Awakened as a Fine Female Can...

By SheijiHiei

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In every book, there's always a female cannon fodder who seeks death - the ones who are arrogant and tyrannic... More

Chapter 1 - The female lead with plot armor was snatched by her childhood friend
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Elite female characters
Chapter 12 - Snatching away the golden trump card childhood best-friend
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - End
Chapter 27 - The Sudden Transformation of the Female Star with no Talent
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 - End
Chapter 35 - The unveracious Heiress out of your league
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - End
Chapter 55 - Be hated by everyone in the love variety show
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74 - End
Chapter 75 - A sickly cousin in the care of others
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 41

2.3K 47 11
By SheijiHiei

The Lu family did something inappropriate, but they also covered the shyness. Everyone could say that the Lis wanted a family reunion. They had no choice but to do so, not because they disliked the bad luck of Huo Wei.

Most rich people were like this. As long as the veil was covered, they would be fine.

Some even agreed with the Lu family, because they didn't dare to keep a jinx at home. It was not easy to maintain the prosperity of the family in the political field. No one dared to bet.

So even if they knew what happened to Huo Wei, they would only sign that she was unlucky.

The Marquis talked a little more, but they were glad. Marquis was almost married to Mr.Fang. She was almost the mother of the next generation of the Marquis. What would the Marquis be like! Fortunately, Lu Jingyun was found. She was the lucky star, which could probably offset the bad luck brought by Huo Wei.

Marquise also donated a lot of money for incense. She asked people to clean up the whole mansion and asked Fang Qingze to soak in teapot and leaf water to dispel bad luck. She already hated Huo Wei. In the future, she was afraid that if he had any trouble, he would think of her.

This was exactly what Lu Jingyun wanted. She would cut off the road for Huo Wei to turn over.

It had to be said that her trick was very unique.

In the past, she was worried that Marquise, the Lu family, or anyone else would compare her with Huo Wei because she was afraid that Huo Wei would better than her. But no one would say that she was better than her after that.

Just because of her bad luck, Huo Wei could be detested by everyone for the rest of her life.

This couldn't satisfy Lu Jingyun. She was waiting. She would find an opportunity to tell the Lis about this. What would they do to Huo Wei then? Didn't she say that she didn't want to be a concubine? What she didn't know was that the most money she could get from Lis was to sell her to be a concubine!

Lu Jingyun had a good day when Huo Wei left, but she didn't know that Huo Wei was happier than her.

As soon as Huo Wei saw the Lis, they were timid and felt ashamed of themselves in front of her. They were real rural people and had never been to the capital city in their whole life. This time, they didn't dare to make trouble unless they had nowhere to go. They suddenly saw a graceful and noble lady from an eminent family. They couldn't do anything natural.

Even if Huo Wei was a member of their family, they couldn't treat her as they did to Lu Jingyun.

As if she had met a group of actors in the shooting, she smiled generously and said kindly, "Dad, mom, bro. I've heard from you for a long time. I didn't expect to meet you today. We're finally reunited. "

"Yes, yes."Mr. Li rubbed his hands and looked behind her with a smile. "Well, let's go home now. We are all here to pick you up. Your mother misses you so much that she will cry all day long. Where is your stuff? "

"Stuff? What's that? Miss Lu didn't take anything with her when she came back home. "

"How can it be the same?"Mrs.Li raised her voice and said anxiously, "We don't have anything good in our family. Of course, we can't take it out. The Lu family is so rich. Why don't they bring you something? "

Huo Wei shook her head and spread out her hands to show them her clothes. "That's it. And my maid."She pulled over Shaoyao who was also dressed in the same cloth and said with a smile, "Her name is Shaoyao. It's not easy to use a maid in the countryside in the future. She can be my sister."

"What? You haven't taken anything with you. Why do you need to take one more home for dinner? "Mrs.Li was no longer timid when she saw the rich lady. Her eyes were burning. She rolled up her sleeves and was about to pinch her.

Li Zhuang pull Mrs.Li. He was thirteen years old and knew a lot of things. He knew it was not good to make a scene here, so he immediately winked at Mrs.Li to ask her to restrain herself.

Mrs.Li had a son all her life. She listened to him and changed the subject immediately. She said stiffly, "Let's go. Go back quickly. We're waiting for you at home."

"Okay."Huo Wei followed them happily.

Several spies at the door reported to the master after she left. When the Lus heard that both Huo Wei and the Li family were happy, they all felt uncomfortable. Lu Jingyun, in particular, felt that Huo Wei had fallen into a trap, but was slapped in the face in an instant, which made him very angry.

The Li family treated her badly. How could they be kind to her? How could she be stronger than her?!

No one cared about what they were thinking. Wearing plain clothes, Huo Wei went to Li's house with the Li family.

Lou Ye was in a private room on the second floor of the teahouse. He stood by the window and watched Huo Wei and the others walk over."Your Highness, do you want to help Miss Lu? We've found out that Lu Jingyun framed her up. "

Lou Ye kept silent and shook his head. "She has her own idea. Don't move for the time being. If she needs any help, she will tell me. "

"Then his highness revealed the secrets of the Liao's before..."

"Humph! The Liao family is such a dirty place. They don't deserve to be seen by her."Lou Ye couldn't see her anymore. He turned around and sat down. He picked up the teacup and said coldly, "Does the third prince's horse fall have anything to do with her?"

"It doesn't matter. At that time, the third prince didn't know, it was the eldest prince who did it."

Lou Ye didn't say anything. He waved his hand to ask him to leave and enjoy the tea alone. After a while, he called out his secret guards and ordered them to go to the Li village to keep an eye on her. He didn't want anyone to bully her.

In fact, Luck was on her side. When she was thinking about how to make Shaoyao leave, Mrs.Li whispered that there was no food at home and more people could talk happily. Huo Wei naturally let Shaoyao go. The Lis thought that Shaoyao had gone back to the Lu family, but in fact, she had gone to the old man whose surname was Huo.

Huo Wei followed the Lis alone to the gate of the city. A child fell nearby and was almost hit by the carriage. As soon as Huo Wei picked up the child, a woman rushed out of the car and held the child in her arms. She repeatedly thanked Huo Wei, saying that she had saved her grandson.

The old lady was from the Li village. When she came to the village to buy something, she immediately asked them to get on the donkey cart and take a cart back.

The road from the capital to the Li village was not easy to walk. Every lady had a car frame when she went out. If she really walked on such a long earth road, she would probably feel dizzy with blisters on her feet.

Although Huo Wei had been doing exercise in her room since she came, it was more comfortable to go back by cart than walking. It was a little far away.

The Li family members didn't know why they were so polite and followed the cart. It was boring on the road. When they were chatting, Huo Wei held the boy in her arms and teased him. Seeing that someone was working in the field far away, she taught him a simple poem.

The poem taught by Huo Wei was easy, and children had a good memory. On their way to the village, the boy had actually remembered it. When they got out of the cart, he even recited it loudly for her. The driver and the woman were thrilled. They expressed their thanks to her and asked her expectantly if she had the talent to study.

Stroking the boy's head, she smiled and said, "Of course he has a gift. It's good if he can focus on his study. Although we can't be sure in the future, it will be good to give it a try. "

"Try it, try it! Thank you, Miss Li. Today is your first day home. You should celebrate it. Wait a minute. I'll bring you a piece of meat! "As soon as the woman finished her words, she ran back home and brought a piece of meat the size of a palm to Huo Wei. This was already a good gift in the village!

After hesitating for a while, Mrs.Li took it over with a smile. Huo Wei had to say goodbye to her. Then she heard from Mrs.Li that the family sold pork. They usually went to the market to collect pork with a donkey cart, and sometimes directly sold it to a rich family in the village.

Mrs.Li was in a good mood after getting the piece of meat for free, so her attitude towards Huo Wei was naturally much better.

Li's village was neither very poor nor very rich. The Li's family was supposed to be moderate in the Li's village, but recently, his father was addicted to gambling, losing all his fields. Li Zhuang fought with others, injured people, and lost all the savings of his family.

They borrowed all who they could borrow in the village. Now they had no way out. They hadn't eaten meat for a long time. As soon as they came back home, they cooked the meat and waited to eat it.

Seeing that Huo Wei was looking around, Mr. Li said, "Your grandfather and grandmother don't live here. They split up with your uncle. I'll take you to see them after dinner."

"Okay."Huo Wei happily agreed, wiped the dust off the chair with a handkerchief, and sat down.

Mr. Li was stunned. He wanted to ask her to help him on the stove, but he couldn't say anything as she looked so arrogant. Seeing this, Li Zhuang coughed and said, "Sister, as you can see, our family is in trouble now. You used to be the eldest daughter of the Lu family. You can't leave us alone. Think of a way to get some food home?"

Li Zhuang's hint was obvious, but Huo Wei said in surprise, "Don't you know? I was kicked out by the Lu family! They said the relation broken up today. How can I get things back?"

"What? What? That we came and found you! "Mr.Li asked in disbelief. He suddenly felt that there was something he didn't know.

Looking at the father and son's expressions, Huo Wei frowned and said, "It seems that the Lu family didn't tell you? Didn't Miss Lu send someone to inform you? "She sighed, "That's right. Miss Lu said that you have been harsh to her in the past sixteen years. She treated her very badly and hated you very much. How could you inform her of this? As for the Lu family, I have told them several times that I would come back, but they didn't allow me to do that. They said that the Li family was a hell and that they wanted you to have nothing. They won't tell me either."

Li Zhuang suddenly stood up and widened his eyes, "What did you say? How dare that bitch hate us? The Lu family also wants us to have nothing?" He immediately grabbed Mr. Li's arm and shouted angrily, "Dad! It must be the Lu family who is against us. Otherwise, what a coincidence? When Li Yun went back to the Lu family, something happened to our family."

"Yes, you're right. It's all because of that bitch!"Mr. Li said angrily, "I knew she was not kind-hearted. It was a lie that she hypocritically said she would miss us after she left. Did we mistreat her? She was just like other girls. How could he treat her so harshly to raise her up? I should have thrown her into the mountain to feed wolves!"

"Humph! She has been treated so harshly that she has already married that bad old man to be the eighteenth concubine! Don't you know that Li Yun had hooked up with the boy's second uncle and wanted to marry him? "Li Zhuang clenched his fists in anger. If Lu Jingyun stood in front of him, he would punch her!

Huo Wei raised her eyebrows. These things were not written in the book, but they really fit Lu Jingyun's character. Lu Jingyun called Li Yun when she was in the Li family and called Jing Yun when she went back to the Lu family. Lu Jingyun always chose the best man within her ability, so she knew what kind of person she would be in the Li village.

That family sold pork, maybe not the richest family in the village, but also one of the richest families. At least, they could often eat meat to satisfy their hunger. In the Li village, the days we're sure to be good. Lu Jingyun didn't know she was held by the wrong family at that time, so she would choose the best one.

However, she knew that she was the daughter of the Lu family and went back to another life.

It had nothing to do with Huo Wei. Before she could finish her words, she nodded and said, "It turns out that there are some misunderstandings. But the Lu family has believed Miss Lu, and I'm afraid they won't spare the Li family. She had no choice? It's all my fault. "

"Bullshit! Didn't they hug the wrong child? We haven't blamed them yet, but they have the nerve to blame us! What kind of official was he? Bah! "Mr. Li spit out angrily.

After saying that, he suddenly remembered, "What did you mean by that? What do you mean by that they don't tell us the news? What news? Why on earth were you kicked out? Didn't you say that they didn't allow you to come back? "

Mr.Li and Li Zhuang were on the alert. Even Mrs.Li ran out of the stove and stared at Huo Wei. Now that the Lu family didn't allow her to come back, it wouldn't be a good thing to suddenly agree.

Huo Wei sighed, "It's just a fortune teller. Whoever gets close to me will have a bad end. The Mrs.Feng of the Lus believed me and insisted that I was a jinx. Coincidentally, they found someone to arrange a marriage for me, and that person was in trouble at once. Mr. Lu seemed to be a little disadvantageous in the officialdom. He said that he couldn't keep me here for a whole day, so he kicked me out immediately."

The three of them gasped at the same time! "Are you a jinx?" Mrs.Li asked in a sharp voice.

"Shh -" Huo Wei immediately stood up and pointed her finger to stop her.

Mrs.Li didn't care about it. She grabbed her arm and asked, "Tell me! Who gave you the permission? Are you really a jinx? Who is unlucky?"

The neighbors nearby on both sides heard it. They pushed open the yard and walked out with bowls in their hands. Not far away, they could just watch the fun.

Mrs.Li demanded as if she was going to eat her alive. "Of course, I'm not a jinx. Why did you eat meat as soon as I came back?"

The Li family members were stunned. Yes, if she really said that whoever was unlucky, how could she come back to get a piece of meat? The three looked at each other, confused. "What do you mean? You don't cheat me?"

"How dare you play tricks on dad and mom?"Mr.Li shouted, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why do you come back with us? Do you also hate us and want to kill us?"

"I haven't seen you before. Why should I hate you? Besides, I'm your daughter. Where can I go if I don't come back with you? Are you reasonable? I just came back for the first day. How could you do this to me? Sure enough, Lu Jingyun is right. You have been mistreating her all the time, and your heart is dark! "

With a snort, she entered the room and slammed the door!

The angry look on Huo Wei's face was so intimidating that it scared the Li family and the neighbors. Looking at each other, Mr. Li and Mrs.Li didn't want to call Huo Wei, so they just scolded her and told her not to eat and reflect on herself in the room.

After locking the door and windows, Huo Wei took out the desserts she brought with her sleeves. She didn't plan to have dinner with the Lis. She had gone to the uninhabited island to survive but still had delicious food. How could she feel wronged in the Li family?

When she left the Lu family, Mrs.Chen said that she would bring her something, but those things she saw were not useful. She didn't know who had the idea to disgust her. Those beautiful decorations were not worth much, but they took up a lot of space and didn't have many boxes.

Of course, Huo Wei wouldn't let that thing leave a good reputation for the Lu family. She didn't take anything with her, and only the rough clothes of the Lu family's inferior maid.

The money she brought out was prepared in advance. Mrs. Feng had made clothes for her and Lu Jingyun and rewarded her with jewelry, but she didn't think it was enough.

They were not exquisite enough. She had filmed so many movies in her previous life, and they were all well made. Naturally, the clothes for her were also tailor-made. She had learned how to dress up for ancient costume plays, and she was familiar with these things.

So she took the opportunity to go shopping and made a deal with the shopkeeper of the treasure house, selling him more than ten drawings. She drew it vividly and looked really good. In the end, she got one hundred and twenty.

She just got some money for an emergency, and after she got one hundred and twenty, she didn't do anything else. Instead, she asked Shaoyao to put away the money and go to find the old lady named Huo. It was a coincidence that the old lady was from a rich family.

Mrs.Huo was beaten up by her husband and then divorced. Her parents blamed her, so she decided to own a female household. Although it was hard for her all her life, she had lived it and didn't have to suffer from that kind of bad man.

However, she had been a common person all her life and only earned a dilapidated small house at the edge of the capital city. Now that she had reached fifty, she was in poor health. Without the care of the younger generation, and without income, she had a hard time.

That was why the female household was in a dilemma. But Mrs.Huo met her needs. In particular, Shaoyao knew that Mrs. Huo was a good person. If she wanted to be adopted, she would be in big trouble, not another one.

Women in ancient times were not free. It was the safest way for Huo Wei to go around. Lu Jingyun happened to use her life to deal with her, so she made use of it to connect the Lus, Lis, and Mrs. Huo.

Shaoyao had already made a deal with Mrs. Huo. Mrs. Huo felt sorry for her and hoped that she could have a good child as a junior so that she could have someone to talk to for the rest of her life. Now they just waited for the Lis to agree.

That night, Huo Wei slept in Li's house. The Li family ate meat outside and deliberately raised their voice to make her laugh.

After getting up, she dressed neatly and walked out of the yard to the back hill. When she met someone on the way, she smiled and said, "I don't have anything to eat at home. I want to go up the mountain to see if there is anything to eat."

In the beginning, people in the village all felt that she was a Lady, not a village person. When they met her and saw that she was easy to get along with, they all relaxed. They thought that this girl was good and she looked good.

Some boys of the right age began to consider marrying Huo Wei. They had heard that she taught children to recite poems. Although Huo Wei didn't know how to do farm work, she was a learned woman. After marrying her, all the children in the family didn't need to go to school. They just needed to learn from Huo Wei.

It wasn't too late for her to send the intelligent boy to school after her enlightenment was confirmed. It was a good thing. Besides, Huo Wei was so beautiful, and her baby must be like the boy who sat down at the Guanyin Temple!

All of a sudden, they thought of a lot of things. When they were discussing, Huo Wei had already gone into the mountain.

She had lived for two lifetimes and had a rich experience. She didn't feel afraid when she went into the mountain alone. But without her plot armor, she couldn't catch pheasants, hares, and so on. Finally, she went around and caught fish, roasted by the river, and ate them.

She didn't go back until she was full in the mountain, thinking about how to guide the Lis to send her away. When she was about to greet someone, she saw the villagers walk away from her for fear of being similar to her.

She walked all the way and heard vaguely the words "jinx", "bad luck", "let her go" and so on. She immediately knew that it was the neighbors who watched the fun yesterday that spread her news of the approval. But yesterday, she also specially said that she only had flesh when she came. How could the villagers believe that she was a jinx?

When she walked to the Li family's house, she suddenly understood what was going on.

The Li family members ran to the thatched cottage one after another, and their faces turned pale because of the stomachache. In other people's eyes, it was her who came back?!

People who didn't have enough food suddenly ate so much meat was of cause illness. It was so oily that it was impossible for them not to have diarrhea! But these people didn't understand. They would only think that meat was a good thing, and the three members of the Lis had become like this, which was definitely a sweep of the star group!

That's great! This was definitely the effect of Luck!

Huo Wei's eyes lit up. She walked into the room and pretended to be confused. "What's wrong with you?"

"Stay away from me! Get out! "Mrs.Li didn't care about it and scolded away. She looked at Huo Wei with fear and resentment.

"Mom, what are you talking about? How can I defeat you? If I could control people like this, there would have been so many people in the Lus. "

"Bah! They were all high officials and well paid, so they couldn't see anything wrong. We don't have anything in our family, but it's confined to the body, isn't it? If you hadn't come back yesterday, how could we have been like this? "Mr.Li couldn't help cursing.

They were afraid of death. It turned out that the speed of the broom was as fast as a ghost.

Huo Wei was confused. Although she had heard from Lu Jingyun that they preferred boys to girls, wasn't it too much?

She stepped forward and said, "Dad, mom, you think too much."

"Who are your parents? Go back to your room! "Mrs.Li pointed at the room and asked her to go back.

Then she entered the room.

In fact, the sudden pain wouldn't last long. That afternoon, the three of them felt much better. However, they had already had a premonition that it was Huo Wei who brought them pain.

Mr. Li and Mrs.Li were discussing in a low voice in the room. Mr. Li said, "Marry her out as soon as possible and change a bride price."

"Why are you in such a hurry? Who are you going to marry? Besides, the news that she swept the star has spread all over the village. Who wants her? "Mrs.Li said angrily, "What bad luck! I shouldn't have gone to the Lus."

"No one has heard of what happened here. I wanted her to be a concubine in exchange for more money, but now it's impossible. If others know her reputation, they won't spare us. Then sell them to a remote village. If they can't get married, they can get a few taels of silver in exchange. "Mr. Li's face was cold. He didn't seem to be talking about his daughter at all.

Mrs.Li nodded and went out to ask about it.

The Lis had suffered a lot these days, and it had long lost its reputation in the Li village. Mrs.Li was shameless. She didn't care whether it was immoral for her to marry a jinx or not, as long as she could exchange money, the whole family would be in trouble.

It was also because of this thought that she didn't directly hand over Huo Wei to the police. Otherwise, if Huo Wei was really a jinx, for the sake of the fortune of the whole village, it was very likely that she would be drowned!

After inquiring around, Mrs.Li finally found a woman who had sold her daughter and told her the price and how to sell it.Mrs.Li started to chat with someone. Before she could say anything, a wild boar rushed down the mountain and bumped into her!

Mrs.Li fell to the ground one meter away, and the blood instantly flowed out of her body. The others were frightened to scream and run away quickly to call for help. When Mr. Li followed them and waited for the servant to run over with a hoe and a sickle, the wild boar was still running around.

After they killed the wild boar, they hurried to find a doctor to see Mrs.Li.

Mrs.Li was in a coma, and all the villagers were discussing, "It's the girl who came back from the Li family. She is a jinx. I can't let her stay in the village. "

At first, the old lady who was grateful to Huo Wei for teaching her grandson to recite poems also had a complicated expression on her face. She didn't say anything in the face of such remarks. Everyone was afraid. What if she was really unlucky.

The doctor came in a hurry to check on Mrs.Li. After checking, he said, "It's a serious bruise. It seems that she has bled a lot, but it's easy to recuperate. But your body was also damaged after the collision. You need to take medicine. Do you want to take medicine? "

The doctor also knew the situation of the Li family, so he made it clear first.

"Is she dead? Can you stop taking medicine and recuperate? "

"It doesn't matter. I just feel a little weak and can recover slowly. I just want to eat something good."Judging from his expression, the doctor knew that he didn't want to cure Mrs.Li. After bandaging her, he said that he would only charge more than ten dollars.

His father didn't want to give him any money. He really didn't have any money. However, the police couldn't stand it anymore. He just asked someone to kill wild boars and share the meat with the doctor, which made him very distressed!

After the crowd dispersed, Huo Wei walked out of the room. Before she could say anything, Mr. Li took three steps back and scolded, "Go back to your room!"

Taking a look at him, Huo Wei intentionally took two steps forward and asked, "Where did mother go today? Why did I hear that she wanted to sell me to the mountain? "

"Go back to your room! Don't talk nonsense! "Mr. Li grabbed the broom beside the wall and raised it, "Why don't you go back?"

"Don't do anything immoral, or you'll pay for it. Are you afraid that I will stay at home and kill you? Let me tell you, if you dare to sell me to the mountains, I will kill them and then come back to kill you. "

She slammed the door. Mr. Li was taken aback and cursed.

The neighbor was a little scared. She came over and said, "What if she really comes back? How about we leave her to the police? "

His father hesitated. He wanted to exchange money, but he didn't want to die.Mrs.Li's face covered with blood was so scary.

Everyone in the village was scared to death this day, but many people had eaten meat. While eating meat, they wondered, is she a jinx? Why didn't they be restrained? They even ate meat?

But the Lis did have a stomachache after Huo Wei came back, and Mrs.Li was hit by a wild boar again. It was strange to say that she was not a jinx.

The villagers were now divided into two groups. One group believed that Huo Wei was a jinx, and the other group had doubts. But no one wanted to bet on it. They didn't know her, so there was no need to speak for her.

Therefore, Lu Jingyun's plan to let Huo Wei have a hard time in Li's village came true. She sent someone to tell Li's family about the matter of approval. She didn't expect to hear such news. She was so happy that she ate a lot and dreamed of Huo Wei's miserable look.

Huo Wei was not in a hurry at all, because she had arranged for Shaoyao to bring her mother-in-law here. It was almost time. Since such a thing happened to Mrs.Li, the Li family should be more willing to adopt her.

However, her father had thought for the whole night and decided to hand her over to the police. Early in the morning, police had brought someone to catch and punish her.

The door and windows were locked. "Why am I a disaster? Everyone in your life has never been sick or injured. It has nothing to do with me. "

"Master has said that you are a disaster. If you are not, how could the Lu family abandon you? What happened to us? Everything was fine before you came back. "Li Zhuang shouted, "Come out now! Do you think you can escape? "

"Dad, mom, I'm back to reunite with your family. Didn't you go to the Lu family and say that you missed me? Dad, you said Mom missed me so much and cried. We are related by blood and flesh. How can you do this to me? "

Mr. Li gritted his teeth and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Come out!" He looked at the door and windows. He didn't want anyone to know that. He stood in front of the window all the time and was disgusted with her.

Huo Wei said, "Dad, aren't you afraid of retribution? If you don't want me, why did you give birth to me? "Looking at the sky through the crack of the door, she began to buy time.

However, Mr. Li immediately shouted, "What's the punishment? You are not a member of our family at all! You are just a bastard picked up by the roadside! "

Huo Wei swallowed back what she was going to say and was stunned.

She was picked up? Why wasn't she a member of the Lis? Then who were her parents?

The villagers outside were also stunned. They frowned and asked, "What the hell is going on? Didn't your daughter hug the wrong person? Why, isn't she your daughter? Where did you get it? "

Mr. Li had already decided to let Huo Wei dead, so he didn't care about the secret at all. He simply said, "My wife couldn't have a baby for three years. My mother was so angry that she asked me to divorce her. It was not easy for her to get pregnant. She was extremely happy. However, she didn't expect that she would give birth to a baby girl and she died in one day.

I took the baby girl to the mountain behind and threw it away. I didn't expect that a baby girl was crying in the grass. I thought it would be better to have a child than to have a dead baby, so I took the child back. It's her. "

It suddenly dawned on her. No wonder she always felt strange. In ancient times, men were more important than women, but it was not very extreme. If she was not the daughter of the Lis at all, then everything could be explained.

The Lis treated Lu Jingyun badly because they thought she was adopted from the very beginning. They didn't take her seriously and just kept her working at home. When she grew up, they would get married and exchange money.

So the Li family didn't care about the fact that the Lu family said they didn't want Huo Wei to come back. After all, she was not their child at all.

But now, the Lis didn't care about how to deal with her at all. It didn't matter whether they got married or sold. They could choose whichever was the best for them.

Both the Lis and the Lus were not good people, but the Lus had better disguised all their schemes and utilization, making it hard to detect, and if they were not careful, they would mistakenly think that they were good. And the Li family was just using her. They thought that as elders they were superior to others and were not afraid of Huo Wei's resistance at all.

Huo Wei smiled and said, "It turns out that I'm not a member of the Lis. Then what right do you have to arrest me? What did I do? If you don't want me to stay, I'll leave. Why do you arrest me? "

Police frowned. There was never lost a child in the village. According to his father, Huo Wei was an outsider. He shouldn't have killed her. Besides, after she came back from the Lu family, she hadn't registered residence yet and didn't belong to the Lis.

At this time, a carriage came over and stopped at the gate of the Li family.

The onlookers gathered around to have a look.

Shaoyao helped Mrs. Huo get off the carriage.

As soon as the bear saw Shaoyao, he pointed at her and said, "Dad, she is Lu Qiaoshan's maid!"

"What are you doing here? Who is she? "

Confused, Shaoyao looked at the villagers around and didn't know what they were doing. According to Huo Wei's instruction, she said, "This old lady and my lady have met in the temple. She asked the master that they should be a family, so she specially came here to ask if she could adopt my lady."

Mrs.Huo nodded, "yes."

She had experienced a lot of difficulties in her life, and she knew that it was not a good thing when she saw these. She frowned and asked, "But what did this child do? If it's not too serious, just take it as my wish and let me have a good rest. "She said to her father, "I'm not robbing your daughter. I can give her money."

"Really? Are you going to buy her away? "

"It's not buying, it's a replacement!"Mrs.Huo said unhappily.

"Okay, okay. How much money do you offer? Now that you have given me the money, I can take it away right away. " Mr. Li accepted the fact very soon. Now that he had gotten the benefits, Huo Wei had nothing to do with the Li family. Besides, Mrs.Huo came to him voluntarily, he wouldn't be blamed for being punished to death in the future.

"I'm not your daughter. Do you still want money? I couldn't be the only baby girl there. You lied. Can I call the police and suspect that you killed my real family and killed them for money? "

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