|| Enchanted || Lily Luna Pot...

By QueenWriter17

2.6K 11 0

"If you try guarding your heart, the doors will burst." After handling a cheating breakup, River knew she wa... More

I'm River
More Than Friends
A Private Relationship
Carnival Fun
The Beautiful Duo
Pond Hideout
Dancing & Shopping
Family Rekindled
Beach Birthday
Truth Comes Out
One Who Never Lied
Pool Parties & Movie Nights
Saving You Part 1
Saving You Part 2
Cakes, Gifts and Lies
A Terrible ATV Accident
Happy Earth Day!!🌲🌺🐠🌊
Kelly's Fairytale Dreams
My Whole New CJ
The Cheer Championship
It's a Ride of my Life
Lit Breakout Role
NYC, Here I Come
4 Months Later
Can We Just Talk
*****The 2nd Cast*****
CJ's Strange Uncle Part 1
CJ's Strange Uncle Part 2
A Stroll Through the Ministry
Four Teens & a Wizard
The Sorting Ceremony
Dinner with the Wotters
My Name isn't Firecracker
Green Smurf Potter
Night at the Astronomy Tower
Magic Lessons 101
1AM Breakfast N Chill
Two Gryffindors vs. a Slytherin
The Redhead Guitarist
"Don't Say the M Word!"
Roxanne Knows
Slytherin's Secret Culprit
Haters Gonna Talk
An Ultimate Faceoff Part 1
An Ultimate Faceoff Part 2
"I was Enchanted..."
My Happy Memory
Drunk Confessions
Breakfast Trips in Hogsmeade
Nightly Groupchats
Summer Adventure Sequel

Some People Don't Change

27 0 0
By QueenWriter17

(Up top is Rochelle Goyle)

Next morning wasn't a hassle for my stomach since I already had breakfast. But it sure made me sleep a little sluggish. I yawned, rubbing the tiredness off my face and stretching at the same time. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and checked the time. 8:00am. At least I don't feel hungry anymore. My stomach then grumbled hungrily for three seconds. Ok. Maybe I am. I rolled out of bed and saw Lily slept with her messy-tangled hair splattered. The difference is my jacket was hanging on her bedside. I smiled, containing my chuckle so I won't wake her up. The girls and CJ are already downstairs. Now I got time to myself to get ready. I did a few workout poses before my morning routine and shower. My outfit:

Whoo! This weather isn't like the one in Cali. I'd prefer summer than autumn because it's when I'm surfing, getting a blue raspberry Slurpee and going to Millennium dance class. I walked out to see Lily yawning groggily. I smirked teasingly. "Morning bedhead." I joked. She rubbed her hair and smiled sleepily. "Morning." She said softly. I raised an eyebrow. "Do you always wake up like this after midnight feasts?" I asked. Lily rolled out of her bed and stretched. "Depends on what my brothers bring from the kitchen." She said, rolling her eyes at the last part. I chuckled. "Let me know in case you invite me again." I said. Lily smiled and shrugged. "Why wouldn't I?" She asked. My cheeks warmly burned. I cleared my throat. "Duh. Thanks." I muttered. She nodded while walking pass me. Another odd smell flew to my nostrils. Mm, she smells like a type of drink I somehow can't put a finger on. Her physique figure was shown in the bathroom. I'm no pervert but she seemed really thin from shoulders to feet. Of course, she is absolute radiant. Wait! Radiant? Great now I'm sounding poetical. She stared at her petite waist and rubbed circles around it in the mirror. It's a shame how girls see themselves differently. We're all beautiful inside and out. Stupid photoshop crap. Lily noticed I was watching and closed the door embarrassingly. It kinda made me giggle. That's a first.

Lily and I walked beside each other through the castle. "Something caught your eye?" She teased. I looked at her confusedly. "What do you mean?" I asked. She rolled her eyes annoyingly. "Cmon Walker I'm not dumb." She said. I looked down and snickered. "Nor am I but I wasn't looking." I giggled. Lily scoffed, crossing her arms. "Whatever." She sassed. I smiled. "Even if I was, I'd like to say how beautiful you look." I flirted. She low-key giggled and caressed her hair shyly. "River, what you saw didn't look beautiful. I'm way too thick." She muttered. I nodded in disagreement. "Cmon, you're not thick. You're naturally beautiful from head to toe. Every angle." I said in a serious tone. She huffed rather irritatingly. "Oh quit joking." She said. Dang. Does she really think she isn't perfect? Like they say, they'll see it themselves. CJ was standing beside the hall door. She saw us and sighed. "Finally! I been waiting for twenty minutes." She said. I scoffed. "We didn't take that long." I said. Lily smirked. "We're girls, of course we do." She joked and walked off. CJ laughed. I playfully rolled my eyes before following them behind. Another person tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see this girl. She was almost my height except I'm an inch taller, daring green eyes, fully darkened hair and applied makeup. My only question is what she need to tap my shoulder for? She smiled. Too nicely. "Hi! You must one of those transfer students. I'm Rochelle Goyle." She introduced. Duh, weren't she at the ceremony? I fake smiled. "My name isn't transfer student. It's River." I said. She lightly scoffed. "Of course! A cool name! I'm from Slytherin house and I see you're BFFs with Lily." She said. I raised both eyebrows confusedly. "You know Lily?" I asked. Rochelle nodded. "We became friends at the start of fifth year. All started when I saw her in a compartment with two girls...forgot their names." She told me. "Would that be Lucy and Roxanne? Molly? Lyra?" I guessed sarcastically. She smiled. "Yup! Except Roxanne and Molly." She said. I crossed my arms. "How come you're not talking with them right now?" I asked. She sighed deeply. "After a while...things got mental." She told me. What? What exactly happened? "Ok. I got two questions for you." I said, putting up two fingers. Rochelle shrugged. "Go ahead." She quickly said. "One, what happened? Second, things got crazy why?" I asked. She almost spoke until CJ joined the conversation. "Hey, what's up here? Haven't seen you here before. What's your name?" She asked. Rochelle smiled. Too nicely. "I'm Rochelle. Slytherin house. Nice to meet you." She said kindly. CJ returned the gesture. "I'm CJ! One of the transfer students." She said. "Where exactly are you from?" She asked. "California." We said in unison. Rochelle breathed a breath of relief. "Thank goodness! Nice to meet kids from America like me. River, to answer your questions—I cut her off. "Ceej, save my seat. I'll be there in a second." I told her. She nodded, heading back to the grouped table. She sighed. "We'll have to meet up somewhere private. Like Hog's Head." She whispered. I smirked. "Fine. Being discreet is my best qualities." I whispered. She smiled. "Perfect! See ya at 12!" She beamed before walking away. Weird. Then again, everything's weird here.


As promised, I walked up to this Hog's Head Cafe with my hoodie on. All the girls and Ceej believed I'm taking a walk for fresh air. It felt rather off about this Slytherin girl and Lily's claimed friendship. Now I'm going to find out what's apparently happened. I opened the door, taking off my hoodie. None of the Wotters, Ceej, Jack nor Leila in sight. Phew! Just three or two people around a little older. Nonetheless the room was like rodent filthy. I spotted Rochelle sitting on a small table with an empty chair across. She waved, motioning me to come. I walked up and sat on the chair. "Damn. This place is filthy." I whispered. She cringed disgustedly. "Same but it's the only place where it's not too loud and crowded." She said. "No crap." I agreed. Rochelle cleared her throat. "Alright. You want the truth? To answer your first question, me and Lily were good friends of course. I decided to leave their 'Wotter' squad." She said. "Why?" I asked. She scoffed angrily. "Who wants to befriend her? All because she's a Potter Princess, her Dad's the Boy Who Lived, she's full of perfection and her life's amazing blah blah blah." She whispered. I huffed. "Did I really came here just to hear you blab about Lily's unwanted popularity?" I asked annoyedly. She rolled her eyes. "No. Truthfully I couldn't handle the things that came with being Lily's friend. Nobody really notices you. Just thinks you're one of her friends. And it made me so...so..." She trailed off. I sighed. "Angry?" I guessed. Rochelle clutched the handle on her chair angrily and inhaled a deep breath. "A little." She muttered. A little my ass. "They only think I got tired of them and wanted to join the Slytherin clique which I perfectly did. You know who also's in Slytherin house?" She whispered. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Albus?" I guessed. She nodded her head no. "Lorcan Scamander. He has a twin brother named Lysander in case you get confused. Answer my question River. How well do you know Lily?" She whispered. Something tells me she knows something the others probably don't. Even if she do, how disturbing can it be? I rubbed my hair and sighed. "What do you mean? And what's this got to do with a Scamander twin?" I asked. She hummed in response. "Let's just say they know the Weasley-Potter clan pretty well. Grew up in fact. It's enough for Lorcan to reveal something real mental about Lily." She explained. I low-key growled. "Why the fuck would he expose his close friend's secrets? Talk about an untrusting idiot." I whispered. She nodded. "She's anorexic. Lily. She got anorexia." She admitted. The whole times of the world immediately paused around me. It's like I was a frozen popsicle but kept breathing. Lily's anorexic? Impossible. She's too tough and beautiful to ever become that. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked. Rochelle shifted herself on the chair. "It seems like you're the last person she want you to know about this. I mean, you're her friend right? You have a right to know." She said innocently. I scoffed, fake smiling. "Funny you say that. Months ago you were that person and now...you're just spilling her dirt because you envy how happy she is." I said. She reached to grab my collar but I grabbed hers harshly. Her eyes widened while growling. I growled. "Trying to get touchy huh? It's nothing compared to my foot in your ass. Keep your fake ass away from me. Especially Lily. I can do more than spell you." I threatened coldly. She slightly gulped as I yanked my hands off the collar. I got up from the chair and raised an eyebrow. "By the way Maleficent, I'm getting lunch at the castle. Better than this trash heap you picked." I sassed. She growled angrily. I smiled innocently and left the cafe.

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