Sea Princess's Mate (Emmett C...

By jumpingmanatee

529K 15.3K 2.7K

Selene Clearwater is Sue Clearwater's oldest child and Harry Clearwater's adopted daughter, half-sister to Le... More

Chapter 1 A Somber Home Coming
Chapter 2 Cherished Memory
Chapter 3 Joining the Pack
Chapter 4 Enough Is Enough
Chapter 5 First Patrol
Chapter 6 Imprinting Reaction
Chapter 7 Mission Complete
Chapter 8 Lunch Date
Chapter 9 La Push
Chapter 10 First Phase
Chapter 11 Confrontation
Chapter 12 Discussion
Chapter 13 Ultimatum
Chapter 14 It Finally Comes to A Head
Chapter 15 Banishment
Chapter 16 Crimes And Misdemeanors
Chapter 17 Visions
Chapter 18 The After Effect
Chapter 19 Reaction
Chapter 20 The Weight of One Life
Chapter 21 Unlikely Imprint
Chapter 22 An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 23 Recovery and Revenge
Chapter 24 A Visit From Dad
Chapter 25 Private Time
Chapter 26 The Following Day
Chapter 27 First Hunt
Chapter 28 Punishment
Chapter 29 Revelations
Chapter 30 Announcement
Chapter 31 Surprise!
Chapter 32 Grandma
Chapter 33 Bad News & Good News
Chapter 34 A Day of Fun
Chapter 35 Sparring in the Woods.
Chapter 36 Here We Go Again
Chapter 37 Realization
Chapter 39 A Scheming Plan
Chapter 40 Surprising News... Not
Chapter 41 Sacrifice
Chapter 42 Sad News

Chapter 38 Training Session

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By jumpingmanatee

Percy and Selene sat out of the training between the wolves and the vampires. Again, Jasper asked Leah to help him as he was more confident that she could control herself better. After a while, Seth volunteered. He had spent enough time with his soon-to-be brother-in-law and Jasper to know he could hold his instinct.

Jasper went easy on Seth, showing him how to attack a newborn without getting hurt. Jasper slowly started speeding up and was pleased to see Seth's tactics improving. It also helped the other wolves to see the training through Seth's eyes since their connection was still strong, and it also helped them distinguish between each vampire's scent.

Eventually, Jared approached Jasper in his wolf form and told Edward that he wanted to spar with Jasper, “Don't worry, Jasper. Jared said that Seth's spar with you has helped his wolves learn to distinguish us from the others.”

Jasper was slow to agree but consented, and the training began. With Jared sparring with Jasper, the other wolves could get more out of it. Once Jasper had trained each wolf, he moved on to his coven and instructed them to defeat the newborns. The Denali clan noticed that Selene and Percy only observed and wondered if they would be part of the battle. The siblings assured their new friends that they would be, “It's just that Percy and I were trained differently on how to fight, and it's something we prefer to do in private.”

Tanya and Kate nodded, but Irena walked towards Emmett, “Are you going to let your pregnant mate fight, Emmett.”

“If I could convince her not to, I would, but she will not let her siblings fight alone, and she and Percy are a great team. I've seen them train, Irena; nothing will happen to them. Maybe later, they'll let you watch.”

Irena walked away to join the others in their training. Irena was intrigued as to what type of training the half-siblings did. She was looking forward to seeing them train. They trained for several hours, and Tanya decided that she would train with Jacob so that they could get to know each other better. It was a little tricky since Jacob was in his wolf form, but he made it clear that he adored Tanya. Tanya would smile at her wolf and pet and scratch his ears affectionately.

The whole time this was going on, Bella's jealousy raged. But Bella had Edward, and that would be enough for now. After the sparring lesson, Edward took Bella home, and the pack followed the Cullens back to their home. It was time to explain to the Denali clan who Selene and Percy were.

They all sat in the living room as Selene and Percy told the others about their life story. At first, the Denalis didn't believe it until Selene and Percy showed them their powers. It shocked the Denali clan, “And which god is your father?” Tanya asked.

“Poseidon, god of the ocean, earth-shaker, and god of the horses.”

“Did you inherit his powers,” Eleazar asked.

“Yes, of course,” Percy said. “We can control water, and if we are injured, the water helps us heal. We can control the earth and cause earthquakes, though it's rare for us to use that power. We can communicate with the ocean wildlife and breath underwater.”

The Denali clan was very impressed. They looked at Selene, “So, then, you're not a shapeshifter?”

“I am, I have the gene from my mother's side, but my father taught me to change into anything. I only need to think about it. The cool thing is that my clothes change with me.”

“Lucky Bitch,” Leah mumbled. Selene only grinned at her siblings.

“Do you think we can see you spar,” Eleazar asked?

“Sure,” The siblings said simultaneously.

“The only thing is that we don't want Bella to know what we are. It's none of her business, and I feel she'll blab to someone.”

The Denali clan agreed. They were not very fond of Bella, but she was with Edward, and it was their duty to help their family. Everyone stood and walked outside to see Percy and Selene spar against each other. After a while, the vampires asked if they could train with them. The Denalis thought it would be easy to go against two humans; how sorely mistaken they were.

They soon discovered their superior strength and speed were no match for the demigods and soon conceded their fight. After that display of fighting prowess, Everyone went inside to plan their attack.

Bella insisted that she and Edward stay away from the fight. She suggested they go to a campsite at the mountain's base that offered protection from the elements. Edward agreed. Bella thought this was the perfect time to seduce Edward. She decided that if he agreed to have sex with her, she would marry him. She knew that if Edward wanted to marry her, he would give in to her demands.

There were only two more days until the battle. Everyone was worked up except for Selene and Percy. They knew they needed to remain calm and level-headed, or mistakes would be made. They informed the others that they were as prepared as they could be, “For now, we relax and keep our minds off the fight,” Selene told the others.

“Is that a good idea? Shouldn't we work until the day they arrive?” Carmen asked.

“No, Percy and I have learned from the children of Athena and Athena herself that if we remain anxious about the fight, more mistakes will be made,” Selene explained. Jasper nodded from his place on the sofa next to Alice.

“Today, we relax; tomorrow, we prepare to meet the enemy,” Percy told the others.

After thinking about it for a moment, the vampires decided it was a good idea. Tanya and Jacob were the first to take advantage of their downtime, and Jake asked Tanya if she wanted to meet his father. The council had already been informed, so there wasn't going to be a problem with Tanya on the Rez. Tanya smiled at her mate and agreed. They soon left, heading for the reservation.

Percy and Seth started playing video games while Leah, Rosalie, and Paul went to watch a film in town. The others scattered about the house or went hunting. Selene and Emmett went to their room to watch a movie and cuddle. Selene knew Emmett was worried about her, so she decided to give him as much love, affection, and assurance as if nothing would happen.

Meanwhile, at Bella's house, Bella packed a sexy nighty she bought a long time ago and hoped it would tempt Edward. If it didn't, then she would make a bargain with him. Bella was convinced that everything would work out, and she would be the queen bee again.

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