said, sighing. She began thinking for a moment before her face lit up. "Heard of Taylor Swift?" She asked. I chuckled. "All the time." I said. Lily smiled a little. "Really? What's your favorite album?" She wondered. "Can't pick." I quickly said. She low-key giggled. That made my cheeks burn 'RED'. "Mine is Speak Now. My favorite song is Enchanted." She told me. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Of course it is." I muttered. She looked at me challengingly. "What's that supposed to mean?" She demanded. "When you say enchanted, you think of fairytales, princesses, crowns and a prince." I spoke irritatingly. She snickered. "That's not what it's about!" She giggled. I raised both eyebrows. "Would you sing it if the title's Princess?" I asked. Lily rolled her eyes and smiled. "A song title doesn't always mean what you think." She said. Hm. True. I cleared my throat. "Alright! Let's get started." I said. "You know how it goes?" She asked. I nodded and started teaching her which strings to strum.

Comfortable laughing, joking and playful teasing was happening throughout the guitar lesson...but it was worth it. Lily somehow managed to learn the song in time. Watching her try to focus while strumming was rather nice. Same how she focus when playing Quidditch. All I heard was beautiful instrumental music echoing through my ears. She kept strumming and focused entirely on the strings. What I didn't know is she inhaled a deep breath before singing softly. "There I was again tonight. Forcing laughter, faking smiles. Same old, tired lonely place. Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy, vanished when I saw your face." She sung. Her voice...DAMN. It wasn't Mariah Carey feels but more like Daya with an accent. That soft-natural cord struck my insides deeply. "All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you." She continued. Perhaps that's my cue now. I smiled. "Your eyes whispered, "have we met?" cross the room your silhouette starts to make its way to me. The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy. And it was enchanting to meet you." I sung. Lily returned the gesture and maintained a giggle. "All I can say is I was, enchanted to meet you." She re-sung. We chuckled before readying ourselves for more. "This night is sparkling, don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck blushing all the way home. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you..." We sung. The whole time our eyes were locked. Those brown shimmering orbs weren't a joke at all. Something about these orbs, tiny freckles, the smell of a burning warmth, fiery-flaming hair and a happy smile she barely wears daily. It makes me rather confused of why she thinks differently. She really is something worth beautiful. Lily cleared her throat. "Um...well...that was..." She trailed off. Her natural features were like a blooming flower. I smiled proudly. "Amazing. Really amazing. You were amazing." I whispered. She lightly scoffed. "You believe that? Me? What about you?" She whispered. I returned the gesture and sighed. "Let me be honest. I once share my voice with someone else. It was good yes but it's nothing compared to how yours sound. There are many good singers but Lily, yours is unimaginable." I said. She smiled warmly. "You said my real name again. How kind." She joked sarcastically. I looked down and chuckled. "Like I said, it'll come around." I said. She inhaled a deep breath while facepalming her forehead. My fingers lightly touched hers. "What's up?" I asked concernedly. "Oh River, I wish you knew me better than just Harry Potter's daughter or Rose's cousin, James and Albus's little sister. There's a lot more about me you don't know. If you could just...get to know me." She whispered. I hummed in response. "Wasn't your sassy comments and fake innocence enough?" I joked. It took a moment till we snickered quietly. She covered her mouth in a giggle. I chuckled. "Honestly! You are completely impossible!" She giggled. I smiled confidently. "Thought I was standoffish or arrogant?" I asked, using air quotes. Lily sighed and shrugged. "Like I said, if we get to know each other. Is that wrong?" She said. Hm. I'm no person for rules but this one in my book I'll have to break. Break for her. Getting to know someone before you trust them. Eventually. I inhaled a deep breath and smirked. "Alright. Tell me about Lily Luna." I said confidently. She smiled.

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