Y/n stark: the unwanted daugh...

By pricefieldvsp

29.9K 703 198

The unwanted daughter (FEMALE READER) Your 23 years old and live with your dad at the avengers compound, your... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (šŸŒ¶)
chapter 8- (šŸŒ¶)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28 (šŸŒ¶)

Chapter 12

599 21 12
By pricefieldvsp

Wanda and steve went to investigate the big explosion with the help of nat and pietro

Pietro: what the fuck happened

Wanda: where's y/n and bucky

Nat: lets look in the wreckage

Steve: BUCKY, Y/N


Wanda: IS Y/N OK


Nat: thats y/n for you

Pietro: should i call an ambulance

Steve: yes please pietro

Pietro leaves the room to call the ambulance and Wanda uses her powers to life the wreckage to see y/n unconscious and bleeding

Steve: omg y/n


Wanda starts to cry

Wanda: y/n please be alive

Steve and nat pull bucky and y/n out of the wreckage steve went to see if bucky is injured and wanda put down the wreckage and ran to y/n

Steve: buck are you ok

Bucky: yes im fine just got a headache,

Steve: your going to the hospital too just to check you up

Bucky: ok fine, but how's y/n.

Steve: we don't know

With wanda

Wanda: baby dont do this to me

Wanda starts doing cpr until the ambulance gets here

5 minutes later the ambulance arrives

Paramedic: one person can come with us in the ambulance

Nat: wanda

Bucky: i agree, you go

Wanda: i- i cant

Nat: yes you can go be with your girlfriend

Paramedic: whos coming then because we need to go

Steve: wanda, and we will follow behind

Paramedic: lets go then

Steve holds wanda's hand to calm her down

Steve: she will be ok wanda

Wanda: i never got to finish asking you that question

Steve: my answer wouldve been yes, you have got it

Wanda looks at steve and smiles

Wanda: really

Steve: yes ofc, now go so you can ask y/n that question

wanda gets into the ambulance with Steve's help. Steve, bucky, Nat and pietro follow in the car

5 minutes later they reached the hospital and y/n got immediately into surgery with the best surgeon name derek Shepherd and bucky went with a nurse to get him all check up and to make sure he hasnt got a concussion

(Writer: yes that derek Shepherd from greys anatomy)

Wanda paces the floor waiting for news on y/n

Nat: wands your make me dizzy

Wanda: sorry nat I'm just worried

Steve stands up and goes to wanda

Steve: we all are wanda

Pietro: she will be ok sister shes strong

Wanda: i know she is. I love her way to much to lose her

35 minutes later bucky walks out to see everyone sitting anxiously waiting for news on y/n

Bucky: still nothing

Steve shakes his head

Steve: no we think shes still in surgery

Bucky: should we let tony know i know shes now your daughter Steve but maybe he would like to know

Wanda: i dont think so, when me and y/n went to see him earlier today he said he was retiring from the avengers to raise morgan and gave the compound to y/n, and y/n is now Steve's so i dont think tony has a vote to see her

Nat: plus remember how he treated her when we all first met her 4 years ago

Bucky: i didnt know y/n until hydra but I remember her mentioning how much her dad hates or hated her

Steve: i wish we had an update on y/n

Steve trying to change the subject wanda and nat look at each other then wanda looked at steve

Wanda: steve i know its hard as you only just got her as your daughter and we are all here for you

Steve: you should be feeling more sad than me though shes your girlfriend

Wanda: steve, im terrified of losing her, shes my whole entire world. If she died i don't know what I would do. You saw how i was when tony arrested her i was a wreck and that was only 3 months of her not being there

Steve: your right im sorry wanda

5 minutes of awkward silence a doctor finally came out to see us

??: hi im doctor bailey i was in surgery with dr shepherd with y/n rogers

Steve and wanda stood up and walked towards Bailey

Steve: yes hi how is she

Wanda: is she ok

Dr bailey: one at a time

Wanda: sorry

Dr bailey: she's alive, she lost lots of blood but we managed to get some back from blood we have here but

Nat: knew there was a but

Dr bailey: she might not wake for at least a month

Wanda: w-what *tears up*

Dr bailey: im sorry but you can go and see her only one at a time though

Steve: wanda you should go first

Wanda: no i, if i see her i will break down

Steve: is there anyway i could go with her please

Dr bailey: as your asking nicely, I'll take you both to her just don't tell my boss

Steve: thank you dr bailey

Wanda and steve follow dr bailey to y/n's room where she's sleeping

Wanda: *crying* is she going to be ok

Dr. bailey: when or if she wakes up then we might have to do more tests

Steve: what do you mean if she wakes

Dr. Bailey: it's up to her if she wants to live or not

Wanda: her birth father said that her mum had depression whats the percentage of it being passed down to their child

Dr. Bailey: 40/50% roughly but i can test for other mental health when shes awake

Wanda: is there any way i could stay with her please

Dr.bailey: only people that can stay, are parents or Guardians or significant others or partners

Wanda: I'm her girlfriend

Steve: I'm her adoptive father but I'm going to head home with the others when i let them know what's happening

Dr. Bailey: then wanda thats your name

Wanda: yeah

Dr. Bailey: you can stay also if you talk to her then she might be able to hear you

Wanda: thank you Dr. Bailey

Dr bailey leaves the room leaving wanda and steve

Steve: I'm gonna go wanda but tell y/n i love her

Wanda: you tell her yourself I'll wait out side the room while you talk to her

Steve: ok thank you wanda

Wanda: no problem steve

Wanda walks out the room leaving steve and y/n

Steve: hi y/n i- I'm not sure what im suppose to say but i guess i mainly wanted to say. I'm glad you agreed to become my daughter i will treat you way better than tony, but mainly wanted to say i love you y/n and i hope one day you will start calling me dad but i won't rush you into that and i know you had a difficult childhood but you'll have an amazing adult hood with me and wanda, because You matter to me, your the glue to the avengers keeping us all together when we are fighting.

Steve finishes his message to y/n before starting to cry, he falls to the floor and wanda went rushing in to hug steve

Wanda: it's ok steve

Steve *crying* im sorry wanda

Wanda: what for, having feeling there's no need to be sorry steve

Steve: i feel like this is all my fault

Wanda: it's not your fault steve, y/n will wake I know she will

Steve: i really hope so

Wanda and steve sit there for about 10 minutes before dr bailey returns

Dr.bailey: sorry to break this up but everyone is asking for you captain

Steve wipes his tears

Steve: ok would it be ok to tell them I'll be right there please

Dr.bailey i don't normally but you said please so i will just this once

Steve: thank you

Dr Bailey leaves

Steve: thank you wanda

Wanda: there's no need for that steve, I'm always here if you need to talk

Steve: and I'm here for you wanda, i better go

Steve walks to y/n and gives her a kiss on the forehead before leaving

Steve: is there anything you'd like me to bring tomorrow

Wanda: I'd be ok thank you steve tell pietro not to worry about me I'll be ok

Steve: i can tell him but he will worry

Wanda: i know see you soon steve

Steve: bye wanda

Wanda: bye steve

Steve leaves leaving wanda alone with y/n, wanda walks over to y/n and strokes her hair

Wanda: oh love why did you do that, i can't lose you again, please don't take to long to wake up, i miss you already and your perfect lips and your perfect everything. You'll always be my girl, my queen and my everything. I love you more than words can say

Wanda pulls up a chair and sits near y/n's bed

Girl: y/n
Boy: wanda

Within minutes wanda started crying herself to sleep but she managed to hold y/n's hand to make her feel safe even if she couldnt feel it

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