Tokyo Revengers Fics & Onesho...

By ItJazzBicch

18.5K 230 13

All of my new fics for Tokyo Revengers! πŸ₯° - Fluff 😠 - Angst πŸ‹ - smut More

Sweet Dreams (Mikey - πŸ₯°)
Special (Keisuke Baji - πŸ₯°)
Looking Out PT. 2 (Draken - πŸ₯°)
Just Friends? (Takashi Mitsuya) πŸ₯°
Have Faith (Keisuke Baji) 😠
Looking Out PT. 3 (Future Draken -πŸ‹)
Just Friends? PT. 2 (Takashi Mitsuya - πŸ₯°)
Let Me Love You (Bonten Mikey - πŸ‹)
Savior (Chifuyu - πŸ₯°)
Longing Crush (Future Hakkai Shiba - πŸ₯°)
Crazy (Bonten Haruchiyo Sanzu -πŸ‹)
Words of Strength (Mikey - πŸ₯°)
The Grim Future (Bonten Mikey - πŸ₯°/πŸ˜₯)
Helping Healing (Takashi Mitsuya - πŸ₯°)
Biker Prince Charming (Shinichiro Sano -πŸ₯°)
Biker Prince Charming PT.2 (Shinichiro Sano -πŸ₯°)
Falling (Future Taiju Shiba - πŸ‹)
Infamy (Timeskip!Tetta Kisaki -πŸ‹)
The Finish Line (Continuation of The Grim Future)(Timeskip!Manjiro Sano - πŸ₯°)
Long Night (Takeomi Akashi -πŸ‹)
On My Mind ( Bonten Hajime Kokonoi -πŸ₯°)
Biker Prince Charming PT. 3 (Shinichiro Sano -πŸ₯°)
His Princess (Izana Kurokawa -πŸ‹)
Needing Him (Kakucho Hitto -πŸ‹)

Looking Out [Draken] - πŸ₯°

2.5K 20 3
By ItJazzBicch

⚠️ Just mentioning before this begins, Y/N is a part of the gang, this does include fighting, male x female fighting⚠️

Authors Note:
My first time writing anything for Tokyo Revengers, so I hope I do well as this journey goes on!
Also in this specific story, Joko is made up character!


"You gotta be kidding me!"

All of the guys at the fight were laughing hysterically whenever I stepped up, all of them pointing at me, some small girl, popping bubble gum with my hands in my pockets.

It looked like I was lost, but this exactly what I wanted.

"Who would bet on you, shorty?!" This guy was sure he had this fighting in the bag, poking my forehead to send me back some before going into stance, "I'm gonna get a whole lot of money out of this one."

"Don't go easy on me," Pop went my bubble gum, shooting a smile as he ran after me.

All of these guys were so typical and easy to read. They were just street fighters, the crowd cheering him on as they thought he had the advantage:

"Show her who's boss! Kick her little a-"

That boy threw his punch and it was so easy to dodge, raising up my knee and spinning to the side with my left, leaving the back of his head wide open for my right leg to shoot up and kick him in the head.

Silence fell as he dropped like a ton of bricks, knocked out cold, slumped murmurs falling out of his mouth with drool onto the concrete.

"What was that about kicking my ass?" I snickered, blowing another bubble, "Didn't even lose any flavor in this gum yet!"

"Wha- Did she just knock him out?!"

They were all flabbergasted, meanwhile I was smiling, eyes locking onto my next contestant.

"You got lucky! But that won't work on me, girly!"

Some shaved head idiot started raging toward me and right as he approached me, one kick up right under the chin.

He was tougher than the last guy, that one didn't knock him out, but it wasn't done just yet, smashing his head with an elbow and that one did the trick, having him falling to the ground just like his friend.

"Anyone here actually gonna give me a challenge?"

Looking around, all of the guys here we frozen, jaws on the ground with all eyes on me.

"No?" I popped my gum again, shaking my head, "What a shame. Make sure you're all ready for next time. You haven't seen the last of me!"

This was such an easy game. Considering my mother worked all night long and still didn't make much money, I fought in these little tournaments between gangs to earn some money.

No one would ever bet on me because I was the only girl who would stepped up to a man, let alone gang members too.

I was a member of the Tokyo Majin Gang, but I rarely showed my face, so I was a mere stranger to everyone.

But I had a friend on the inside. He'd bet the money, I win the fights, we split the profit and we both get good money from it.

"You never fail, Y/N! Look how much yen we got this time!"

Heading over with Joko down the alley we always took home, he sure had a bright smile on his face and it went right onto mine.

"Oh hell yeah!" I smiled, taking my half, "Just imagine all cash we'll get if we keep it up!"

"No kidding, sis!" He laughed, cheering as he skipped down the alley, but suddenly coming to a halt as he stumbled into a tall stature.

"Oh, hey Draken," I nodded up at him, but his face was as stone cold as ever. Something told me that he wasn't happy with me.

"Excuse me! I'm so sorry, sir!" Joko immediately bowed his head and kept posture.

I was close to Draken, so I didn't bother, but did stay still whenever Draken commanded to Joko:

"You go on ahead home. Y/N and I need to have a talk. I'll walk her home."

"Yes, sir!" Joko bowed once more before waving to me and running off.

"Aww, Kenny. If you missed me that's all you had to say," I giggled, joining his side as we began our walk.

"What did I tell you about calling me that?!" He growled, making me laugh more:

"Don't be so serious, my man! Anywho, what we do we need to talk about?"

"You can wait till we get to your place," He murmured, hands in his pockets and following me along.

That wasn't a good sign. Was something happening with the gang that I needed to know about?

Regardless, during our walk I prepared myself. Thank goodness my mother left already, heading in and getting us two colas , sliding on to him over the counter.

"So, we're here. What's the deal?" Some cola eased my nerves a bit, and finally Draken spoke his mind:

"So, why do I still keep hearing about a some short girl, who likes to pop bubble gum, showing up at gang fights for money?"

"Uhhh-," I giggled softly, sipping my cola and clearly lying, "I have no idea! She sounds dangerous."

"What did I tell you about fighting in those little rings, huh?" Draken wasn't messing around this time.

Just great.

"That's what this is about, man?" Why was he so worried about this?! "You know that I'm a taijutsu master! Those guys are so easy to beat! It's easy money that I put towards the gang and take care of myself with. You know I don't have it easy, Draken!"

"I get that, but it's dangerous," He glared deep into my eyes, he seriously didn't want me doing this and I already knew why, "You're a-"

"Girl?" I shot an intense glare right back at him. I hated whenever someone told me not to do something because I'm a girl. It's such bullshit.

"And one of these days, you're gonna run into a big dude that you might not take down!" Draken slammed his hands on the counter, already towering over me and that made him feel even bigger, "Or you're gonna piss them off so bad that they're going it try and jump you!"

"Like that'll happen!" I slammed my hands down right in front of him and attempted to size him up, "I get why you worry, but come on! You've seen me fight!"

"For fucks sake, Y/N! What would you do if one day those guys get you alone, huh? And you have to fight a whole group of them without Joko or someone else with you? Tell me!"

His scenario did make me think and I truly didn't know what I would do. Even my cockiness wouldn't kick in while thinking about it.

"Listen," Draken sighed deeply, trying to settle the tension between us, "I just want you to be careful, okay? You're fighting between multiple gangs and I don't want this to turn into a big issues when it's stupid."

Again, I just stayed quiet. I guess there were other ways I could earn myself some money, but fighting is one thing I've always known and it was the easiest route.

Coming around the counter, he placed his hand on my shoulder, looking down into my eyes:

"Do you at least understand where I'm coming from?"

"Yeah, I understand," I whispered softly, staring at the floor till his fingertips lifted my chin so our gaze reconnected:

"I know you can kick ass, Y/N. You are a badass, you just can't be so reckless."

"Aww," I couldn't stand the seriousness anymore, getting him tongue tied when I twirled the strand of blonde hair in his face, "Who knew you were such a big softy."

"Softly?! How dare you!" He growled, swatting my hand away, making me laugh more:

"Chill, man! You're blushing, by the way."

"Blushing?!" That only made his face more red and I held my stomach from laughing so much!

"It's kinda cute though," I just had to keep poking at him, till he booped my forehead:

"Whatever. I'll see you later, shorty."

"No hug goodbye? How rude!" I teased, thinking I'd get a cold shoulder, till he wrapped one arm around my shoulder and side hugged me:

"There? Happy now?"

That made me smile, I don't think I've ever seen Draken hug anyone, let alone me!

"Yeah," I smiled softly, stopping him before he walked out of the door, "And hey, I promise I'll call it quits with the fighting ring for a while You did make a good point."

"I always do," He smiled softly, looking away for a moment thinking, and he made me smile even more, "Tomorrow the guys and I are gonna go for a ride and do some talking. Tag along, I know that bike of yours can ride."

"Faster than yours," I giggled, left smiling as he rolled his eyes, shutting the door:

"Whatever you say, shorty!"

*the next day*

Today was as typical as any other. School was easy, I went to taijutsu practice after and on the way out, I got the text to meet up so we could have some fun racing before the meeting.

I wasn't paying attention while walking out the back door into the parking lot, sending Draken a text that I was leaving practice, but my head jumped up as I heard metal crashing.

My bike! That asshole I knocked out yesterday was smashing it with a bat!

"You dick!" I yelled at him, charging right for him till I felt someone grab me by the hair.

"What do you think you're doing, huh?! Haha!"

The other guy I knocked out too?! I quickly grabbed his wrist, pulling his arm down and elbowing him in the joint as hard as I could.

That was enough to make him let go, backing away quickly to see that I was surrounded. That guy and all of his buddies were here.

Shit, this was bad. Very bad. To think Draken was right about this.

"You think we were just gonna let you off the hook after the stunt you pulled yesterday, huh?"

This was the first time in a long time I had to take my fighting stance in a real fight. I was surrounded, all of them closing in on me.

In that moment, I thought of what Draken said, what was I gonna do?

Looking around the circle, I was left with only one option. I picked out the smallest guy and punched his lights out to kick off the fight:

"I don't go down easy! Bring it on, bitches!"

It's been a while since I've been in a situation like this, but I didn't go down without a fight. I actually took out a good bit of them.

It was just so hard to watch my back, that being the one disadvantage when I felt my hair get gripped up tight.

The grip left a burn in my scalp, but I wasn't giving up, trying to kick the one guys away, but he kicked my knee out then kneed me right in the ribs.

That instantly knocked all of the wind out of me, about coughing up a lung, eyes heavy and head woozy whenever he picked my head up by the hair again:

"Told ya we'd teach you a lesson! Coming to our fight club and thinking you own the place!"

A punch right to my gut made me collapse, but he kept me up by the hair. All I could try to do in that moment was breathe, but the sound of motorcycle engines caught my attention.

Tires screeching made everyone come to a halt, hearing from behind me:



"You get your damn hands off of her!"

There was Draken right in front of me and he sent that dude into another atmosphere with just one punch.

Finally, I was let go and I fell to the concrete, curled up into a ball, coughing and heavily panting. Those punches and knee strikes were so strong I still couldn't breathe right.

"Wait? She's with the Tokyo Majin Gang?!"

That sure took them all by surprise. Glancing upward briefly, Draken, Baji, and Mikey were kicking all of their asses.

"Hey, Y/N! You gotta breathe! Don't worry, I got you," Mitsuya scooped me up in his arms softly and I tried my best.

Along with his coaching, I was finally breathing right, but damn did I feel like crap.

"You listen to me!" Everyone stopped what they were doing, all of those guys beat up and on the ground while Draken had their leader by the shirt.

I've never seen Draken so intimidating and terrifying before, that guy about pissing himself, shaking in fear as Draken growled in his face:

"If you ever even come near her again, it'll be the last thing you ever do!"

"Now, fuck off!" Baji made sure to get one last hit in, laughing while they all picked themselves off and ran for their lives.

"How is she?" Mikey was the next to come over and I hated that they had to see me like this.

This was the first time someone managed to put me down in a brawl, attempting to stand up as I groaned:

"I-I'm fine."

The moment I stood up, I collapsed again, but Draken was there, holding me in his arms:

"No you're not, Y/N. You got a bloody lip and all."

"And they destroyed your bike?" Mitsuya observed, and I was defeated, just laying my head against Draken's chest:

"I have no idea how they found out where the dojo is. They completely blindsided me."

"Baji, Mitsuya! Take care of her bike. I'm gonna take her home."

"On it," Mitsuya and Baji both came to my sides, helping me up to my feet.

"Don't worry, I can hang on to your bike," Holding my stomach, I limped alongside Draken, making sure to thank them all, "You guys really came in the Knick of time huh?"

"We planned on meeting up here after all, it's a good racing start," Mitsuya informed me, "Good thing we came when we did."

"You know we always have your back, sis," Baji smiled softly, Mikey smiling at me too:


"Thanks guys," I said softly, head down as I went to Draken's bike.

"You sure you'll be okay for the ride?" Draken was hesitant to hop on because of my condition, but I climbed right on and just nodded.

This pain was like burning in hell. I was clinging onto Draken for dear life during that ride and it wasn't even five minutes.

I was so grateful that my mom worked nights, if I came home like this and she saw me? Dear goodness, she'd lose her shit.

When we walked in the door, I had my back turned, ready to take care of myself alone, telling Draken:

"Thanks for bringing me home. I'll take care of myself, I promise."

"Y/N," He sighed, shaking his head, "You can't even walk."

"Barely, but I'm still walking," I went to take another step forward, but Draken shut and locked the door, coming and scooping me softly.

"You got anything to clean that cut?" He asked, taking me to my room and sitting me on the bed softly.

"Bathroom on the shelf," I whispered softly, sitting there trying to hold back tears from how my ribs hurt.

I was so pissed that I allowed this to happen to me, that Draken was right about the bad side to this fighting ring stuff.

I never lost a fight and the fact that they had to jump me? What cowards.

"Alright, I got some wraps for your ribs too. I can tell they're banged up," Draken came back to me, kneeling in front of me as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"No kidding, guess I'll just get it over with," I went to take the wraps, but I stopped as he instructed:

"Lift your shirt up. It's gonna be hard to do yourself."

"O-Oh, okay-"

Why was I so nervous all of a sudden? On top of that, it hurt like hell when I lifted my arms up, biting my lip to hide the cry trying to come out of me.

"Here," Draken slipped my shirt off like it was nothing, leaving me in my sports bra and when he looked down at me, gosh my cheeks were hot.

"T-Thanks," No one ever made me stutter like this, I hope I wasn't being too awkward, but it was like nothing to him:

"You're welcome. I'm gonna try to be as easy as I can. You should ice this too."

Running his large hand across my side, his hands were soft, which surprised me a little, the both of us noticing the bruises forming on me already.

"Ready?" Draken looked up to me for assurance before wrapping up my ribs and I just nodded, sucking in a breath, eyes shut tight but it didn't stop the tears.

Even when he was as gentle as possible, the stings and pains were a lot.

"Hey, all done. It's okay," My eyes were still closed, but I felt his thumb wipe away the tears running down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Draken," I cried softly, wiping the rest of my tears, "I should've have listened to you. I tried to fight, but there was just too many of them. I would've been dead if it weren't for you and the guys."

"It's not your fault those guys are a bunch of punks," Draken sighed, trying to help just because I was crying but I shook my head:

"You told me to stop fighting before something like this happened and I didn't listen. I'm so stupid!"

"Listen, all that matters is that, we got you out of that fight," When I felt him holding the side of my face, I finally looked him in the eyes, his gaze settling me along with his deepening voice, "There's nothing we can do to change it, but it's all gonna be alright."

Nodding softly, I whispered softly, "Thanks again, Draken. I don't think I can thank you guys enough."

"Like Baji and Mikey said, we always have your back. Always."

That put a small smile on my face and it was nice to get a smile back from him. It made all of the bad emotions start to drift away.

"Need anything else? Don't worry about the little meeting. We can handle it another time," I was so appreciative of him taking care of me and I did want to ask him something, but I was so nervous.

I always had the, fuck it, mentality, so I went ahead and asked softly:

"Do you mind s-staying the night?"

"Your moms not gonna get pissed, is she?"

Wait, he's cool with it? That about made my eyes pop out of my head, snapping out of it a bit to reply:

"She crashes in her room as soon as she comes home. Literally always. I'm not worried about it. It's just-"

"Just what?" No one's ever seen me like this and I think that's why Draken was being so understanding, extremely hard to get off my chest:

"That was the first time in my life I think, that I was truly scared. You know how some of these gangs are and what they do to girls. Let alone one who kicked their asses."

"Now, you know I'd never let anything like that happen to you," He assured, hugging me softly as he stood up, "Let's get you laid down, you need to relax."

That I surely agreed on, fixing my pillows and laying back as softly as I could, groaning through some pain, but relaxation waved over me as Draken turned off the lights, trying not to watch him too much as he tossed off his shirt, left in his tank top and shorts, definitely not admiring his tall, muscular stature.

He got into bed next to me as softly as he could, but the little bounce from his weight made my head hurt more, and he noticed how hard I closed my eyes.

"I'm sor-"

"It's alright," I cooed quickly, fixing my hair, "That guy about ripped my hair out and it still hurts."

Everything came to a sudden halt, the pain I was feeling, my heart, time almost, whenever Draken scooted closer to me, kissing the top of my head softly.

"Hair pulling is such a bitch move."

I went to speak, but nothing came out, my heart going double time as pet the top of my head softly, slicking my hair back.

"You alright?"

Sometimes he was so oblivious to others feelings, and I managed to get something out when I whispered:

"Is it okay if I tell you something?"

"What's up?"

Again, completely oblivious. Hopefully, my actions made things more clear as I took his arm that was close to me, placing it over me softly, fighting tears again as I admitted to him:

"I feel so safe with you. Like nothing could ever hurt me."

"That's because you are," Another kiss, but on my forehead, made those tears happy ones, feeling the drowsiness guiding me to sleep along with his whisper: "I'll always protect you, Y/N."

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