The Book of Emotion

By Sullyletmechangeuser

625 40 12

I'm gonna give this more detail for you guys.You have to have finished Season 4 of miraculous to understand w... More

Transmission (The Kwamis Choice Part 1)
Deflagration (The Kwamis' Choice Part 2)
Conformation (The Last Day Part 1)
Re-Creation (The Last Day Part 2)


8 1 0
By Sullyletmechangeuser

Marinette's POV

  I woke up triedly. I yawned like a maniac but I didn't realize something; who's bed I was in. When I turned around and saw Adrein fast asleep on the other side of the bed. I was shocked. Then I remembered what had happened the night before. Adrein and I had sex. I screamed loudly. Adrein woke up on fear.

   "What! What?"

   "The party!"

   I stormed out of the room and saw that the whole house was clean. I expected, that considering it was a crazy party that there would be a lot to clean up afterwards.

     "I already hired people to clean the whole house." Adrein yelled from far away.

    I took a sigh of relief.

   After that awkward experience, I got my clothes on. When I went to the kitchen, Adrein was making breakfast.

    "Good Morning, Sweetheart."

     I kissed his cheek. We were already acting like a married couple. I sat down at kitchen table and right next to me was Lyon (Adrein's cute half brother).

        "Hi Lyon! You're getting so big."

     He started jumping from his little chair. I felt so happy to see him.

         "Ouch!"Adrein yelled.

     I stood up and walked over to him.

         "What's wrong?"

     I looked at Adrein's hand and saw that it was burned.

          "I kinda burned breakfast."

      I grabbed the pan where the food was cooking and threw into the garbage.

            "I'm not a cooker. I mean you seem like a perfect cook considering your parents own their own bakery but I'm not that good." Adrein admitted.

             "I get that. Adrein,I want to help you. Since we're I guess what you could call "together"  we should be able to help each other."

             "I totally agree."

           A couple seconds past by with no one talking. I was slightly annoyed.

            "Well tell me what to do for once."

             "Oh yeah! You could babysit Lyon while I go to a meeting. You could also iron my clothes and can you please fix breakfast."

            The toaster started to burn when finished talking. I grabbed the apron that Adrein was wearing and threw it into the fire.

             "Take that Satan!"

            "Oh my gosh. I'm gonna be late for my meeting!" Adrein said.

           "Eveything is going to be ok when come home. It's going to so great that you won't even have to come cause I'll already have payed all bills."

          Then, I realized, I had just said. Adrein's face looked really confused at that moment. I awkwardly winked back at him. I grabbed a mug from the conter and poured some coffee into it. I started to drink the coffee.

          "Well Marinette, you don't have to iron my clothes. I got to get going right now so I'll just put on my clothes-"

         I spat the coffee out. It tasted cold and underdeveloped.

       "Is this dark period blood!" I screamed.

        Adrein laughed.

        "I'll see you later, M'lady."

        I grabbed a rag and started wiping the dark coffee off my tongue.

           "Bye babe."I said.

     Adrein walked away.

Nino's POV

  I was driving my little brother to school, when I saw him crying through the mirror.

      "Christ, what's up?"

       "I don't want to talk about it."

  When we arrived at the school, I parked somewhere, where we could talk. I turned around and saw his innocent looking face. Christ was fragile for an eleven year old.

      "I'll give you from the count of 3 to tell me what's going on. 1....2...-"

       "The boys in my class are bullying me. They think it's funny and whenever I tell them to stop they think I'm being nothing but a pussy cat."

      I always wanted the best for Christ but at that moment,I didn't belive him. I thought Christ was overreacting.

      "Christ don't you think you're being a little extreme. I bet those kids haven't even touched you. Just tell them to leave you alone and  if they don't just ignore them."

       Christ got so angry at me.

        "How dare you!"

    He opened the door and slammed it on his way out of the car.

Marinette's POV

  I was on call with Alya when I had the idea to do something.

     "Alya, I have a crazy idea."

     "What is it this time?"

       "I'm going to need your help to find someone."

        You're probably wondering who that was. It was Scary. I wanted to know where his body was. He told the last thing he remembered, was dying in a forest with his family beside him. So Alya,Nino,and I went to the most known forest in Paris, Fontainebleau.

   We walked around for hours trying to find Scary's body. I also brought Lyon along for fun. I crated a traking device that could see where anyone was. I used it on Scary, hoping that I could find him. 

     "I don't understand Christ anymore. It's like he's trying to annoy me. I've been trying to help him his whole entire life. I was the one who helped him talk and walk and be happy. Mom and Dad could of done it themselves, but I was so close to him, that I wanted to teach him. I was his tutor for the past 6 years, and now he's just going to disrespect me?"

       "Nino, I think you just need to calm down. I think that maybe you and Christ are just a little tense right now-"

       "I'm not tense!"

      Alya was extremely concerned. Nino was a sweet lover boy, but for the first time, that was beyond him. He had personality.

       "I don't mean to intrude but we really should get-"

      "Shut up!"Nino and Alya both screamed at me.

     Alya was getting angry at Nino.

        "Ok...I'll just leave you two to your very heated quarrel." I left with Lyon, (who was strapped around my back) to discover the rest of the forest. I wondered where Scary could've been.

       "Lyon, relationships are weird. I mean, most relationships don't start off with a perfectly toxic love square. I don't think the love square is even supposed switch and then you realize that you love both sides of that person. Isn't that incredible or original."

    "Orginal!"Lyon said in his baby voice.

   "Alright! You're so cute. I can see how you're Adrein's brother."

    Suddenly, the tracker started to beep uncontrollably. I looked down and a dead cat. It was decomposing and looked creepy. I was terrified when I saw the cat. I didn't know what was going on. Then,I realized that there was a possibility that the cat was him. I didn't hesitate to save him.

    "Tikki Spots On!"

  I created the healing potion and poured it on the cat. In seconds, the cat cat back to life. It didn't seem to recognize me.

     "Spots off!"

   As soon as detransformed, the cat came running to me. It was Scary.

      "Scary, you should have told me you were a cat."

    I realized that he couldn't speak.

       "Maybe you should create some sorta of potion to make him speak."Tikki suggested.

        "And maybe I can give him a shape-shifting potion too. It would help the miraculous team a lot and it also wouldn't be considered using powers for my own good."

    Tikki seemed hesitant.

         "Spots On!"

         I started to create the potions that would make Scary be able to shapeshift and talk. When I was done, I put in Scary's mouth. He shapeshift back into his human self.

              "Marinette! I'm so happy to see you."Scarry said.

               I hugged him with all my might.

Nino's POV

  After Marinette found Scarry, we all went together to pick him up from school. Usually, I would park somewhere and Christ would find me. When Christ didn't come that day,I went to the front entrance of the school with everyone.

     "Where could he be?" Alya said.

     "I swear if he us in the-"

  Christ came running to us with tears in his eyes. He was being chased by bullies. Alya blocked the bullies from hitting him.

      "Screw off!"She yelled.

      "You can't tell us what to do!" One of bullies said.

     They tried to push Alya out of the way. Scary shapeshifted into a snake to scare the kids away. When the kids left,Christ broke down into tears.

      "I told you something was going on!"Alya shouted at me.

When we went back home,Christ ran to his room and locked the door. I messed up. I should have listened to him.

Christ's POV

  I was crying in my room. My brother broke me to the point where life felt like more of a risk, than a blessing. I curled up into a little ball and sobbed until something happened. An akuma flew into my alliance ring.

     "My name is Majestia. You probably have already heard of me. I don't like to think of myself as a villian. I like to think of myself as an influencer. Monarch was too weak to do this job. He asked people if they would take the power that he transmitted from the miraculous but I demand. You will take this power if you like it or not! I am giving you the power of Passion!"

  I transformed into Timetagger.


   I used my spray can bottle to draw a taser(In case you guys don't know the power of passion also know as the "goat" is basically the power creation but you have to create something ordinary).

   "I'll use this if anyone tries to stop me."

    Nino started banging on the door.


    When I didn't respond, he broke the door open. When he saw that I had been akumatized, he transformed.

        "Wayys Shell On!"

Bunnix's POV

     It was a completely normal day. I was on patrol. I usually didn't do anything when I was on patrol, but I liked the view of Paris, so it was fun at times. This day, however, wasn't fun. I was on top of my usual patroling area, when I saw Carpace fighting Timetagger in the middle of the road.

      "Finally! Something to do."

     I went down to see what was going on.

       "So what's up?"I asked Carapace.

       "My brother has been akumatized." He replied.

       "I'm back, Fluffy Tail."


      I pinned Timetagger down with my umbrella and tried to grab his alliance ring. He managed to grab his taser, and tased me down. He got up again and looked at Carapace with devilish grin.

        "Don't look at me like that!" Carapace told him.

       "I don't look at family members this way. I only look at people who I see as demons."

      Timetagger started to charge towards Carapace.


       A barrier formed around Carapace. Christ was beyond angry. Carpace felt bad for him so he closed the barrier. Timetagger tackled Carapace down.

     "You must be proud of yourself."He told Carpace.

     "I'm sorry."

    "For what?"

   "For this!"

    Carapace punched Timetagger in the gut, and grabbed his alliance ring. He smashed it on the ground, and trapped the akuma in a barrier. Timetagger became Christ again. Carapace hugged his little brother.

      "I love you."

       "I love you, too."




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